Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1876, p. 3

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' CANADIAN STATESMAN AND MERCHANT,-BOWMA.NVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1876. Stl·ayed. ~traye d 8. 1\IASON 3 lambs, fl'om tb.e premises of th" subscriber, 58heep~2e \\'esand . NEW STORE TRELEVENSI I I :about 2m on thsago, e ac'h nH~rl(ed ·with a nick ou t of Uie under p art of the ear. .r\.ny pel" l:l on gl-\.'ing h1 forn1ation that _ w ill lead to the r ecovery of tbe sa._ rr1e , -.- ill bo hanctson1ely re·wa.rded . WM. GORRlLL, Orono Orono , Oct ., ..!t h 1876. 10-.f.i n - -has received-- NEW GOODS I L· CORNISH p1·emi ses where he has opened out a large st ock of the best goods to be found in the country, conslsting of HIS FALL STOCK - of- Notice . WE W ILL PAY AN EXTRA P RTCEFonCHOICE IlUTTER. One Thou sand packa ges wanted o.t once. H AS RE:aIOVED INTO HIS NEW G-OODS, - which he will sell- WATCHES, CLOCK S, CHAINS, JEWELLERY, F ORKS, SPOONS, ELECTR O-PLATED WARE, &c ., &c. , &c. All of which are new, d ean, and will b e sold at lowest p rices. More good s to arrive. Call and see our stock, and learn prier.a befor purchasing elsewh ere. "'°No t-roublti to show goods. (6) B o"' man ville, Sept. 27, 1876. ' Vo a lso vvant a ny number of. choice YOU NG FAT M OGS at on ce. And isder BRI TTAlN BROS. Bow man ville Oct. Z, 1876. {10-tf) Cheaper than any House in Town. T h e PHYSl~IAN'S Rf Mf DY DR. BIRNBAUM'S ! ARE i· ---o--- p h ysician. I f the opinion of. 16 L EADI NG PU YSICI.A.NS of l\.Iontr ea.l is considered w ortl1y of confidence, you wlJl t r y ' '"\li'J[T HEN you arc ill and don't know how _ 't' f to get over it, yo u generally send for you r CASH AND · CHEAP GOODS 1-IAVING d to continue to sell at the ruinously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. Why h e can do it-First, he buys for Ca.!;h and knows j ust how t o· buy. Second, what h e .can't buy' chc<J;p ·enough, he manufactures. Third, ·he is satisfied with small pro:fi,ts. F ourth, he. sells for C:l.ilh; . Fifth, he sells at bott om prices. C.AX..X.. '.A:t'.T:O !SEE F'C>:R. Y'C>'URSEX..VE& - A ND- AT THE CENTENNIAL - -'X' EC ~-- THEIR EFFECT! B R I N G. YOUR .F R I E N D S W I T H YOU. Exa mine tho stock, w hich com~rises ~evnrything in t11e t rade, of the very lat est and m ost ele,g ant at,yles a nd :patterns , of Engh s h, ·Canadian. and ..Am1ffican manufacture. He still continncrs to manufactur e to order, from the best of m a terial, nnd non e but first-class workm en ke:pt. · . . . . . _, - -o- - R heuma tism & Gout Remedy-, Higl!est~ric~ pai~ . fQr_ B_utter_a~dEgg~ 'l 'o the efficacy of vlh ich those 16 physicians liav e cerLified for the cure of " DOMINION" - RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWARD I International Medal and Diploma F O R THE Orden ' Promptly , Eccecyted, . and .GooiJ. Fits .G1J:'!:ra_ nteed. ONE DOOR ,\\TElj'.l' OF EXPRESS OFFIC:E. R HEUMA TISM, NE UR ALGIA, LUMBAGO, GOUT, Sl'IFFNESS IN JOINTS OR LIMBS, SPRAINS, FROST BITES, CHILBLAIN S, . . B RUISES, cu·rs, BVRKS, WANDERIN G PAINS, &c. side.red, on this continent as well as in Europe, t.11e only reliable remedy for all Rhe umatic a t"fhc.fac simile sJgnatures of 16 lea.ding physicians of iVIontreal are on each bottle ne a. guar~ a ntcc of its a.fflca cy. F or .sale by a ll druggists a t 60 c ents and $1 per bottle, Certifica.tos of physicians aro on cuch bottle, and can be h a d a.Jso by applying to CHARLES MARTIN. Mp:i;:i. treal, Sole