Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1871, p. 4

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·· CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TI-IURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1871. RULES F ,R THE CARI!j OF SHEEP We copy the followrn gsu!jgest10ns abou t sheep h om a cucular 1ss1iea by ]' c D ) vicOtty, the Geneml Agen t of the Amencan E1n1611a.nt Company 'l1hc Company ha, e already over 10, 000 sheep ·ca1tered a.11ong the farincrs v.ho pur chased land of the111, lU flocks ra nging Ill BlZO frOlll fifty to two hundred head 1 K eep sheep dry und er foot "ith httcr Tlns is e'en n1ore necessary than 1 oofing them Never let them stand or he lll mud or SllffW 2 Take u p lamb bucks early m summer and k eep them up u ntil Decemb er following, whe11 ihey ni.ay be turned out 3 Drop or iale out the 101\ est bars as the sheep enter 01 leave a yard, thna sav mg broken hmb' 4 Count every day 5 Begin gra1n1n g ' nth the gr eat est care and use the s1nallest qua11t1Ly a t first 6 If a e1ve loses her lan1b, milk her daily for a few days, and iru x a lit tle el u1n \vith h er sa lt 7 L et no hog~ eat ;uth the sheep, by any rneans, in the spnng 8 Give the lambs a little m11l feed m tin1e of °"' ea111ng 9 Never frighten sheep if possible to ,ivoid it 10 Sow rye for " eak on es 111 the cold "eather if you can 11 Sep,irate all v; cak, 01 thu1, or sick, from those that am ·tl-ong, m the fall, and give t hem spe ial care 12 If any sheep is 1'.urt, catch 1t at once, and Vi ash the \.Yound, and if it is fly time, apply s1)11its of turpenfa.r1e daily, and alv; ays wash "1th something healing If a hmb is broken bmd it "ith sphntets tightly, loosenrng as the h mb swells 13 K eep a nu1nb er of good bells on the sheep 14 Do not let the sheep spml "ool w th chaff or burrs 15 Cut tag-locks m early spung 16 Fot scours, gn:e pulverized alum in wheat bran, pre\ ent by tal ing gieat care in ch angu1g dry f o1 g1een feed 1 7 If one is lame examine the foot, clean out bet~ een the h oofs, bare the h oof if unsound, and ap11ly tobacco 1\ ith blu e v1t r1ol bolled n1 a httle \vate1 18 Shear at once any sheep commenc1ng to shed i+s wool, unless tl1c ~ cather is too severe, n.nd f:ifrvc carefullJ the pelt of any sheep that dies - 19 Have, at least, some good work by to refer to This will be money m your pockot AN INCIDENT AND A LESSON A young man with a w ~rm hea.rt, a few " eeks since, " ent to t h e " 'eekly pray er meeting in on e of our l.n ge cities He saT"v but a. fe\Y present-the dea::on and lus 1' 1fc, n,nd h ere and there another, and it looked cold and forbidding, and he t hought t o himself, ' ' Tlns IB too bad," a.nd srud to a young brother, " Let us go out aad find so1nebody to come in" -1t was a htde e111ly ~and they went mto the street and sa'\\ t~o young men standing near, and tLey 'vent c1uectly to them and sal uted t h em m a kmd and gentlemanly In an ner, saying to the1n, ""\Ve have a prayeI 1 11eeting right here in the church , They bega.n to exwill you not go in 1' cuse themselves "But haYe you other engagements l" 1t "as asked They said n o, but fm ther objected F m ally they went in, n.nd after th e n1ccting closed the you i..; g n ie i asl:..ed them if they had en-., Joyed the m ee t1ug They had, "one of t11en1 in particular " "But are you a ChrIBfa an ?" " N o, but I ought to be ' Some kind ad~ 1cc wn.s given to lnn1 and they parted, and Olir young chr1sb.an brother had ne arly forgotten it, when one day a young n1an came up to hin1 and asked lun1 for lus pict ure Surprised, he inqu ired, ·' V Vhy d o you "ant in y tncture 7" " Don't you rem ember," said t he