Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1879, p. 4

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CA~ADIAN .STATE S1\1A N, BOWMANVJLLE, ~.;_- - - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 18'7 9. · ~ rterlinebetweeHl · t,18.<t .dl9 in on. ~when it. w ·tw in o ~('-.) by Mr. 1 nd reso1ved-tha!; the ,._un;. uf $20 1 p1·iated t,o tbe r ep:-d rs ,.,: n t be said ' I that John Cuthbnr.t be " comer t.o expend the same. -Reeve repurte<l ou behalf of the ttee app oint1~d t o examine the qual'between lots 18 and 19 in the lot follo ws :- "That in t he ,opinion of mruittee the cost of open iu g the td would be obuut $250 and your 'tee recommend thnt the necessary t-,aken to have -U1R said road open)cor<lanoe "rith the petition 0f Dean a.nd others. ..--~-1·e-ilstlal<'~ Whi tfield pres1· 1nted o,n account. for cedar timber and work rlone on the line between tho 3rd and 4th con opposite lots 17 o.nd 1.8. · Tufo Lattirnor brought . in and carried through a by-law to appoit1t polling places and deputy returning officCJ rs for the several polling sub.divisions in the township in view of the coming municipal elections . - The Reeve reported that he had pnrchaaed from llfr. Fluke 500 feet of pine plank for the repair of side walks. On motio n th o Reeve siirned orders on the Treasurer as follows ;.:_ JcJm Devitt,remittance of dog tax .$ 1 00 l as Brown for lVork don e on q uarter line in the 5th con . .. ... . .. _ J 75 l>'t Wilson remittance of dog tax 1 00 -ry~ ]\.'.fagill woi,-k on lVIan vers · 0 ~"f:l~~~t3J;fJ~~;!;·::;:~q:. · J r;f"Ji;l ~;uil::.._ .M 1 . T':Y'" I~·.'1 All-· ~ ·. _· (._:_~ ·;;{l · ..,~, ~~ ;\ ·u __ - ~-~j" !li!i!!!!l~ - ~ ~ : ·~ ,_J DURING THE XMAS WEEK WE _ WILL ToWN HALL, Cortwright, Dec, 1, 1879. Council met pursuant to adjournment -Members all presen t . Minutes of fortner meeting- read and confirmed. A circular was presen ted frou1 the Minister of Ed uca.tion re!i!pi:!cting ~ the Town- · ship boards ot School Trnstes, re~d a,nd ordered to be filed . ' ;T ohn De vitt and Robert Wilson applied tc\hav~ their d og tax remmitted on the . ground that they had killed their dogs. . · A communication from Samuel Grandy, , Esq., a commissiouer of the Manvers coun<.:il recommending the pny1uunt of Henry Magill of $19. 50 for work done on the llfan vers boundary. Edward Armstrong rppli ed f(' r remittance of taxes of a dog a"~· sot:d l.i hin1 in error ; also ~or cost of l. n : ~ sl·cr·p a~legedhavo been killed hy i 1 ogfl. which ~e - -. I8 79] ._,. [1879 Banking OF BURK & JONES. OF'};;-JCE . invites attention to his well selected and cheap stock of ·_ TIN G 0 D " iD R, -y- G- 0 No. 1 Ternperance St, AD VA1VCES MADE on personal and cullateral security. Uo.n sisting in part of Black and Colornd Cashmeres, Como 1md Empress Cloths, Grey Suitings, Lust res, Check and Plafo Wincies C'oths, Flannels, &c., &c. The aboye will be found splendid value. Ask to see the s T JlTN E W CA NA DI A N I£ 0 SI E Il Y.~ 1-18-~7 ·64. · AT- REED' S Bf,OCK . llowmanville, Oct. l ii, 1879.. NOTES DISCOUNTED. · R S -~-~ 5% interest paid on deposits of $4 and upwards. A CHO ICE STOCK. A carefully Reteded stock of the newest styles aI'd best qualities of Fal and Winter Goods 1rnty be found at DRAFTS ISSUED 1 on all branches of Bank of Montreal in Canada, .New ·York and London, England. Privat.e and Buil<l.ing Society Funds loaned on i·eal estate at best rates. JE FFE .. · · .