Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1880, p. 4

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· CANADIA~ GRAND.FATHER'S BARN, EllEl'i Il: RL:XFOHD ln the a.utnu1u there is uo forage or food of any kind better for nnlch cu\\" as a help to fml!ng pasture than pumpkin· .An Olno wool grower, not1c1ng that an otlu-!r flock-master complained that he could not rid hu~ sheep nf ticks, says he was troubled that "ay once, and advises wetting salt with terpentino when salting Hheep Ile finds this effectual, without 11 d1pp1ng." This I~ a good tlnltJ for prepa1 tng the wvod for the WJ11 ter and the fot1owtnf.{ season On hundreds of farms "'t here are eords of wood which would be excellent fuel if collected dry and stowed away, Vi hich "'ill bo nlrnost perfectly useless 1f left to get the fall rams \Vhen tne melon begins to uhatlge colnr 1ns.1do, and its seeds to turn b1ll1Jk, a small speck, f(Cnilo or bhBter begins to appear on the outer cnttcle or rind These are multiplied aud enlarged as the fru._t niat ures A ripe melon will show them thick ovttr the surface The muanin~ of the ?iotd "srnhng," ns undorstood an1011g cattle feeders, 1B the pracbce of coflhnrng animal~ to the stake or suudl lots, aud feedu1g the1n on ({'reen Grandfathers ba1n r I sho.U never;forgot The 1noss;> old roof >vhere the gray i.1 \\ a,llowe CLASCOW HOUSE! - - -o--The Sub,cnber has now received a .large '- aud well asso1ted I d stoc '·suitable for the present an commg season. T_hough 7oods ha~e a dv_ a uced and still contrnue to adrnnce 111 price, owmg to hrn havmg hought largeh m ant1c1patlon of a rise he will offer m<1ny Imes at old prices, and having . ~ met For their councils, at mornu1g, flre lubot begun, _o\_nd again at the nightfall, ·vht n du.y s Yi ork was done. Such chirp1Df-:'6 and chattttt"Inf( ne" er wt·1e he111 d As came from the Uu oat of each talkath e bird . Bus:> all tla.\ '"1th thctrncst o,nd then brood, Bu1ld111g the1 d \\ ll~ngs and bringing in food , Thoy gathe.,,cd at c' c n1ng in neighbor!} v;av, To i;1s1t a \\h1le, and talk over the day [ of produce, cattle, sheep, pig s, many at .e,s than old rates, thus oflenng rnducement to those pie<wush sold at Vie intArnl to gram, etc, will find top pri ces who wish to make four dollars do the work offhe. · make In all departments of our cheap and ttell "electecl stock of staple and here A pnce list will b e fcmcy dry goods TEAS A SPECIALTY! placed m the Market Ho u se W A Splendid Assortment every Saturday mornwg a s ~ W. B havmg had tlmty years .,. of Dn'ss Goods at cost, gmde for both bnyer and selle r. 50c upwards experience m England, knoV1" Just / Carpets-Jute, Umon and All Wool o1 Hats and Caps at cost, 1\fakcrs of butte1 can g et what will smt the Canadian tea a near dunkers, · of Parasols at cost, highest p1ices for J. Jtmd rolls Coloured and Blacl, Gros Gram Silk . 50c " \\' 0 '"1shed \.,o wete swallows when softly- the Fu st dass quality of groceries alof Alpa"a and Linen Dusters at cost or prints. Jain Was hcaul ln the night on tberoof or the pane. ways on han'd W. B. & Co pay A full 11.ssor tmen t 20c Table Linens and Dama:;,k,; " of the. pct tent adjustable ATHLETIC SUSPENDER& That wo might sleep under the ea\ es lu a nest, part cash for butter, eggs, pork, etc. l\i!A..N,._CJJ:R , always on hand And hear the so~ patter to deepen our rest clover, corn, grass, etc, cut as needed, Large Lot of T \\ eeds Due bills uiven on W Alexander for " Bowmam1lle, Sept. 1, 1880. 