Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1882, p. 2

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Ours IS not a stock-taking sale nor a change in the business sale, but ..,.a M_ a nitoba Sale. I ___ At Htill 's Oas~ Hause fl ff.I all goods are sold at actual cost without reserve Leading lines are Cloths, Tweeds, Clothing, Dress Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Mantl8s, Hats, Caps & Furs. Shebadap ececut out fea chearon be under A BIO RUSH EVERY DAY. TERMS-··GASH. ¢~1 ¢anadian$t1taaman ~~~ WINNIPEG LETTER t h 11 He lg Y Jacobs 0 l I an d endorse!!! 1 ~rites about it as folluwa - I am plPased No Hesitatmg I §trayed-$3 00 Relvartl Bishop G1lmore of Olevelant Obi" has n·ed the great Ger 1 an Remedy St STRAYED Da.r ugto side 186 8w ENF HLD Ju y 20 1881 a "\~a Tl£ EWE \.VILLI!'-.1\f BENNETT to say that the t ·· of St Jao b· 0 1 ha.s bentitted me greatly and I have no hes l atlon to recomtr!end it to all &a an excel lent cura.t1ve P 0 JOHNS &JEWELL Would Respectfully Inform the Public that their Stock of dark patch over r ip-ht eye a dark ma k in a de M.1rnwe s to the name Jack. Any person return! g I u to J..ir E G BUI K Vi l bi, is a bly r ov; arded 185 A WHITE FOX TERRIER DOG BOUND FOR MANITOBA. NATURES LAWS LECTURE DELIVERED IN HOPJil HALL ElU'OOI BY DR Staple & Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, &c &c IS NOW COMPLET E Goods of the Best quality sold at temptrngly low pm e Customers treated courteously and warted on "rth dispatch When you decide on thLS then buy yom ticket via GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, the best road the best connect10ns I and finest Cush10ned Carn This 1s the popula1 10ute and then rntes are the ve1 y lowest Be sm e that your twket reads via Gieat Western RMlway if Jou want tu combine Speed Safety and Comfort Tickets to all otbe1 parts at lowe.t rntes 188 D w FAIRCHILD NE\V YO RK ON ABSORP'fION AT a recen t nee in~ of a F armers in Mn.ssa.ohus~etts the qu estion dis.cussed w~i:i How can w men lest pro 11ot e the ca. use of Agr c ilt urt:i Here ts tne answer of one of he members By ma k ng far ers sons and farrr ers daughter& m re w11l1n,., t 1J b l;) farmers Farm Produce Taken at Market Prices. Goods Delivered Promptly to all parts of the Town ----- THOS YELLOWLEES Agent WINNIPEG AND BRANDON LOTS FOR SALE JOHNS & JEJWE J~L, - - McClung Bros ' Block, Bowmanv1lle L ots 17 18 and 19 Dlock 26 at i250 per Let ALSO Lots 8 9 IO o. d 11 in Block 1-1 at $250 per Lot ,qm Lots 1 2 3 4 v 6 7 and 8 n Block61 at $250 per DBr GO OIJ S S O I.... D -AT- @ , Lot Sm L onard T llv, addrem g a temper ance mtietln!{ 10 Ott awa. the othe r d!ly a. 1 ong others th1 ;a~s s&.1d Forty yea.re asz-o tl e c<>naun1p ion of aptr1t1 i n the pr0 , 1 ce wa.11 tive gallonB per head while nDw it 111 onlv one a d oue half gallon! l!he coat to the ceusumera of hqoor 111 Oanada 11 $18 000 000 annu·lly and for every dollar expo oded fer reh~1ou1 pur po··· $7 " aqu~ id"r·d m whisky G OOD GENERAL SERVAN T WANT ED mmed a.tdy Apply io :MRS DR H LLIER .As prJces ar>" a dvancing n tl ese c tes those wbo w sh to nu.ke ad sh for a o tune wi l find a good lnvestmen the u.bove Jo s App y to J ll!l JONESS or 'IHOS YELLOW I EES 186 BOWMANVILLE K ng St ee Bomwa.nville NEW BUTCHER SHOP. The unde1 s1gned would 1espect I ook at the Trees at Salem fully mform the citizens of Bow !!icJwol Douse. ea. e 10 acres or land. be ng pa.rt of lot 10 con 3 Dar ngton on which a.r~ good House \o\ oodshed Barn and Stable Ha.rd a.nd Soft Water g-ood Garden and e xcellent Orchard Favorable t rms v.:ill be given Possess on at on e Apply at the STA r~ S':MAN office or on ti e p ~m es to \VILLI tl.l\1 DEACON 187 3 llov;manvllle P 0 Cheap For Cash A. DICKsa~N' - - - - (o)---- . THE or.en w nter may be good for the crop~ ~o far 11.1 the fat ners a.re concerned