~ ·· . -. .. ~ Merchant Ta,iloring EstabliRhment, 11.e~;/ doo1· lo JYJurrZoch Brns. OFFER . P ER'FECT FIT CUARANTE ED., BANK STOCKS, All kinds of Gentlemen's underwear, l;Ia~~;·· Ties, Collars, Handk'erBONDS, chiefa, etc., in great variety, DEBENTURES, JlTTRY A PAIR OF .FISKE'S SUSPENDERS ...,Ef and MORTGAGES BOUGH T AND SOLD. fNVESTME N TS MADE. Bo-wTnanville, Feb. 12, 1879, NOTESA1VDACCOUNTS COLLECTED. A choice variety of Tweeds, Cloths, Coating, 'l'rouserings, &c., &c., of superior quality, and at prices wh ich cannot fail to satisfy, rna<le in the latest f>tshions and a SP.:EJOI.A..L ·I N::DUO::EJ lVJ:E NT S - IN .- Call and examine my goods. Bowmanville, Oct. 15, 1879. 29.iy. JOS. JEI!'FEllY. 12-04. EXHIBITION IN BOVIJYIANVILL E I S AT , ; 11 Cuthbert 172 loads gl'avel.,.. 8 'r ustres of S. S: N <>" 1. .. .. . ..... 297 "'-dQ. do. ~ - 2 .. ....... . . ;;10 -. ~..- - --· ~ -... ·-3 . ... ....... 292 ___t.,_,,..'.- ":::.~ au. -do. do, 4 ... .. .... _.215 do. do. 5 ........ . . . 270 do. do. 6 ........... 308 do. 7 ......... ., 357 do. do. do. 8 . .... .... . . 298 do. do. 9 .. ..... . . . . 243 \Veoley l\fountjoy one · lamb kilied by dogs , ................... . .. 3 Henry Watson indigent aid to Mrs. Long head. ...... . . .. .. . . . . .. . 4 ....-,"'~P.daJe Whitfield cedar and work Ith con .................... JO c~evnolcls culvert on Gth con.. 2 ' t B, Spinks salary as Reeve . se~ccting jnrora .... . , ...... 27 , d Lattimor salary as D. Reeve 25 Taylor salary as C<>nncillor .. 25 Goggin salary as Councillor .. 25 Seymour salary as Conncillor 25 ·Lucas , baltuice ( 1f A n1ary as rk and selecting juro1·s .. ,. , .. 72 , Spinks, telegraphing. . . . . . . . 1 ~ittee of St. John's Church ,s for Town Hall .. . . . . . . . .. . 24 ·da'T ...... . ...... . ... . . .. 19 00 Armstrong i · she"p killed · -'" · . .. ' . .. .... . .......... 4 00 Armstrong remittance of -·· tax ..... ........ . ......... 1 00 60 00 58 00 ' I Crocke: ry ·' . - Eight per.cent. Mayer's F ur Establishment . vest ment where-you will find the best selection in Furn, and Gents' Furnishings. ' In In Furs, Seal Sets and Caps, only best quality kept . PluckC:. Otter in at par· and Caps, A 1. Russian Dog Gray Lamb, in great vari ety. Bal tic Seal and Astrachan Jackets; Sleigh and Buffalo Robes; Gloves, Im Hat~ ~ets an~ Wir1es, ,~\i:quors., 80 38 25 00 00' 2P 75 · , · and · · Fresh Meats. A SSOCl.A.TION OF ONT2\..RIO beg to dithe a ttent ion of invcstol'S tot.h o advantB.geH offered by tho Preference Stock of the Company as a particularly secm·e aud rem unerative invc1Stment. It represents m ortgages on Real Estate, which in no case exceed one-half its cash value. aud hns a first cla~n1 on the capit.111 of the Company to the amount paid i11 by the holders, and also on the profits to the e xtent of eight per cent. per annun1_ For further particulars a_pply_ at t he otncc of tho Company, ODDFELLOW8' BUILDING, LONDO~. or b~'· ma.il t o 1£DW ARD LE RUEY, 6Hf. Managing Directer. T HE Dll{ECTORS of