110 3 m Then the fragrant old n1ov.:s v; here "'e rom11e11 and not nllowtng stock to graze on the ~Ask to See clty goods on the huy 2round where the food gro"· Black and Colored Cashmeres our 7Ii et Lmen Front Drnss Shii ts, 15c Do not forget our ma1ket on And hunted for egg-s eYery honr in the day' 1 Mutton is very healthful meat food It our O.i cs J,men towellmg, Satmda3 s-Top prices paid f01 all And slor1es we told as we sat dO'>"ill to rest, "te ScarlPt and Gre" U[ 1 1 \\'"hen v;e gathered no spo ls from our raids on ~8 the cl ttapest tneat for the fa.truer. Its i:xrh1 our 10 ct Lustre Dress Goods, 20c pioduce. oust is comparatively s mall, as the fleece n ' ; -" a Ille the nest our :l2 ct. Table Damask, !rom ~ ROod breed will pay for i~s keepmg TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS l -~~~~~rd the mice scamper along the great rhon then' 1s nn addition·! profit m tho Fancy Flannels and Shirtings an immense Val iety, Hosiery, our 50 ct Hegetta Shitts, Bown1a1n:1lle, .Jnly 12tl1, 1880. 10~. And fanc iecl a fair} ,, as drh ing lus toains latn b~ "\Vheu the animal IS killed at our 10 ct Diess Lmens, A FULL "~SSOR'll\IENT OF ~ometunes, from a corner t" 0 eyes b11ght and home, t here IS the pelt ae 11ell as the drop· Trimmings, a very fol I stock. HARNE8S, om 60 ct <Sornets (the v01y best m town,) p1rags ( .. keen, COLLARS, orn 150 ct. Kid Gloves, wo1 th $115, Black and~iCol'd., Like sparks in the shadO\\ y glomn would be "Noharvestw11le\eraga.1n b0 reaped WH1P8, GENERAL onr 10 ct Brown Hollands. eeen, In Engl·nd," sa}S the London Spectator, .,lli;JiL · · TlWNKS, And we knew that a ·wea1y old rnouae had crepl "whhh will exe1npt fa.rrners frorn the ter Om Tailormg and Gents' fumzshmg department';s not surpassed i11 VALISES, 1 92 , out nble cou1petit1on that American freehold Cl;lWYCOMBS, ( Bo~manville Onr price' the lowrnt and fits perfect. To i;ee what the noise 1n the n:ovi was about ers can oficr-compet1tion Vi luch has scar BHUSilES. If we planned for his capture with suddeneat ccly begun, and which will becornc sharpAll kmds of blacksmrthmg ·lone In a thorough A full line of find kmtt"d Horse Covers WHIPLASHES, dashwanne1 and at lowCflt rates. Lace Cm tains in great' anety from 71 cents pei pair up. er with eve1J'" m1le of railroad Jatd down, IBRNF.SS OILS, Lo, a. t\'\'1nkle, and he disappeared hJ{ea fta"h 4.GRICULTUR u DIPLEHEN1 ~ 111~1' AlltED A ll t I . f l t D ~'[ 1 t t a1 d "'1th e\ ery new ah1p btna " BLANKETS, &c, &c, Special attention given totholronmgofbll)l;gle n CXCC 8Il ( 1oice 0 W 11 e ress n US HtS 11 COS Old Dobbin would t>il-eL< li out lus head from a l1hose engaged ln growing strawberries and carnages to; country shops The extrn stock at reduced prices atall, on a large scale plant at both seasons, but B~~~r~a~~ ~f;," est, opposite the Res:iatry office Please call and exarn1 n e our Stock und Prices. 1 And we seeined to hear ' oats' in his whlnnfng the praonce of foll planting is ga1mng) Under the caves, liken long "\illage street, ..._ "\Vere the nests of the swallows who"'e wl.ngs were. sn fieHt. For hours at a time, we V\ ould watch them and f2wonder : ow the busy birds built them the sloping ea vel!I under 'Ylc saw the keen eyes of the mothe1·h11 cl veer From tho door other cl\"ielhng, 1f we cltt11bcd deterrni1;~d Farmers will please tu take BOWMANVIL L E. ' notice tbat there is now a free Shops No 3 and 4, J\fAliKE'l' f'QUARE · and open market rn Bowrnan1 ' H t 1\l.l:ON"'TE[. ville 011 each and everv 8 a t u r1 av1110" 1na(1e a1range1nen s 1v1t11 acts Tn except I Mr · M D"avis, who .,, -' ord er t o rn,11 ce room ,. iOI f"a 11 "ooc1s an d k eep our s t ock a l ways day. No frcs chaiged ~ TEAS DIRECT FROM CHINA .fresh and atlrnctive wo have conclmle~I to offer for weighrng r!'he mai k et will y y be conducted on a proptr prm. we shal,l,now: be_ able to offer to the I ciple and sellbls of all kinhs W. BRITTAIN & CO., MASQN S CASH STQRE ! T JE:CJ:S FOR T H RT DA S , A'J - tu reduce hrn enor.mou 0 ly large stoe],, he will sell i~b~~~ ~:~~ i~o!e~n~h!