TERMS :-$1.50 P:un AmroM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 25!). OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETeR. Vo1u~rn BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1883. - - --- ---- ------· XXVIII. Nu.MBER 48. ._ ___ __.._ c=::~ We have now secured the serviceEJ of ·:Mr. KIRBY, of Toronto, where for several years he :b.as been well known as a REALLY FIRST CLASS CUTTER, and is directly froin Stovell's, on King St. ." ---------· - ·· --- - -·--- ·-Wri~ttn for the STATESMAN'. AFTER MANY YEARS. A -- -GRE..A..T- , TRUE STORY. We' are determined that our Tailoring epartment shall rank as A No. ONE in the County. Conti1iued. There is no flock,ho~ever watched and tended, Hut one dead lamb is thore; There is no nresldo, howeo'er defended, Hut has one vacant chair. '.!.'he air is full of farewel!R to the dying, .And mourninll for the dead : The heart of Rachel, for her children crTing, Will not be comforted. Afier tho funeral the minister returned to the honse to make iruprAssions, ii pos· eible, on James, and to point out the dangers he 1Va8 running. When dea~h has entered home, or any special provi· deuce come upon it, there are opportuui· ties presented for doing good which are often taken adva.nta.ge of, and which prove in God's hand mess .. ngers of mercy. The good old man thoght of thiB as he return· ed to administer comfort and impart ad· vice. J a roes was not insenatble of the lose they had Sllstained, nor- did he turn a deaf , ear to the good mallll's entreaties. His heart had Men touched by all th" solemntties of the occasion, ancl oonsciou~ of the defects in his life, the ea.rnee~ words of the minister were listtmed to with 11&em· CLEARING :·SALE,! AT THE GLASGOW HOUSE. The undersigned being about to retire from business, is now selling off at greatly reduced price.s. The Stock, is one of the largest in the Count), consisting mainly of Staple Goods, suitable ·the everyday requirements of the public, and will be offered at pr~C0S giving indUCeffieiltS tO buyers tO purchase l~berally, This being A REAL CLEARING SALE preparal i t.ory to t.he c osing of he business, purchasers will find ( h d } ] lt to t ell' ~ Y~lltag'I~ -~H~ . mo~Js~'a. cu.A~? ~:R -- s - .o · . ·" N ' ., . to Mr~ KIRBY is now· hard at work, and turning o:ut garments which competent "judges admit cannot be excelled by the best city .establish.ments. he is a~ready Gentlemen of taste will please make.- a :note 'of this and give us the opportunity ·what we say-to be correct. ~ Ii ~~· proving McCjjUNG BRQS.~ SecfionalView of Miller's" NewModel"VibratingThresh~r, MANUFACTURED BY THE JOSEPH HALL MANUFACTURING 00.,0SHAWA,ONT. T-lfe Mo~t Perfect Thresher, the Most Perfect Separator, the Most Perfec:t Cleaner Ever Offered to the Public. The Only True Grain Saver. BLACJ{ CREEK, Sept, 17'h., 1882. l". W. GLEN. ESQ., Oshawa : DEAR Srn,-'Talk about threshing! I have threshed and have been around threshing m&· dlines for the last mteen years. and I have :seen some good machines, but this "New ¥odel" I got of you is ahead of any I ever saw 'in Canada., It is perfect in every respect. I :never was as well satisfied with a ma.chine as ·1 am with this. ' I could say more, but think "that this is sutlloio.nt.. Yours very truly, P.RINCE ALBERT, Dec. 18th, 18S2. (To the Eclitor of the Port Perry Standard. I R. . BLACK CREEK, Nov.13th,)882. F. W. GLEN: S1~.