Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1872, p. 4

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CANADIAN STATESMAN, B >WJ)lANVIIJLE, rrHURSDAY,MAY 23,1872. Heavy Bid fo r a Munster :>O .ne of out popular pasto-s have a hard tune of J.t u1 resist 1119 calls -..vluch pour in from every quai:ter Popular inen- as they a10 c tile l-a10 not rnunerous a.ncl the doinancl very g1eatly exceeds the sup ply Our versatile witty and popular Irish nan Honry M Gallagher has had a ieg ilar seige The town of Elizabeth h~d co11pleted a vety chmchly B~pt11t edifice and the society wanton. a mlfl1ster Lo fit the church 1\fr Gallagher was selected nnd a call 1nacl0 o lt .A .. wealthy mn.n nt the l a.r1sh 'v-ho las auy q 1antity of Ia.nd to sell ccu1ti11 u ted toward tho salary $5 000 a year w·Jnlei the ohuich was to rau~o $2 000 HLS present church not to be out done nused his salary to the same plane Then the spmt of n~ alry com nt "'nced botweeif the two the pa~tor being nearly torn to I iecos n.nd d 1stra.cte <l La.it week he called 111.s official inen together and announced that he Rhould atay with htB pro.sent cha.ige The d ecunon "as tole graphed to the" oalthy gentleman of Elma beth and ho t ok the first tram to New Yoik On reaching the parsonage they found the nnn1stc1 under tl e chaige Qf tho doctor rl f;l door bell was nnhung :i.nd achnisinon positively denied to every one But .ser' ants ru:e human nnd money laughs at locksmiths Admu1s1on was obbuned through tho basement and the persist ent committee nian seated Ill.re.self lll the cha.n1bcr of the patient lho interview la·ted from4 o clock till 2 m then ornmg T en thous1.tnd dollars sn.lnrJ '\\as offered and a house a1 I lot valued at $15 000 'vould be given 111 fee to the rnu11ster Ih1s ···med to upsel tlungs Last>\ ccinesday Mr Gallagher quietly packed h rn trunk ot..pped on board of a Cunarder and has gonfj abroad leaving both churches ni a stew Tho ma~ter has gune lllt o Wall Street and the bettmg is 60 to 40 that Ehzaboth wm· -Net· Yo1 k Lettei 21 o nas Eclectiic 0 l Wort/ Tm Trne. its Weight in rJold Do yo" know anyth1ht<J of it i Jj not 1t ~:s twie you di.cl BARGAINS. EA~G..AIN'"S GREAT BARGAINS ARE NOW GIVEN AT THE IHE BEST AND CHEAPESI ,....,. CA R R I .A GE S ~HEP.HAS COME LONG EVENThGS ARE HERE PROSPER11Y ABOUNDS ~'l:OORE'S If cJcbt·ated nradbu··J ! Piano Fm.· tc. The O sborn. ---o - ' A D NOW TS r.LJIE 1 .ME TO 81:13$01 t;E !<OR Rural New Yorker 1Hl!I <..UU \1 NAT 0'.":AL F\\:ORITll1 James Morris, I N REi:lPECTl ULLY RETURNING prcjlo.red to thankl:! Lo the publ ofor past llbe1alpatronnge \VOU!d annm nco that l e s no v tlli all ordera i h s ln c in a. mannor second to u o t)f:I ta.blish1uent th o co t ca Cheap Corner PUBLIC h"s fully J ot1t Store C/\.RRIAGES WAGGONS PROFT SELY ILLt Sr ,\.'IED cur1ERS 1THISFAMous JOlJRNALHASFOR SLEIGHS J;c Farin and Fueszde //Veekly :ono'..'I RN B Ii 3.):-1' .s 0 HHO ;J OF r.zr (Ii: UIS J OPINION Corner Store JOU Ctn ocl 1Jio ong nal de, that at tl o g l ed tho La (Jest Ou'C tlctt1on. Of o.nj Ncwspnpe1 of AND ON" rrrE SHORUCSr ~OTIC}j) ts Clast:1 It s tl o sUw:iaar l tl or ty on I-tURAL \NJ lloME AFFAIRS nnd conccdcdlJ ho best He en 1 e 11 t noLl ng l ut tJ c 1 est n atcr1oJ is con binc l 1u c,'UU ~ al L le ary Fannly ?. a l sed nd lest ·w o kmcn omploJ cd-tJ s cnsur rocogn scd Lea.dm early Twenty Five i. Years been the ds Sp!. e e and has attau MANUF \C'l'URl!:D IN :\ NY BrYLE DESIRED Jl \ NJ\; 1 Do n1an'\ ille Sopt .,tl l\fossrs R & H O JIARA Gcnoral Agents ( ONTARIO 1870 B .nnc.ss W cekly Bowm nvillo UNEQUALED FEATURES h gdu1nl l y elegn.uco SJ l uon (o1t- tbe n ost rmportant req1uaitos n a. convoynncc cho ~ F'I'I' TED TH01tf..AS P1rnr PS N Y :\.nd:NOH. I JlltOl &. 1 Y i\.IAJ\ N 'vc..a.s1LE Ont Sole Agents for the Do i uiton NO'.l li: - Eclectru:-Selcc t c la d E lect1 el For sale b]I l-V I Atkinson a.nd Dr Dean!! OshawRl JJ '\Vh tb b'< J II Gerr eu.od J Bl rn n R ouk ll by !o]m VVarrcn ~oll by IlIGGI1'BOTHAM "'d D sro1 T Do v ~nv 1 e Onta o AND WELL Preoared b".- S N llcaulc the wutm,E:s ot lho cond ct ng and us B001ate Ed to -::1 ta Coi1 >i of Co t butors 1s hn gc t,ltu.1 tha.t of a ) oU er IlUUAT \NDLlTElt.L\HY r \.PER-SO tl at i\.f00RJ1}9 H.