~ ~~~ b~:~~ XTRA DRIJUNARY U\ltlJ UCEM!£1NTS I SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO W. BRITTAIN, - - ~- " " W. MORRIS'S HAR1NESS SH\DP ! TTYOS PATERSON SCOTT'S H. WILLIAMS, BLACKSMITH. call, And n1nny s the me:tsureful ont of the bin \Ye gavo the old horse that he shnultln ~ get thin, And n1a11y the ride lie gave U3, to pn)' For the gra111 that he got in n contra.band way The cr eaking old wagon "\Vas ca.rr1age or oor, As su1h d our 1uode best and trcquent and far f;i\01. The plants set 1n :\utnmn have a chanceJ as gardeners say, "get hold of the soil," their per1od of probation being pMt, they start and grow on as soon as spring 800t &ShoeStore B~ot; Bowmo.nv1llo Oct. 23 1878 A FINE IOT 01!' _!! __ I~ ::rue! TE:R.Dll:S CA.SX~.. LOWEST ~ATES! STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, -DY opttn~ Bo"Wmanv11le, Ju1y 8 1 ~ o S. MASON & 80N. Repall'1ng done nea:tJy a nd pro1nptly We1ethe1ourneys we toolr in it on the ba:rn floor, With our fancws for steeds, prancing gaily betore. 'Vha.t fnn it was for us to nde on the hay As they q-athered it ln, und trarnple away 'l'hc s"eet smelling stutf as t~as piled 111 the ·.r111 the play becan1e YI 01k, a111L brought s'veat to the brow And then 1n the "\\1nle1, to watch the fiula ft/, As tht ~ Lhrel.'!hl!d out tbc wheat, tho bru ley aud rJe, mo'"· Farmers who have comfortable barns An1ct'1.can~ Euglb1h, ~'lll@.s, ltnlta11, French FOH t;anndtnn. nntl 0U1er8cenery, Including " a.nd stable!'.! for their stouk should during - v1e-ws1nChe dry season 1Il the fall and b'efore freez BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY, &c , tug co1nn1e11ces gather tron1 roads and n.ny FOR SALEATTJIE sources of supply tnat a.rtt convenient and p El: <:JI "X' C) :F&. C) C) 1V.C .s store under cover enough pulverized dry - OF'oarth to keep the atall.~ and sleeping apart 1 u1ents of their stock weil supphed thrnugh He has the largest Stoc;:f and Shoes in town 9" l i:.he wn1ter \. ' MAHKET SQUARE, BOW:>!ANVILLF As a. rule, the eafeat way for any one is selected from the best Canadian and American manufactun '"· -;.r.soto soll his "\\ hea.t as soon as possible after The whole stock has been purchased for CASH at greatly ,. threshing. Of conrse, if the market is very low, and a 1nan oa.n wait, all right, reduced rates. PICTURE FRAMES but when wheat 1a near one dollar a JOiiN McMURTf{Y, Keeps constantly on hand I _..A DISCOUN'l' FOR CASH of Payne's Hotel1 Ilnw1nanr11le Bowmanv1llc SE;:pt 24, 188() -~ I BAriGAINS. Mis~es' a good stock (lf F Mason's Old Stand , first door wesl H. C. TAIT & CO'Y., GROCERIES, k STEREoscoJJ~o~ms, '-' ith their rat a tat tnt on tho floor all day J13ug Ma.king music we counted f~r sweete1 than .eong Then the buzz of the fanning-mill blo\o;lng the ch aft' Fron1 the gnun,ihe cho1us of chatter and laugh Oh, Grandfathe 8 burn -.,,as the place for the hoys \V hcxc no one wa.s scolded for 1naking a noise' year appearances are aga1nst the likelihood Sold for half the regular !)rices. t of whea~ gett1ug up to a very high price, Orde1ed work promptly atte~decl to, and made up in the 1 Sow the best seed wheat to be found, · l CCEpatc j }l. even 1f it costs a httle n1ore than tha.t Iates t approvecI s t ye. I R epa1n11g neat Jy cone 1 w1t1 taken from-the ordinary bin. lt ta a ~a1n . d Cementrng one properly. Tnrnks and Valise:; constantly to pay double the inarket pr1co for gra.1n cho.t 1s clean, pluu1p, and has bew.1 gro\Vll on hand. for seed with special care Thiuch dt1pends GIVE HIM A CALJ, prtHwnt ti.ue p8 tak1ng ~ lugh rank for bushel