I 0, I S1'·0. PRJVENTION OF .BY lll!:~R1 SUBSTITUTES! D t'o~npanton) E~SI Q N. I BDWlllII ll, l\J (Froui the Youth's fl II OH J« 01' A PROJ COLT,ARS, ---]!' 0 lt--- "WHIPS, , TRL"NKS, SA1'CHELS · ' cURRY-CO:MBs, v ALISES, In returning thanks to my nu mer011s patrons for their favors d unng . t' . b usmess . . 1lus . 11e th'irty years t l iat I h ,1vc b een rn 1n PU RE DRU GS , Nn 1 1 I ' DIAKE A SPECIALTY ~ ~- COLLtl.ItS SATIS>ACTION GCTARANIEED. mrnRm:-. &c.ltown, l be" to remind them that my facilities for turni1w out REP A. IRING. In all its branches promptly atteuded to on che most liberal terms. 1 first class ~ork was never better than tht>y are to-day."' Our S T "j · f' . " ' wagons uever f'a1 to g 'e sati:;; act10n. A jf of our carnages I ANn uNrnBmERATED are made of the very best materials Ho R SE A f . D t;AT']'J,E CHEMIC AL illEDllCINE~, All wood used in the constrnct1011 of our carriages is thor- I hope by stnct attention to bnsmcss to oughly seasouerl, and special attention is oiven to fitting eveiy piece merit a fair sh~re of yom· patronage. properly in its place. " 'rRRMR LtffJllRAL Jo HN HIGGINBOTHAM'S. go to OF A CHOICE ASSORTMENT Jl'il' CHSH PA ID FOR HIDES WM. MORRIS. NEW We solicit orders for Wagorn, Top Buggie~. Phaetons, Buggies, DemoPJats etc, assuring. the public that for workmanship, quality and style PERFUMERY, TOOTH, NAIL AND HA IR RRUSFFlS our work cannot be sm passed in this district. All kinds of Rt·pairing done as usual. JUSI' RECETVED Rowman"\ 1lle, Deo. 17 187tl Sun1mer Goods! I now mute special ntt;;tion to my new stock/ C-L~RRIAGE PAINTING. Good s! stock, smtable for 1he present and coming season. Our 1'.aintshop is under tlm management of Mr Thomas Burley, whose l;v01k w11~ co1~1pare favorably with th~t of the brnt cit.\' paintc~·s Paint· mg and \ arrnslim" done at lowest p11ces ' Ti eat your carnages to a Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, Feath- coat of paint. " . . ers, Flowern, Silks, 01 naments, etc. [ Repa1rn tor the :Massey Manufact111 ing Com pan, 's MachinAs constantly The Subscriber i1<1s now received a large and well assoited WOOL,,onhaml. " MILLINERY AND FANCY COOOS HILL'S CASH HOUSE. BERL.IN Tho110-h o-oods have advanced and ~till f·ontinue to advance and Sw1tchc", all of which l mtend 'in price, "owing ""' . ha\ mg b.otlg I1t 1 · . . to sell cheap to his .argc l ant1c1pat~on of a xise, he .wil l oHcr many Imes at old pnces, and having MRS. A S ANDERaON, a'etermined to 1cduce his ellOflllOUFly large Siotk, he Will sell King St., Dov. nutn~1Ue. many at le~R than old rntcs, t)1~1s offoring rnducemeut to those 1~ S - Hats made o'<er in the Nti'\\est Braid~. Floss, Canva,, Hair Eliaids I - -~ J -A._ f!;';:;t :x ..___. · :·Ill ""l.J:"--=>·"E::iil T'llC;;, ..L" "-1...&.--.......a;;\'L..IL~, Proprietor. !IU·3m Ladies', Gents' & ('hild r en'"' D1·y Goods. Bown1a1n1lle, :J\1ay 18, IS.SO, -- ~ _____.._ t who ·wish to make four flolla1s do the ' werk ~ of'_five. - - - Styles Bowmanv11le .A.pnl lst 1880. 