\ IU. 18 tl c 0 .,a l a d tl ioui;;h l cl1 gi eut n l be f 0 u.1 etfo ~s t,o~o.nl lilE Ri.: 1 AI s EDITOTITAT STAFF ~the lfl.lgest \.Jl l ables t of 1 Jou i tt.l 1 l its spl ere vhile is 1lustrati01 s lypog apl y Etc a re 01 pc o Rei au ng all bra ly nttm dcd t o of"tba iJ: lo 1 011 pt ALL KlNDS OF BLACKSMITH WORK, S \'l'JSFACJOl IIY DONlJ: D. CHEMIST STQTT, A ND DEALER JN IN A SCTFElUOR MANNER T low bcci t c5teif beyond all qnost!on a t1. th edict of tl e ]Jilbl c Js th ~t to-da.y JiHOM '\V '.IIIOl\flSON' 1 8 Q DUIBC1'0R OF' .{'Jfl DRUGGIST ~ Yi! e1 yo t ' " t anytl mg m ti e c"rr ge I n o gne JA~iE:> ~101'RIS " ca.11 \nd he \ 111 suit ) ou One loor ' Vest of L l e 01 tu.uo Ilauk JS l~ HIS ( E LEBR i\'.IlllD MAO:HI N"JJ: 1·au1 De!!ih'O) el' " ell o. d fo:vorn.bJy knffwn i cliov J g thou o.nd:i :frOJU pa.in in tl 0 TOWN HA.LL Bu7LDINGS, B01VJIIANVTLLE l OXAI C.AN \J .\. J'\ BA~I< - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - A S A FAMILY MEDICINE IT I L STYLE AND REDUCED TF.H,MS C0 R N IS H J:TAS TBE!lf 1 ]\{F.SSRS ronoNT( Mn 15th 1.8 o R & R OlIAR - It Stand!! w i thout a Riva Side Back wnd Head: Co1tglU! Colds s., · 1 lvi oat '{p iin.s J3r1t s s C amJM in the Stumach Cl olora l>fo1b · D~S' ·ter11 B owel Complaint. BunUJ Scalds "/!'1 ost Bites &o Tl e C..(\.N.ADT \N PAIN DEs11WYER ha.a no Y bee before the publ c for L lengtl of t c aud DRUGS . 1'.JJ EDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dvo Stuffs P ·tent J\fodicmcs P erlun ery :Bruahes Combs Soaps PMnts · nd , 9i10 Pamt Brushes Coal Oil and Coal Oil La!l'PS &a (;c one of "1adb 1 'Y s p 3JJOf:!-lhe Jhet con l n.1ket It J S ackno\vlodgod by profess on ls to bo a re arknb1J .fl e o c:d n s rum.cnt n l I n y nJao me tion ti at havmg b en 'C ovcd several tun s d r M tl at 1 enod. 1t has only :roq cd t n1ng tw cc Yours t1ul) WIJ l llM TI'IOMPSON Firm of lhomp & B 1.r s n & Jr 0 1:1 ra fole oral ~gouts f1J1 Ontario si&'lled to this ago GENlLEME~,-I pu:rchased a.bout ten yotl.l"s It R tl Q 11.0t1t substnnt1n.ll:,; built has th· !ewes worl lng pa1 l..s beautif 11 m dee1gn a.nd fin.ish lias the best design of n. euttle a.nd b:r tar th· L \:RGEST R01JB1NS I t u1 cn.pn.1 le ot per!Ot"m s glc 1nstnnoe to g ve l c.r a.ne t cl cf vhen tin tily used and c ha'\ c nc"\ er kno" n a. smglo cfl.se of dissatisfaction vhcie the 1 :ochons 1 ave been p operly followed but on the contrary ull a c dcl ghtcd ·with its oporu.L o B a l spc:i.k in the higliest te ns of ts "\1rt ca 11.nd 11ug1cu.l vl ere et use l "\'.ell hl ed no er fwl ng in PYYSICIANS I RESCRIPUGNS C.A..11EFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL OHDE S CORRECT! Y ANSWERED Wester n Assurance ompan~I HE lD OFFICE-IORONIO ing a. range of ;vork h liberto tlioughl: lmposalbl for Sc v ng7MM.Ch.ine1 h sold at about one-lta1t·t1te e rc~t the celebrated French pamter recently roce1 ve<.l $40 000 for a 1nnglo p&inting MEIBsONIER CnAPPEll l ands are very co1nmo1 with those 'vho ha.i;e there hands inuch rn v;at or ~\.. f e,11 drops of Johrisons !1..nody'M Ltn1ment rnbb~ l over the h~ncls tvro or three tune8 a day will kcop Lhcn1 soft and wh te Fu1he11nen SaUors and othe1s '~ill do well to r e1ncmber thIB HOUSE ; AND VJLLA PAIN'I'S, THE Blood owes 1ts red col<r to mmute globules '\h1ch float in that ft1ud a nd con The G1·eat I emale Remedy. Prepare~ for immediate use and nothmg but tho purest !lfaterrnls lliled and re qu1rrng no further nnxture of o il s 1:tupent1ne and Dryers tain 1n a healthy _person a large n.mo1uit JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS 1 THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLE) OF of iron "h1ch gn cs vitality to t he blood Tiu Penn ian S) rup s ir 1lles t)10 J.>lood HIS INYAIUABLE MEDICINE IS Piere Color Piii e White Lead Pure White Zinc Linseed Oil Spi1 its 1n!aillng in the cure o a ll those I a nful a l '~ ith tlns v1tal el er ent and gr" es strength da.ngoro l &disc .ses to wJ cl I I e female const1 of '1. iwpentine and Dryers ca? efully a1nd scientifically combined a.11d 0 or to tho whole 8yst e1n tut on s subJect It modex \tes all excess tu l 1e mo\ cs \ll ob1:1tl:uct ons u U o. s1 eedy cure mqy bo 'Ihe consun1er can 1 ~Vl:l a.ny desired shade of Colors neatly put up in Ca.ns :i.nd al rel cl on he re ru1res to buy \\1th the Paint la a B111sh, as the -work can be done bv ]umsclf or Inv. soya Dr "alpclo ha· !oat ro :MARRIED Li\ n1E9 s 1 cc thn.1ly s utcd It Wlil m ~ sl ort tin e by nny me1nbcr of his househ old n.nt pa lor l\tius c bJ Chailes .Kinkel lus b ea itif1 1chesnut n1arc She died aud or n g on tho monthly pe o l. th rcgula.r1ty Bdllia.