Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1879, p. 3

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CANADIAN ~'l'ATESMAN, EOWMANV1LLE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1819. Ini>ohent A.ct of" 187~ and A.1ncntl111!; ~cts '- - !~~ ¢~n~~~a~ *~~t~~man Bowl\IANV ILL!£ FRIDAY, Ul~ D.ER.T.A.~J:N"Gr. -~-:a:--- J IO BE READ AJOUD I~ '.I:HE FA~IILY ln the 1naller uf Rene\ TO A DISCERNING PUBLIC. ----:0·---~ FARMERS Will find a complete stock of such articles ltS Splend d sle1ghmg A .L\ierr} Christmas Send akH1g your snbscrtptron ' Girl" is found in Toel 3 3 "here ts "mouse found In the B1blel The E.kat1ng Rink was opened on &Ton~ day m~ht !\fr D Beith 1s st1ll m want of poultry of all kmds ' ~:r1rF.s,TAN, Bowman' ille, Ont I The speak1ng and rr1us10 were very the audience "as very sn1all St P ull-sClturch. The m1sslonary n1cct1ng in connection v;1th St Pauls Ch u ch was held nu Thursday evening lo.st QUlte a large nutnbHr-..,ore in itt1endancc and the addresses by the delegation Rev l\i!cssra Les ie Fraser and A Beith Esq were good As a eertam evil <imposed pefoon h.ts taken the unwarrantable l 1bert.:r of circulatmg a false and damagmg report to the effect tha,li we Notice is fcreb3 g1·cn that under and by were about gnmg up the Unde1takmg 3rnnch of our busmess, we beg "'i irtuc oi' the power"\ cstcd in me as .A. qs1gnec of We do not mtend to the ab '\ e na.n1ed Insoh mit Oy the "B.ld ~ct and to ·tate to the public that "uch IS NOT THE CASE An1end1ng Acts and pur!':uancc of the directions sell out, but on the contrar.:r, we mtend gotng rnore extensively mto that of the Inspector and Creditors of the said estate I 'viii offer for sale bJ Pubho Auction at the branch, and m order to kr cp ab1east of the time, we am about to erect Unde1takmg Warnrooms on Kmg Stieet With our mcrea.~cd famhties RUEBOTTOM HOUSE we can guarantee to rnduce the pnces still lowe1 than we have m the - - I l \ THE-past, and 11 e can Justly dami that we hM e ieduced the prices m this BOWM~NVILLE, Hi THE busme·, Jnlly fifty pei cent ah eady We do not mtend to be driven out of the husrncss by false stones told about us by those who would be County of Durham, on greatly b·nefitted b) our gnmg np We warn the puhhc not to be humbugged mto giv111g two or three times as much as a ]Ob is worth as we can and 11111 furimh a it.illy first class JOb and will only charge a modernte price \Ve have given cntnc satisfaction to those· who have emp]o,ed us m the past both ae to quaht} and prwe Our goods m the nndertakmg lme am of the >e1y beet quality and newest styles We a.<>k the public to givo u, a fan chanue, assm1ng them they will find it to their ad rnntage JOSEPII BRYAN I Bo11 \'1A~VILL1'l, An Iri.-.oltent a,re eommonly kspt fOl sale m a geneial grooory store 11t D. BilITH'S, formerly McCLUNG BROS all of "Inch pnceei v; 1ll be sold at lowest cash LADIES Are respectfully mvited to ti y TEAS OUF We have Fme Omen, Bl1tck. Personal Mr A G Henderson for several years 11ru1< l pal of .\shburn Pubhc School has l een i:ip MUNS()N & WILLIAMSON, Undertakers, King St. East, Bowmanville. and Japan Teas of all the choice brnnds,rangmg m pnce from 25 cts upward~. pmnted Head ]_\.Jaster of Brookhn Rel onLs fo 1880 r-.:1r Hendt-1r80ll has been l ne of the most s cccssful teache1s 111 the 1eounLy and under his 1nanagement Brooklin Sch.ools will bcplacod m the front rank CLOCJECS FRO::MJ$1 ~ u·p~ We sell a splendid Tea -------- Messni Win Osborne and John Marshall NEW JEWELRY STORE ! B!I.., X~TJ' G-:JB:A.::N" ~ ~ ,'] at 50 centil or LJq.rlJnglon threshed "\\1th an Oshn'\'ia Clo\ er Mill filty four bushels an l no lbs of seed in srx hours-for Mr \Velhngton Bowen 31d con ce:;:oion Coarke one mile north of :S 6"1.icastle 11 e vicld "as nearly 5 l ushcls per al re '\ho c an beat this .J. "l1'01tl lo :Ladicr.i COFFEE CROUND TO &lfDER. ILAT!l OF OR ONTO) FOE ANDREW'S! 