Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1880, p. 4

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Ai_;rord ng to the .New York Post a very ren trloti)le 01 cr 1t1on 18 proceurl1ng at Belle' ue Hos pital Ill that City The pa tient 18 a )0 1111~ 1nan, t\.\enty fivo :}ears old, "ho lost hrs no"e throu~h \\hat is kno\.\ n as n. lupoi<l ulcer, the result of a blow fio1n i. c!nb and tho operahon "ill result in the r !..!pl:lce1nt ut of thn.t useful For December 1879 to Janua,ry 1880. New $4 50 5 00 7 f\U ~o OF THE OLDEST AND MOS T RELll\BLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE Q, 10 Fi 5 75 1 sl Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the J, M. BRIMACOMBE, t'HAcncH The undersigned would iespectfully rernrnd the pubac ! I 10 1 50 Throat, Lungs, and Cheiot, including n1o:Nrts1 that they me p1cpmed to give outfits J11 the above lrne best Style, and th,tt the pr!CC 111 lhe CONSUMPTION. A WELL KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRil'~'S It does 'ilot d1 yup a cough, and lea'Ve the cai se belnnd, as is the case udh 'most p1 epa1 0J1.ons, but loos~ns it, cleanses the lungs and allays irri· ii NE,\.HLY 1\\J t-.:fY lt::/IRS IXPERIE:\(;J:!: rnron· Oxl1l0Gn< ldmln1'teoe1l rm I' inlcs· I 01,e1 1flo1rn Will be found nlUCh loWel fut the 01 FHI __ ~c,,~o.·s i:rnm. same JOb than 1s cha.rged lJy others m lhe same bH ollJeSS, we tation, zhus rWflo'V ing thP. clnuie of co~nplai it ' H DO NOT BE J;>ECEIVED by a1t1cles 0 use deal faitly with ftll who employ U8. MUNSON & WILIA-MSON. 01'-,FICE llo"n1an\i1Ile, January 7, 1880 76 ly bearing a s1n11laL natne Be sure you get DR WIS TAR'S BALSA!>f OF WILD CHERRY, with t!Je s1Jnature of" I BUI 1S on the\ "rapper 5Q (]en ts and $1 00 a Bottle Prepared by SETII '\V. FowLE & SONS, B oo ton, Mass Sol<l by drugg1sl8 and dealers gene rally. 1 Temperance St, BO'~ i'1A l:'; VILL'l-<.:. REMOVAL OF ADVANCES MADE personal and collatei al secm~ty luwe ~t puce 62 72 S. ~.... HILL. 5% mtei est paid on deposits of $4 and np" ards DRAFTS ISSUED DryCooas 8 tore --0 ~ NOTED CHEAP CASH I tt CHARLliJS r.eoD,i BREAD&FANCYBISUUll ~JAKER A SUPERIOH S10CK OJ!' I 1 CONFEC T IONERY, f RE~.H A."l/l.D C:DlE!ii.P, On account of tne err eat mc1ease in our bnsmess, we at e necessitated KEPI to remove mto new and"rno1c commod10us ptem1ses, tbat our nume10,1s custome1s may ha\e an oppo1tun1ty of bemg waited upon \\ithout th e mconvemenc;e of c10" drng such as they ha\e end nAd 111 the past Om NO TE.S Al\rDA CCO Ui\TTS 1cputat10n fot scllmg the ch eapest dry go0ds 1n Bo" man ville, we me deteunmed to retam, and \'111 not be undersold 1°y any house m the COLLECTED. count·y Is as easily digested an d ass11n1lated with the blood as the sanples t food When the blood does cot contrun the usual quantity of Iron the deficiency can be supplied by the use oi the PEHUVIAN SYRUP It cures a" thousanrl ills" simply by To N 1~G UP, lNVIGORATi~G, r.nd VITALIZH"IG the system The enriched and v1tahzed blood permeates every part of the body, reptnnng damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothin g for disease to feed upon This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing: I BONDS, DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES §- :):-----H+-+- HJ:t++-+ ~H-- -- '.j;~~ H WE SELL I Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronio Diarrhma, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, And all diseases originating in a bad state of th e blood, or accompanied by deb1htj, or a l<nv state of the system I BOUGHT . AND ::;OLD lNVESr.MENTl:l M ~DE - - I CAUTION.