CANADIAN STATESMAN AND MERCHANT, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1876, ~----:o:-- --- The subscriber, 111 consequence of the late fire has te1mined to CASE PRICE, 9 cts CREDIT PRICE, 11 cts 121 " " " 10 17 20 $115 I 1 Off his Whole Stock. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, m order that he may reopeu at his old stand with a stock entirely irnw. The stock now held needs no exaggernted puffing to commend it public approval, but is known as one of the tirge~t and best selections of Staple and Fancy D1y Ggoods ever placed before the inhabitants of this town and neighborhood. \\ 01 Lhy of 11ot10P, and much rnorc so t1~ an I $100 ~m tect I Chemicals ..Also, a splendid stock of the 1nost ' ar efully selected RESPECTFULLY TO AN B EGS :\OUNCE that he has rcoencd a well as stock of Genuine Drugs and Puie Enghs.h DYE STUFFS· NEW GOODS 1 This 1 ·will be st ictly adhered Editors of Newspapers lectlo11 of Dll LGSI CHEJ.TICaJ.s, whwh cannot be f'l!lrJl.'H1sed for P.:xcellenov o JUahty . .\.n assor(1rn-mt of An.Llme l)):es kep eonsto.,ntly on hand, tngcther with a chmce se Om Stock is one of tbP b<'st hncs of to, a,nd only six months I PA~'lcN'l 'vV ATCIIES, , to PLATED \V.l\RE, should do the wo1 k. to tlo it by practwe have fences to paint, one of your boys Let him loaon" h NE\V CUTLEHY, ! nnd l'lllUES \'111 be to ,mt ever) pcrnon as I be disappomtcd, a,s a.ll nxust be Rold AARON BrCKLETl September 30th 1376. oJo. ave age accounts. Accounts now due must be paid. OILS, P,UNTS, COT.ORS, VAHNI8IIES anil VVJII iiJ!f At l11e "l'er:v low,.~t prices. JIIEDICINES,I B!l]JSHES, co ;ms, ,- SHOULDER BRACE S, !SUPPORTERS, &e , &e EA HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. 9 tf A11' early call is respectfully solicited. In the Field Again! open for sale on Corner of King apd Division streets. painting a.nd sa' e the expense. men wl10 are con1pelled to be econom1ca.l 1n these times Pa.1ntersJ "" r. --- F. Y. COWLE. Real Estate for Sale: THOMAS PATERSON. has com1ncncod \Yorl'- again on lus O\vn uco:ount · and has opened a BRADBURY 1--:3 (rj i;:j [<.<> P:1 1--:3 .,,... (D T_ a. trial :Irioney save<l u1 this way is n1oney earned I uuce knew a ~oung lady who bought her w~1tling dress with money her father gave her for pa1nhng the mside of his house. !She ·was not too proud to do it, and to .. day she hves on a fine farm, and paid for from her labor aa well as that of her husband. EATTI~G- 0 ~ 0 ~ s 0 '-<1 p .,,... 0 f!l. Begs most respectfully to inform his Customers and the Public O'enerally that he intends closing his business at the old stm e, ~ear the Mill, on Thursday, the 24th inst., and ·will re-o 1rnn at his old stand in Reed's block, on or before the 1st of September, 1 abont which time he hopes to have a good portion of his hand, which[will he found :Fall Stock~to , " ?: H 0 0 Dll H ~ H p; rn ~ '" 0 ~ ~ 0 ,., ct> ct> <1 ct> 'D oz. l> ~ p :;:I ;:::.. c-t- ct> <1 ::::;.. ..... 0 0 ct> ¥ -EVTL , ' ...A~'J¥B, ...A..O~IVE:i _¥ , -- ~ z rn ~- ,., ~ ;::;, rt .,,... ct> c-t.,,... Cl> .,,... cR"# .,,... ct> w and CHEAP for A DRUNKEN FARM. 0 AS ~ :a:_ DRUGGIST I Time, Idoney and Labor Saved. I F,Ja.EN'CJBl: 9 c;j ~ - I c::1 ~ .... .... ::::;.. ct> 0 0 ct> ,., rt Bo"manville, August 22, 1876. OIL 1PdE.ISH r 1 ct> ~ s s i::... .,, ~ ~ ,.... ;;, w .... 