the FINANCIAL rect itation Lamb and Plush Caps. . In Hats, th e latest styles and. largest stock always kept en ·band and prices from 50c. upwards, In Gents' Furnishings the best selection of 'ties, Sh irts and Winter Clothing. · · Rememl:ier the sign of the Big Hat, opl'osite F. Hendernon's Hokl. P ersons having Furs to repair should bring them in early, before the busy season commences. All kinds of J!'urs altered and repaired. Cash buyers preforred. · MARKT;!.,; 1'-IA YER . P. S.-Cash paid for Raw Furs. Bowmanville, September 16, 1879. 38-60 tf. 00 00 00 NO QUESTION ABOUT IT I 00 00 00 00 00 GROCERIES Alicante ·\iViue for 1\iedicinal Purposes. Teas bo~ght before the ,advance. Sugars as " cheap as the cheapest. ~. LADIES Will find al most everything in . the line of The New Fall Stock at MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS in 1ny present sto ck, which has been ren ewed by r ecent purchases. Having bought to advantage I can sell cheap. 00 25 00 McOLUNB ROS. I S SUPREME! Sandicam Port Wine for " Misc;i Sherry ·.: ' " " BERL.IN WOOLS IN ALL SHADES. Ottamans anQSlipver pa.tterns,a nico a ssort:inent. '.l'rinunlng Sllkg, Pl11n·es, J.'cntb c"' and 01:n11u1cnt~. H1otion the Council a<lju11rnecl . WM. LUCAS, Tp. Clerk. all who s11ifrr 'from the ~retions of :youth; nervous · '1.ecay 1 101n:i 0f manhood, - - ' :· " l RAISINS.-N ew Yalencias, New Layers, New Sultanas, Choice London Layers. CUHRAN'l'S.-N ew, in Barrel. a~1d Case. Bernard's Ginger " Hennessy :_Brandy " Brandy ,Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin. M~rtell's " " IT IS A CASH STOCK --A'I.- " Mme. Demorest's Patterns for ~Sale. Bonnets a nd flats alw a.~s in filQ..ck__ anrl · made to order. "' ·ecei pe lhnt will cure ' i\ ROR . !Ibis great l_i y a n11sa1011ary >d a ' elf·addressed ~KPH " " FEATHERS CLEANED AND DYED. ltre.<!!r.i ~ l'llakl n g tlone ft.llj 1ui1utl.. MRS. A. S. ANDERSON. Bowma11ville, August 28, 1879. POPULA_R PRJCES --Al'-- T. lN :i\IAN, 27-57. H.SELF.-1\fe.ny W. BHITTAIN & CO. "have opened out n. choice stock of McClung Bros. CA SH PRmCES. world, because expense in rnaking them ;eople. · 'J1hi~ is uot the case .ls G"NR.MAN SYRUP. Its ch every town r: 1 d :1.-"illnge io ;ti the lJ uited Stat e ~. Its wouJcccss in curir.5 Consu mpti. o n, . . onghs, Pnen1J1onia, .Asthma, and .!r disi~;u~~s of the throat and lungs, ,.......-£§ ~ ~ted\? known hy distrib uting e\'ery _ _..----year, for t hree years, over 400,000 bo ttles -, ---~~---·-to th e afflicted, froo of charye, by Druggists, No })UCh a test of 1nerit v.·as ever given before- l9 any other preparatiou. Go tu your Dru'ggiat an d get a bottl e for 75 cents Mid try it Sample hottles 10 cents. GOOD ...l\.DVIC:E.-Now is the tune ot year for Pneu1nunia, Lung Fever, &c. Every fain Hy should haVe a bottle of BosCHEE's GER~AN SYRUP . Donit allow for one ii,Q ment "that" cough t u lake hold of your child, your family or yourself. Consumpt10Il, Asthma, Pneumonia, Croup, JI emr or r;hages, and other fatal cl iseas.es may . set in. A!though it is true GF.RKAli 'SYJWP is curing thousands' of these ~reade4 djseases yet. it is much better to have , it i.t hand when three doses w i ll .cure y on · . One bottle will last your whole family ·a winter and keep you safe trom danger. If you are _ constimptive, do not rest until yon have tried this remedy. Sample _ bot tles, 10 cents. Regular size 75 cent·. Sold -. by y our Druggist. '\.: ,.