Postage Prep ud by the Publisher- IS PU RLI STIED E'f Elt 1< :t RlUAY !lIOll~ING, NI A .·TAMES, Auvance GOOD NEWS FOR ALI.. ' - 0- w McMUT-{,.-I'RY Wonlol a gai n respec tfully an nounce to the public the arnval of Rtock of new and seaso m1ble Dry Good s, smted to the wants of all An expenence of ove1 30 years m prov1drn g ~ Or) (,oods for the re,;1dents of\\ est Durham enables me to select JLlSt such 0 oodo ts the people want, a11d my cnstome1s tnay iel1 on ge ttfn~ the very be ~t va lue for their money : Specul attent10n h a, been given to the selection of Spring ,;: and Summer goods fo1 the season of 1880 , <>nd notw1thstand mg the great adrnnce rn all D11 Goods I :;hall be able to 'Se ll the present stock at old pnces I had the good fortune to have BANK, · etc, rn d i\Tannos of chowe Pattern s lowest pnces 8. - - - ------ - fHOMAS BINGHAM, Agent Nothmg b tt Fzrst Class Com panzes 1 ejn esented Fire, L ife, Marine, Ac- H 0 c1dent Insurance ~ ~ ~ ~ z to! --- < t:cj gj H ---~~ ,,..._,..._,,...,.,.,..,, ..........,..., ...... .,.... · CAT AND DOG l!Y 01 AR A F ITC F,R:N"SRY (Contim"d ) vVm. Mc1Yl:URTRY, Bo UQ:lti!J E lr at the low1'5/ 88 tf l(l~ 1 l!i{L!J ~ll t:Q E-1 West End House ite oj znterest FUrRNITURE AREROOIS, - -T C!>- / · FRMERS, DOH T READ THIS ! ~ S'l' \ l JI l f ,.:Y01J 'l \.N'I I OJtBJli_Rlij'l l liE8 where you can find e\ eij tlnng m that line alwaJs on hand and sold ctt the wwest pnces M"Y HEARSE .1mANCH IS THE B.l;)SI rn TRlfl COUNTY attended (da) 01 mght) promptly 01deily gmetly, )'._t p11ces to smt ev erv oue extra charge for attending Funerals in country VV"lth1n ten miles SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 'Ihanklul for past pat1ona3e I still soltc1t the same Gifford's Old Stand, l{j ng st West Vv. P . PROWER. I1ATS T I-IATS - - o- - T HATS 1 Encourage Home Mamtfacture I 1\1.[., r~.oc.A. "'YER. a rfow Woolen Mills In LesKar~ ! Ir1 S1-.RAVV HA 'TS yo i "tt1ll fo d all k mds f!om ten cents up and in style to smt young old l oys 01 gu ls clergymen 01 lay men In 01 WE A, ING ~Ul CARDING LING J)RJ>SoIN G COLORING'!vlai ket 1 ce I i. d for Vi ool del vered a t t he F'ac to y GE1'TTS' FURNISHINGS ! the best vauet) of Sh ts Ttes and Collars the b u!al t l ·ck P]] rER SCOTT llf nnger JOHN CAR\ ETH .DENTISTRY. c. 0 SO GOME ALONG AND EXAMINE MY STOOK & PRIOES. I I S MA.YEl.~ WOULD ALSO AN NOU ~CE THAT all o lcr at Lho otl er n il ls \ill be punctt ally FLOlill \ND Fl ED nt ended to as usua in L'll!lGER A:Nlt 5IlL"11G.LEllli P S-1bghest ca h pr ce paid for Raw Fur, 1880 .tW"Orde s sol cited JOHN C ~H' EfH 96 HARNiJEN, L. D.S., tf Gra.duate of th e !loyal College of Dental Surgeona Ontario ( E OVER ALJ<:X ol.NDER S STORE " 1'H1£ MA<i NErrICON." --o-vell I'\ ould not to day take $50 for it cou d not get another LIFE INSURANCE PROFITS DEMONSTRATED BY UOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY ,, ork executed in th· l·te·t and most mproved l'3 ) Notice the following from among recent letters began to feel ts beneii t a. d ha c no aoubt f. om ts net on th s fitl' thnt I al all soon bo pcrfectlv f I A01UAL SE1ILJ;JlfEN 1 ~!ADE TN l880 le of tho Dental Art TEKI H EX1RAC1ED \\IlHOUT P!i!N B.ospectfully yours GEO A LEWIS Part ct lnr at.tent o pa. d t o the r egulat on of 25 1879 C HILDRE N l'l ~ ILL 1E ETH WORTC 11 A RRANTED 4h - - -F O R - -- PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS I Htli R§E fl f U Ul.T'l'LE l'llE I HCJiNIE"' f, O to J0H N HIGGIN BOTHAM'S.A uaorcE AssoRT rn~T oF \or The Magneticon apphances are sent by post express to any address on receipt of price ADDRE~S, " :r1m omm1iY TOO'l'H NAIL AND a UR nnus1r..:s JUSTI tRECE:rVE D JJowma.n v lie Dec l 1879 I THOS J MASON l:!) CHURCH STREET TOR01if'IO )3owmanville, Septembe~ 4, 1879 ' Gone o.l ::VIanager Dom n on of Canada ~:lontreu.l W G PERRY Ageu t l oronto 3139 99 ·