-I desire to call the attention ot the farmers of this vicinity to a new 'fhreshing Machi.de made by the Joa. Ha.11 Manufa.cturing Co., eC Oshawa, called the New Model Vi· bra.tor. Mr. Jos. Vickery bought one of these machines and threshed for me tour days this winter and gave me entire satisfaction, \Vith tlie construction of ~he screens, Yibra.ting mo· tlons and other'attachments, I think it utterly impossible for any grain to be wasted, and am fully convinced in my own mind that it has saved me double the price of threshing in the HENRY M. WEAVER. s&vi.Ilg of grain this season, It cleans the grain perfectly and thre11hes very rapidly. It .is the most perfect thresher I have ·ever seen or used. Deaerltttlve t:lreulars, ·lvlng Full InCorma· It is a. real grain saver. Yours truly, &Ion, Sent Free to A.ll A. ppllcauts. · JOHN McDONALD. DEAR srn,-1 thonghtr would write to you and tell you how I got a.long with the "New Model" 'rhresher lgot of you last summer. I will tell you the truth and nothing but the truth..ne machine has given me perfect satlaf&otion wherever I have threshed. · I could not begin to thresh for all who wa.nted me, and could have had jobs enough for two machines If I had had them. 'l'he farmers whom I have tbre~hod .tor say tlla.t the" New Model" Is the only per feet machme they had ever had tjJresh for them. Yours trul~, · JOSEPH SHERK. Be S11re and &xamlne tile "New lllodel" before You 1·urch11J1c. Fleury Harvester, Aurora Mower, -....... Comet Sulky Rake. GUELPH ence can be furnished Great oare exercised with beglnne1·s, and special attention given to ad\·anoed pupils. Those desirous of taking Instructions shonld apply at :Mr. Doyle's r eeidence, or make it known by .directing a. tew lines to P. 0. Box 49. ·rerms $7.50 for twelve leeliOns. 239-tf ~'orke. ROF. T. L. DOYLE,Pianist,Organiet P and teacher of Vocal Music Is prepared to more pupils. 'fhe best of refer· take a few Are second to none In the world. 20,800 inMeadow Lark Reaper Combined, struments now in use. Demand so great that it requires TWO of the largest Factories in the Dominion, with capacity tor turning oul TWJ!iN· TY per day. For purity and sweetness or tone, elastic and llght touch, beautitul and perfect finish they are unrivalled. The most skill84 l~bor,the ver:r bes* materials that money can i;irocure are a guarantee to pur· Don't place your order, farmers, on oh&~ers that they aroe buying no shodd.J', but & first daa1 article, Sold wholesale and re,ail b1' any account until you 1ee wh·t I can offer J.P. RICE, Bowmanvllle, you. R.H. COLLACOTT. 250-lOw. 2'6, J, S, DONEY, TJ'rotae, ILVER .PLATING on Cruets, Spoons, S Watches .All kinds of Knil'es, edge taol ground. Satlef&ction guaranteed. Seo · Shop opposite 'freleven·e shoe store. C. Wl<IGHT. 2liHt. . ONEY To' LEND.- Loans can be obtained through · the subscriber upon Farm· P.rouertT at an unaauBllT low rate or interest. Fixed charges tur Solicitor's tees. F. CUBrl"r. Bowmanville. 231>-tf, M $12,.'iO up. Ellison&: Co, Mena Sulta, all woe! Tweed, to Ot"4er fl.'Ofll . · Four years }lave passed away. In a .L·_i:.i small town on the ahm·es of LakJ..,Ontnrio · B ·11 I <a mother is sitting rockmg a htUe balie owmanv1 e, Ju 1 11, 1883. . upon her knee. Her avpea.rance indicates ·- - - ..___ ·-- deep anguish. 'l'hou~h young in years, · And there's no abatement of the evil, no ORUNU. the furrows traceable on her once fair face cessation of the work of the Destroyer. tell of sorrow. All is no~ well; Bard So serious did matters become that Caro· Mii. EDITOR,-Having heard nothing lines have been her fa. t e. .As she pressed liue was co~pelled to st'lek protec~ion, from your regular .c orrespondent, "S1mmher second son to her bosom with all the scarcely feeling that her life ,·ra.a safe. !er," for a. long time, and desiring sea affection of a mother's heart, her feeliogn Without any special friend excipt kind Orono represented ic1 your columns I would give way, and·anon the tears would sympa.thisiug neighbors, she eought the venture to trouble you with a fe,w lin~a . start afresh over her furrowed cheek. advice of her ministt>r, who was a young ' A. r"turn base bllll match was played ill What fresh ill had come upon U1e mother? man full of tenderness and sympathy who this village