other, ' ' You mv1ted t\~ o young men at such a tune to the prayer moctmg 7 " He did r ~1ne1nbe1 lt "V\ ell," said tho other, "I Vial'5 one of them, and I 'vent home and t hought of it, an d it ,o;eighed upon me, and I thought o ver it, ancl h ope I have found peace m b ehevn1g " And r.i.ow that young n1-an is hrmself do111g the very work which brought him in, going into the streets and a sking others to come to the prayer meeting, and Vi ho can t ell the rest.Its of that one endeavor to fill np the p1aycr ineetrn g E VER Y DES C RI PT I0N THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING A Large and Varied Assortment Farm ' SUITED TO THE SE~SON, · TO OW-NERS OF Albums Friendly 1:-1 FIVE QUAR TO VDLU1JllS P11ce 1 $9 00 pe 1 Vol ume, or -AND- To the EJ,to,. EMBRACING A VERY FINE 8ELEO'l'ION OF WHA'l' IS DETACHED RESIDENCES !'.'<SURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE New and Fashionable, OF IN FANCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS D T PLAIN Agricultural Insurance ~ompany, -AND- HIS S'l'OOK OF STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUAL A 1, AND BEING IMPORTED BY HBISELF DIRECT from the British Markets, WILJ, BE SOLD AT Save Half Your Jl1one;1 Head Office for Canada, Kingston HIS old a nd well established Company insures .a oth1ng hut Farm Property anJ detached Resid ences, and Issue3 Pol1c1es al Greately Reduced Rates Srn,-As this is the season nm of the yrnr th<1t people are in PARLOR ALilUM IS doublle~s th e mo~t ex ten i IVe A Hr G U L ERY ever p ublished, and want of an ext111 supply of Dry by t hose " bo ha ve ex o.m1ncd tb e severa l Jlort 1ons of the\\ o ik , l t bas been rrono un ce<l Goods, CI ot hi n g, G roceries, 'T he Climax ofl3~ a uty.' Et:cb vol ume con- Boots and Shoes, &c , would it tain ::. 20 full page Cbromo Lithog ra phs in Oil Color<, 40 full page Steel Eng·an~gs, 1 not be a great benefit to your ESCRIPTIOl'i OF HIE WORK abou t one half as th ic k, and sam e s :t: ed page s, of Webs te ~s la·gest D1ct10nari Ea ch volume is complete tn i tself a nd will be sold oepanteiv, if desired Sold by Sub· ·Crtpt10n, Onl) , A V o I I I s d evo t e d t o m n 11 u 1nencan Buds V ol. II C ontarns W i ld American A n·m , 1, Vol Ill AmcH can Dome·t1cated Bird s and Anim alo Vol IV Foreign Bu ds and Ammal' Vol 1r }~1shes Rep t iles and lnsccts 1h19 work Wiii at Once commend It.elf to the culnvated Am erican people, and no Iib ra.ry WI l, here a ft er, be complete \Vlthou t th!S ad d ·ll On \ O ltS \reoSurCS , Willie RS parlo r amn3 em ent 1t is u nequti.lled bv Amemau pub 1i ca tio1IS !O full page eogranngs on wood and 260 pages of 1eadrng matte·, dcscnptive of the 1 1lus trnti ons, the ;;!Joie makmg ea ch volume 4 0,0® peu· ~et Complete. @' PRICES SO P AI::_P ~LY CHEAP S UDGE FOR THEMSELYES T fi1c;;: as to commend them to close buyers, who are respectfully INVITED TO CALL AND ASSETS ..· Dcpo s1 ted ~ itb t he Fman co M1u1 st er for opec1al bene fit of Ca nad a n ?ohcvholdet s, over See tlrn followi ng Cert1fic ates · ' ' $68 000 GLASGOW Bowmanville, Apnl, 1871 HOUSE, THOl\:[AS PATERSON. reac ers 111 ar tngton all VIC!Il · ity to know the best nlace to 1 purcha ~e . N urnerous merchants · are offenng apparently great m· d ucemen t s, but t h e b est p Jace to purchase is at E!..LIOTT'S G · l S FI ] :renera tore, AMP '! oN, w 1ere a g1eat VHIH'ty is always kept ll1 Stock, at reasonable prir < <, Elliott's clothing _is as sty 'Z-~ li· s "h 1 · D ]' d · · .AND Special Announcement. IN ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE D. F 0 RB ES ORNAMENTAL PRINTING N 011 the lesson rs filst to Clmstmns I fio'" selU.01n do you tl')" to induce