Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1871, p. 1

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l:?trtb 1:l Qtgc Evc1·~ ~;~~!~~:n~11!ub:.~tftsman I 'i'fml'sday J Uorning , b:V the Proprietor a t the ABOUT CELLARE' \\hat is the cond1t10n of ) our cellar1 Is it dam p clo.c, filled with disagreeable odors proce eding from gern nnat1ng or <l.e c ;ym g vegetables ? If so, it is high tuno }ou gave the nmtte1 your earnest attention, for vou h ave m th at locabty the germs M dlScasc and yours elf snd bimly a1e lmbl~ to be pr ostrated at tuy inornent You think j our cellar or bascnient is in good sani tary cond1t1on do you know th a t it is1 H ave y >U fanly a 1d ca1efull; exanuned the pranuses ? Ii2'\ e j ou looked over the po t atoes tur111ps squashes and ot1 1ei i; egc tables t o a.scf1-ta1n then cond1 tJon? We know dypthe1 a., ty phoid a nd scarlet fevers and n1n.ny oth c1 n 1ost serious ill nesscs have their org111 111 cel1a1s, both 111 city or cou nt r y ar d we oan do cur readers no great er service than to urge then1 to see tha,t a t 1ll t unes they are u1 a dry swe.et , \-; holeso111e cond1t1ou '~hy should fai1n e1s and farrners fanu.hes ln1ng in the count1y a v.ay fro1n the pestilential vapors of 01hes be so subJect to a.ttu.cks of malig n ant discasc.:.1 '!here IB a reason for it a.nd we c~n point i t out T hey arise f1on1 t11e 1nclill'er ence ma111fested to the obser" a.nee of hygJen1c r ules and tho "Y iola.t~on of sanitary b ws Clcanlmess is essential to health a.1H l IS .. Wl\.f . R. OLIMIE, OFFiC:E-Pos t Office B lock, KING S TRERT B OWMANVILLE ONT BOWlVIANVILLE, ON:J\, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1871. NO. 450 An Unm1t1gated but Clever Scoundrel Ruloff -.,o;ho 'vas 11angecl a. da.y or t wo ago at B rngh ampton, m the St at e of 1'! e \I York p assed th rou6h a long career of mune H e was hanged fo1 lnlln g a yo ung iuan named ~fyi1 k a cleril. in a sto1e which Ruloff and two others were engaged in robbing about eight n1onths ago In 1846 RuloJf murdered his "ife and child but he ,.,.as not convict ed of the deed H e se1ved howeve1 t \\ u years 111 the P en1 tentrnry for ahductmg his "ifo When released from the Perute1 ti ary at Auburn he was tn ed fo1 t ho. mm de of hIB child wlnch disappeared at the san1e trme a.a h s H e was t11ed a+ Osv. e..,.n found 1871. Spring Goods. 1871. CONTENTMENT T HE N EWEST A ilRIVED at AND MOST F ASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS JUST BY E L L A V. IlETII E R. s_ ;er Please call n.nd cxmn1ne ::S:ILL'S_ GENTS' SUITS MADE TO ORDER. New- Felt and Straw Hats. Goods and Prices as Great B argains will be given fo1 Cash .D1·. S. F. :f-'I ILL· D. CI-IE MIST STOTT, AND DEAL Eil TN I DRUGGIST, TOWN HALL B UILDINGS, BOW 1'TANVILLE. MEDICINES, AND CHE:MICALS, Dye St uffs P atent ].ied1c1ues P erfumery B rushes Co-mbs Son.ps Paints and Oils Pamt Brushes Coal Oil and Coal Chi Lamr s ~ c , &c RU 'HHNG A TIME 1A1!1E ~ nr...AKE /SM L"'f s STOR Y P YYSICI ANS PilESOHli llONS CAREFUI LY CO\VPOU NDED AN D ALL OilDE ilS UOililEOTLY ANS ·VEl<ED S1 ocl O J !Yiedic t1te.:; cu1n first class ioad, and if we undertook to run of d anger