·u tGe)US ~ splcnrl rl colleo o b) Vil Lue ~Hard Pache K nko etc dcnlj in harness it is sup1 osed fro1 bots :1.1.ese 1'7-lls sl o tld not be tai en. by Fe na.les P ce $ 50 pe olutnc clega, Uy bo during thel 11-lS'l 2.flll.EE iliOl\ T1-IS of P., tfl or pin woi1ns If the Doctor had used nanoy as they a e S'IJ, c lo br g on ill sca1 iage 1 c lotl ""' th g lt s1dci; :1$2 in plain cloU ln t at a w otlw1 ti1ne. they a e safe IS'h· lan· Cavill y Conditum Fowde s ho $lAd l e~~ltds J L PETERS In all Cases of Ne ous a d SJ! Jui.l ~tfcctlo11s A l«rge stocl~ JUSt rncened f01 Autumn Pamtmi:,, nnpm ted L-1 50CI Boal va:,; N Y would no doubt have had lus n1aic to day Pan s 1 l the Back 1 d Lhnbs Fatigue on sligl t m We ould Cfili a lt..e I,, on to l'he exert on Palp1ttt.Wou of Ll e I ea.:rt Iiystc1 cs aud dn ect from the English Manufactmers, mcludmg JAMES ~I : 01,crrt n.1 Uon1 e., a coll ect o of o~ e.r one they are death on 'vorms '\'"lute.CJ tl eRe P Jls ·will efloct a cure ' hen all We speak fro J exper ence ln tl o matter l v,v ;:zlr" Farm,)S a1U Pluy,.,teuvrt-sfroni tht Co1ttnt1y ui..Ujind out I g Iested t thoro11ghly an l ti e1efote hose Yi ho are sufferu g ruu1 any of tJ c con1plrunts for dfole 1<nd of the best quality "'1 cl 1t is r ecommended n a,y de1 end upon Jt bongo.So"\ereg lRemedy 'JI c :i.stm uil u g eJUc:i,c~ of the Cnnndian Paln Destroyer ll c uwg tbe lliease s :fo wh ch it is 1 euo n end d ... :iG.d its' on i rful clfects in sub d.u1ng the torturo 1s pau1s of Iihcn o :i.L sm and in rel i;:vwg N c vo s Ail'cctions ontltlo it to hil;l:h rank in the list of Ren cd es 0 tlcra ro coming u1 f on Med c n~ Dealers lll ull pE\.rts of t1 o country for furtl e BUPI l es anrJ. co.oh tcsbf)1ng u:;, to tho un vorso. sat sfact on it gn cs Ihe Cant di n 1 iun Dcstroye 1 ever fails to g ve unmcd alic rel ct: All Meiliulne Deale1111 keep it Phys1ciru s order ru d 'so it ( and no - OR!au 15 will be vtthout t niter trying_ it Price onl;; I wentv fi e ( e ts per· bottle EV ER Y OllJ~ HIS OR HER OWN ll or salo by '\'\ 1 .Atk nf.lon ttnd Dr Deans a:l a a l W 1 tby l}_x J H Gen e a1 d J D) ll· })rooltl~ n by .John '\\ ar en Sold n BOW11l 1 lv1llo by J H1ggmbotlla.m a.u.d D Stott aud all medic no dcale1 s S toel' of Medi ncs coni PETER'S LIABLE TO GET T HEY AREncLESS keepers Bowmnn'il c Sep 90 1871 e Ji "\\atc1 1·ru:e o« tlnea· JUaeh'ines $~ Musical Liprar:y CONSISTING OF o 1t of re[ u. i tl an otl e watcl es The.}' :i.rn Caplf tl Stook o ea.cc rate h Sur1>lu s FHll(lM ltl!l A. specin.l arr11nt f o tl ~ Factory lVill Jtccet1·t~ f H oo oo 208 369 G4 the J Ci11 f!lHltng l 30tll JnJ c 1871, f ";)} 858 ·G At the IronmongeryT ONG 'vVANfED BY EVERYBODY, 'Ptlll'IF.R 1 ' I ff<'rEEN "\OIUMES FILLED 'WITH !Yohcc A YING SOLD OUT MY IN'!EltEST II n c :Ltcly ue Bo ma.nv ile tomysonsCba.rlesM ti HoN J J\IcMtrRRICil l'ros dent ll HALD Al< Ma ingmg D1rectoi SOMEEHING CHOICE PIANO MU SIC VOCAL COLLECTIONS bUSlJlCSS J Cal'nc l on by _· ~ lv..['LEC>Il'B ~ O tfj ~ 'i T T""'" PURE WHITE LEAD ~ Cawke I hereby eq est all ~nt)se indebted to me IJy book account or other\\ lSC to call aud Shhdng :tlghtH A cho co cuJlccLlon of beu. t ll 8aorcd So gs ~ !iCttle fo thw l h IN SUR !l_NCE llcanth a11d Honie :t1res: h lc Et..;bocR and is-nect Sou1ul!i! lhrco \ olu es of AI LOWEST CURRENT RATES easy Songs by \.Vehstor Persley, el..c Goldcn:Lcaves. Volunes T. il.Ul If~ 'lhe t vo volu1ues conta all of 'V1U S Hnys Songs Special Low 'fanfl of Ratoa covermg l t lccl~I';" ( cn1B A collecho oflJe< ut Insurance :!01 o o or ti roe years on Dotn,ohod f l Ila.llu.ds by Wn.lJacc 'Il o as Kelle Dv. olli g>J Clh chos and Schools with contonts m C1t1ca 'low ls and Co tJ'y places fheae ra.tee l\n i lerrus of pohc~ part1cula.rl) favora.ble et;NSTHUMENrAL COLLECTIONS to tho li arn 1ng Co1nmun ty lnJn Fingers, Jl~glc (Jlrcle andrn '\01UlC I J uU~t Tl rec ·ohm OS of Cl~ FIRST OL ~SS MAN W A::"!TED for c Ry :\T ? f r yo g 1 la.s e -s 1 earl Drops a dMusienl 1tec1 cations a Travelling Agency :t'o i the Io" nshipA outlymg this Tol n Ai ply 1 '\Y 'lt ng w th referenoos Dance J\f s c 'l' o collect.. ons of mode1 ~ to the undors g ned !01 tru.nsn1lsslon to the Head ate d fticulty omoo P lea.;.; 11t Jle1nor1cs \ collection of U n.nd~illin.n1 n THE P ICE OF OHU ffi M..A.CIIINJllS DOING IHB Ll.,.,...E WOR,K. Is equally at Aotne on leather as on fine goods Has carried oil prizes over tilo I Tov; e Singer Lockman Wbeel&r & 'Vllso "\:Va zer Ra.;:; n o1ul ~ If¥ A Pe'rff>Qt .M.s.cl1i.J e Guaranteed or no Sl!Jo ' Fire and Marine TUE GUELI·JI UAND AND TREADLE !llACDINE8 t.I' L°J ~;:J;:11,:~:.:: ~v:::le~:~:lof~1e~a ~ HI G G I I\ B 0 T II A