Agent for Cano.do. ·and U . S. f~cti ons . U 1om~m.nds S. MASON. Bowmanville, October, 1876. NEW H e h as in stock an e ifdless variety of La.dies' and- Gents' Saratoga. Tru n}IB, "\1:allses1 etc. , all of w hioh he is selling ch eap for ca.sh . _ . .Remember the Stand. ' ' BIG BOOT" drawn by two Horses, KING STREET, BOW MANVILLE. Fall Goods I W. McMURTRY invites the attention of the public t o his present st ock of D o,·; manville , October 2n d, 1876. M. TRELEVEN. .Tt h as cured several of these physicians and of other s in Ca.'lada., a nd is no w .con· ALL AR:Fil INVITE,D to call at the NEW GOODS! ' just received for the fall trade, which he offers at such prices as must command . public attention. BE-ST REED ORGAN nrl N nrT H E ~w 0 R L D ! .I I Elephant Hou s e BOWMANVILLE, One of the T estimonials. From Dr. Duncan li.fcCa llum , 1\.iont.r eal. If the undersig!led, .have been suffering vern y, m u ch for the last t-wo years fro m R h1: m matis 1 1· in t.h e ankle joint, so m uch Uui tl wasoften pro~ v ented from nttcnding to 1 n y calling, b ut t h ree applications of Dr . Birnbauro 's Rheumatism a n d Gou t Remed y lii{ave me that relief fr om pa.in n.nd stiffness which I d id n et experien ce for th e last t wo{ car s, and after eig ht d ay's use oftbis remedy, find n1yself entirely cured. I ow e this statement to th e public, t o the pro fossi on, and to t h e meritH of the genuine article. NEWEST STYLES AND BEST QUALI'rY. Gr· e at "" Ba.r. ·g··.ains'g._ah « · -INr ! (. Jt;TThe only Organ outside of the Unite~ States receiving International Medal, although seven Canadian manufacturers were competing, DUNCAN McCALL UM, M . D. June 17tJ1, 1876. (8-l y. ' and learn how cheap they can gutter their buildings. An inspection of goods and prices respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. No Old Goods in Stock. , WEST END H OUSE. Bov.'nui.nville, Sept. 21, 1876. 8 Dominion Organ Co., B OWMANVIJ,T.. E, O NT. EAVETROUGH - - AT 6 C'TS PER FQOT. CONUUTOR, PIPE AT 6 C'TS PER FOOT. ·wm any one let the opportunity slip~ SOMETHING NKW ' WINTER T:H:E D OJ.\a: ::CN :CC>N~ · Savings and I nv e t m e n t W. El. PETRICK TO INFORM THE INI SH HAPPY ABlTANTS ofBowmanville and surr ounding country. t hat he has opened his CLO TB ING -. -AND- SOCIETY, -01~- .JOHN McLEOD & Co. Bow·illanville, J·une, 1876. LONDO N, ONTA R I O· CAPITA L, . .... .. . . , . , . .. .. . .. .. . .... .. ... , . ... ... . , ... , .. ,1;,l,000,000.00. . SUBSCRIBED , . . , , , .. , , . , , . , , , .. , : . , . . . , ·. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 750,000.oo .. PAID UP . . . .. ...... . . .. .. . .. . . ........ . .. . . ... . ... . . . . . . . .. soo,000.00. RESERV E AND CONTI NGENT F UND . .. . ,, , . . , . .... . . . . . IJ0,000 .. 00 Under the Sun! A NE~W. MAN Hair-Dressing &nd S~avingParlor .-c ..,._ . -· · -~· - · IN TH E OLD HOUSE! 1 HE UNDF.RSIGNED HA YING purchased fro~ . Fall and w~inter! ; one door West ~of 11-Iurdoch BrO'e'Storo; where lle l1 opes by strict utt e~tion GENERAL DRY Money loaned upon real estate on the most favorable tet'ms. Mortgages purchased. Int erest allowed on deposit s. ·F . B. LEY, Manag"' . D. MACFIE, Pr esident. REFER ENCES B Y PERMISSION: GEO. McGILL, Esq. , Manager Ontario Bank, Bowmanvill e WILLIAM ALL ISON, E sq., l\L D., Bowmanville. London, March 1876. I I to business to have a Bhare' of t he public patronage. }Plr· Specfal att.ention paid to dressing Mr. John Borland - H I S- 18 7 0. Childl"On's hair. BOOT & SH OE BUSINESS~ '\oVill c ontinne the t rade .in the same place . and is p repared to give To the Ladies. 