___....-~· . 1- ·, 1)f1fun:l~lhe- ~ znuch usefu l Spices that are P.ure Indeed. ;N' ew Orange, Lenroi1 and Citron Peel. . . Irish Whiskey in Wood or Bottle. Scotch Malt. Labatt's Ale in 'food and Bottle. O'Keefe's Ale " " " " " Canadian-5 year old-Bourbon, Rye and ..._,..... TEAS, UROCERTES and PROVISIONS. in shops 3 a nd 4, l\'1a1·ket Squal'e, and are prepared to take . Also ·the usual variety of Sundries kept in a first-class G~ocery. .BUTTER, EGGS, PORI<, Etc., for which they will pay Dress Goods, Cloths, Clothing, M il linery, House Furnishings, Carpets, and a PART CASH and give due hills on W. ALEX A NDER'S for FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS. HIGHEST PRICE P AID FOR TAIL ORIN G DEPARTMENT. Some very p~·ofitable buying may be done in each of these departments -AT· " " " GOOD BUTTER! GOOD BUTTEIU r' _~ Bass',"Ale in .llottles and Guinness' Porter. FRESH MEAT. meat can be obtain ed till 7 from, Younµ; & Ca.wker's, by applying atp.m., W. JJ. (& Co's Store, BowmanvilJc, July l s(;, 1879. Thioss Rose China Tea Sets. Fluted Gold Line Tea Sets. fr- ·V·· ~ Fres~ McC ' lu ··ng Broth . ers JJ -P. _ or · c a· s·h.'-- . _ DON'T &<'ORGE'F THIS. ., .. ..,,.;: ; ·..~ Plain White and -Gold" Line Sets. LAST , BUT NOT LEAST! I. Durham Cow, fed by John · Colwell. I FRMERS, DON'T READ THIS 1 · 1 EACH DEP A RTlVIENT ABOUNDS IN JUS'l' WHAT l'OU WA.N'l'FORllA.RDTUl~. Much-that is attractive, Much that is new ' Much that is w ell pleasing, A nd everyt a· g lS · un ' bly Cheap. · d:en1a . Bucklcn's A.rnica Snl"\·e. . The DE$1' SALVE in the w orld for Cuts, Bruises, Sor~s\ Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Cha:i;>ped: hands, C 1ilblains. Corns, and all kiz:i.ds of Skin Eruptions. Th.is Salve :is guaranteed to ' give pcrrect satisfaction in every case or money re· funded. Price 25 cents per llox. l<'or sale by Wm" Woon, Oshawa., also R. Fothergill NewNastle J E - T .A.. T E:i PractlcalWatcJuualie·.Jeweller,.tc., J\'Inustache Cups and r~· Sa~cers. " l\J otto Qups ;tnd Saucers, ; 11 · .J i _; ,ut · . ·; ~ " lleifer, Jed by ,R,obert Skinne1·. riJ'B, Uro n ~hit~. ~ay ll-"ever, ~on enmp Jdon, , l!->Stl :r;f voice, twk-1.ibg in the throa ~. or a ny affect wn - / · - - - .. -~ne "lhront or Lungs, use D.tt. . .K1}.~g's NEW 0 ~ .,Jr.· "'."~~· RY fo r Cousum p tion. This is the great ~if you are suffering ·with a Cough , Gold,-Asth- Chan1.b.erw_ a re and. a general variety in the Crockery ,_.. , . -' 2 Thorough-bred Heifers, 2 years old, fed - by J as. Collacott. I Grade Hejfer, fed _ by John Chapman, Clarke. 1 Grade Reifer, fed by . John Ruddock, r _ ~ ~-:.~ ...... ~J~~;E?i"> ~hatjar.ausin!l eo m11ch exciLen1 ent by ,fJ'.!~~o cui 'IC:.f;, cu.ri?g thousands of hop~. i sS'\.· _ :tf' l'> S Over one· u 11ll1.011 bot t.ll~s ofDR.KTNG s ~Jis"Covll:RY- h~·.pee n m:1ed wi~hin t,~~ la.st vear~' and have g_i,_ven,. rie.-foo~ ~t1sfact1on ~n e veL'f instn.nce, W~ can unhes1tati11gly say that this is really the oh ly sure cure for tl1roat and ung uffeotions~ P~nd . can chee1·folly .rccom~ pnd --~to all.