CANADIAN ;-iTATES~[A.N .OOW .rflANVlLLB, FDJDAY, OC10B i. JR l, 1880. ~~~~~==~~=~= '==~=~~~~~~"""""'"""""""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!.._~~~~~~-=-~ - ~~~~ Statesman. FI L L T H IS OUT AND MAIL IT. llf A .J \J\IES Pm.:LrnHKlt Bo\HH>IVITIE Ont I enclose hermnth ONE DOIL ~R co rav for Trrn CANADIAN" for 1881 a.cco1ding Lo }OUr oile1 to new 2ubsc11bt11s SrArn~'1AN FURNJTURE AND UNDERT!..Kl.Nu I uu lJ he li\le\atcr is gc1n g on Po nrm>Pll CHEAP CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS. l Our Fall and Wmter Stock 1s no"\\ complete mall its Department" I C'.EJl:E.AP LA.B'.JIPS -AT- cor Sldernble !!me The aiv e crop 13 immmFo 'ihoce wrll be hu n drtids or l: ::irrels ot 111 at excellent winter frtnt to sell tlus fl:l ll tn the v1 c1 n1ty ufv> eleo me I In Clothmg we have an extra large stock of our own and 8Ynrcv s I T"eed Pants Tweed Smts W)srled Suits Fall Ovornoats, Boys Youths I and Men~ E'eav} o,ercoats Clotcrs and Rubb<r Coats All Wool Tweed 81uts make to orde1 from $10 u1 wards We 0 one the ntmo.t attention to the D. Stott's Drt1g Stor er D Sl OTI is Boll ng o it his --o-- CLOTHING DEPARTM E NT1 IN ORDER ~o MAKE IT THE CHIEF BRANCH o~ un Bl SINESS IN DRY GOODS WE HAYE VERY I ARGE "ND CHEAP LI 'ES IN whole stock of I a.nips at cost in 01 ler to make room for a very large stock of f erf im er:r Hair Brushes Coml s etc VI htch ho 1s expect ng in in a few days OUR C OUl~ 'l1 Y :E'AIR BE1 1bR l! USH E?!::J PIWSPECTS GO O D '.I!l'i!ES ARE COMING. H\ F CRM V"TON I PR E \ ERi' BODY It is an encour g1ng fac that the general deproiw1on th t has prevailed throughout t :io commer ma1 world and on thrn continent Dress Goods, Black L.ustres, Black & Col'd. c;ashmeres, Prints, W1nceys, B""'lannels, Sh1rt1ngs, Tweeds, Sheetings, Cloths, Hollands, T1ck1ngs, Table Linens, Blankets, Furs, Clouds, Hosiery, Gloves, U i1dercloth1ng, Shirts, Drawers, Ducks, Yarns, Carpet Warps, Hoop Skirts, Cloak1ngs, etc, V\ e 1 a e n1a le r reJ arat ans for a large trade belie\ e low prices the best guarantee fo1 qutck sales conscquei tlv "' o V! 111 n1akc the p1ic" so loVv tha 1 11 be easy o decide who solb the chca.pcst Dry Goods and Clothing in HO\\man:nlle JU UNP.AR.ALLELED SUCCESS The Holman Liver Pad cure~ Oyspep sia m less than ti\ o weeks. If you are <ufferwg Jiom DYSPEPSIA call at D. STOTT'S DRUG ST ORE and see the number of tcstimomals cured by usmg the P .AD Orde .f· b, m~1l promptly attended to N\ B \\ e moan business tl ts f!eaaon GRAND --OF-- BUTTER and BOGS taken at h gbest rat es ELLISON & Co , (Cowle's Old Stand.) :::t: ~L _._ _ _ '---- STOVES ! STCJVES ! If you want a stO\ e don t huy until you see FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! --A.T-- LEE~ Of & TGDBALI--"S I ALEXA DER'S nmnrnont st" k 8lllOnJst wlnch "ill he found the follo"rng Noted Cash Storei HE!\. TING STO"". 