lll, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST EGS RESPECrFULLY TO .AN NO UNCE thnt I c l is R &H OHARA aro the beet mndo simplest moro durable and rehn.blo tha.n nny oLhor au gle thread mMI mo Larger nnd work with great ea.se Will do tic kinds of domostto sewing in o. perfootl:r sn.t-ie:tae tory nn.1 nor Has Ia.ken .flrst pri%& whet.ttv exhibited BowmahT lle Sept 14 1871 ~ d8 B rt) so tod st ock uf Gen e Dr .g:;J ll.l o:l Pu c English ( l en icols i lso a sp c1 tl d sto k f t1 e iuost ca cfulJy seJectcU. wl 1ch Ct\. ece v~ l a '\vell 18 TO O"WNERS AGENTS ",\.N'.J ED EYEl'tY\\HERli: SPLEl'DID IND UCEM111~TS Farm Property -AND- DYE STUFFS Tru loaduig fact ories and sho1 s as. ' vell as tho b ulcl e1s antl carpcntcis in Guelph have com1 nenccd to pay their employe es by the hour The arrange1nent gives sat fact10n to both omploycr anrl employee n.nd the ho.et understanding oxtsts other mear B J ave f Well ru iJ although a 11 wcr tul r me l do ot couta n ll'On calomcl t nti mon oi a ytl11111r. h t ul to l e co st tui., on Full d tee J.O s the pa1npl lct around euch yackage whlch should be ctu:efully pre;:.ezyed JOJJ. lf05ES NEW YORK SOLE PROPRIETOR. ~I 00 and 1"} cents for postugo enclosed to :Northrop &: I 11.n Newcastle Ont goncral agon s fo1 tllc Do 111uon ¥iill i:a~ u o 8. bottle containm g ove 50 l Us by return mo.il Deane llvrno 1 or sn.lo by \V 'I ~t~inson and Dr .A.. n ew· fa.1di1oned bustle was found in Os! awn in \?h tb) b~ J :H Gernea1 dJ tho Cr1cket Field London cons1st1ng of u B ot:lyn by Jo1 n '\ a1rm acverri.l n e wspapers three pair of old hose two quilted I ett1coats (nearly worn out), two old slouch hats a pair of top boots a bunch of lm)'f, a piece of ·ta1r carpet and a cord about thrue feet long WonrllY 01 :NOTE-] or Sold by J IIIGGI1' BOTIB.M an! D STOTT Bo' mu. i ville Ontario iu J Uen1m·1a1n GAINST EXPENDITURES 1 l onor of tho dea 1 Hen.vcn has nttete l no p ol b tion and Eartlt IB n ot A the cure of Scrofula Skin Diseases and every kind ofHnmot Dope v si\feuic1lVictoriashnds per cmmcntl) at the head of all other rem edies Jn the cure of I~hcu1nat11run Dys p epsia Liver con1plaint and llidney Jh .aeu.se its effects n~o surpr:is1ng to ~n For regulating the bo·wels a.ncl curing Bilious ness S1ck Headache Female '\Vea.kness and geneial debility its cur ative po'\\ er are beyond money and beyond priee It 18 tho Life of the flesh Purify the blood and it i8 hard for d1sese of any kmd to re1nain lon:o in the bodJ ln.J ued but beno:fUte l by tJ en1 All thoso: bea r I emblems v;h1ch n. lorn tl o 1nany ton bs nroun l wh ch vte lovo to Ung e 1" s s w o aro in a. "o ld of varn1 and lovil g hroi ts t i e adornmg of tho se1 lcl cs of the lo"\ ed 01 es alleviates our grief and soothes th0 ""o lnde l 1 ea t It also cheers the be i e L'\Cd to kn"" that an u.Od ton.al om be hsh l~ t or the gr \."\ e prcsenis st onger attru.ot1ons to ur ei:it the attcn tion of tl e f.lt tngcr und cai; .ses h n to pause and. learn the n tine of one ovho has s iared so largely in the )ove of others tl 'Ve take th a mcll od to inforu you two c :i.n fl..11 ordor1:1 for deco ating tho giaves of dupartel friends at lo v tlgurcs executed in the best style o! WOl'klnaMhlp MONUMENTS T,\..l3LErS ETC! 1 Oli rHp: F lNESr Qt!\ T lT'\' OF IT.ALIA~ £- , JMl1110A"!fMAJ1BLE -.ANO- l l a person faints place him iustantly flat on tho floor or bed on his back :u d let hun la.J quietly for ten minutes or so it is s mpl) a f m tmg ft an l ti c blood flo" ng 0 11 a. level lvill speedily equalize itself through the systen1 If you are troubled with rhe1 matlSm plourasy pam in the side or ba.ck cran1ps in the stomach burnR frostbites &c procure at once a bottle of tho C madian Pam Desllo) er winch LB a ce1b1.1n cure for all such coni pl&mta Sold by all med1cme dealors Tltere IS soniethu1g m u. horse Hts n1teU1g ent o' e and ear his lofty carriage l s Ileo n.n<l. graceful niotion, his vast strength !us obedient temper and lns md1spensablo use ;.i.ll endear luin to us 'Ve have to look at all Ina lino pl oport10ns and take ni the inspu \t on of Ins ener gy and pu \er but it IS only when the horso rs propeily cured for -when he IS froc f1on1 d ae tse or un soundness of LTI)' kind that he '\Vlll c:ubit these J>c.nnts of attraction and without which he IS of but little val 10 ,\_ pa cl age of J) 1rleJ s Condit1011 Po\'i dors an 1 Aiabrnn Heave Remedy ahould bo m posses~1011 of e' ery man who owns a h orse to be used in case of emcr gc1 cy Don t