on Thursday, 28th ult., be· What new diaaster ha.d befallen Caroline 7 after hearing the story of her wretched tween the Gth line club a.nd "our boys." The home had .lleeu changed once more life, promised to investigate the matter 'l'he score was 25 to 15 in favor ot the 6th and circumS'tances with which she w~ aud roport. It was not long before a criiis line. This is their second victory this suuounded had become oven more '. (m- was reached, and Canauia.n law brought year and it is their last, unless our boy11 favorable. Drink was aceomplishing ih Ji\mes to see that his conduct would no f!hould make up their minds to hazard dreadful work, and an additional erfemy longer be tolerated, and he was bound anpther struggle. had appeared. .James had been transfer· over to keep the peace. Realisincr tha~ Strawberries weighing: over an ounce ring hi1 attentions from her to the wine he wu .in a dilemma he decidl)d upon ~vi;ii~, are raised by Dr. Tucker. Ordinary r.up for years ; now he was lavishing bis another chan~e, and thl\t was to leave his md1v1dual11 would take about four bites to atfecli~Dfl upon another, who had entered Cal'oline f6r goo4, and take with him the eat one, yet w~ are favored with individ· the home under the guise of a nurse. It little _ boy, and per who had usurped hia uals that two would fail to choke if theil' waa true Caroline was riot WI attractive as affoctions arid '&Misted in breaking up his ability for tcllini lies about tlieir neighwhen first they met. James could be re· horne. The plail was laid and put into hors may be take~ a11 a fair indic1J.tion of minded of this by looking at the picture e~ec\,1.tion. Oµe morning early the trio the size of the mouth. · which hiing ulWb th~ wall, and which 11till lefJ; the town ; no farewells were spoken 4- h~ppy union t~o}. placa_a. short time is preserv~d. Bis owo c:ood\let had -Ja~ J.iad gon'll never to _return, never a.go between Mr. J: Martine Ile, of Mlchi. wrought the cP,ange ; he alone was to to se~ his C 11rollne again. The little boy IOC!!.D, and .l.U~l)nson, of Orono. As eacil bl~me. He had forgotten the vow which of tivo yoors knew not what it-all meant; had a family before, of course both havo maie his duty imperattve to seek the con- they drove away as if 011 a holiday j ourney, a. family now, the number composing it fi.dence and secure the happiness of his but one heart bled whon the truth became !Jlay be found by addition. Mr.Martinelle wife. This had grown to be a. secondary known ; one Raohel refused to be c1>ro· is a man of vory industrious habits and consideration with hi.in. and the breach f_?rted. Years before aa they bore tl1eir no doubt will make a kind husband. We grew wider as time sped on. But wlia.t, a first·born to ,the land of silence she lay wish them much joy. terrible blow to the already blighted hopes helpless beneath the stroke. But now, The first. strawberry festival of the aeaof Cuoline. When this fresh act of her when this little prattler was taken, her son was held in the drill shed on Monday husband dawned upon her she could only hope and comfort, dragged from her 2nd inst., under the auspices of the C.M. scarcely believe the report, and tried tµ euibrace, her reason·almost gave way, for church. One· hundred quaTts were disthrow the manile of charity over a. way- she thoughtposed of, and a social was held in the ward husband. She knew he had erred, Who would watch o'er her darling boy vestry of the church the following Wed.