others to go to the prayer ineeting 1 They cornplam uf Lhc few tliere, they feel d1sheart ene<l rtt it , but do they try to r emedy it1" Should they make the effort, th·t of itself, if don e sm cercly and prayerfully would kindle their own hearts, '\1oOuld fill their mmds " ith t hou ght, would ptompt them to pray er, and would brmg them mto sympathy M t h the Holy Spmt We will give ngcnt o ve1y IILeral te1ms for Da.ted at th e C ity uf Ottawl\ 1 the 2nd d:;iy .s elli ng the abov e des c ri be d publtc a t1on~ , a nd of Juue, 18 70 Wl oh to · 01,o rn t n n ngcn t lll eveiy town n Depos1t1ncreesed,smceda.te o!above ccrtrfica te, th e Un ite d St ates an d Bn tish P1 uv1 nces to o> er $68 t.: 00 Expencn wl boo k age nts and all otue1 pe1 JoHN LA?>Gro~, fnr : M u1ste1 o fFmance sons of ic::ipccta b1ltt) sh o1ild a pply at once v.:ould take the oppo1tun1t) of mfo11n1ng t he public that he ls p1 eparei:1 to at tend to their orders Having rcccn cd and bc1ng 1n receipt of a v erj good asi,io1 Lrnent of the \ny Y N ng ~la'l, oi Ymrng Lady, caa, by de1h sis to cc1 t1f) that I have been acqn"1Dt ed with the Officer:\ and 11an a ge rs of tbe votmg stort trme ctn1ing 1he day 01 even Agr1cultu1al Insura nce Companj for man} rng, oe ('ure a compl ete set, free of expen ::.e, years, Rnd also wi th the b us in ess o pe1ations 01 11 preferred, we nill al low la1 g e Corn rn io of the Com pa ny, a ud ha"e no b eSJtli tton in s10 1! 1n C a sli a nd as he has d-el(crnuncd to conduct busmess on the recommcndrng It a s a pe1 fectly s nfo a nd n~ W e h a ve pt e pa red a most be<\ utifnl liab l e Com n nny 1 an d its Offi cers as comptl Specimen Bool. Co· A!'.'<Jllts, conI teat and hono1 a ble bus1r.eos m e n, nnd :i.i 1t tarn ng 5 of the Oil Ch1 omo., JO St eel EnN.B -.AU outsta-ndtng accounts arc rP.q1usted to be .ettlcd nithout delay 1nstues nothing but Fa1m Proper ty and d{- g rn YJngs, 10 Wcod EnJrn· mgs · nd oO tacherl Dwt 1\Jo gs , nnd bas ~530 000 AsBrts I ages of de~c11ptlve read ing being select10( s l consider it i es pons1ble beJ ond any cont1n fr om ea ch 'olnme, toge tber \11.h b ln u k pagency per , s pe< n nen, uf b1 nd1 ng , &c , & ~ Onr S peci men Boo k h a o coot ns q111t c rge ly 1 a n d w e do no t 1\ 1s h t o sen d 1t to \\T C bay e C'X!lm lnC d Into llie COnd !tlO O and ln pe1s on , wlio do no t int e nd to act as nge nts, stand i ng of the AfST1cu1tural TnsnrarHe but to nny one \l hO 'i\l ll make nn elfoil lo Oompunv, nni.l do fully concur \'\1th Mr, Cn - procure f< b t' "1bers to the\'\ oll'", v.c \~111 en in recomme nd1ng it to the F.u rners ot tt 1s send the Spccrnren Book, prep nd, on i e cc1pt P1ov1nce 1 as o ne perfec.tly safe nnd 1chatrn:~ of 40 C <" nts to co' er pos tfl J"e I n c1o~ e s tamp in\\ l11ch to i nsu 1e t!Je 1r prope11 y for re ply a nd addies s 'l1!11s 1s to certify tbi\.t the Agu cu 1 tnra1 Jnsurtt.nco Comp a ny ha ving dep os ited 1n tLe bands of the Receiver Gene1al of Canada, the sum of F1 fry funr 'f housa n c} Pn·e IIun died Dollars 1 1n United States Jj u11 ls 1 as requircd b} the Act of Caoada 1 31 V 1c, cha 48, sec 22 7 is b eteby licen"'cd to car1y on the business in C a nada of Frre Insurance Agent§ "\Vantcd. SP:RING TRADE Newest and Most Fashio~able Goods Cash Principle· Gre at Bargains -will be given. any; his assortment of cloths ts ve1y complete; Ladies' dress goods---a very fashio nable lot ; Elliott's groCP.rJes are of the ycry bE s t description, and low Ill p11ce,---he sell s flllFal11S a Fi lb l d · · c e, per · a nc upwar S, raISllll! at lOc, and ur'\'ards, his tea i:s not surpaF::;ed. If J OU are in want ot a first-class Sewing aS M ac IUlle, Ell JO t" - I r "S IS t 