-Be sure you get the " PE· RUVJAIV SYRUP." Sold bydrugg1ste generally. Pamphlets sent f·"" to any addre·s by SEIH W FoWLE & SoNs, Proprietors 1 86 Har., r1son Avenue, Boston, Maes Eight percent 1he investment TAILOJ;{,ING ! TEH.MS CAgH at par. own1'Ln\ 1lle Octobc 29 18i!J I · 1 Bleached and Unble,tched Cuttons, vet) low A full 11sso1 tment of J,ad10s Manti " A CHOICE S1"'0CK.A caiefully HC!cetcd stock of the newest styles aP.d b< st q ualttie, of Fa I ! SLEIGHS, Vi \CONS, CARHTAGES,&c Cbeape1 lh a n c\ 131 at and Wrnte1 Goods mav be found at P.l EY 61tf I I l\fanagmg DuccteI I r3~ JEFF I RTc1chant 'Tai/01 ing Estubl1shment, doui to !l[nul och 1310" A choice vauety of Tweecb, Uloths, Coatm g, Tiouse11ngs, &c, &c, supe1101 quality and at pnces wl it h cannot fail to satisfy, made m the late~ t t,1slnol1Jl and a All kinds of Gentlemen's undei wea1 Hats, 'fies, ne~t Y' M 0 RR IS' mJ) liaun i ,,, and otbeu:i \\..,.nhn g an}tlung in l h1s li ne a 1o invued to ca.II and 1carn hew- ve1y cheap I h oy can get a tlrstcla.ss a.rt ck Pa1nt1ug and rcpa1ru1g of a ll kinds doPe .v1th p101npb1css at the lov. est pa\ 1ug prices Vlt~tff@l!il\~ ~lliili ~~!lt~~~ ~@. '\:Wm\~IJ 'WJrif!~JIDJ. clucfs, etc rn g1 eat variety ~TRY A PAIR OF FISKE'S SUSPENDEl\S JfJf 1 Call and examme my good· ~1 E_AS, l ndet thw kacl "e can 01~1 spee al JOS. JEFJCERY. 12 64 ,_-)~~ D Sl'OTTS DRUG STORE, Address all 01de1,, Bow~Uli VILLE Fu R the Furn1turt:i Line TS NOW PREPARED TO SEIL Etc. .} ou \\ant '1\.'.T ±~ . or I Tu R E I ) Sugais of HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., i;Rox U">t Uo·o ln.nn Ille ALL DESCRIPTIONS c : H E A P E R TI'IAN TuVER. I 3 l=tC)VISI()NS. In tnis biam h of tiade, '" defy com petit1011 Fall and Spun<> "h«tt Flom,-bcs t brnnds Gibb's 1·atent Flou1 Buckwheat_!, lou 1 "'ci "ek 1 d ·w heat Giahrim FloUI Cornmeal Oatmeal a 'l ecmlly _ __ .· September 18 1879 6Q.tf At his ware-rooms will be found a full supplj of eveiythmg needed m Look iu an<l exam111e pru.:es and Jn dge for yourself FRMERS, DON'T READ THIS ! MY HEARSE is THE BEST IN THE COUNTY ' l\Ull '.\011 l\AXC FOJttIAllD'fHIES. AND MY UNDERJ'AKlNd DEP~l:trl\H NT H' COl\It'LETE lN ALL lTR BRANCHJ;JS SUND RI B~B .~~ I 1 01 y uncl Am hci ha1 sliadv -- J B_ T...A. T E:I r1 icfJcul lVatehnutJ,et, .Je-,v('tle1, .t:c., SUllOUDS, ~i' CAP~, 'l'Rli'fllfllNGS, Etc. I keep al\Ya) son hand a full stock of COFFINS f1om the plam homen1ade to the finest pohsht:ld casket 1nanufactur ed 111 Canada at pr1' es to Bu 1b to \ ervorH By keep1ng n n 0\\11 ho1.:Jes I am prepan:d to rnn into th e cutu try u 1th unt extra charge, and by hv1ng on th e l)[em1ses I an1 al nays icady at a 1n1nuto's nohce, day or night By d ealing with me you can do better 1.o hRn "1th dllY othe.. house in th e s1:np]y because [ HOdtiata nd my b11zi1ness :tn d i 11n iny O\\n b us 1 nc~s, and cuunty, 1 attend to ! L- .n.iyself, knowillg \\lur e and wh e n to bu) :-(oods, an d alnays buy fo r 1.,;asb .. ~ Co1ne and see for youro;:eJf Shoul i "'\VID0"1 ' ..T.HE DISCERNING PUBLIC cu~rn iND SE~" OLR GI~AND DlSPL ~ y JJS fl1ese famo us Pills pu11fy the BLOOD a nd act ruo..t povferfull;\ vet soothmgly on the Liver .Stomach I<1dnei s, Croclcery, Glass, Lamps, and Far1cy Goods. SEiH, lJl \\ hILe ,rnd ] 'crncy \Ve h ive J,1tcly 11npo1ted <luect fro > n t1Jcle, a fine sele ction ol TEA tht 'e die 1eally umq11 e, ,lJld ,iJe tJu 1.g d1 - po ~ed of. Keeps constantly on hand a good stock nf f MOTICE! Stgu ot the Big lVntch, Kl i,: Street f A la1ge otock selected with g1eat caie , ' tHtable for CHRlSIIl!AS AND NEW YEAlt8 GIFrs I be h1 gl e,,t p11ce has all,a;s been paid by Murdoch J N0 1ICE 1 Bws. fot all 1-tnds offmm p1oduce. All krnds of farm produce taken m exchange Eowmanv1lle, 0C1ober 1. 1878 Bowmanv1lle, August 215'"9 ·<:_.., -, 10 If Auangen cnt, lia1 e bee n macl e with so.·1e of the leadmg honse 8 lh town, to supply oui custome,s w,th goods not m our line so that parties. havmg p1oetuce to rl1sposo of cnn cl0 so to advantage .Bowmanv1Uc1 Dece1uber 18, 1879 I i I

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