· CANADIAN STATESMAN, .rlOWMANVILLE, :FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1888. lMECHANICS,~ · TTE NT ION I oauc sToaar I June opened a choice as· sortment of Drugs &c, arid r would sohc1t the patronage of the puohc m anything m my lrne, DRUGS CHEMICALS PAfENT .MEDICINES TOOTH BRUSHE1> HAIR BltuSHES V IZ C:orrH' Patent Hub Wheel!! Sarveru1 ' Patent Wheehl, Old Style Wheel·, Hubtll llilpoke111, l'dloe!ll ,... .:uul Ca1·1·iage Woo(hto1·k and all knuls of Wagon &c. Tire Steel, Spring Steel, j Sleigh-shoe Steel, Cart Steel, Bar Rod, Band and Hoop Iron, all sizes, At Rock Bottom Prices NAIL BRU8HES, COMBS - - ->OR-- - LEE d: EDSALL. 40 54 61 71 82 PURE DRUGS ! A :ND I IERFUMES COSMErICs DYE STUFFS &c GREAT CHEMICALS I AND UNADUL1ERAI ED Also ct full lme 111 hm se and MILLINERY & MANTLE SALE! AT all board ded HORSE A 1'<. D C ""T1'f, 1<: cattle 1\fochcmes among wluch J'llEDICl\\E'> go to m e Diek s Horse and Cattle and l'ho1 ley s Blood Put 1fiei l'ERFUMERY JUST WM. ALEXANDER'S CASH S'I'ORE 'I 001H Horse and Cattle Food HAIR BRU8P'l:S Everything m our M1llrnerJ and Mantle Department to Phys1c1,ms and coun try stores be cleared out regar<lless of cost, Our 75c Felt Hats to be c!ea1ed out at 25c Om $1.25 Felt Hats reduced to 50 cents. Our 9>2 00 Felt Hats rnduced to $1 00 Physician s p1esc11pt10ns and See our $4 Straw and Felt Hats, well trunmed,to be sold at 75r.. ±aimly iece1pts ,1re specialtws and will conuuand my personal $3 00 Mantles reduced to $1 50 I $5.50 Mantles reduced to $3 75 $4 50 Mantles re<luced to $2 75 $7 00 Mantles reduced to $4 75 attentwn 50 dozen White and Colored Two Button Kid Gloves reduee<l to 50 cents, credit stores ask 90c for no better goods REMEMBER THE PLACE R. W. JAMES, BOW MANVILLE Age 1t a1 d deo.lcr 1n all k nds of the lat est and best imp1 o~ ed supplied at lowest rntes I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, lied m ORONO Mr J ohu D 11 1elley s furmt ue factory ty JS \ woe bu rnod on Monday Loss estimated at $4 iOO rnsured for $3 000 Cause a defect1 ve clumne -- -- 1 - -- - - - - - - -OBITUARY Our noted Dollar Kid Gloves 1ctam theu 1; ell ea1 ned popularity 1! or the Cheapest and best asso1 t~d stock m the County go to Bo" man ville ALEXANDER'S Noted Cheap Cash Store. College of Pha1macy l owmanv1llo Jan J 22 1880 78 ly GREAT CLEARING SALE B-0-0-T-S tlmty days F. BORLAND \\Ill <ell the balance of his fall and wmter stock at gieatly reduced pneeR FOROASH. numbet of special Imes 111 Men's, t\ omen's and M tsses' Felt Boots will be sold at about one half the who'esale p11ce, large lot of Ame11cam Crack P1oof Rubber, JUSt opened out, w1i1 fit eve1 y St) le of heel Also a m ce A 1 HAR N~SS (J J L \SSO J. I ENN :r Ob con ans \\HIP\. ft<c NKS Stand- NEADS' NEW BLOCK, ol.LISE~ H. WILLIAMS, GENERAL & AL\IA Y ~ ON H AND IOBE SOLD AT LOW PRICES A Til3EH4L Dl8U<JU:Nl' }QR C A. SU ~O ne next doo1 eas t of LE1 &~ EnsALL' s Ha1dware Store. Don't fail to give lum a call T:la:E G-:RE.A.TEISIT BLACKSMITH. ~ 1 "' nllL Door 11'est of Ile1utcrson 11 Htttf.'1, 61 6m A i'~D OTHERWISE Ret\l manllUe Bo \man" Ile Sept 2ith 1879 \LO UD Ii:li lJi!<j F l MII Y EXHIBITION IN BOWl\'IANVILLE risk dt:lruand to1 servant -:ill rel ble aL StoL g i:iee L l pared to take er Fur BUTTER EGGS Etc for ' vb ch they" 111 pa)! PAR'T' MARKT:S MAYER. 38 60 tf L2 P S -Cash paid for Raw E urn Bowmanl'1lle, September 16 1879 c a::: =z::==:: CORNISH 18 v Is gomg to let othe1s do the blowmg, while he will sell 4V Pumps! Ha ng co111n enccd to n1anufacturo Watches, Rings & Jewellry geneially at prices as low as an} othe1 house m town I · WOODEN PUMPS > · '1LE, whatever mo.y be their age and con dttion are lastly i m proved in every war by theuso of HORSES and CAT Repairingdone at low rates. REEDS BLOCI<, R11VG ST. EAS7 Bo" ma 1 n lle Septembe1 J9 1879 6( DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER It tones 11p the eyateu imparts new I te and VJ.gor a.nd really h1ts& marvellous effect upon either the best or poor e st of anuns1s No on43would believe how ~e work of fatten1D« for the market ta faotl itated by the use of I McCLELLAN & CO, DE<\IERS I:N ICOAL, W 0 0 D, LUMBER, j Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber, SOLE o\GEN fo FOR DICK'S B L OOD PURIFIER 1 THE PROPRIETORS DJ:C ~ db OC>. -OF ~ H- :S_ R.A.T..:S::BUN & SON, -FOR- EDINBURGH AND lllONTREA.L. Prepare also a splend1d £hose reaa are l Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. "ea e J eps Pd p 0~1ptl~ toilllorc'e s r. tl e a.bo1 0 IT es <ind to de 'er rrticlea rn all pa.rt.a of the town Tho lughestprloe paid fo1 Lu n bcr Vi cod etc \Ve b1 y for t A.SD and seH ror~A.SD. BLISTER, OINTMENT & LINIMEN1' 6 Za I Try DICK o HORSE AND CATTLE MEl>016 lCINES aod be convinced of \keU' merit. 0 12 1'01 {i~ '\V hich are need 1n the best stables m the worl· G BEAT STRENGTH1 180 I gQfflce and Yard-Corner o! K ang and George St eeto;o. .t.1!ERICA1'i UHEJ NBACK8 ANDIEXCHANGE BOUGHT JonN McCLJ:Lw.N} WILLIAR CA!lt'N () 151 0 50 0 ~, Sale by J \ T Him, JNB01HAM P.owmRn'f 11 fluahtu~s. I IT. DARLllfGTOlJ, Agent. <;."° PJe:t~:ntt and Refre1d11ng }\foCLELLAN & CO 38 nowmanv1Ue April J' 1R