fail to aet it Remember the nan1c and seo that~the s1anatu1 0 of Hurd &l Co 0 each package Northrop & Lyman oastlc Ont !propnetoIS lo· C&nada by all M odicme dealers pecnlar attract1\ e so~IEBODY ~Al: s- SCOTCH ABERDJJEN GRANITE sup/ Uc<l on short notice Evorythu g t e u. ning to Ce etc ~ votk '\'\' 11 1neet ' th p omtit attention by le v 1 g 01 do sv. Lb C BOU~SALL Bo~ma.n.ville '4'> Stot> and See. ] gstllllon a1s of tl e 1nost " ondc:rful and ex tr-aor Una.r cures 1n Canada by the GltE :\:I IN DIAN RE)..IEDY They a e stei n nae able a d 1 contestable fa cts sufficient to con,. inco the 1 ost skept1cn.l that the Gi~tt Meilioa.1 C11 mpouud yeatned after fo1 ages is now acccs~1b1o m tho Grcn.t T HE FOLLO\\ING REl\lARKS ON SHOSHO NEES REMEDY A con.uESPONDEN:r sigmn" hunseli A Hamilton Boy writes to tho E ;cnvng I'nce of &mecly in La<ge Pmts $1 T cs ns follows :\..ccording to an ai-ti tiff" For Sale by all Drngg1sts n.nd Dealers in edicinc Agents 1or llo 1na ' ne - Mess 'S J cla that npP:eared in yo 1r columns a.1:11 ort l\1 H KgJ1 both lm D Stott '-Vl olcsa1 o AJ";.~nta :N fi:lrthop & Lj 1uan No vcnstle tuno ~"0 it seems D\rlfalo clauna the 0 cha1np1011 fine ,vriter inasmuch as one of her c1trnens accomplished the feat of wr1tmg the Lurd s Praye1 three times in a. gpaoo the s1zo of au Amev~can ten cent piece Tlns was done with a lino Gillot pen and partly with the aid of a gl 1ss On one of the enclosed I have succoeded (un uded by a glass} m writing tho Lord· Prayer three times in sa1 i space w1th the aUd1t1on of Remember tho Sabbath day to keep it. holy God is Lon Prn.me the L ord aii.d Amen This transfers tl e ch:im1 ionslnp fr oin Buff:'l.lo to Hamilton I used a common Mitch 'f?;ll barrelled pen~ ,rlucb. accounts for some of the \\Olds bemg" little blurred If l tcceed m o]ltommg ~pen fine m10 igh I tlunk by usmg a glass I can wntc the LO\"(l s P rCLyer fonr times i n the space of :in An1er1caiU three cent piece plainly nncl diatmctlJ I shall endeavor ar l' way, 1 =d if ·11cce"'f 1 I will encloso For D senRes of t ho Tl roat Lung~ I vr.r .... D gee t'e Organs Rd &c ns 'on a5 ~cro'f 1tt tho.., r ous Sk n D seasef.! l:Iu1no1s a11d all 1 sea.sea aMHlng ft.om I u1 u:r tles of the Dlood vre boldly_ stu.t.e tl at th !:I gre it 1 e nedy 1 as NE VER BEEN EQUALLED 1' h et e ' ns tho~ ovor s r:l a ewe al:.' thn.t lil the perso 1 of "\:Vil~ou Stor a ofB Jgbto 0 t a1~0 of Cons m1ptlon or tllil.t of Peter C V Mlllc1 of E ue1:1to vn 0 to. r o ur Co s np io or tha.t of Ambrose "\\ ood of Consecon Ont11110 of D 1 ape1 arn. and I vol." Co l la1nt or th tt of J ohn llose) of .Nttpanoo O 1tnno of Rl c 11 a.tum: who had actually been 0 c tches for yearB 1n spite of a.U trc itm cnt 1 c1etofo1;e HJ 1 18 1 o v' ell Seo es of sucl en.sos 1 gl t be ment101 el had we BI ace ur Call at tl e Drn~ Store and get a Clrc liar o llli L\ est onable ce1t..ific tes on tie GRJ AI SJ-10 fiI-lONEES IiE1\.fEDY and satisfy yo u.sclvee ls l ality For tern a sa.mp1cs or sewing &c a.pply.con t anU> 09 J and toi;o J er with a cho co se GUELPH 81'H n a M.'10HI1'E 00 y: lcct on 0£ ..., 'INSURE YOUR PROP ER TY IN THE ,\.LSO - \ll stan d~1d Colors 0 ls "\ armshes and P mi ero J\fatenah Call DHU GS GUELPH CANADA c.ud1on ! ! Caution ! ! ! ft.nd sec how che t.p a. House c.tn be Palllted and Decorated for :i.11 these -ANDCHEJ\HCALS goods 'vtll b e sold at i cduced .figures PA !EN l MEDICINE 5 ~ o the p, bl·o of the lh it1sh P ovinces llllUSI!ES COMB· G !l_LLON S MACJIL!'IE OIL OF DIU ERENT KINDS m" R & R O'It.A..RA "W holesn.le agent.fl !or · IY.rorth A~ rte t SHOULDJ R BP.ACES tho Cont t es of Du1ha i1 011ta.r10 and 'V1otorut SUPPOHUHS &o 'lhresher~ and all parties requiring such 011 are s1 ecin.lly Jn,ig,,_ted to inspect the &c Head Office for Canada Kmgston Special lnduce::r:uonte to Livo agents BEG l\fOSI Rl'SPECIFULLY OILS various qua.ht1es-tfie p11cc bcmg far below anything ever offe1 ed 111 tlus Janual."y 18th 1871 n.cqualnttl1e publ c of th eBntisl North Am P.\.INTS market '1HIS old and well estl\bl1ahe 1 Oompn.ny er ea1 p ov ces t] at 1 May list I causel t1 A COLOJ\S bl sm e sat S 1i-Ia den La e Nov. Yo k fo1 tho 1nsure.s notl ing b lt FBrm Property nnd sa.le of HOLLOW y SP C LJ 5ANn0INTM.EN'l: } cl VARNISHES Ill detached Ree1tle11ees nnd Issues Pol c el al w ere up to tl attiu o pre1 a1 ed by william i3ro v AND "" an l!