1e p ace DAVID FORBES. NEW SPRING GOODS - AT- P. EXECUTED IN A. :srYLE B A T T -I ~ ·G- S I f're WO Uh} IC fe r JOU to the follo w 1ng gen t.l emen , 1n r eg ard t o the rc~po n 3 1 bi! J1 y o f the Oo rnpanv -D F is he r , E t>q, Ca.:s h 1P1 o f t be Ontn11i; J'an k , J n o .M c L~ od , i\f P p J R The Great ll'emale Remedy. JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS MEDICINE IS T HIS INVALUABLB tho omo those 1111f111hng in of ail painful and , t ProJ ec T I New Railway · 'V v11l~ ran ball I Esq J P ostmaste1 E,: q , Dnr11s ter AgPnt for l J E Fa/c\\ ell to bu~·--vou can get a Lockman, J J "\Van zer, or any ot]i er kn1d, at or be!O\Y manufactu1 e rs' prices. Ell" l J ] dd d ' !Ott JUS ate Y a e an as· SOrtme nt 0f clocks to 1JlS Stock, which he s e)] S rernarkab]y cheap, and warrants 1hem. He AMERICAN PU BL JS llI NG Co, I acts also as agent for most of lloTL>No v, the l ead111g K ewspapers. Those - -- -- - - j n want o;houJd gne him a call P lit O § lt".fE ~ ;'i' US t'OHl I 7li ~ 'I · at on ce. All l.inds of farm proTHE LAD'Y '8 F'Rl ~Ji D. duce taken m excha n g e. Ac· count:; due on 1st Apr i l and l:st Cobourg and \'1c1n1ty, WILLI \M 1' FJSH. R CLil! I.E , Local Agent a t Bowman October. Yours, &c., llRIE NDLY ADVISE R D ccembc1 14, 1870 Dee 18 10 Jnportant to Fai·mcrs and tile Public Gcnc1·allr --- -~------ ---- - - WINGS BY AND BY " ~ralter," satd a. gentleman on n ferr y boat to a poo1 h elpiess cripple, "ho\\ IS i t \v]1en you ca nnot \~ alk that your shoe;; get 1\orn 7 ' A_ blush c111n e over the boy's pale face, but after h esi tating a inoment, he said "My niother has younger children, sir, n.nd while sh e w out waslung, I an1us e thein by c1 eep1ng d.buut on thA floor, and pla]img" "Poor boy I" ~a1d a la.dy standing near, not loucl e nough, as she tho ugh ~, to be ove1heaid "What a life to lead r Wh at has he m all the future t o look forward to?" The t ear started In ]us eye and the bright smile that chased it :1,, ·H i.y sho" eel th ·the did h ear her A s she pas:;e d by lH1n t o step on shore, h e said in a l o" v 01ce, but v.1th a snule that went to lier "heart, "I'm loqk1ng forward to ha' e mings some day, lady!' Happy '".,.n.ltcr! poor, crippled, pendent on charity , ye t p e1 fo rnu1 g lus trn uss1on, doing in hm n1easu1e t11 e :&!aster 's will Patiently wa1t1ng for tnc fut1 ~rc, h e shall by-and by "Inohnt up "\'\ 1th wings as <.!agles, shall run and n ot b e \\ ea1y 1 snall walk and n ot fau1t " \V,,lter 's hope of h eaven inude hml. hap py, as it will make n.ny one happy " 110 :possesse1> rt. dangerous diseases to l.\]uch the female fonstitut on LS subJ ect It moderates a11 excess and reDlO'\ cs a.11 obstructions, and a speedy curen1ay1Jc r elied on . TO MARRIE D T ADIES SECOND TO ENLARGEM:EN T Ob NO M PORTER WOULD MOST RESPECTF OLLY ANNOFNCE TO THE W inhub1tants of Bo"' ru nn' Jllc and su11ound111g thnt he nas now on hand the fol! complete stock of M\'i nnd 1 tc1n1ty, Jw111g Steei and Gwng Plows , Bvngle and Double C1ilt14:ato1s, Ooolc, Pa1lor, ancl B o'J. Ag1 icultu1 al Fu1 nae.es, Coolers, R oot Cutte1 s, I ron F e1u:.ing, ( [!<; NB -OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXCH A NGE WILLIAM PORTER, I 1on 0 F F I c Bowmanv1lle, King Street East E .. N E · (IN THE GOODS AT T1:lE Cana iii.au l!"ain Destroye1·. G-OLDE~ LIO~- TWO SCENES 'row D . 0 MIN I 0 N. ~ A gentleman took his son to a. di nnKen in a tavern ·wher e t he mma.tes , ...