- 0-d.'Il ::.nd get a trial bottle free: of cost -a r~nlal' size -for $1.00. For sale by Wm. \V .· ooJl, Osh awa, also R. Fot.hergill, Ncwcnstle, NKw ..a:rlii iin~ . . . a continuance of the same, and letUng yon now Lhat I _ h ave got a large stock of Clocks, W~tches Jewell ery, &c., of the best q uality t h at can h e bought,, w h ich wi ll he gold c heaper b;r a big odds tlrn.11 you can buy elsewl1ere; I will also carry on t.he manufacturi ng of the same . All repairing entrusted to llte will receive st.rict, at. tention and best skill hith erto unatternptctl jn this part. of the cormtry, as you will see by some of my certificates from soine of the largest ahoJJM in Canuda and tho Unit.cd States, ·which I have had practical experience in. I a1nconlldent l.hal a11y that will fa.var 1ne wit.ha call will be 111ast,er ' of the situation. \-V·c take pleasure in recommeruli u g J. B . ' l'ai as a first class workn1an, haviug workell for us for a lonlo( time, during which _ h e 0.id a ll our fine and diillcultjobs. a nti we rnust. sa.y tha.tw11li<f,\-'0 never hall a chance Lo fill his place -.;vith a in ore )ll'actical "'.:atchn1a.kersince . He i s competent of doi ng t.11e ti ncst and difficult watch-repl!lidng that can Uc done in Can~L<lH- or the T Jnited S1;ates · He "is about tl1 e only one that holds :fi1-st-cla11s testimonials. A, & J . KLI7.EH, Toronto. cnsto"'"" fur their"""' 1avoro. hoping 10 merit Takes thi s n1et.hocl of t ha nldng his " r iumerotis -· __._,...__._ Novel Designs, New Ideas, Pleas-:ing Feathers, Great Improvement in this diversifie<J stock of ,__ ;__·-· McCLlJ NG BROS ·and CA8H gives qomplexioii to the whole. SPECIAL " SHOTS/' lN D R.ESS GOODS ! . SOMETHING "AWAY DOWN" IK TWEED SUJTES ! :BARU,AINS MO S'l' " CDMFOR'l'ABlfE" JN OVERCOATS ! CA,RPETS .F'l'r FOR · LORNE ! _ AND SOMETHING GOOD F OR. 1'JVER\' llODY / . . Consu111 ption Curetl. bad placed in his hands by au East I ndia nnl:!sionn ry the formula of n sin1p!e vegetableremedy. for the speedy antl permanent CW'C· _,f or ... the speedy and p0r manent cure for Consun1ption, Bl·onchitis. Cata.rrah, .A shma, ?-nd all Throat a nd_J,un g-_ Att"ections.-al_ s o a positive and radicnl c_ute for Nervous Debjltty nnd all ;\lervouS Dom-p laints, u.(ter having tested its wonderful ~ur~ tive powe rs in thousands ot. c 11ses, h~s felt it h1s d ut.y to n1nk.e it known to his sutferin~ fellows. ~"-cL·;,tllted by this n1otive a n d a desire to relieve h uu mn sutl'ering, I 'viH sen cl fre e of cl:'tard e tq. all v.-ho dosireit, t his receipe, in German.French r Ellglish. wit.h full directions for preparing and u sing. Sent, by n1ail by addressing . wU.b st.ump naming U1ie pa.per, '\V. "\V. SHI·~.KAR, J.J9 Po-.;·,re~a' Block Rochester N . Y_ 64-13w. ,i-_,,_ '"- .An old physician i·etircd fr 01n pra{)ft~e,-.h~Yil)g Clarke . 2 Grade Steers, fed by John Foster. Lam}1s_~ in..:.Great~Yariety. ! 10 Head of Sheep, fed by Squire Hunking. 5 Berkshire P~gs,Jed by Andrew J\'IcFeeters. ··-=--··-- - - Chimneys of alrSizes and Shapes. Glass T ea ·Sets, Comports, Glass Bonds, Goblets, Wine Glasses; etc., etc., etc. 5 Suffolk ·Pigs, fed by John Trick. Sausages made by Lyle .