1 GR EATER B A RGAINS than any hou se i n the county, Mee Lu NG BROS., Bowmanville, Ont. -----:0:· ~--- I am prepared to make up Combings Into Swi t e hes at short notce, and '\' OUld say th at no fea.r'·need be entertained b1 them .t o oome to m y parlor , ·a.a everything ia orderly and res p~ctable. GOODS CHEAP FURNITURE! CHEAP FURNITURE I CHEAP FURNITURE I --A'r-AT- HAVE BEEN MANNING'S OLD STAND. - - -:-- - MA D E TO THE S TOCK, ' vhich h aving been ·p urchased at :0 E P..A...R TJY-[EN TS= TOBACCOS, PIPES AND CIGARS. I have also a nice stock of Tobaccos, Meerschums a nd other Pipes, Cigar catJes,Ciga.r hold· F.· F. : J\d::cAR-~HUR'S, BEAVER . BLOCK. Bowmanville, October, 1876. ca ll a,n d su.tlsfy you1;'ScFves~· .~hat our Prices are right. Dry Goods, .Groceries, will be Croc~ery, Clo" t htng, . 1 · Tailoring, Glassware, S o ld for CASH, CHE AP AS THE CHEAPEST, Ch~na, ·J Millinery, Lamps, &c. 1 Romomber the place- Sign of the .Jarge Carpets, &,c. era, Cigars, &c., ·w hich w ill be seld at figures that 1n11st co mm and ' ublio favor. " The pr_ Oof·of the pu(lding is .t he eating ofu.~' Bottom Prices f or CASI/ ; The Bowmanville F urniture F actory having commenced running acrain and the new Company having appointed the undersigned Retail Agent for the Town and surrounding comitry, 'he is prepared to offer the very best styles of F ur.niture at ~rices 'b elow a11ything at which it can be procured elsewhere m the Province. UNDER T A K ING! , Funerals furnished in every respect ·in t he very b est styles am{ at prices lower than ~ny oth er firm in t he country. 01,le ~f the fine.~t H earses in the P rovmce SENT FREE to any funeral furmsh ed by the stibsc;riber, within ten miles of Bowmanville. Also, agent for Raymond's celebrated Metallic Coffins; ,N ew York. ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. In each of these Departments we endeavor to . . ( EXCEL. (j) RED, WHITE & BLUE POLE, K ing street Bow1nan ville. OR DERS PROMPTL Y FILLED, -· - AND - - G OO D FIT S GUAR A NTEED JY[ r.W· JENNINGS re1na.ins as superintendent of the · MANUFACTURING DEPARTME N T. UNUSUAL ATTRACTIONS IN D. MORRISON, T-weeds, Millinery, B E GS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE P UBa. Cloths, Mantles, Hats and Caps, Shawls. Special accomrµ odation for Ladies Gents':.Eurnishings, Fancy Goods. .Jl&J· Hair Cuttings and Combings made int.o Swi tches on shor t notice an d a t reasonablo rates. -- -. - - L IC that h e h as secured the s ervices of first class Barber, H air-dr esser, &c., a nd is pr epar ed to guarantee satisfa ction to his customers $a1" and Ch ilUren. R.. El p THE KING OF PUMPS! Over 400 Stood the Test of Winter with Perfect Success ! :E". CJ , :El[: :X 1'11: E S · 0 . Fl. 'T s Remember the old stand, A LARGE ' STOCK OF MOURNING GOO OS, Post Office Block , King St. F. BORLAND. Oeto ber !)th, 1876. Notice. Haviug disposci:l of my busi;H' ss to Mr. F. Borland, all parties indebted to me ar e MANY NOVEL TIES IN SMOKERS I Carpets, Cl1rtains, Oil Cloths, Quilts, ·&c.I SPECIAL BARGAINS I N - - :o :- · HIS P UMP IS THE CHEAPEST The subscriber would a nd moat desirable pun1p in the 1nar ket. ·--also announce that h e There are no valves about it to become ob hao on hand a first cla.s stock of Cigars, ' structed, n o scxew Joints t o becom e immovable b f r ust. I t vdll raise ' Yater from a deep T obaccos,· Pipes and s111oker