1 S for 1881 handsomer than eve 1 COOKING STOVES ~ook I 1HECOUNTESS- New Style THJi NORTIIWEST- wood, RA IJIE'VT HOME -old and now smgle and double heaters auy h n e a cho1ue can be fuun d as good as in larger plctces and a prices to suit e'\i ery clnss of pu1chase1s [n !he !me of Dry Goods Gents Carpets the best general cooK ,tove made THE MAllQUIS-1\oodcook rn a beaut) 20JO PIELHSi Opened out from the best hou,es rn London and Pa11s PIECES OF D1rnss Goons for 1' all & W rnte1 See our all wool Cashmeres at 50 cents per ) ai d, rn nJ J the New Shades with Brocaded Silks and velvets tom 1tcb Every lady should see tie rmmen,o 'tock at TJJE DUCHESS RANGE, for coal or wood the best ma 1e m Canada &c' AND THE LAPtGES'I' ASSOR1I':l\!CENT Hall, Parlor, Box and Cook Stoves IN THE COUNTY, AI ALEXANDER'S CASH S T ORE . B wmarn rlk, September 15 1880 BOT 0 Don't mistake the place, Tio\\ manville Octobc 1 E' · CALL . .A . T PRIC r~s LEE & EDSALL, Old Stand lJj NEADS' DRUG STORE ! WHERE YOU CAN GE T THE VERY BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ti m all the Imes of goods kept by bun for salo, such a8 Carriage arks, BOVifMANVILLE. In return ing th.mks to ill) numerous pat, on s for th err fin Ofo dunnJ the t l irty 'earn that I h:fve been n hnJSme~s m this town l beJ to H mrnd tl om that my faeihtie6 fo1 turnmg ont first class \\Ork was neve better than il J are to day Our wo1 k ne< er fa1la to give\ ~a tis faction as 1' c use tl o bo,t nrnte11al made ~- T have the largest stock of ;:)oaps m town anrl very cheap ~ A ll the wood used rn th< con st1 nctwn of our carnages is ~- My stock 01 Perfumes m Et lk and m Bottle rn ver) c ompleta tho1ough ly se1somd and special attent10n rs gnen t o fittmg e<e13 and of the be"t EnJl"h French ant An er1can n akrn t he quahtJ of piece properly m its place which is unexcelled ~- See the Ball Room Boquet and Sweet 13, e and BJ e Ill Bottles the tomest and sweeteRt m the; mmket ~T Don t you torget the place in the I a test styles to II EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING, Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth Washes, Hair Oils, Dyes, and Renovato rs,,, Combs and Brushes, Cosmet1ques, Sponges, and Chamois, Patent Medicines, Dyestuffs, Fly Po1ons, etc. CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. Bug bong ht Bo'Viomanv1lle July i:; King St East, B owmanville. ::M..A...RTIN"" 1880 E~ N E .ADS 102 :;:;:: !L 1ssoJ F A. Jf Ji< L L1sso DRY GOODS .JUST ARRIVED AT TTI ---10 BE ~0Ln AT--- 61 !! 'BRR llfo'I'X \ lSH I no\\ invite special attAntion to my n ew OF MILLINERY AND FANGY GOODS. T1 rnnncd Bonnets and Hats Feath er, Flov. ers Silks Ornaments etc be 0 s to announ ce t > t he laLhes of Ho wman \ illa and v1mntt) L hat she has I en ed out a g.ener"l a.ssortmcnt of SPRING AND SUMHER BERLIN· WOOL, Braids 1' loRs and Sw1t1 ht s to MRS A Stvles 27 ,7 88 C' 1n vas Han all of which I sell cheap S ANDER::>ON Krng St , Bowrnanv1Ue ILLINE :~t Y to recen a 11 P :S -Hats rnade over in the :Newest Sept 25 198V Sept 24 1880