& Martyn. A gro.ccr >v110 had a lit,tJe time to atudy hu - roan n ature, -wrote£'. note to seYeral parties se leet e<l for the occasion, to the effect that he had l o.st his account, books, 11.nd 1 uu1:1t depend upon their honor l;u c all and give !n the balance against them. One of then1 replied tha.t he pre· sumed he owed J..hree or four dollars. ,v_h en the booko; showed t:h fl4;J:/.:l owed twent y:eight .dolIa.ra · another t,hought tlw.t there unght be a n o· ,:;slble balance aga.iust hjm though hP, ha..d , been very careful t:o pa:r ca1'h iiowu, .apd Yet h1s ' 'a cco11nt was fou rh~en d.olJ.a.rs a nd over. On,t of t'\velv c or fourteen c,ustumera, Lho g-r"lcer fouud Ttl:I who rep~ied thaL he owed three dolla.ra ond ·l\ty cen t ?,'°beihv. iii\ y c~nts t oo n~uch. Jl1;: ··11iite to e<tch th a t he h arl f.,untl .aJs tocks, lt statement of uroount, r.uJ. :! t; 1he1 iuto the store one at. a t1n1~. C:.tch shook hands ~nd remarked, "I kno~v of your jokeJ. of cou:rae, so I tl~ongh L ·,.,o vou .a nh;:i.nca to play it. ~~~e.a~ j '1.'o u.·Jwtn it niav Conce1·n: r 11his is to certify t hat J. B . ·rait has \vo r kcd thojcwclr~' h ubincsH,anrl I 've think tl1at he is com_Pctent of doing any jub that ma.y come un_ d er his notice, Y 01lrs trul~-. H, µtESTEilTuIAN", New Havcu, J . B. 'l'ait worked for n1e three years, during w hich thne ho gave me :first-cla.s1:3 satisfaction, both in t he repa.irinf:l' or watches, clock s and jewelry. I can r ecommend him to any person having a nything to do in his line. Yours truly, J. H . JOKES. 'l'errehaut, lndlana. 'l'his is to certify t hat J. n. ·rate is a first clnss ' watchnu1.k er a n d jeweller. He worked for inc l8 montln;, a n d did Lh0 n1ost di fflcult jobs in t he \ Vay of watch andjev,relry r eµa iring. YOl!l'S, R. CHONC!!::, Pittsburg. I take pleasm·e i n r~ commending J.B. 'l'ato ru:i a fii·st -class wH.tcJunaker, as he has ·worked for Jn e, and 11roved to he n good workman, Any one giviug bi1 u a job >vill prove him the san1e. Yours truly, H. SHOAf\ AJl eghany, for us fo_ r two years at Call and take notes (bank notes) and sec what casl1 can do when at war with credit. 1".l.cCLUNG IlR.OfS. 10 30-29·62. ... . 'Il L l JOHN McMURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of POULTRY in Great Variety. Sign ol t.ltc Big \'1,-a h_·h ~ Klug Street., Bowman-ville, .A.ugusl; 27, 1879. .:S7-tf. CALL AND SEE _ OUR DISPLAY A. N D OBLIGE Bowmanville, Dec. 11, 1879. 1., ,·.,Kl'1l1ln1ts ,, [ f:; 2 ~ I<> $lU ,~ O i). C"lrc·11",., wltl 1 (u , I rxJ>l t.nft l l e>llshow :lll c 11n 1111<:""" " in KIOC'k l10a 1;11;;R,fl·nl lt·<i fr""· I. GOQi) PLAN. C'1 mbiH!nr; nn,\ <>pornti T'r,: I'1~ny"n\1· ··~ ft ~~;1(! lnf~ l~~·.~:i =-~~1 ~.';:~. e~·-~,\:~~~~;~~~: ~·~ [,'J~e"J'!;: ~\1.;, ~;~ i,t~ LA WllENCit k C0 . ~l l ;ro11cl St ret t. New') c. 1tc. a 11-fonth and expenses guaranteed to ~\.gents, Ottttit frco. SttAW & Co. , Augusta, 1\'Iainc. ,A.ugusta~ $77 · $777 A Y~AR o..nd expenses to A ents.Outfit free. Address P. o . Maine-. YIC~ERY I GROCERI ES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c., &c. .All kinds of farm produce taken in exchange. Bowmanville, October 1, 1878,

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