s' sundries. well w ith per fect easo ; 'Will not freeze unless CALL AND SEE US. t he well itself is frozen; never n.ec.ds p 1-inr.i ng,a lw a ys raises the p urest, coldest water, from D, MORRISON. two doors east of P ost Office. p · 'fhe old est~bl i sh ed Barber 1hop, RUBBER~BUCKET PUMP. T haying been circulated that the undersigne~ has been o;crcharging iu !1is Undertaking department, he begs to subnut the followmg figures, which he challenges any one to contradict:Reported amount diargod, $50 , , . . Actual amou nt charged, $12. U (I .H 30 ,, . . H H H ,9, " 45 . . . . " " 25. "' " 60 . . . . (( " 40. 50 .. . . " (( 30. " 72.. . . " .iO. llo,vmanville Aug. 16, 1876. 3. ~;~e~~rt'.i~::'.~~~1 ::/~·:tl:s t~t::::0 ;vi:~ AN EXCELLENT ASSORTM.ENT lJF HOUS(FURNiS'HINCS~ grant receipts ther efo r . Moneyt9 Loan! ON F ARM P ROPERTY. JOHN B ORLAND. Bowm anv ille, Octolier 9, 1876. II. A T MODE RAT E RA1' ES OF INTE RF.ST. 'l'imc and plan of repaymen t .can be ar rang ed to suit the borrower. Apply t.o J . .i. CODD, 111) Dominion Bank, Bowma nvile . t h~ bot,tom of th e w ell, a nd will raise a b nrrel of wat er per minute. . lfanufactured nt Bown1anv illo, Ont . Prioo for puttin g in 1 ready for use, $8 for fir st 10 feet, a nd forLl' cents f or each a dditional fo ot, · The fo lo",·ing gentlemen bear testimony to t.lie- un e ql.!alled excellence of this pump, viz. : Joseph McClellan, E!!q .· Manager Don1inion Ban k, Osha;wa.; F . ' 1V. Glen , \'V, Hc_ p install, Tho s. Conan t, Ch as. Honey, .T"'. D r ew , A. S. Whitin g&. Cu., C. W. Lent , Vt . Scott . Agents wanted in every county. A ddress, P . C, Hl1fES, Bowrn~nvill e, Ont. W . P . PROWER. 13owmanville, Mar ch 29, 18"76, 1L2. ~ 35 Incorporn.te d pu.rsua..~t. toCap. 53Con . Stat . otU . C . ExectttOl'S' Not ice to Ci·ed· iton . J oHN in h is lifetilne of ~ownuinville,. Olel'k are notified an d r equ ir ed to send in parti cu la~s of the same to R obert R. Loscon1be1 of th e Town of B ow man ville, Solicitor for the un· dersigned Exccut.o rs, on or beiorc_thc six~ day of N ovember next, (1876.) Tli~ sa1d par t iculars to include necessary dates and ltems, aud to ~Ye th e Chr istian u a1net. and su rn am cB of the cla imants a nd their Post Oftlce addres:i. And notice i8 giv en that. fron1 and .after 8aid date ,thi:? Ei~ ecutors of said esta~e will proceed to dLStnbute th e assets · of the t estat or a mOH)o{,;it, Lhe parties en titled th ereto, h aving rcgal"d. to the cla.i.ms of which the>· sh a ll the.n h ave n ot.ice, and , ..,.ill not be liable for the asset s so distributed or any part t hereof to an y person of 'vh mm clahn such J£xecl1 tors shall n ot have had nolJce a t the tin1e of such distribution, this notice heing g iven un, dcr section 27, chapter 28 of 29t h Vic~ori a._. And all persons indebted to thft s a1 cl es ta te are requ ested tu s et.tic their indebtedness fo rl,hv..-ltb. .T q Jf J'N ic E·. GJI ,,L. } Executor~. GE.HOR R o 1·' " B owman ville, 4th October, 1876. (1. 