27 07 SS. J-Oii N McMURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of - Suits Made to Order! GOOD FITS Suit" Rently l:hulc~ Goot1 l"lfJI~ and l 1t , ·uUh !Sox, Gloves, Collurs"nnd Ttcs tb r o1vn tu, :for $2'.75. SPECIAL ATTENTION. IS CALLED TO Carpets-.Tnte, Urnon and All Wool - ' 50e upwards 50c " 20c " " Banking HousefG ROC~E RIES, PROVISIONS STRAW COODS I Crockery and Glassware in the latest fashions, will be sold at less BURK&JONES." c:anned Goods, Tobac- ' than it cost to make them cos, Soaps, &c, ikc. 0 F:B'ICE We are great on the SHJRT TRtl.DE, '\.. LARGE I IKE 01? 0 " " 20c Faney Flannels 3_llf~ No. 1 Ten1perance St., BO'\VM.AJSVILLE All kinds of fa1m produce taken in exchange. l3own'anv1lle, October 1. 1878. don't order your ah1rts from 'l1oronto. B111nmers, spend your iuoney lU y( ni:: own town, that will help to mak e c sh more plentiful. " I 192. AD VA l\rCES Jl.:fADE NOTE.'> DJSCOU1VTED. 5% inte1est paid on depoRJtH ol !ti4· and upwanh I Shirtiugf an variety, Hosie1y, on pofoonal and collateial secu11ty. M c C L E L L A N & C o :, D1£ALERS TN , I CAJ,L AND SEE US, \\c can cure you of going to tlie c1ucs to spend } ou r surplus cash. Yours respectfully, 1 ' Trimmings, a ve r:'I full stock. TBOS . PATERSOf'i. BARBER SHOP, COAL, W 0 0 D, LUMBER, Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square ~imber; SOLE AGENTS }'Oft iBowmo.nvillc, April 15, 1880, ' S. ·F. Hil l . D Otf. DRAFTS ISSUED on all branches of Bank of Mont1eal in Canada, New York and London, England. P1ivate and Building Society Funds loaned on 1ea! estate at best rates. ::S::_ E. :B...A..THBUN- & -Fon- SON~ ' - ORONO BANKING HOU SE . · MONEY LOANED. DRAFTS ISSUED . Doors, Sash, Blinds, Picke~s 1 Mouldings, &c. 1 We are prepared tJromptl~ to fill ordc1s n1 tl>e above hnes, and to delivcv.-rrticlcs 1n all pa.rts of the tow·n. 1'ho highest puce 11.t1d fot Lntnbcr,"',.oOd,ett \Ve bi y for CASH, and .sell for UASJI, .tarOffi.co and Ya1d-Cor,n~r of l{1nf n.nd GeoL·ge Streets. ~ NOTES DISCOUNTED. l o'h ~11 nr: nches of the ONT iRIO B !\N Ji. · t Also Drafts bought and sold ou New York 1 and London, Eng 52 NOTESANDACCOUNTS COLLECTED. :BANK STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES AMERICAN GHEENBAUKS AND EXCHANGE BOl'Gll1. JOHN J\'ICCLELLAN.} VVILLI.A.M CA:N'N. McCLELLAN & CO. 8 Bowmnn"\ille, Apul 17, 18'i .E'l VE PEil CENT lntcn·cst allowed on Deposits. ' I NOTES and ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. Dank Stock, l\.Iortgu.ge;i, &c., bought and Hold. .Also money loaned on real estate security, nt J reasonab]e rates, and on terms ot 1e-payment to su1t horr:owers. BOUGHT AND SOLD.f l , DRY ' GO 0 D S j ~;;;;'~~TR;zy; I J 1NVESTM~N;8 ~~~E. ...-==-- r W.W. TRULL.. Or.ono li'eb. 18, 1880. 