\VIIllELEAD Greately Reduced I ntes now decea1:1e l t..o be closed ll eao 1\{e lie nes lrM"' ..A.t tho. ver) lo vest pnces aruvmg and now on Exlub1t10n "verc Iregrctto say f'On '\Vha.thas lately coJn& ASSETS $550 000 00 tonyk11owlelgo madeupofs1chvcryo dnary HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES The largest !.nd cheapest stock of General Hardware Ca.111ago Goods and tngre Lionts ns to ren lei tlie n al uost lvOrthless1 Depos ted with tl e F1aa.1 ce Mns and the cf e calc tlated to da. l1ge n) gooa ?.;; B - Country Storepeekcrs supplied o nd l11Y\vare In the Cowity e>f Durhan1 ter for pcc1al benefit of Canl\d O.t'I 30 nw~6se who lo not v1sh to be dece vod by bu) '.l.~~_ _0 _1~~. ·lJJ--~----- ?ol!cyholders over $100 000 McI_,~oD. ng spuuous med 01ncs h1ch t ro now likely lo clllngton D1ulding Bo vroanvillc Augnat 91871 cmanat.o f on tho States or elsc whc10 but to See LbQ follov;. ng Oert fies.tea posi.;oss then selves of tic gen 1 mc Hou.oWAY s MARKET BUILDING/! Il 1s 1a to certify tl at t h e Agr c It rn.l Tn PILLS u.; 1 01..'N' rMEN1 wlll do ell to Bee tl n.t c tol lot ilnd box 1 ca.is 1 e Dr tlsh Go eru1ne t s rauce ComJany l nv1ng depos t1.;d in the stamp o w c s engrave l the \'O ds }!or T l 1 a.ntls of the llece1v~r Gene10.l of Onnarla 'V\.~SlJIISANDOlNI' l Nr 1lfid tha.t the a.d tie sum of F fty fo ur Th ousaRO TI' ve Hun dre5s 0 L1 e lal el l " 533 OXFORD STRF.ET l..ON DON vhcrr: onlJ tho11 nro man lfact ired (~nd dred Dolln.rs in Un ite ] StRLcs buuds as re no ot he l Lof the world fhe lC u l pr ces a.re qu red by tho ~ct of On.no.di\. :ll Vic cha on tl e labels 1u l:.I lh;:.h currenc;, a d not 111 dol 48 sec 22 is hereby l cene e l to carry on larsa1dc la No icprcscn tut ;vo of m1 e v JI ever travel the bus nees n C ~u d n of F e Ins lrancc thu gl ll-U.} l L toftlo Br tsJ Pio wees 01 tle Dated at ti e C1tj of Ott~ a L be 2 id day Un ted Stutes 01the1 to sell or to t..'tke ordets fo1 o( J ne rn10 my P lls d Orntmc t a l a s I hn.vc cnso to bcl eve that n,ttcn pt s '¥'ill verv pjobabJy bo made Jon.N LANGTON for J\1 r: ste ofF na.ncei to dece c Ll I;\ publi n th a wo.y by porsons ca I g u po1 n edic n 'Vendors fn1scly re1 iesent ng Tl e s to certify that I have been acquaint Uobert Young, that ~he.} a e uutu g for me and Wlth :t'IY k1 ov; I ed w1tb the Officers t1.nd Man e.gers of tl ~ ledge o.nd consent, ldcen1itadv aa.bleto put the VETERINARY SURGEON GRAD Agricultural Insurance Company for many f~b; u o ll c r gu.ard aga nat auy such l ccep UA J E of t l e 0 tario Vetc ina.ry college yea.rs n.nd nlso with th e bus ness operations I mo3t earnestly chlieat all tI 013 ~ '.'Al 0 n begs to t rm the inl ab Lants of Bowrn ll ville r 9ad tl &1 Ldvc t seruc t tl ut ti cy b plcasOd in and auuo ndiug co mby that l e h ~s co 1me1 ced of the Oompar y ud have no hee1tn.t on in tl e publ c ntcrcst to comm l 1cn.te tile pwport tl o l a.q ~(l of h s J iofcaf5 o and cu. be con ieco umend ng t as a perfectly safe nod re ot the aaine to tic r fne ds thu.t they ma} not bo suited as to tl o diseases of hor ses a l cattloha t J able Oompany and its Officers as compe def-auded of tbclr lUOJ ey by pwchai; ug vorth Glover a L very otttce Kwg Street How nun 2-a t~ tent and honorable b s ncss men and as it less im tat1011sof the ge1 amc 1-I OLLO,VAY s l II L5 I;,. nsures natl ng but Fnrm Prope1ty and de ~N) 0J1"TMJ N'l to.chod Dw~ ll uga and l as $530 000 Asee-t!I I would a8k as o. gren.t favo lr that sho Id Ced.ti' :s.tatls and Posts. con eto tl e knowleOgo of u.1 Yl erson f>hat sp U' I cons der t res1 ons blc beyond any cont1n o smed.ic1 es8.rebeng 1 a]eoreold1nn1y111u c he he plo1.scd to send me all the pn.rUeulats he NY QU \NTITY OF GOOD CEDAR gency D D eALVIN M P P can collect ;respcctiug the same t,ba.t s to say Rruls and I OHL$ for sale eithei: at the 9tump til e 1 a nc ru Laddress of the vondor who js sell o dclivc1od Wo have exe,m ned nto the cond tion aud u g the spur ous nc l c cs a..n llikow lie tl e a uo JUIESVEAL nn Jul lrcss of the llou.so lll tho United States Jot G 4.th Con standing of tho Agr cultural Ins irn.nce o clsowlicre which nuy have SUP.P ea tJ e so Dall 1 gton Dec 1.tl1 18 1 rntl Company and do fully concur ~ ith Mr Oa us IQ m able nc for the protoouon of tho -public on in recom1nend1ng it to tho Farmors ot tbts to institute p oceod l gs ;::i.gamst su:ch ev.il-doera - - -- - -- - - -- - -and I c gage to lernunerato vor) h andso1ne1y A.. §ruall J:..,a1·.a:1l Wa11ted. Province a.s one perfectly aaf~ and rehab o) any person who may give mo such nforn at on n " h1ch to insure their I rope1 ty tho nfo~ mant s 1 a ne ne'\ er bong lh ulffed HE UNDERSIGNED >\ ISHES IO Sho tld IJlY p c ao la c reason to 1 01 eve tJ at J C Or AUK Banke a. thr1 v ng 1 o l as been dccc1ved b;} bu) r g spur10 i.a Jm t:i-- T exchange goo l lo sc a.1 cl lot J C.AnnutHJ\J s & Co t.1ons ot those Med1c1ncs he i'IH l ell to se d V Hage ID j\fechl!o)a fo a. sm \11 farm nc1tr Bow lle ffarm s vorth n ore tl Ii. 1 o so a nd G·o .A KlllKP.ATRI(JK. ~t r Celli n e l a letter to tl e address at foot ( ·.:Juch ho man 11 pay balance inn one) Call iu1modiatel can do at n cost of s x ceu s in po91 b"tl) 01 e of lot, 1 B M BRITrO!f tho books of struotions Yl'h1ch aro afiixcd to the n pc son o.ddjeg\v NJCIIOI s Box 4 samo l pro1num to e ammo ta cl i:ie d n. eply \'\i a ~ o Id r efe ;ou to the follow! g g n Bu v1 inville stt t g vl cthc the lHeilic lOS arc gen 1ne o ileme11 11 re"ard to the rospons b1hty of the not so that if sp l o :r:s he ma a r p i l o \J e 1 er !!On ii:o:in vho n he pu1cl a sc<l tho o to h~ve his Corupauv -D 'F1sber Esq On.sh er of the 1 mono) returned Oot.r G P·nk Joo McLeod M P P J B Cl onusts n .nd D lgglstl'S vho doeirc to obt1un F \ rba 11...., Esq Po~tm aster J E F!l.ruwell the l\Icilic1ues can be 1::1 J?Pl ed & tJ e lo Vi est.. wl olesalc I! ~s In q an ties or not lees ti nn Esq Barrister £20 wo1Lh (for w1uc1 remit a cc s~ b6 sen t n ulJSE FOR SALE WITH A SNUG Agent for Cobourg A.nd vJcin1ty atl.v t1.nCe)-vv; 8s Gd 2..a n.nd 3i!I per dozen ltttle Sl op n.tta.cl ed u a good b sin s 1 Rampton August 3rd 1871 bo:s:eeof 1-' l~or Iota of Ointment nett tbout part of tl c ro :vn l 01 pn.1tlcula.1 s apply to J C WH LIAM T FISH di$UOUJ t POI LARD Q tl o p e ses t vo loora 1 ast W R CJ !MIE Local Agent ot Bowm·n I ho.ve the ho1 our to be Ji IIcndcrso1 s hotel Ho ;vinanville v lh1 .t'rst-Pl'1ze "\\ i.tI great respect December ti 1871 rnoM.11.s noLLm,AY 563 O:rf_o1 d Sl ca (late U.1 Sl1 a ul) London J E LEARN '.IT A:T THERE ARE THIS IS THE MOST EFFICIEN" 0 Septonb·1 l 18 1 1 10 Ui pnnclp1e<l. persons '\Yho 1 e \ ti eJ and ocono1 1 cal Drum n usu and v; 11 di5 cannot pnlm olT iv; orthlcss ~e ving 1\'Iaob1ne on tr 1 utc more heat occ11p1.i less room.z...a.n l A.nswe1 pe ~ons acqna.intod ,.,.. th tJ e Jnor ts of tl o dif u..11 pu1 pose bcttei tha a y otl er uy ts sea All naebtedtotlel. osswllpl···ocau·n<l settle tl c accounts as soon as posSiblo fe e t l\1achinett eprosci t t.J e selves us agcntB l o l:le can be nuc1 botter h eated with 01 e soo-v;e for Lhe eclfll ra.tod Lockma1 an l Osl or l !\-fa than under the old sy::itenr w t.l two 01 three J c POLLAitD chines n.ndoffertogtant ana,nts forth c1:11unc sto\08 th smo1ethaupay gfor itself n che .l'n. , llc <ti Dec 1871 l!ltf i th 11 tent to dcce ve '\Ve being the o iJy au season b ~ u. sav 1g or ood. All vho have trioil thorizcd agents for VVest Durhu.1 a e ti o 01 ly tl em would not be without them !or n il-11) tin ca F I R E AND LIJ:!~E pc 80 s '\VhO can gra it. o. rn ts thereun and t l er coat '11 e un ler a1gnod hl\8 aecu1ed tl c THE '54th VOLUME: nv p~ ~o ns not emf loyed l y us e11 cscuti1 g R ght for Bo v1 a 'ille Da llngton Cartwngbt thcnlselvea as age ts o oOer ng to g ant vrar Cfo.rkc n id 1.fi:tn'lien1 U ~ p :opu.:roCI to :fill All 'IEM:POIHRY OFFICES FOi 1S'l'2 · rants a.re 1mpostc i,i n. d I able to be 11 onccutcd o dcre on the shortest notice A. full a.s~ortn cut for f aud Ibo l ublic are J 01cbv ca.ut oned of Cook Pa1lol' a n l Box s io\eB constantly on Col'ncr oC St. Paul and St. rHE rL1 usTRATED agrun.st s 1Cll 1 a cl R &; H 0 IIARA 16 IS F T HO SHIN Franc<1n!ll Xavier Streets. BowmA..llville J me 22nd 1871 4" 3-m iGenume ,ind celebrntP-d Roostm brand-Guaranteed pme fl'thun<l eel beu. t..1f l 01 era, au gs P cc $ ~ 1n clo J I). 1 gilt lrade pr ce $4 ut bo eu r IBscd for exccl1Cl cy of \ n 11ssort ne1 t or \ l c Dyea ke1 D1.LACHED RESIDENCES Save Half Your Money 2000 I ro zz- 1 500 COOK, PARLOR, HAJ_,L BOX STOVES General Sewin~Mac~ineAgen CJ JOHN HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! ----·o:-- - - BOWMANVILLE GROCERIES VERY CHE ....\_P. ood Cookmg Raisms onl} G e1 by the box Li 5:cents a pound, and st 1lcheap UMJVIER DRY GOODS at c-0st "LOCKMAN" O rTON and 'vVoolen goods arc achancmg but you t:an buy C them at Elliott s, fo1 a sho1 t tune, at the old puces Now A 1s the tune to seem o what }ou need · CLO,-r'HING ! ENTLEMEN m want of a neat fittmg smt should G earl} at Elliott s Fash10nable Tmlormg Establishment J'j3l"'"Sat1,,fact10n gtMranteed m .111 easonablo cases ° Henry Elliott, Jr. G ~ing Jfii. West ! SELL1:NG OFF! H A GA UTION. 