II lS generally safer to sell This l\Ien's, \Vomen's, and Cluldren's. Prunella Boots OF \TT RINDS AND SIZES FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. DIOULDIN(,.!'l l'OR SA,:LR llJ tlle t"oot or stick IN THE PHOTO LINE Wo mal{c the Tublota, as well aa all other krnds fromthetrnJ Lockctprcture,u11tofullhfe8Jze. nnd as cheap as any one making- as good work as ours. Brrng m yoursclvos any Pboto· you 'vish enlarged, and not pay a lnghet price by gh1ng them to travelling agents, and patronize l:.Jr PICTIJ"ItES COi ORED AH kinds of farm prod nee taken m exchange DZ&o2!= c roe ery and PROVISJONS PORTRAIT OF GLADSTOt~E Glassware Canned Goods Tobac·- ' s &' & THE WfSTf RN AOVf RTISE R cos, oa ps, c, c. Gl"fE:"f \ WAY \\Illi A1'D home talent - ~---- upon the var1oty - thc c i.waon at the Bowrrrnnvllle, April 29, 1880 FARM AND H0USEHO LD. VALUABI,E INFORMATION EOR FARMERS. ~::~1~~ ~1:;.~~ocaht1e3 throught the wheat ..,_,,,,_,,,,==-==~"'-=-"-'-""-=,...,..,,,....,....,,,_,,.,_,,.,_=,,,~ "' ·-=-'"'-==--""-"'"'"'TM"""·"""~""""'-"'-'"""~,,.,,..,..,,..,..,... 92 tf Bowmannll;,1Au~ii71sioIT&Cr~~f._ COAL, WO a D, LUM:BER, ~ 10-lf Bowmanvrlle, October 1. 1878. 2 = -,,,===""="'C"'"'"., "'C"=""'=""'""'""'=·"~"'-""'""'""'""'""""'"' -r-< C IV ., DE I TI - WEEKLY LIBEltAL, The Grc·t F·rmly Ne\>spaper of the West. M L E L L A N & C0 A J SPECIAL _,,J R S I N mg the crop is cnucerued A held or bec1 Wirb patent Sheffield S1)vor-stcel Boa:c,s a1e SO hard that t hey cannot on all hrnnches of' Bank of Montreal set rn Apr·! or ~fay, 1881, will bear full be maiked by any steel instrument, and a1·e warranted to clean in Canada, New York and crop m .Tune, 1882 If the ·arne plants I m any soil Our plows were awai ded fo,t p11i1e at London, England. ~"'"sol lll September or Octooer, lSSO, the County Fan m 1878 and 1879 Private and Bmldmg Society Funds by s11nply app!y 1 , 1g riminonia 1'a.ter to the they \\onld ,...1ve a cr op Iio .sooner f loaned on real totate at plaut· ouce a wee I< "" onnce ofa mmo na Vncli o~,~·!Ioughs upon ti·· barns, and to a i.;aUou of wurhl " ~ tt 1 11 cistern, a goo l s;i1pply of "ater might .iii. v " best rates. It rs vo1y ~eldorn that on< he,irs of a Le se.uierl to nuvplv tu" ntock "he<> the Om patent Di.unond Tron Pomts, made from steel, w10uo-ht and \Ve ai c m receipt of la1 ge slnp mP11ts of goods, to i eplcnish for the com1 )y fdo~$,ln the I cast non, are warranted to last longer than two 01dmary pomts."' "1 ' ""it fr 'P"1 faimer who says he has grown too much barn ' ell i,1! NO TB'S AND ACCO U1VTS mg season, the vanous 111 aliches of orn mcreasmg trnde m which we feel 1 clo\er, that with h1n1 tho olo"lersecd he summer ie ~u11Hiy1;1nc 0 o (!Ifpp1u4 . __ confident no othei house in town can app10ar h us m 'quality or pnces has""" n h·s not been hrn host manure. eaves and a sloppy barn yard, with Its A f,I, ){INDS OF POIN l'S KEPT ON HAND- PRICE 4.0 CENTS COLLECTED. waste of rnn.nurc from waslung would be Come and see for J om8'Jlves '. All ouz customers are delighted. One of the 1nost pronnn&nt prodncers avou.l~d ,,.btch asido from savino the W H M iNUFAl'TUltE THE BANK STOCKS. and shippers of nulk for an Eastern 1uark Wa.l<t'.lr, ;.. 1 0 l · ' "h for th ax0 " \l a more I~ an pay 1~1a BO;trnS et fee d · Ius cows exc l ll'1Ve Iy on corn meaI I peuse of ei\ve trou.,hs ·!