· bot only through drink. She could not When no moU1er's aid was near 1 nesday evening, to eat up the remnants. · believe that he would prove unfaithful to Who would soothe his tronbled heart I didn' t bear how they succeeded . .And stav the rising teat·? M r. F . L . A ndrus' children hid a very his marriaqe vows, nor withdraw his affections to l::estow them tlpon another. And who would list while upon his knees narrow esc&pe during a thunderstorm last ,\t the hour of evening prayer, k h But she was deceived, and the hand writ· To the suppliant tones, to a. Father's throne, wee ; t ere 1Vere five or six of them playing of her wrecked happiness and hopes It no motht>r's love were there1 ing ben,eath ' a tree and not more than was upon the wait On the Gth day of lTO BE CONTINUED.] twelve feet from the trunk, when a. dis· September, 1851, James, the second son, charge of electricity shivered the t ree te> was born. Under (\ cloak of kindness a C frai;(m·mts .;' the crash nearly deafened straage-fady entered their home. As hai t hem for a ~i>ne, and completely smashed !llr.,ady been intimated, evidences of un· a window about twenty feet distant · none kindness on James' part to Caroline were KIRBY. of the children were in the least in]nred. manifold. She. was patter1t, truthful, Last Friday's STATESMAN was the last , ~ very ~ad acciden~ happened la.st hopeful still, but not as buoyant as when that will be taken from our village office, 1~r.1day eve~mg.. 1\faster Robert Awde, a. she left the idol of a happy home, blithe at least for a time. ActiI1'!{ upon orders bright and mtelhgent li~tle boy. of ~leven as the meadow lark, to join her destiny from Toronto our poofanaster despatched years~ was drowned while ba.thm~ m ~r. with his- to make his home happy, and the box, stamps and all the paraphernalia Cl11.rk s pond; two boys were with him !leek to ligMen the burdens of hfd which of office fixtures to the above named place but ~oo young to r ender any help: He might press l1eavily upon him. He was on the following day. The cause ot this was m t he wat~r about twenty ~mutes churlish, base, cruel ; her kindest offices strange act remains a mystery. '. L'he before help arrived. R e was bur1eq on passing unobserved, her beet efforts con- amount of mail mat.tar handled here was the follow~ng day, anti followed to the demoed, unrewarded even by a smile. :i;nore than some fottr country offices we grave by .hie teache~s and sc~oolma.tes a. nd His evenings were spent at the tavern, might name, and still we hear not even a many others, notwit~sta.ndmg ~he r~m. w;i th no recognition whatever of his wife's whisper of ~heir becomin~ extinct. , Im· At the grave t he pupil: were forme~ mto right to share in the enjoyments even of mediately upon receiving the above orders two. lmfls, between which ~he re~~rns of the fireside. Hi11 conduct towards her a petition was dratted andlsigned by every their pla,ymate v.ere ca_rr1ed. Thi~ &ad: daily becoming more hea.rtlees; it was p~rson to whom it wati. presented, with occurrence should. be a solemn warnmgte> noticed by outsiders, and scandal began one solitary exception, tha+. · gentleman J parents and to children. to be busy. With what relish the news being a postmaster in a villagf m>t many The Rey. A. Moment, f:om New York, was seized b3 a certain class of people, miles southward. Butas yet we have re- preached m t~e Presbyterian church .last and how eager every new phase of the ceived no answer to · our prayer. We Sunday morning ~o a ful~ congre~ati<!n; question was discussed ; for the domestic hesitate to censu·re any particular person he gave an admirable d~scom·se? which infelicities were no longer confined to their or per.sons at present, but if the develop· completely held the attent10n of his hear01Vn, hearthstone. The·repeated and un· ments recently made prove to be true we ers. CLERK. seemly · quarrels, and his intimacy with shall not spare the individuals who conl'UES AND JUfGS-Flies, roaches, ante tliis strange lady continued in spite of cocted the contemptible scheme with a bed-burn;, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks. remonstrance from niore than one sout'ce. Tiew to