1 .Joh:1'oi Uo~t·~~ W I - w Royal Insurance 00 1\,.-PANY" Cheap for Ca sh T Sewing Machine P:Q.renological Journal, A F rns1 CLASS ~otu;e . tJn1,uut ,.\1111na.llllW1llC over Fund ~ In ll lnd O\'er $10 I"-' \11 be fox a Y trn.ctcd b} n y 1;10 \Villiuu Jan1os .;;iulley WJLLI \~i SULLEY iG-tf GIVEN THAT N OTICEotIS HEREBY reapo1 mblo 1ebta con 4 000 ooo 9 500 OOo ooo ooe Pl'ocla.nn the Glad 'l'uhngs TOOii TllE F IRST PRIZE AT TIT& i';;poctliulea. 0.1 d Eye Gla.SIJea rn \nufa.ctur J by L !\.Z.ARUS ,~ MORilIS and ro v.J ch have the sole agenoy are gai ~I g golden op n on rem all tho~e ""1 o have tl'1ecl 1t Jf j o wa nt a1 d no otl ers \.ARON D"C CKL "RJ't a. ~e n Bo vmanvill· and 'Y o n ey l mo T HE CELEBRAT,.;D PERFE01 I H Jhvm:in Snrgel'y A · to :nqer t]y sn.y that e:qier ence in tl o treat cut of all co1n1 o.1uts in connoctiot w th 11or,,cs and C L ttlo he can con a.ll cnsos entrusted t..e l H ca.re Lo'Re,B.A J, L.B., v. 1 reoeine such 1oe I onl c ic and attention aa Wm their un1 orta.nce deman l s ARRIS'IER A.ND .AfTORNEY AI Olfice X:tni{ Streel 2 cloora East Of Honderson a LAvv Sollmtor Chancery d Jn ~ml ency HoteL Res dencc Scugog I-toad '\ 1 er e cuJIA by &..~ &e othe ,vwo w ll rcocn e prmnpt o.trcntion ost or 1 1 Veter a.rv medicmos al a.ya on 1 a. d Charge· ~1odcr·le .il"®C ho liw ll.utuaJ Fit· OfUoo o \Silver St eoi no vm1.1nvlllo ~~ 1 ·aJhlt} 0omJ1tll'lY g"f Clh ton li1S"t11,l H1ihod ~nlo1n1.teMJ1...: te~s e<\ Jt lU !a tlb.at 8flty conauJtcid. on Iior~s and Cattle J :MAHIIN M P C !IIA Y BE all diseaaea belong og Ila> ng had ma1 Y yen. s ----------------1 I n B tul'e a.n 1 training rui.d the relat10 s of l\ilu d ond Cw es 11f1 c World ove l co.rd of Never H the AU Ucsc phons of pn pelLY 11 sured n.ga nst .Hody <lcscr be l a nals o( ( nad a l\1'001cn.l J:T s ~ Y 1 a sucb I oss or D trnage by F 1e o.tmodcrate r:i.tes p1 1 1s ognonv ortl c R"' ls ofChilro.ctcrwltl 6 1 ccoss at. e led t I.le llt o luction of m y n1c 11 LOSSES PROMPTLY SJU JLJW WirHOUI 1Jlustrat ona tn 1 1 o v to Read them is a epoo al c nci he1 1 fore REEJ;RE~CE T01HE HOME OFFICE featu:ro WHY! ! Ell oloffY or tl Natural Illsto1y of 1\-fnn LIFE DEPARTMENT. ill strated ,, il l c given Phys-,,olouv and ..A. atomy.-Ihe Organization struct u can l r inct101 s of tho human body~ w th the la vs of lifo a1 l health 'Vhat vc snou\d oat a d dr nk to c othed an l ho N' to cxe o ~e o "' t1 1 :i: glonic l r:ln 0 ec 1 £1,Ud l vc 1n sccordR ciples Port a1ts sl.::.ctcl cs an 1 1 og -aphie:ii of leadi g l OlV n1cn and won1en 1n all <let artmentB o! l fe are spec nl fcatureH L'a e il:1 Tcac7ie1 s a d Ot11-e1 s :ls a gu lo c uca.t g ~ d tra..in 1 g Childre 1 ui l: agazme rHE SUM 01' has o su l)e or Much gcnen.1 informnt1on on the lead ng toplcs of tl edn.y 1s given l!l.nd o effo1t."'l arc spared L o n1ttke tlus the 1 ost mterest J :fr l'l-)ld n struotl.,.e l I\ g l cen a.dilcd thereto as a. i'&! lltof tho Dus as ell us ti e Bost P ctm JAL Fa rily Magazine i 108a or tho Past Yea after tl e l n.yn cnt of tll Cla.: rus Cnsh Bo uses ~ l ttlOt3 n, 'l Expenses C'\er rub sled .Establi.slel - lb.o Jou ne.l hns renohc<l ts nf every poser ption 4tl Vol me It las l'J ten.dil inc1eascl1 f~vor '1 Titbtcs of R tcs Hroposal Forms n.nd full for dming the ma yyca1a it. l 1's bconp blished and mst1p 1cn.nbe0Qtl n cdd ar1 I eat.im totpc u..n , as never moro pop ln:r t han 110 <1e,s1~"c<l !J L f;OUTJC Pernir~ .....,l'!o tl ly nt $3 a J 001 n a.d'\ a.1 oe ngle n n1bc s 3Q cc e; Cl bF. f ten or no1c cL~ ~.~~t~to'~w , 1a s $2 eacl and an extra cop to Ago1 VVe are otT'ermg t..he n1oat 1 be al P en un!'J ....,.. " rlinm FH· !n"!i'oil'~nr AIU!OU!l lnoloso 15 cct kl for n. ra xit lo n 1 ber wlth new o\ ge t nt Bo vma'nv li e p utoru\I I 0 ter an l Prospect 1s and a con[ lote N B r1 fJnan cutl pos t1on of tJ e 11flY il is n no, ~ ll.tl'ected by t.1 e cc nt Fro at Ohicllgo List l G'13~~ 1 ns S l'\ \\ JQL.T..S Pl.lbliibcr thQ ca.wP ny hu.:v U£:" 1 o ..Ag[jut t.loing bu8 J l'lF.!l!I .u l~ :iitl!lll:ri VP.y .fNt W 1'.-.tk FIR J:>EPART1"IENT HAI THE GRE!l_T SHOSHONEES T Rcn1clv and P1 le of tl c :h.inincnt II dian iifcd cue Ma1t Do tor Lew s Josephus of tho 1 /re ioTor; The D in nnrl. ts F notions eat Tribe of 8hosho cs B1ltish. Uolun1b n. s Locat1on of tl e 0 g 1 s .,... th d e o s fo c l o orking tl c most mar' elo u; a n l tSton shing FAJJ1.ILY JJiAGAZlNE ProvancmI:Exhib1hon ! 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