·d thp oiaoern, l · "" ' and bran, in the proportion of equal parts e :PEBE~TTURES by ~eight. Fo"rteen years ago J, M Sterling, of OUR PLOWS ARE SOLD ON ~ WEEK'S TRTA T, 1 ' .1.1 , \ Tho best root crop I e\er knew was Monroe, ll1icb ' placed tivo gate poets of irJJA full assortment of STA:XDA RD PLO \VS m stock Jf1J and MORTGAGES I wher<' the sOil "a. deeply finod and then wmte oak rn front of hrn residence >'f hen \Under this head we can 0iTc1 special bargams liaving bought largely leepi< turned under the surface manured they were set he bored mto the top of lO pel' Cent Disoount ror Cash B 0 U G II T AND S 0 I, D. before the recent advance m p11cos-and am n:iw offermg Tea fully 20 ~nd choroogbly workeJ A.ud 1t " the each, with au mch and a hall ~ugur, a ~ 100 Tr; limonuil· of lil1 J it NB -Old Iron taken :n exchange to 215 11l'r cont less than then present market value. snn1e v;1th whea.t, which need3 depth. hole tln:ee inches deep, filled It with com Farmera, patrorn.w tho old stand where yonr tafher~ dealt befor(') ~ou G d Bl l T mon salt, tightly plugged 1t and capped · teen an ac c cas 50 cts pe1 lb, fullv VI orth 65 cts Green and 291 >· I Black Teas 70 cents, woieh to-dav 90 cts ·, an excellent beverage. It rs nrrn that the succesolul fiocK mOBl· tho posts. A iecant eO{a.nmation of the __Itowma~m·. ~e!J_! 2 1870 One er lays: the fonndfl.ttou for his succesa nosta roved that the llere &Ii ffOUIIll ..1.'i J 1 throu;!h th~ ensnmg wmter ·nd sprmg from 1 to bottom as} when they war· Foundry- King !::ltrcet East. R_ J _ S::E:I:_A_ :J tu al will secu1e your hfe-long patrotagc Our Japan Teas are unexA flock famy started upon the threshold I d I t I AGENT FOR I c celled lll ilavm and strength uf v-. lnter hn.s pns5ed m0re than half ita P ace lu :post ton. 112. ! In the way of tnaking fine:, vigorous plants for the scaaon- bpring ~ee<l tune nnd har , , } \ e~t, and Ldl aeed time Ria pnnciJ.rn.l A cow th().t will not IeiSponr1 to hJeral care noTI 18 to stie tha.t, of \\hat he has: feeding by an equal 1ncrea1:te of milk 1s not gathered, uot1nug inay be lost through 't\Otth keeping auv Ni:treJ cs~r>ess of his A buttljr 111.tKer fails unless th~ cows "', are pror erJy fed thert ...ore tlune inust bB Seeds should Pot be saved f£om the the right 80 rt of' food leavings of the crop bi iect. th0 earliest tu,d best ph nta aud maru. the1n for seed, Th~ qualities of tho De~on ca.ttle ma.y ~ivtng the·u1 H...,ec1al attentlun I t ls not be reierred to three points then worl.- best to sa\o the seed of phu ts that \\ill 111g, fattening and m1lk1ng mix, as the melons, squash, coin, etc, if Every farmer In the laud should take a rnoro than ono vanet:i; is grown in the fir1t cli!s.s agricultural p 1per, such ni; the vtcinity-only mongrels Villl result. It 1s - - - - - ~ ,. _ ~ " ' ~ · m ~ .F(n rne1 s .A dvncr.de, pnnted atLondon, 01.1t cheaper tu buy lnost seeds \ ~ " - " ~-lli. " .L-, A..::.JI 1 }"or keeping the stahl8s \.\ht re 1n1lu 1 lu setting rut e~rawberry plants in J[ DI.[ i=> Fi.. C> "V" EX> cows are sheltered and fed clean ,i nd autumn - that is, orduuuy l<tyer plants sweet, tine dry eartn 18 superior to anj - ta.ken up from the bed in wtnch tneJ have tlnng elae ta.ken root-nothing is gained in po~nt at For co" s, ca.rrots are better than anJ tune O\ tlr spring planting, so fat a.s hasten~ i 1 Thcscodrngtime is all but past, and now tlle a.jrlcnltntttit 1s enabled to look about 1nru aud see his way a httle more 'Voud ashers do nonders on strawberries clearly, ha·nng got rid of lua greatest ca.ro13 I1878 FIRST COUNTY PRIZES. 1879 Housel OF Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Tin1ber; SOLE AGENTS FOR BURK&JONES. EC E_ J;{..A..T.HBUN OFF IO Ji~ -FOR- & E~ON, W- Live A.gents l'f.at1Ittt bi E'lcr:y (,.-OO(lPnJ' 1: or free samples 113 Scchon~ No. 1 Temperance St., BOW~1A+'i Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. or the town prepared :prompt]~ t o fill 01dt>~l'11n tr e abo..,: o hneH, 11.ncl to deliver orticlcs 1n al) parts fhe. ll-ighestpr1ce pn.1d fo1 Lun1lu~1.