Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1879, p. 1

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Postage Prepaid by the Pubhshe 1· TERMS $1 50 per Annum or $1 00 if paid m Advance SELLING OFF! ROME FRIENDS vh le w th n1e n l' 1 oy I Unot deta. n "' C. BoUNSALL, P ROPRIEIOR 1879 58 Lf FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY! - - - - - =- - - - Ha\ ms gi; en J 1) the n anufactu1 mg of Boo s ard h o s to OJ de" I will m the futuie keep my stock" ell supplied with goods of fast class quaht,Y bot] m Harn] £ m d Muclnnc M tdc Goeds PRO BO 0 PUBLBCO! time ke·p MRS DONNELLY FALL AND WINTER GOODS , ~vhwh ha\e been pmchased \81' 10>1 the whole of which will be sold at the closest h vu g p1 ces poss 11 e ' or N B- Repa11 ng neatly and prnmptl y done Rerncmbe1 the Post Office Block Don t fo1get to gn c me a call STRAW AND FELT JHATS UJ I AN I D AND If.El UUED F BORLAND. 61 IN ALL rHE LAIEWI SIYLES Hon u1an ville 61 t! MONEYTOLOAN A C O N~ I DEUADLE _B_ fn ds ha s bee n pl c ed n ny hands for SUM OF private new stock intc cat tern s to s it borrowers a.t the 13\\ est rate of nvestn ent on Far n Property for long or short \.pply to D BURKE SIMPSON H-60 THOMAS BINGHAM, Fire, Life, Marine, Ac c1dent Insurance Agent Nothing but First Clafs panics reprerentcd mutes his old customeJs and the publi c geneially to C111 and mspect h is It is complete m e> e1y depa1tment and is admitted by ~rnvellers to be 01 e of the la1gcsl an l best asso1 ted stoclrn m th e Domm ~on Gcods mall lmes ha.e been selected >11th great care ti is season m the Eu10pean Mai ket bv myself and o e pronounced b , corni ete1 t Judges to be of a vc1 y supenoi cla.ss Our stock waR neve1 so complete b efoie and we ai e detern med to sell cheap A. KLER thaa cold her no apology NOY AN KEJ:C l ~U 1YJ:I-{UG . We mean busmess and will not be 1 nde1sol l l: y any catcl penny Come along then fne1 ds with the cash and I\ c will convmce you that no Jew 01 Gentile can under seJl us Notes from a Teachers Journal \CONTINUED) AAR O N BUCK L ER, Sign of the Watch, King St Dec 18th -- ifil{[))ifllllllf ~@l ~Q.&lif at t he lowest ? ate of utterest Office la tel! occup red b! Jl1· BEICil It.Ing St, JJonmanvillc Bown a.n le Aug ist 1 187!1 n3 ly NEW GOO - -- o--- ~l WHYWfAR SOGKSWITH SEAMS wb; J'Oll ( 11]1 '\Cthf:Ul'\,,th .. , t KENNED"}' 'S I LAJ\:f PS, 1 KNITTING FACTORY vhere all k nds are made of both BURN lL'-A lrJ'I I--=>"'--.. & \.;~ 0 Fl I l\1 ~TEYS, · .A.. '1' COTTOl>l AND n all colors Also custom \ ork of ho e n ade ya n don.a too der ocks and Stockings Refaotcd U1uttu1i; lllacJuncs Cot· Sale, inst ucUon" tree I I l ?J 1 ONECAR O F' COAL BOWMAN VILLE OIL~ B extra fire proof, o:---- Just _received, at McKAY & MILNE', CAPITAL PAID lJP, -._HEAD OFFICE llU.ilOHES TORONTO 01 IL LIA Con oRa BowMAI'!VILLE I 1 - rEas A SPECIALTYn ~--~: o: ---- C l OsHA wA, \\rHIT.BY Uxnn.IDGE A CHOICE I 01 OF NEW lh s Bank in add tionto ransachngthcusua banking business offe a to the public all the ad va tageB o a So.i; 1ngs Inst tut on with these ouritv of a. large paid up capital by the means of Q. SA VIN GS DEP Ail'l'MENT Interest allowe 1 on all deposits of One Dollar and upwards a.t the ta.te of FOUR per cent ann n Depos tors can v tbdra.w e tl ertl e whole of any part of their deposits a.t a.ny time without prev ous not ce Special rates of nterest allowed upon deposits w1th not ce of w thdrawal A1ner1can Currency and S Iver taken on de post Dra(Ls g anted yayable in Gree.tBritatn Uni t<>d States and al patrs of Canada <>ii. Tea Sets. Stone Tea Sets, Glassware, &c, at McKAY & MII·NE'S 54 DD 8 poste «Deposits can 1 e em tted b) ma 1 address to the Dominion Dank{ eg stP.red) hen. nall ase a. P&.<ff1 Rook rece pt will be sent by return Tl ey re done drodgmg tne Port Hope harbor for th a seas r saddiery hardware advanced pt ices Jn C HARNDEN , L. D.S., a d U\te of t he Royal Coll ege of Dental S rn geons 0 tar o O HICE OV] H ALEX.A.NDEHS STORE uor D F TLLING \ SP.IWIALTY CHEMIST AND DR0GGIST, EGS RESPECTFULLY ro AN C H I L D llEN S - -NT JS TR y · DE DYE STUFFS L WORK WARRANTED ~ , h ch cannot be su 'Passed for excel en y Rl GS TEE I H I :\ Ol NCE that h e has rece1 ed a well as sorted stock of Genulllc Drugs and Pure English Chen icals \.lso a splendid stock or tl e most ca efulh selected B I quality An assort nent of .Aruilne Dyes kep ~~is~0~y on hand together Wlth o. choice se CHEMICAIS PATENT MF.DICINES BRUSHES COMBS SHOULDEH BRACES SUPPORTERS &c PAINTS COLORS or OHS H T E ETH °" ITBOT T TEIU'H K..-i!' At the very lowest prices N VARNISHES and WHITELEAD IlEAUTIFUL HORSE AND CATTLE vantW?"eous terms MEDICJNE GOLD F ' ILLIN GS. "'-· ti:Sicial 'J.'e etb SI R TE D AT A MODERATE FEE B - Country Storepeekers snpphed on nd MARR I AGE LICENSES ISSUED BY The Magnet1con appliances ar e sent by post or express to any address on receipt of price ADDRE~s. f eeth Extracteil ¥i ithout P am J ;I BRI MAC OMBE L D WR CLIMIE, At hIB res lence King THOS. J . MASO N, l 251 GHURGH S'l: REET TORONTO 3139 thevwent cot stantly st. East Bov;manv lle Bo,,m&n;l)le Nov112 1878 Bowmanv1Jle, September 4, l 879 went from

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