00 D. C,HElvfIST STOTT, AND DI< '>.LER IN ~ ::t. .,. ' (;i- .. p .... c-. ct> 0 I" :;:I p w 0 ~ & ~· ::::;.. ~ ;:::> TOW.N HALL BJILDTNGS, BOWJYIANVILLE. ~ 't (') I" s ([) Druggs, Medjcines and Chemicals, l)y.e Stuffs" Patent Mecl.ic111es, PPrfun1ery, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Paints and ~ ;:; ""' "' ~ ~ "" ~ ;;, p o,, rt ~ MCSIOAL OONSRRV ATOliY ) m; "' s· p.. AR E U N E Q 'G .A. L L E D F 0 R ct >-' Oils, Brushes, Coal Oil, and Coal Oil Lamps, &c., &c. PYYSICIANS' PHESCRIPTIONS CAREFcLLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORRECTLY ANSWERED. 802 B1mulv1- n..,, :!'\. y ; ThesB Prnnos n1ust tnko the lead of all kno" n lll8Lruments and their peoubar con&tr ut.d 1011 reudtirH th.em b~ far the most Q.urable and !he less liable to get out of tune. ' EtJGI!:NE J. lli<IERUI.AM Sn10e the !late oft his "Oncert the :tfathushck b,asbeenmyravorito J J\Y'\V.ATSON Fresh paints, repans, in1provements, gave way to guod chet:lr and beauty for the faru1er's throat. Outside rnatteis "er ti i he same The barn· yards \~eie wretched stys, the doors \\ere off, the roofs were leaky, the gates down, the:uar ts crazy, the tools btoken, the fodder Bearce, n.nd the stock poor and wretched N oglcct, cruelty, wastefulness, rntn-all had come from drink. The faun showed the tntil of the same serpent '11he strr1.gghng and tu1nbled stone l\alls, the rickety fences, the weed·grown fieldB, the spar,ge · h, · Q f T Olle an d B eauty Q f F' P Urlty lfllS W·tsonHCunservat<>ryofl\fu<>c New York Jfffr Fai n><Jrs and Physicians f1 "'" the Ooimlff11 idl.l fintl o " Sto, k of .'1Ied1cines com of the best quali&lj, '""""=""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"""""'"""""'""'""",..,..,........,,...-....,,.,,.......,.,,,,.,,..,....,,,,,,=,,,.,..,....,.,.,,.,,,,,.. j ~Y No money wonld tempt rno to 1Hn1fsh ft' It -~ hom~ U SCnLTLRR { Mathushok s11per1~l ;thers ll. lYioLLE?IH.A~ER, Xew York .Mathushek has in rea.Uty taken a step in ad vanco of a.JI makers of Pianos :in the wor. r1 J G. SHAW, Musical Cnt10, b!ltHloga ___,,,,___ Every buyer should see our stock of It is my intention on the above date to wind up the longwinded eiedit system, and sell onlJ for CASH, or its equivalent. rt." mo1tgage instead of a coatn1g of ferhhze.c; s oth uistt.i<td of l,tbor, unthr1ft in the place of Cale, ctnd dmnoralrzation 111 hen of system r_rho far1u \\ LS d11Ul!...-bhghted, and ad'\ ert1~ed 1ts condition i.\S plau11y as its O\~ uer did" htin be came rceln1g hoinc from the town Ouo of the moat 11npress1ve tcmpe1ance lecture&, for young f,trrners es pee ally, is ,i goud look at a drunken farm. STA PL EJ _ GOODS. Every l;myer should see our stock of ' H 1equires no argument to establish that it is to the advantage of both buyer and seller to trade for 1eady poy; the buyer thereby getting goods at LOWER PRICES, and the seller berng saved from loss Ly bad debts. We think TbeHe are broad assert1on~. bu.t. eap :il1lo :proof They a1eunlike11.ny otho:!' in co118tr:u1J ti on, all th~ir 'J)ecu1iar1trnH are points of e:>::cpJlence Then illustrated unrl deBcupth o c.Lta logue, wlnch we send frco bu any add? ~ss Px pliuns conclnsn oly, jn ho.rm on:; wt th aconstkt:t untl 1nA1.:h,tn1cs, a F that ht cla1 urnd tor the ll'lath ushek _:: · 'l'horo are t'1lOtUJa.nds of hHIJI?Y o·wnc1s o! M\lsh8kR willing to ce1 t1f> to their snpcrior exeellenoe. We havei room lrnre for but a few biH'f extracts then all parties will concur in the wisdom of tlus change on our p3 1rt. Fancy Dress Goods. Every buyer shm'llcl sec our stock of Our goods will heroatter he, hou,;l.L foi CASH only, we and t ... ~ "' shall thereby reap the advun'.uge of l.ngc Lradc discoun fs, which advuntage N.ww YORK, Oot 28, lSG\" awcotcat e1n.l:.