\V ood,ctc \Ve buy fur ( A!illl, atid eell for (ASH. JlefOffice and Yard Corner of l{1 1~ 1:1.nd George Streets ~rp are VIL:J.,E, an 1 tenns lo .tgfrn l s address JOHN UA111ERO"l ' ao .A.ui,;e1'tiso1 Officfi I ,ondon Ont ADVANCES il1ADE on personal and collaternl security A.MJmlUAN GHEENBAf KS Al\D EXCHANGE BOUGHT. .JOH!'\ l'r!OCLELLAN, { VVILLI&M CANN j McCLELLAN & CO. 8 BnV1 man-ville, April 17, 187 .I: l.':J ~ ~""'~""""""""'""""' NOTES DJSCOUNTE.D. 5% mteiest paid on deposits of $4 and upwards. -, For Cheapness and Quality, go to "HARD to BEAT" PLOWS I, DRAFTS ISSUED otl·e· rnuetJ of ruots, rnd rf fed till 1,r,,s· comes agam there need \Je iw loss of 'I"' l ity m the butter ~' orms may he dn>cn out offiower·pots RB!., The BASt and Cheapest Plows in the Market JUST ARRIVED 0 p e t erb oro' c omb · w. t lOil · s0d Plow aoor & sao a EMPORIO U M 1 - -Ar THE- - T:b:JAS, TEAS. 60 Cases Boots& Shoes. g, PORTER & so11..·. I -W- dangere The sowing of a bushel of oats per acre, Thea\cra.gcfeBde:rts n1ure apt to arr]" 1 ththewintcrwheu.t. ha>11 often proved on the side t)f dC'ficicncy than by an over of tu ater1al benefit to the wheat ct op The Mupply Sheltei froin the cold and driv oats grow more v1go1ou!<}y than tL~ wh~at mg ram· d hte fall and earlv v;rntor " I and ozd m catchlDJ and holdmg the ·~ow nlmost 08 nocessriiy as hl>er~tl fBeding rhe oats .aci a.s 11 protection or n1ulcn to the wneat. The I ttll food the vonng oat 1 c u.tt Ie 1n aome. par t s of D eif:n.,are arfj l d f ti II ~ d I l t h ff te::l tl tb ' 'T t k Pants raw iou1 ie Noi s rt:=turne ( ur !!laH 0 t e ~he: " t Wl 1 bic exas t IC itJg the spring i;a,; hen, ba1n~ killed by the a pa.tasi e ' ll{) on 1Y ucrows ltl 0 c wniter / they rnp1d]Jr dt;cny ~ anunal, but pet.e rtt.es the !1ei-h to such an .cxtont that de 1th soou e11st1e>i The ::,ood 1nfll1cncc of Lhc clo~er crop ts A httlo feed to cattle intendA<l f 1 l' boef i felt £01yea1s1n the bElter corn, vthea.t, wi11 \J<>" gieat ! <'Ip towards fatrnmn~ otc, th·t follo", aud this <'Ome· from the them fo< l.ite fall <·r e.rly wmter, and 1 he fact th11t the cluvor plaut is"' deep feeder :.san~e \\1th hogs a~ they will fat innch fatit a.nd bringa up u, Jau:;:e ~1nonnt of food er lit wartn weather tha~ ,_IJ. tho cold of elernents fro1n tho fHtbsoh aud d~pos1ts lt W. E. PETHJCK'S BARRER SHQP, ~ _ :::z:~~.....1 R~~~:sonManufacturlngCos,Superlor and Co1nb1ned Seed Dnlls Tolton Bros Pev Ha1ve:;;ter. ordering A'.lachlne>1/ Oo, J\ias:sey l\.Ianuf'g Coe:' Rcl\pcrs Mower~. and t S1nglo ! I c QJ..1988 +¥) l Sugars, Fruits, Etc. Fruits of all kmcls at exceedmgly low price~ LATEST AND NEWEST S T Y LES in the ma1k1 I at LO'\V PI~"ICJ'G§. ALL MACHINES WARHANllcD !!"'armers' will find 1t to tl1cir interest to c.onsult.1ne e1tl:w r per1"onally or by letter, before Agent fnr the I.anded Banking & Loaning If you \\ant a choice cup of Coffee, this rn tho place to get it. Sugarn of '.1:_11 grades at lowest prrces th I} J J\1 HEPAIR:-:; for all machine~ sohl, kept at Tufr Htnn1ll.on 18 Our lines in tho boot and shoe dep a11uwm t ar e 80 numerous that it WQUld he 1moo;:.s1b t 11 gn e a. full bst but Vie can assui e our cnstonH 1s n1 d the Jmbhc ~enerally, that they will find Ih a largest 111u 1nost \ ariea !lSSortn1cnt tLnt can lie found in tov..n I ;:1~ be u~~rn~~w::n,,. illc U Sl j Ordersh_r .hfa1lpr.omptl> atteL.ded to muter m the larger roots near the smiace, As r, 01y and . An1he1 ha1 Soap thro,vs all others Jll the the oprnwn ,hat dee1>ai1d f1equent sturmg shade -The Elective Sonp lK nowhere compared to it. veld of milk ·nd butter Bowm 'l,.U\Jlle, Sept 13 1888 112.. ot the sorl m trma of a sliarp drought rn Ruwmanville B LU; ;SHES -Sci ub,Sto1e,Hair,Cloths,Boot, Brooms,Pails,an(Prrashtubs ifacowhas lun<l. treatn1t1nt fiom the I ~ ~"-w::»,.