-ere fight111g and swearing, and, srud he, "Do J 011 know '"hat has caused all tlns? ' "~o sir" His father, pomtmg t o t he decanters, w1th rum, said, · ' That S' catise , " 'ill y ou take a d1i11k l ~parkhn g .AT THE The boy started back with honrn, exc1n.1med, " N o ., Then h e took Ins clnlcl to the cage of a man 1vit h d elirtun ti emons The boy gazed upon hun affnghtetl as the drunk ard iaved and it re, and tlnnking the demons vterc after him, c11ed "Lcai; e 1ne alone f l eave m e alone I I sec 'cm! they're corn1ngT' '· Do you _know the cause of this, 1ny 1 boy1 ' "No sir)! " 'lhIS i1> caused by d11nk , will you hn.ve son1e 1' n,nd he shr::i.nk back as he re fused t he cup Nex t they called .it the nusernole hovel of a drnnKard, " h ere 'vassqualhdpoYerty, the drunken father beating lus 'W"1fc, and w1Lh oat hs knocking do-.;i,;n Jim ch1 klren " '" ha.t h :ts caused tlus 7' sa1U the father , When t olcl that it was r um, he declared he w ould ncvcI touch a drop in lus hfe But suppose that l::ttl should be in\ ited to a Ti: edd ng feast , where 1-Ht h fruit and oal~ c the nine cup is p::tssed amid scenes of ch eerfulness and ga1et:y·, where '1ll the fncnds me respectable, b eloved t o each ot h er, and he should be a sked to drink, Vlould he refuse 1 Or suppose lnm ~alk1ng out with Ins fa t hei on a New Years d"y to call upon Ins ) oung lady fliends to enJoy the fest1v1ty of tl1e u shering in of the new yea:r V\l it h ot her things, wine IB hanclcd t o hun by a 5n11hng girl JTrn noble hearted fathei who1 n he loves, pre:-:i~es the wine glass to his bps , and compliments t he young Judy upon the ex cellence of its qualit y , what v. onder rf the so1). follo \\ lus exan1plc l - Railwa) travell rng ;nth all its di a,, backs and accidents lB the safest sy stein of travelling ever orga n1zed-tJ1 e persons 111Jured while t ravelling by this 1node of con veyance only a1nounting to one Ill half a niihon N oYr \\ hile it 1s i; cry gratifying t o know thnt it so mucl1 8afer than the old sy sLen1, it is pleas1ngto kno'VI tha t we h a' e Ill the " Canadian Pam D e stroy eI 'equ ally safe and su re for the cu1 e of coughs, cold s, rheu1natis1 n and suuuner C9,p1pla1n ts For sale by Drugg~sts and cvur..try d eale1s Price 25 cents per bottle RAILi;\A'Y T~V!!:LIL~G Spring Im pox~tations. jTATESMAN VVM. McMRTRY ];'OR HORSES AND CATTLE PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. HAS RECEIVED A LARGE PORTIOK OF IDS 0r Dry Goqds, of which h e would call special attention to the follo;11ng lrnes DY E (' ~i d1 ra t e d J;Ja;adbm.·;!' .!FOl'te. S TUFFS ' Dress Gqods, NEW_ TYPE, The Great English Re1neffy. Prints, Millinery, Cloths, Parasols, AN ASSORT1'1 ENT OF \\'h1ch cannot be surpassed for cxce1 h nrv ( 1 qualitJ ..An assortm <:mt of An1hu e D;; c ~ KPpt constant y on h anrl t oge'-he1 " ith a u:!ll He ~( l ec~1on of DRU GS CJIBMTC ALS, P ATENT MEDICINES, BRUSH E S COMBS SHOULDER-BRA CE ~ ON t. Bown1a rn illc O llAR.A.., r uuo B \?<;K ~cpt 5tJ1, 1870 General ..A.gents, Ile " man\ illc NEW PRESSES. :\a n tag eons N ll -fJQunl r~ t~ 1111 s Storekeepers Suppllccl on ad Dee§ ! Dees !! Dees ! ! ! Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c., NOT TO BE E X CELLED IN THIS PART OF THE DOMINION l!'OR STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRlCES BY MAIL PROMPTLY SALE, BYE F OR near I-Iampton, B I'l'ALI.AN .AliD HYBRID BEES, J,o~t. J:· ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS llIILLINER alway1> in Attendance. LOWEST W .R. CLIMIE, PllOPllIETOR. PRICES · gre~ a 1n-1we r a n:une of CobJ An} person grVlll!{ 1nfo1m a t1on that will lead Lo ber reco> cry will be su1t.a.bly re- a ORSTOLEN, ABOUT THE S'IRArl!:D twent) third of April a small Colle-..: bitch of color >\1th sh nggy hru..r, to the \.\TlLLIAM BORL.A°Nl) ' va r<led x Weekly Arrivals of New Goods. ·

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