(1ng- bJrds, or those of tho fin~st h1..1man ~owe . than any instrumeutal notes l evor hoa.rd \.-Ve are delighted 'v1th our fnstru mcnt Mu.y you bo ble"'6ed \\:1th g1ea1 a n<l de: acrrod auecess. Yuu10 trl'ly. 8PENUEn L Frrilll EY, P!tstor 2nd Pres'b. Chtnch, Pr1n.oeto1i., N ;f -Golden Rule DIDN'T STAND THE TEST. A. young man read 111 the Led9er a fc.,, s a.go thn..t if vou wanted to find ont if the won1an you have sfdecterl for your futn1 espouse has a good ternper, you vught to tali::e occasion to step on her dress, or snap the st1cka of her fau, or in some othe1 way a.nnoy or discompose her "lf," said the great authority who presides over the colnmn of adv1co, "if she betrays no signs of 111 ten1per she will prove a model wife." ~<\._cci rdrugly the young man s01~ed an opportunity when lus sweetheart Vias rigged out n1 her most killing array to step on her trml and pulled out about three yards of gathers, with a rip hke rnmbhng thunder, exp osing three quaiters of the fra1ne work that makes her dress stick out behmd. But mstcad of mcctmg the accident with perfect cf]_uan11n1ty, she tnn1ed ronnd and J"bhed her parasol into Ins eye, called him a 11u1k.. headed leopard, and asked hun why ht1 duln't wear his feet sideways. He expresses himself as thankful that he didn 1t iua.rry the f:,'1.rl before finding out wha.tsort of cl1stcmper she had da~ ------··· ------- 11e are determined to give to our_i!_!!_o;l_ l)rnBls. P11rJ 1cs pu1chasing from us may therefore depend upon getting good, at least ten per cent. cheaper BLACK LUSTRES. buyer should see our stock of thnn under the old plan, Our stock wilt this Fall be rnore rnpleLe tlm1\ ever, and a still higher class of goods will be kept We therefore guarantee the weatcst instrun1ent to load LI.HJ funp;1ng in a S. $ 011001 nothing ca.n exool it Thfl tone is so.ft ond full. 1 ho bass isfgra.nd, and when 600 '\: oice8 nrc aing1ng together, the Piano can be d1st1nct}J: h oard. S J .flt;){TRR, Pa..stor, "'" ARRING KENNEDY, Superintendent S :\.::UUEL FRISBY, 1\-Iuaica.l Oonduotoc, ·~ ~ .t.tlfJ 1 ELM ST '\V M $ ~(HOOL 'l'oronto "\\ e have grcQ.t pleasurA in stating thnt aa au sati,foction to all who may favor u, with F'ancy Woolen Goods. Every buyer should see our stock of The following lines "ill be found foll Every note rings out clear ns a hell Ready-made Clothing, Cloth>, Tweedo, Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls, Skirt(, Cottono, TVzncey(, Blankets, Biijfalo Robes, &L,&c. CENJS'1 AND SHIRTS - ' " ~ ~ It ha.B grven my familyithe very lughcst faotion R.Ev JOHN BREDIN, Darrrn. suns MILLINERY Goods Remember made to 01de1 in city stylos, on sh01t.-st not~co F_ ErILL ~ , Murdoch Bros is tho place to buy your GOOD WHirEWASH \\.,.1 1en 011 p a111t cannot be affordtJd fot fenc?s and ontho1urns. a good whitewas~ Remember II look well and be durable The fol lowing -;\a~h 1s excell~nt Take a clean barrel that "ill hold waler w M urdocll Bro's is the place to buy your Coffees. PRICES. Agrajfe, 7 Octave, from Bro's is the place to buy your 1\ood-wo1k Add sufficient water to bring it to th(;) cons1steucy of tin ck wlutel\ ash. To make the abo' e wash of a pleasant crcf1n1 color, 3 lbs. yellow ochre For fawn color, add 4 lbs. umber, l lb Sugars. One Box of' Cl:u·J.e's .B 4J l?il.lio;. ' $300. Remember- Murdoch Bro's s the place to buy your Bible Society Depository. CROCKERY Murdoch Bro's is the place to buy the BEST and OHEAPEST Goods kept. in town. ' EASTO~'S ~Town and DOHENY BLOCK LINDSAY. Bowma:nville, J ul , Hall Buildings, Bo·.vanville. Vl76 - j