-A.,""1'.T~ vr tend· to lessen trn nn.ount ol moisture m ,.;:" · ~"-'...ilI..'L.JL..11 .J......,. ..'&-' Ha\JngworkcdV11thM1 M.Por.erfortwenty , SALT-In E·irels anclSacl'- Fine Liverpool S"lts b . I tune slie Hi a calf up to tna.tunty, she will the aoil. From personal npphcatlon of the fivc1cars and la.terlv for tv.;o yea.rs v.:ith Mr. ...~ ,._,, . -.~ ' i l l ags, we1g 11ng hardly ever be rncl·ncd to show any tern hoe the past sea;<m ( hav<' coma to a Has o11ened out the largest and cheapest stock of Boots and Shoes l Mason superintending the Collar Depart iespechvely ;;Glb8' 112 lbs,, 22 ! ltm' to smt the convemence of the purperj n.nd \f ah.e doi·s happen to kick,lt may ditierept couclns1on I 11nd that \l here l t B ll 11Hmt. ot hrn businees, el1a8e1)- specially in1 p0rtcd for dairy use sole <Lgont for the ce1eb1ated lie t\ken for gr(tnt@~l ttJ.t.t she has a very h~ve used t!1e hoe the most frequently, CYPl c.1rne o O"\Vlllanv1 e. IH d k . . good reaoon for so doing tho grnuml !s the ·oftest, 10d plttuts are Come n,pd see his J\fens's Bo) s' and Yuuth's Celebrated Rock Islnnd, e IS prepaie to ma e a collar' COAL OIL of the best quahty Our Headlight is VI OJ thy of a trral and DOMINIOK ORGANS AND P IANOS for J he tnV' :n<lb ._ps of Any man navmg common sense,end man · the bost ,\nd mat me Letter t hllc1 1 \\here Hanel '.\fade vV cllm"ton Boots the best and cheape<t boot 1n the Dom )n1 on I WR rra nted safe and easy \ bound to give srttisfitctwn The general cu.1ttu111 of da1ryfa.1u1e1~ nas been to depend upon grass alon(;\ during the sum1ne1, hnt of 11tc somiJ h1ve praa t1ced g1v1ng a. "Olall iation of me:liorbra.11, and wrth very goJd iesults both 1ll the t;1ese roo+s <lecay a.nd succeed1ug crops take niJ ti-o nourislunent iroin thern A. ZCO\\ ing t;lO\ er l1e1.d 18 a food gathering, Iood produvinJ, n11d aoil-imp1·0,1ngc,,, op Most ~f our ptofesSlOI1t1l farn1c1s are of ~ ccembe:_1~ 1819 - -- - - ~-, ,,.~TlJ-s~ ....... ..-"T .i.. "ltl ;it..-111 'llllfV 1Fish of all kinds I . n J SHAW ln tl11s branch ot trade, we defy competition Fall and Spring wheat 1·. o. nox lOi, nowmannlle. IFlour,- best L ~.ids Gibb'R patent Flour Buckwheat Flour. Cracked \'-'heat} G1u.l1an1 Flou1, Oo1n1neal. cve1y Saturday PROV ISI 0 NS. ~~UTND "-J CUSTO-lf WJ HK U n " ,f t lf·~ /A g ,~}E '·t? 0 ~g -::t 6HAD ,., ~ UF SOAP--On1· - RIES. Oatmeal a specialty READTH ISAN DDON'TFORG ETTHAT W. RUSE, a1von b)' cows of the luud usually met with, rf he will buy good ones ~nd ineed frou1 none bu~ cleep tnihccns, a.nd from bulls "hrch are from a deep milkrng atrarn. , The 1t1g11est profib~ :vnll be Jonud by ;:i. ... fa.mily 1should ~ot ha,ve strawberries, and the soil. lf ftoine 18 wanted for <:HH'ly -use, ?f the OARt , an n in a i·~ndanco ..-ycf,\, threo a nun1ber or th"'o most forward plants n1a,y illn£is a. da.y, and no one a friu<l to pa ,s the b~ stiai htencd up and llLt.ve the cr..1 th saucer the seco11d tune. · g d tle111, l l t1awuc1.1onn Increasing t h e 1 )Ol(w 1 1 Locu~t tlt·ee planted a.t K1rLy Home 1ng at inte1 ¥a1F of a week Qr en l ltl.., u~! ~tead 15 years a.go on .i steep h1lls1de,ha' e i only fo1 present nse~ t4e winter supply fnrnishi::d 10 fence post::i ea.ch In tho should he so treatea. a. httle lat.6:r, Leg1slatus2 of New York Sti:tte a. b11l has been 1ntroduaed to n1ake it obligatory up on every county to spen<l :p500 .) e"11y in PI conrag1ng trcs planting There is notlnug 1 I 'Vomens' lllissr 8 ond tJlnld1 ens Fiench Kid and Pol islzcd Calf but! Itoned boots and bttlmornls a &J'i'AJlalty Cows that are gn..i.t~.z nulk should .. be fee , · "' ' ' ' 1 p. j liberally, ,1nd not allowed to tall ah