but ,, w II be many m ntba before a good T HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR manv1lle that thev have opened a BUTCHER STALL m MARKET BUILD s where a ch01ce a sso1tment of all kn Is of Meats will be kept for sale at lo" PSt prices a11d dell\ ered with promptness to all pa1 t" of the tow11 N B -Highest cash pnce paid for Hides I allow and Sheep Skms Pai ties havmg fat stock to sell will find 1t to theu mternst to consult us har vest sh 'ld 1A-6 ha.ve ono ca.n benefit re. ]road receipts Th ia as.me warm winter ha· dona & g od deal of harm to ~ 0t1eral bus ness The dry goods men had to re call the r drummers Iron the country for no one waota to buy winter cloth· Fash ions change 10 q ickly that these garm. ents "'ill ba utterly 1elese for r ext seaso a d ate only go d as food for months NEW coons ARRIVING DA.IL"Y'. (o)---- ' · DAR CH & JOLL The BUTCHE RS Bowmanv lle Feb 17 1882 186 tf PERCHERON HORSES - - LAROEST--- Beautiful Towels-large Manchester Towels-hnen Manchester Towels-lmen Importiug and Breedmg ESTABLISHMENT IN THE - Fact01y Cotton Good Quality of English P1wts Best Quality of English Prints New ZephJr Oambncs - - -- - --(<>) Ladies Cashmere Hose M1Bses Cashmere Hose Misses Cashmere Hose llhsseAs Clalshmere Hose to to to to be be be be only 10 cents each onlJ 15 cents each onl) 25 cents each only 37~cc nts each only 37~ cents each sold a t .23 cents per yard sold at 06 cents pei ya1 d sold at 8k cents per va1 d sold at 10 cent s pe1 yard only 15 cent s pe1 ) arc! REDUCTIONS. REDUCT IONS Something New at frnm $1 63 to $ 1 15 per pair from $1 10 to 6 5 per pan 7o t o o 7 per pair 70 to 45 pm pan ----(o)-- -- ill1fil LlfilfilIBID'~ JEWELER Beautiful Gold Watcl eR m new de s1,.,ns Handsome Bracelets and Rmgs m new designs Elegant Sets of Gold and Sil v~1 Jew ele1y, m µew des1gnsJnst Received @"Rock C1ystal Eye G!assesthe best m the w01ld A lai ge as sortment of tho e Celebrated Glasses Just iecei v:ed All kmds of defect1Ve eveo1ghts helped by usmg them Maynaid the Jeweler h8 s a first class Optometei for properly testmg the e3 e·ight by the use of which pe1 sc ns of all ages can be proper!J smted with glas·es Call & mspect ~As usual all \pp\i,s of lkpa11 mg m th\) Watch and Jewelery lme a ttended to with promptn~ss ~Sat1sfoot10n guar1>nteed J I'f~AYNARD I IN RICH STRIPES & CHECKS. WEATHER PROBABILITIE S Next Winter to be Long& Severe. - -- - ( o ) - - -- FURS, FURS-TO BE CLEARED OUT worth $2 00 for $1 oO worth $2 2o for $1 80 worth $~ 7 ~ for $2 75 worth $4 oO for $., 00 - - - - ( < > ) - -- - LADIES' AND GENTS' FUR CAP S NEEDS A PEROBlmON STALLION trlill l;rns dem<11 BECAUSE thirty years that brE.d to the. Common mJ!.l"EJl of ciountry tlle produce iB ~trai~d ~he. WlJ,Cll are eamer keepers better work ~s. and sell for more money on tbe ma.rkot &!>J' otJ;er QlaJla of Hor· .. m~ ~orm TH£ B!~! FIELD ~~~ :~:: 1 Fur Caps Fur Caps Fur Caps Fur Caps Fur Caps Fm Caps Fur Caps WOl th $1 00 fo1 '!;, worth $~ oO for$ 84 worth $2 ( 0 for Sl 42 worth $2 40 for$l 90 WO! th $1 35 for 95 w01 th $3 ~ o for $2 oo worth $0 00 for $3 85 - - - -( o ) - - - - z ~ EIICRNTSA ;~~S~!: '-----10) - -- - - - 0 ~ ..Q rn. H ~ ~ Q.) S TRI CT LY ONE PRICE ..cl rn. H ~ d rn ~ ""' 0 Q.) z t-1 ~ ~ +:> ~ 1\-4 w. Q.) The Biggest Day of the Year-15 Mens Smts 10 Boys Smts and 5 Overcoats Old fogy1sm 1s plaj ed out 1'. oung Men are bound to ,succeed Call on the giver of good fits- ~ ~ ~ s d ;.:l (]) +:> ~ +" H ~ rn. ~ ~ V\TINTER CLO r-f H ING. ~He will 0 +:> fit y .:m every time W No Baggv Oonf.s i:I 0'4 d ~HIS Stock of CoLLAI s SHIRTS Trns GLOn.s and SILK H ANDKE£ CHIEFS are the best value m town H1, 8tock 1s all l. eiu +:> '"d Q.) 0 i:... HATCH & FOOTE, ·~ (]) C) I> m ~ ro ~ +:> w. 00 § ~ FRAZER 00 0 AXL E GREASE. ~ ::s "'":> ~ 8 ..cl

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