'i,"i"'nua i1 jj U lj U " -1 begs to thanK ht~ numerous cu,tomers and fnends for the liberal He p:tt10nage extended to !nm smce commencmg busmess wrnl1es to mfo1 m the mlnlntants of \Vest Durham that he has Jllst iece1vcd an cntnoly nAw stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER JVARE SPECTACLES, &c, of the ve1y best quahty, which he will sell cheape1 than any house m town Wa1clles and JI en eh·J Repaired i11F1rst·ClassStyh·, ~ EXTRA BRiCHT SUGARS of the finest brarnh BISCUITS, CURRANTS, RAISINS, PRUNES, OANNED FRUITS, lUUSTARIJ, f!OAPS, BRUSHES, BROOM8, ESS~NSEB, ail Work Warranted, N ,B -'.All my goods are new, I have no old stock thttt has been J ears a\munmlatmg a111tl ? Bcwmanulle, Novemb r 20, 1879 For December 1879 to J<J,nuary 1880. from $4 50 Thankmg the puhhc for then hbeial patronage al my e,tablrnhment durmg the past J ea1 I sohc1t a contmuancc of the same and mvite yom attention to m} p1 csent display of '.IOB lCC08, COAL OJL.J. LA.Mt<-$-, CHIMNEYS, cKa:y & Milne. ~J~W r~A!1~!N~ ~ NEW CURRANTS I HOLIDAY GOG>DS ! BURNEliS, LANTERNS, PAILS, MAIO HES, PJCKLEll, CAPERS, SAUCES, SAP.DINES, SALMON, LOBSIERS, COCOA, OHOCOL.ATJlli, CORN STARCH, BLACK LE'..D, BLACKING, LOOKING GL!l.SSES FresbL Lemon Peel, Fresh Orange Peel, Fresh Citron Peel, CHRISTMAS CHEER V,.HO 8U"Pl'IIES HOLIDAY MEAT '!TIE 0 'IIZE~B RICE SAGO TAPIOC<I., MACCARONI, ARROW ROOl', CORN STARCH, FLOUR, OATMEAL, POTBARLBY, SPLIT PEAS, CRACKED '\'HEAT, &o !I.ND WHERE TO GET IT rhe feasting season 1s once rnore upon ns a.nd our butchers have exerted then1 rohr1ng rct111ng sel\"es to {let a iitst class supply of Ohl-1st rnas n)ea.ts, ond thev - June sncceede cl admirably Tho quantity and quaht.) are both up to the standard 1 and " e venture to state that no town in Canada will hl'l\B a better display of beef of n1oat excelltint quality than Ilowman\1lle r hough many fine cu s and 'l narters have been d1spoo.ied of there '>Ill still he a sufficient snppl_y for another week l\fos"Rs YOUNG & C <\. WKER The sta1tlmJ >td\ ,111cc mall"' ool< ns has actually taken place bnt the and e> ery one of the,e hnes l' a Cash Ilouse took advantage of the s1tuat10n and bought laigel) JUSt bef01e the ri,e, Specialty at Special Prices and Joi tJie next t" o · J months will actue,lly for the Holidays sell at kss than the j oldlow p1.ces thi1s gn mg lns cus I I have m addition to these full I tom em the adi hnes m all kmds of Fancv Goods 'anta,.;-e of Stat1ornn v, Books Jiuys Musrc and 2 5 ]10 I No1elties an enumeration of wh10h 1 cent is impo.s1ble Coon 01 ercoats at the ESSEN 1DES Of ALL KINDi, .A.T Mc:E:AY & MILNE'S J f" ~A.O:llo~. NASMITH JUMBLES, IO _ O R N E 0 B E E F. SALTI Liverpool Salt, FOR DAIRY PURPOSES [ _ , i TE.A~ A SPECIALTY 54 ~15 Bow111anv1lle, Dece,nber 1, 1879 58 71 retirtng retiring retiring In thA Ne"s Dcpmtment I am offcnn,_;8pccrnlmdncements m piem1- To Him that tojo~s Good Reading. urns an<l ... . ... ;'IlCES and W "'LT NOT BE J: IMc ,-,.,,... ,. , _ --- ;)/,..,. M1~I-n/ e. l U"YDERSOLli~ n . . ay :.1.. ======~=~"""""""=,,,--,, CR 0 CKE BY WARE , A. SPLENDID LOT OF I l t J \,.,J(J '" M c C L E L L A N & C 0., 1 DEALERS IN AT BOTTOM PRIOID\iil COAL, WO 0 D, LUMBER, it lll Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; I tiouble December 15 187Q ,vhatcver ~ to show ::a:::. SOLE AGENTS FOR PORK, B_ RA..T .EEEUN'" & SON:J -FOR- Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &o. j --THEN-~ '!,e are.vrepared promptly to fill 01ders in tbo above lines nnd to dellTtt artlolet!I in all ptM'te of the town The highest price