now, ] ull lines of Womens l\hsses and ( 111 dHn s r unclla Goods sold at 'as th,, can be brc~ght np agam ~he" colcl and below cost ) hrnn weather sets m ~orue J,md of feed, os A nice lot ot· o "iippers a 1so in f". t OCK 1 or incal sl...ould be u.sed to help ont 1 0 thodoetw h foed ~it\~'~hui~.t~ tr111 han~ the tailm~ p,:.turos Corn fodder " 01de1ed ,,01k m fine goods a specrulty an o 1 1crwise so ou e oc wit ~ cellent to pH ce ont with at th1s sec.son the completo~t comf?rts consistent with I and a p.itdi ul iL druuld lie round on every RoJ"Llrrng n.eatly and jlromptly done t~err ·tro"ila" 1 ~'· rhri e~er befi: farm It 18 unportant tli.t the CO"IS have Comei,ted p.1td1es pµt Oll rrope1lv and w ananted to stick t e rue, '"" 110 one 1168( rope 0 p10 I a plenty of good. fresh water osprcially by 1ta excepnons. '·'the lrnrbaoc docs now afford the abnndBe sure and give !um a tall and get bargains There i· nothmg about ·<rawbcrry cul I ant imces of the sprrng g.owtn FQJ[-1.!., ture tl1at Rl10nld deler whOP\Cr hns the c J ' hoo\<1 be mo km' r 1d r th -~sTAND ' o f Lee '-... EdHa11's. ]and from ha' u1u- th~ fruit iu ribunct~uce e er,; a '-' , ,.. ,\ ap g ow Q;" - N e ad' s ne'v bl ock 'next d 001 easu 10 ' ~ , now, aHd will need a1l the cucourn_Jcn1cut There is no reason why eve1y fanner B of cleau. culture ana fr,,qnAnt shr11ng of 89--111 3,cYJtla e~a'"~ properl.,., can 0 1)~a1n clonh1e the 't the gro 11 111:l 'I tr l~ 1l 'o~ ,,,~ 1s b lt seldom workeu o\'er w1th I ~ 1 :::,, · ' , · l 18 Ion~ cxp,errenco rn tlrfic btn· mes·, aknd won IHkno\\ n ropu as a rs c1 wor man 1s · DARLINGTON, CLARKE & C \R 1'VRIGU I , I I ex-/ Pri·ce"' to Sui"tthe Ti' mes · ~ Remember the Stand: nearly op1Jos1te the RegIStrv J \\ ii 1 keep constant y on hand a full assortment of every thing · hlS 1ine9 Ill r suflicreutr~oommcndutmn ~t1ou aHs c Cui\rn AND SEE OUR GRAND DISPJ,AY IN J yas e Carriaa\3 Harnes:> a nd C ll " JO - This department IS well stocked, regardless of expense, in· ars a .Specialty. 1 d ('DA '"I'l' L'WAJ, 1£ d CU ing n· " J" · ' , Ul various sizes an patterns; C_ r ockery, Glass, Lamps, a11d Far1cy Goods. TEA, Dl.NNER AND CHAMBER SETS, Encourage Home lndu~!ry / Buy ~our 1nstru1nents fl mu mo, Pnd Eav e duties, fry1i:cht and boxe,, LOWESTPRICES AND LIBERAL ·,JCR 1f8. MO r'IO-"S~rALL PnoF1Ts & Qrr1cr'- HE rt:"ni;; s ." CAB.::E:i:.., ()ffice. Bo..,vma.nv1lle, Jan 29th, 1880 79 jf I A choice a;;sort; nent of Chamber f'ets, m VI hite and Fancv Patterns, ut A 1 quality. vVe have lately imported direct fro~1 Pans, ;:;pecially for our Xmas trade, a ime select1011 of TEA S.E'1'8, of best F1e11ch Ch11ia; these are really m1ique, und are fast berng disposed of. LAl\11PS ! NOTICE! i'l 0 TICE!! A large litock selected with great care, suitable for CHRIST}IAS AND NEW 1':EAR'8 GIFTS. I no\ manville April loo 'The highest pii ce ha s always been paid by1Murdoch OOOt'CJ de1:1irablo than Bn' ,; ~for all, l,rn d ~tiof1;farm prod nee. IG clea.u, sweet cow stables, if Quod 1n1lk and bnt~ ... r · 1' au v obJl-ll ts, and no l thur sandy n.ud gr:i.vely soils than other c1ay ruoan~ w1ll ac uo\e ihrn end ao thoroughly* F o1 plant11 thiat contain a largt~ t1.In<Ju11t. of so convcthently and with out ext1n ex l pot(>:.a;'.l !flld phosphoric , acJd> «-.'J citrrutsJ pense as to have convenient fo1 use tur1nps, potatoe~ !l.Dd V<Nbbage, ashes ate~ th1011gh the winter a $npply of dry e1>rth. an eooeutial manure. I - Anangeme have been made \uth som e of the leading ho1ues in town, to supply our rn,tomers with goo,fa not in our line, 10 that put1e1 havmg pioduce to dispose of, can do so to advwtage. Bowm~nv11lc, D1 ceil!ber 18, 187CJ.

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