0·:t w. 1 r THE HAMILTON P JilOVTDEN T AND- persons having claims against the A LL est;ate of the late SUMT'TF~R, l 0 AN SOCIETY of the ToY>'Il Bank , . · RARE CDANC:E. Tea / Dress Goods, ' B USH L AN D FO R SAL E . Winceys, ·Crockery, Felt Skirts;, &c., Lamps, &c. L OT 15, 5th CON. O~' TOWNSHIP THE CAP I T <\.L .. - - $1 000 000 ' ' · ' ··· · · · HARD TIMES Il"A A D OF F l OE: Jl1clnnes' Block, K ing Street, HAMILTON, ONT. p R r.sJnF. N ' ' ····· · ···· - · ·· -··· ··· · THE CHEAPEST TEA OFFERED IN TOWN FOR YEARS. I .A BIG LOT OF BUFFA LO ROBES ~ WILL BE SOLD CHEA P I I HI~HEST PRICE PAID FC~ :BUTTEH, EGGS, ETC. 4.emember do od s a i "Hard T imes " <Prices a t Bowmanvillo, September 27, 1876. SALT, PLASTER, FISH, ETC., AT LOWEST PRICES. of Son1bra , County Lainhton, 200 6 4..cres. Distant fro1 n the flourishing inco1·tint-ate d village of \Valla ceburgh-3~ m iles. Frorn Nort. h Dranch , Riv er Sydenha m tnavigable for lal'g'e -Ve880Js)1 mile. This is p art of the ea t.at e of the late Rich a.rd F inlay. It is ot ver y su11 erior quality, and will be sol d in par ccls ,t,o Emit pu rch asers for the h ighest offer up to the 21st of OcL ober · . Term s C36 l ' · .A.dd1·ess, J OHN FINLAY. P or t Stltnley, County Elgin, l ~.\.d ministrator. Oct ober 4.th, 1876. J ll-3in, Ha1:d time. prices have been adopted at t he establishmen t of He is offering his new and handsome assortment of ·r AD·" H Ol"' Lun Jlj · V ICE-PRESl DEN 'l', . ..... . .. . - . ·W . E. SA NFO;R D FALL AND WINTER · GOODS AT GRE A'l'LY REDUCED PRICES. ~His --- - -- ·- - - - -- - -- - GENTLEllIE N Buffalo Robes are splendid value. ~His Mink sets are re- I markable at th o money, ~ H i s Grebe and Alaska outdistance nil competition,~His Caps, Collnrets, l\fuffsi Mitts, &c,, are m ade up in the newest and inost artisF THElm IS GREASE, PAINT, OR tic style. _-...H is Childr en's F urs are r are and var ied , and are just 'vhai: fond 11uin1Dirt on your garn1entR, I 'viil clean them .mas require for their pets. ~ '!'h en th e Gents' Furnishings embrace everything in Or; if t hey a re faded, I ·will bring them to their natural color, a.nd ro al{e them so that no man the line: Shirts, D ra" era, Socks, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, Braces, &c, will kno w them from n e·w . Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. THOMAS P E.A.TE. Renovator and Cloth Clothes Clen.ner. ,.,.Opposite 'l' . Hoar's Blacksmith -sllop ,-m NEW TAILOR SHOP. JOHN HEAL, E GS Everything good and cheap. Cash customers w ill buy cl ose. Call and inspect. No trouble ,to show goods, < M'CLUNG BROS. R AW FURS bought at highe·t cash pr ices, M. M. A Y E R , or 0 Trr tr.ns, who d esire to become owners of thefr business premises or privat e dv.-ellings, Having h nd several yeara exper ience in th e ·w ill find an ea sy method of so doing by applying_ rade, h e hoJ)es to satisfy a ll who may fa vor to this Societ y. For further particulars apply to him with a call. ·ro INFORM THE P UBLIC, B ge!lerally,t.hat h e has removetl his business to he shop opposite the E xpress o.filce. GOOD FITS GUARANT,EED. (IO·tf) TO 'l' H E OWNER8 OF RE AL ESTA 1'B .~~ \Vhow a.u ttoborr o:w 1uon ey,t b.eabove ins1.itntion · .offers facilit ies and advant ages which can be obtain ed fro111 no otho:::- Company or Pri vat e Lemler in th e 11 rovince. F AR M E R S w ho wish to in1prove thcirin'Operty l1y t.h e erection of h ouses, barns or fen ces, by. t h e cons:truc:t ion of dra ins, cisterns, or tJie · planting of a n orchar_ d , or who ' v ish t o 1mr ch a 8C 1noi·e la n d for th emsel ves or their sons , will consult theirbest iutcresti:; by a vailin.I{ th emsel ves of the means: · w hich 'f1 i n: H a::.rn.TOK PnoVTDEK'l' a ffords for accom plishing Lhese and kindred obj ects. I 1'1ERCII AN'l'S , M.!i:CHANICS, Pnor~ES8ION A T. j\f E K ' we ll. Sept , 21, 1876. r fl() ii! E'3:J~- Bo,wmanvllle, Ootobcr.12, 1876. 11-tf. Bowmanv ille , October, 1875. Bowmanville, Oct, 2, 1876, I

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