paid for Lumber~ ood etc We buyforCJA..SB, and eellforCA.SB. f;@""Ofilce and Yard-Corner o:I' K1ng and George Streets AMERIOAN GREENJi FLOUR&FEED ALWAYS ON BAND COUNTY &VICINITY ME M D >HLLIAMS Makes an Axceedmgly fine displ y of beef Ile shows unti side of a rein 1rkably Ihorough bred Imported Durham Heifer lne weight 1fi30 ibs dressed 1 100 lbs , fed by J\1r l' rhornpson V\ lmb) also one Ihorough brud Durha1n lie1fer, hve weight, 1600 lbs, die.seed 1~50 lb.a , fed by Mt James K1tohen, Ash burn, Mr V.T1ll1ams d1splay also includes one thoro bred Durham Heifer fed by Senator S1mps )n , Z thoro bred and one Grade Re1fe1 s fed h) Mr P Thon p·on, '\ h1tby 3 Durhatn Grade Heifers and 1 Grade C0w fed by !\fr D lowus 1 Durham Grade Reifer bred and fed by Mr R H Turner 2 Du1ha1n Grade Ile1fers feel by l\1r John Elfoid 'l L <mbs and 3 Sheep fed by l\fessrs 8 H on"'y and J Scott 4 young Snffo'k Pigs fed b) Mr J Scotl Clarke and Z large: Suffolk P1gs bred iud fed 1\.11 D Sn11th, Leskard and lastly what is said to be a Zulu Lomb, br<d and fed b) K1nrz Oeta\vaJo and 11npo1ted by Asa Choah , Esq }>ort Hope Mr \' 1lha11113' display ot 111eat rank.s a No 1 and would ba l1ard to beat 111 Citnada a. QLE'l:JSLD FROM OUR EXCRANC.ES "mes AND EXCHANGE BOUGlil fine E:::O I HOI FO!< McCLELLAN & CO. 38 BUTTER l~ND EGGS, And all other Prouuce taken at market DAMAGED f 1 Our Mm rn to sill the Best GooCl:s To aell them at tnen a.oiuai value 1 to t!ie consumer To sell only IPJoh Goods as we CB:~;AJ?. ---H- - - can rooommond, To please all who fa.vor u~ "\\>ith theit patronage , To represent our Goods only u wo belie> e them to be , Not to Ue bP.11 l of tho town tb1s tir rc 0 ular butcher& l th1s se sou made an exh1lnt of hve st ck wr wh hrrs been se cu"ed fur tht Chr1stn10..i; n1arket Th~ In conoeq11encP of the !ale fire the damaged part of the Rtock will he sold of! immediatel.:r at a great Om fuend, and cu,tome1s ma} look out for anuuals were youn~ and of fin e appearance The d1splav of n1eats at ti etr atore IS cer tainly a splendid one 1 n1cat being' e y t tstefn lly dresoed antl. I,:. t capital q nahty 'Iheu stcck of meats consist of 2 thorough bred heifers 2 ) ears old, fed oy Mr Jas ColaLott 2 Durhatn Cows, one fed by !Yir Robert Skmner .ud the other by !\fr Tno Colwell 2 very fine grade heifer· fed by Messrs J 1huRuddockandJoh11Chapman 2 grade steers fed b) !\fr J 1hn Foster 10 !';, H~t.ip fed by Squire Hunku1g 5 Betk slure Pigs lea by Mr Andrew l\'lcF cetera 5 SuU)lk p1gs fed bJ ,1\-fr Johu I1nck, and some of the best poult15 wo have seen this season The fresh n1eat b1 anch of l\.:les~ts Ly le & J\tlartyn's bnsniess is always well sto(_ keel and the prices are low.. Gn e the1n a call We offer special ba16ams m the Ready Made and 01 deied Clotlnng To sell the greatest quantity tna.t we can, w that with but a smMl magm of profit we ma,y Let Lrve" Come 11.Ild examme goods prices, and you Wlll find it ad vantage to buy for Oas} f El.LISON & CO. Bowrnanv1lle, Nov 2oth, 1879 ~Liva and 1 l'o 1he Ele1 fQt!ii of lhc l'o"\Yll!ih111 of JJarltllli{" 1on }1R R R CAWKER A choice assortrnent of meat.I! are exh1 b1ted at the stall kept by Mr R Cawker and the supply is abuna.ant v;ho favor hun with the1r patronage be well se1 ~ed I take tl11s method of ln foroung :5 ou that I an1 not a candidate for the ensuing year Proffering my Slneere thauks for past fa, ors, I re:riia1n Yuur obf'rhent se:r;vant, GENJLEMEN, SAMUEL L.' CORNISH / let others do the blowmg, wlule he will sell IR. J - s:rI Hl\fr vANSTO~E generally at price~ Rings & J ewellry as low as any other house m to Tyrone Dec 23ra 1879 -- Repairing d one at low ra_. REED'S. BLO CR~, KING ST. EAST.

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