It was t oo much for t he moth it a fright ful accident could not h e avmd er She n1ade an effort t o save her <l \r ed "\i"'1 h en Oc.rd1n er sa d it \\ :1S cr1m1na.l ling b1 t before sl1e coti1<l. overtake the ntt o tun the road as it was Supt Br own wa.., tle one her strength failed her and she ver~ hot He farrly boiled ovm He de fe ll clru:ed that ther e \\as no better 10ad rn the Otir cng 1 1e.., as Injured so that it was count1y ancl that G1rd1ner vras a co\var d i~posm ble to go on and another waa tele who ough t t o go on n. gra-.. el train n.nd if graphed fo1 Y\ e tried all we could to he did u t male the t 1n1c he " ould hai.:e h_r1ng Gardiner back but t he pln81c1an h1111 tl1e1e too Tl e road t ...s losing i s sa1 l that t11e excrtc1ncnt under wluch the bu.-s1ness and tl1.e1e had got t o be ach:inge noble follo" h ad labored had pr ostrat ed Brown also ~utd t11at ln Vallejo Creek lum and that it wo uld req u re the gre at est wl ern he hved, h o alw.ys n oticed that ·he en.re and a 1 > ng tune to b ring h un back t o tra.u slowed enough t here to lose t he con life R e h ad that care you nuty rest as nection Ga1d mer rej_Jned to this that au red '1t the Creek ther e ""s a d own graae, the br idge W RS u nsafe a d h e was obliged to slack for safet\ lHoi e than t lna, the track passed t h1ough the ,J;y g1 ound of tho Or ee.a. school) which \VuJ:> not fenced in and thBy cotild not go through at n r apid speed mth Q_ut dan ger t o the cluldre J Th en Drown burst out w1t-4 an oath t hat if parerrto thd nut W " nt th ir oluldrt.:n danger was passed the long fever "hich t un over t hey must k eep the1n ofL .Jhe ensued was broh cn , and t he eng1nee1 be t rack It would b~ 0 ood tlnng to run to r "'cover t he Sup "er-intendent was as 01 er ono or t\vo 0 £ t h t_;m a.sit 'vonl d teach happy as a. c]n ld th c1 n ~ lesson Of uourse h e d1dn t m ean I rnroy say in concl uru.ou, that the t1u s b11t he " s ho t yo l see and h e did don+ 1va not wit hout it s r esult for a+ not know what he chd saJ Ile a dded on ca ll e Valle) Roa j was th or ouglily re t 11 J..t Ga ... cliner s familv li\: cd ncn r the track, built in the best possible manner nc,vly and that Ga'rd1ner :-; sole re.?..son for sho ~ stocked an] 18 t o dav one of t he l ef.:t ing waci t o ha\e a cl at i.:18 he went th ... ough roads in the countr y, ru nning its tra ins on Tiu s set G u d1ne1 s tnger on fire and he t ime and giving great delight t o t he tri:nel then an d there d clared h e would make !m g pubh ti a.nks t o the energy and en time let the cun seque ices be -.,vhat thej terprise of S up erutt ondent Gardn~ er a. liked and if d isaster ha.,,pened Brown kt id bearced grey headed gentleman who in ust assun1e t he responsibility You see 18 rn.nked among the best raihoa.d men m J go do' 11 to see ]11111 tWJce he is keep ing h12 word b ut th e old f ello\v the cou 1t ry a ' ear a 1 l ' c ah\ ays t alk about t he c hn fe els bad enough \V heu he under t ook t o r un ~he t1n1e t~ble and t he 1 esults thereof a lgan 0 gmlt) of the murd er and "m1'e;eed to he hanged 'I:he '/etdicl WM sot aside how e'er on the ground that the bdv of the child had not