82 tf MRS. DONNELLY liasJust received n large stock of us 'l' AR.RIVED AT FRENCH AND AMERICAN BAT - -- 10 61-tf. ----«>·,---yve aio in receipt, of la1ge slnpments of goods, to H·pleuish for the commg season, tlw \11i 10us bianches of our increasinn trade in which we feel confident no other l'.ouse in town clLn approach ~1 8 m 'quality or pnces. Come and ~ce to1 ) om,elves · All our c1btomcrs aie delighted. N1 ILLINE R Y and IS bounll to sell them at puces th a t ha. never been ulfered m the town of Bowrnanv1ll0 The stock cannot be surpassed in QUALITY AND CHK~PNESS. Ca11 and see. fo yourseh e.s. '!he stock con l\ULUNERY, VELVETS, 8ISts Of SILKS, SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE -A'l- 8A'l'I NS , FRINGES, BitAIDS, SWITCH ES, HAilt ORNAMEN TS f,AIJIES' J,ACE CAPES, ' L_\CES m· ALL KT N DS, FRILLINGS, TI ES, CASH STORE In all depa1 tments of our chwp and wdl ~electecl fancy diy goods. ~ Sugars of all giades at lowest prices. F111its of all kinds !J,t exceedingly low prices. Having comn1cnccd to manufacture A Splendid Assortment of DreHs Goods at cost, of Hats and . Caps at cost, WOODEN of Parasols at cost, pf Alpaca and Linen Dusters at cost. t I ' ~Ask to S'ee our our our our om our 7.'i ct Linen Front Drcs' Shi1ts, cs ct ct. ct. ct Lmen towellmg, Lu,tie Dress Goods, Table D;>mask, Regcttt1 Slnrts, Dress I~i ncns, Cornets (the ve1y best in town,) Kid Gloves, worth $115, Black and B1own Hollands. 05 10 22 .JO 10 up. Will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of every thing in his line. rmrn AND SEE OUR GRAND DISPLAY IN Prices. Prices to Suit the Times. Carriage Harne~s and ars a Specialty. Crockery, Glass, Lamps, and Fancy Goods. This d~partment is well stocked, regardless of expense, includrng GRA~ITEW ARE, in various sizes and patterns; Remember the Stand : near·ly opposite the Registry' CANADA LIFE ASSURANGE G O 'Y. Pure Drugs and Dye Stuffs! D · STOTT'S DRUG STORE GOTO A choice a>.sortmcnt of Chamber Sets, in White and Fancv We have lately imported direct fro~ ti! Pans, specrnlly for our Xmas trade, a fine selection of TEA IJ r~ETS, ofbestFren('h Chi~a; th~se are really umque, und are · ' BOWMANYILLE, '/ fast bemg dv:posed of. Popn· 1Agentanddealennall kmusol tho latest an<\ I A large stock selected with great care, RUitable ~t1\~~ts. ·Office. TEA, DINNER AND CHAMBER SETS. Pat~erns, of A I quality. :R w JA IE '· · Bowmnnvme. Jan. 29th, 1880 A~d rn-tr. -- - - -- l LAMPS ~ NOTICE! for CIIRISTl\IAS AND NEW YEARS GIFl'S. 'TORONTO SUK MUTUAL .MUTUAL CONFEDERA1'ION. all the best and rnn~t useful implement °"scd in t he hon~P.1 ultl Gepa1tment, such ae ~8"i\ ing, Kn.. t rn~ and \Yasb~ mg 1\1i..c1uues, V\ r1ngcr \j, has always been paid hy 1\Iurdoch Brc·s. for all, ldnds ·of.farm produue. &c,&c REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND. and st11ot"fi. ttent1 qn paid to mach1neH p1orni:,tl~ . tm~n, · ctu,rtlna ?f the leading houses in Assnrersno\v 101u1ng the C1anA.daJ11 e Assnr to sup1}ly our cnstomcrs with """ iroods not m our !me' so that pa1t1'eo ancgtootmpbany "d'1ll sha1c m tho div1s on of its · ·:> prou s o 6 ma e next year havmg produce to dispose of, can do >O to advantage. j' . .t\.rrange1ne ha\ e been 1nadc_ "ith some Bowm·nville Oct, 22, 187$, Bowmannlle, December 181 1879. W . R. CLIMIE, Local Mtrn ~ .. Bowman ville, Sept. 25, 1879,