ofilee t A BUY ABOUT 15 YEARS OF ea.-rn h \Vlllll<ed lmmediatel J', !\GE i:. ti!:lg l :.i.nness appll' f\t this TOWN COUNCIL Nov R E M CouNOIL CIIAMBER B A other R B A N N 1 ALLAN L.INE . I'\ I' ..c +:> ~ 0 ""'"' 18 71 ~ +:> ""'"' ~ No '"d 0 +:> ril ~ JYI ORE c ,..., Q Cl) p ~ ,..., '(j (!) . \i \,I iJj ,<'- - - - - - -- METTING OF ELECTORS New Goods. To OWNEI!.S OF HoRSE~ -It 1· ~ W'oll at tested faot con! rmed by the experience of thousands that Darley · Condition Pow ders "'nd .Arabian Heave Remedy for horsM rn supertor to Mythlug of tne kind now or ever known We kno · that 1t has been used m many co..,. whero the horse has b een confide ad almo·t worth less with the most s:it sfactory raaulb the horse havu g been restored to perfect so mdnes· or so much benefittod that the comnlamt could ecaroely be obearved ~!any such h orses have aft<>rward· been ·ol l for from $00 to $100 moro than they would haTe preuo lSly brought and wore well worth tho diJ!'erenco lot all 1ntero· ed consider thrn (/) t BT S 1!U 6 ..c +:> (1) F F McARTHUR Ha.s JUSt received A u11an1moue: vote \'Yft18 passed on 1not1on of Mr McAlhator seconded by Mr Cuth player his bert n.ppruvmg of the course purn1od by doubtless cM·O A NEW LOT OF the candidates and exprea01ve of confi dance m them m tho future Tho p10 eocdings were wound up by a vow of thanks to tho chatrm~n and three hearty cheers for the Queen .At 7 o clock m tho evomng o! the same day they addressed a crowded house of the Electors m tho Town Hall Hampton Dr McLaughh 1 pre:nded The me 0 mg termmated by a s11mlar ; ote of &J proval on motion of Mr P Werry se<Jon led by Mr J aa Snuth with a 'ote of thanks to st1tut1on Mr R ly colulll1lJI fur five TWEED SHAWLS F!A.N CY FL !lNNELS LINE Fin: election pot1t10ns were presented at yesterdays session of the Q 1ebec .As sambly agam afforumg a strikmg instance of the urgent neoes· ty of a contested elec 10n la ' s1 mlor to that of Ontano Tho Conser'Vatn·lj· and corrupt d spens~rs of patronage cannot long stand m the wa' of such an important refor n NEW YoRK 10 not m o pleasant samtary condition at presei t Tho cholera is only kept out by tho moat strmgent regulations a.nd the small pox 1s sproadmg rapidly m the mrnerable quarters of the city of course Twenty three now cases a.re re ported m the last fort) e ght ho rs and an m easv feel ng I as comeoncntl.i been creat-Od New Yor k, Qu~enston and Liuerpoo/ I bought at j cheap ---~- I llIRTH THE SUB>lORIDlm \V.ILl SELL a.nd we pledge ourselves to use if neces aary a.11 lawful means to secure tlieir tn umphant return Thanks were &ccorded to tho ch&irmt>n who expressed h1msel£ m a maimer that 1howed an mtimate kno1'ledge of the po htical a!fa1re of tho country In the Evemng a crowiled ho 1se """ &d AN a.gency of the Ontario Bank 10 to be llreMed 1 i N owoastle Mr A MoNa 1gh opened &t Mount Foraat with Mr George ton presdmg The following resolution J Hamilton of Kmgston~ u managar "'"" passed on motion of Mr Metcalf sec - -- - ondod by :Mr McDonald - That thlsinee'r TnE "nmvers&ry cclebr&tion of Bo nnan mg havmg keard the ·ta.tement. made by ville Divmon S of T 4k~s pt-. on ){e!Wll Blah o.nd :UeI. od io h·r<>hy Tuoad4y ·Vllllmti nnt. Is health worth havmg 1 If U 18 pro tect 1t-1t 1·" JOWel as eao1ly lost lt!l ' i r tuo and m manJ coses a,s ddHcult to re cover In this cl mate and more p~;ttcu larly a.t this season of the year people are very apt to ta.ke cold and ouffer from soar throat coughs spi+tmg of blood and pul monary complaints g<;nera.lly wluoh if not checked immediately lead to ser10u· conee quences The quest10n ansea- wh1ch 1s the qmckest and most effectual remedy 1 Bryans Pulmomc Wafero have boon before the public fort venty yea.rs and havo al '«"·y· given perfec< ··tIBfachon and Ul ..~r,..bly effect permanent cures when taken in aea.&on Sold by all medioina d ea.!era -1 flllllll>T ·~-, at 21 - h lm: ,&.1' A REDUC'.IIO N OJ!' PER FOR THE N EXT FIVE WEEK;>: I STRIC'TLY CASH F F McARTHUR F