pecuniary gain. cleared out by·· Rough on Hats." I.Jc, Evidently a dark clond hung over their Our school pic-nio was a decided success BETHEL. fatm;e. Hie increased love of drink, his in every r espect. The we&ther was all that '"'t· d · d I d t · Mr. T. Taunton's famous Bramah hen · co·· 11111e m u gence an conaequen m- could be desired. being an intermission, to:tication, until the brain reeled and as it were, between showers. The gentle ~urpris~d its owners t he other day by layreasou tottered, and every virtue of the breezes,farmed by the broad-lea.ved ma.pie, mg .an immense egg, which when measurman became blurred and blunted, and ·bearing in lts wings the fragraut scent of ed was found to be 41 inches in length and · slightly over a pound. Whe1t wh at was once the image of G u d b ecame the blooming clover, The joyful shouts weiuhing ~ more like that of a demon. For 8 few of the ruddy·cheeked school-boy and the .cooked it formed a. meal tor the entire years Caroline'-s lot was a., hard one. Io merry titter ?f ihe bevy of little damsels family, This beats the one I mentioned the sober moments of hel' husband there who were present in lari:e numbers made a few W"loks ag(), and I challen~e anybody was n either kindness nor courtesy. The the grove indeed a pleasant resort. The to produce an egg to beat Mr. Taunton' a. high wall which had .been growing up parents of the pupils were also present A party of our young men spent a few between the two 11till continued to grow; almost to a unit , and watched the ca.per· days receritly fishing on Lake Scugog. unde r the 1'nfluence of l iquor h e mgs · I 1· _ood time and quite a sueWl·i·le ' o f tie 1ttIe ones entrust ed to· their They f report t 1 a. g abandoned i;ll self-oontrol, using the vilest charge with apparent delight. A booth cejs u 1 ca c1 · . · epithets, cursing the very ground upon was erected in the centre of t he bush . s ?Ur church gomg to ha.11e its annual which she stood, until blows succeeded tastefully decorated with green boughs i~ ' pie-me before h2;\rvest 1 If so, the man9gwords, and friends interfered for her pro· which was placed an eJeaant Dominfon ers s~ould appomt an early day. teotion. .Aa if the wreck were 11ot com- organ, from which the"notes of some It is reported that Mr. R. Barrett h~s plete, and rum had not yet perfected the familia.r air almos\ constantly resounded. refused to accept $110 per acre for hIS ruin, some of the neceasariea of the house In the evening an adjournment was made fa~; C ' V'l t' t d . h' h . were being sold, includinl{ Caroline's to a sunny nook, where the cloth. was . · · 1 mo s .ame. eer,. w !C IS jewellery-sold to purchase liquor. }far· spread, the ham,.Pers unladen and the re· sh11 at large ~ear here, is as m1sch1eveus rowing as the picture appears, thousands freahments lustily partaken of under the a1 a goa~, having deatro>:ed several gardof Oanadian homes are being ravished' and pure canopy of heaven. Many thanks to ens, stripped .clothee Imes and played ·vrrecked from the same source. Drunk· our worthy teacher, Mr. Chapple, who other funny tricks. BoB. tinoess is the sin of our world to-day. must nave,felt himself amply repaid for Plea.sant to the taste, and eoothing to the '.Men are . ' ef hi.s untiring exertions to make the pic·nic Kidneys, 18 the universal exure~sion of all whG. ~{<lensed to make the strong man we'l.k; a aucceaa. In the future this event will have used Dr. Van Bureu'a Kidney Cure. A few doses relieve the pa.in, a few bottles oom· ' Licensed to lay the good man low: be 1 ked f d · 'th h ' LiceoBild the "'1!e'a toncl heart to break, oo onrar ·O Wl muc mtereat. plete the cure, and are saved. All Druggist& And cause her children's tears t11 dow. ScOUT, koep it, J. Higginbotham & son. ~~t ~~!::':iu ~~~. promis,ed amen~men~. I np· I to ORRESPQNDENCE. l -,