been found aud thercf01 e t l efact of the murder could not he proved ThouJh a m ob assembled a t the Jail and threatened sunnnary p unmhment he wa.s protected and escaped Smee that t u ne (185U) the man has l ed a r ovrng life com m 1tted numerou s c1imes and spent a. por ti on of the h n1e in J :lils and pen1t.ent1a r1es It l S beheved that lie 111urdered his t\'iU compu.n1ons 111 th e robbery at Bing ha1npton as th eir bodies "ere snbsequcni ly found 111 an adJa ent pond The n1 ~u was ns clever as h e was criminal an cl not \\ rthstandm g h LS nu rncr ous er mes en er gctic atte1npts 'vere made t o induce Gove r nor H ofh nan to pardon h 11 1 but t he Go verno1 Justly allowed th e sentence of t he la.,\ t o be earned into execution and t he fearfully 1v1cked. car eer of this n1ons ie1 of iniquity was accordingly brought toa clos e on the gaJl ows country an1on g husbandmen than there ou gh t to be With plent y or pure nir water anJ exerCIBe the e\ 1 1111p, disease ought to Le kep, at bay and h e would be if a bett r obsen n.nce of certain hygienio cond1t1ons were 1na1ut a1ned Dad con d1 b oned cellars sn rn,l elose .sleep111g r oo1 ns s "o' es- these are all agents of evil and are fast mak1nb the homes of fartners ahnost as u nhealt h; as t 11J::;e of the d \'l ellers n the cities Are not t 11ose suggest1o nH worthy of consider t1on?-Bo:ston Joi rnal o f Chemw·ry 0 Tae great iwater ker-b tandy and JI H o v to .fir d hau t 1onary iess- looK 111 t he <ln.J OLD, IlUT GOOD .JI. II.II. Brr~n·;:ri c om be, IL. D. §., J u DON T GET DISC Otl'RAGED D o 1 t get drn"'ou rag d V{ho e' er gain eel an yUung by dra1\ n ig d own the corners of lus mo uth " hen a cloud ca1ne over the To keep potatoes frornrottm£ - cook and ea t them T HERE rn no use of pl'a mng tha p1 eaent style of ladies chesses fo1 thev are puffed enough Markus Mayer HAS JUST OPENED 01 T A WELL SE LECTED STOOT\. OF THJ. 11 SpanL <;h Goi; 1 r nment propose m its next budget I.hat t he ell'ective fo rce of the army b e fixed 1t 60 (loO men A.N excl1ange n1ent o 5 a O .::ise beyoud the 01 dina.1 y oculist It is that of a ) oung laa y v.:ho uu~tead of a conunon pup il has a college student ill her e' e HATp, CAPS, for &c., 0] EVERY DERCRIPTION, 'W HICH JU \\ILL SELL EAP CASH. More people arc shot do 11 - a h undred to one- by pock et pistols 111 which th eto IB a cor k for a I.anu:od tWt.u m those from "lu ch JJlSues the foa den bul let CAI L EAltLY '"D YO U W ILL DE SURJ 10 DE S UP l'LfJJ;n :;}1A1 ER BA~G-AIN'"S GilEA'I JHIWAI~ S , ARE NOV1 an EN t\T TIIB };.. cou ~ TRY p1e., cher l1 ol d-.ng M et v1ce one very sul trJ day in a small ]1aJI, was iu uch annoyed by t nosa who k ept dropping in aft ci t h e .,..,r-v1c .., lia d t:o nmcnced, Hn ariaby H e bo1 e the and at Corr1er PUBLIC ~t\_ND Store. you could get H oRt..c..:E \ VALPOLE once s aid - 1 H ad I cluld1en iuy u +1nos t e1 d e i.vo1'8 wous.d be to breed then1 mus1cia :is Cons1de1iing I ha"\ e n o car nor Jet thought of mu.Ste th e preferOllCC SC0111S Jd..:1 tllU ) Ct lt JS efn braced on fie l ler t re.ileev1on l n short as my aim would Le to make them happy, I thmk it is tho most profitable method It lS a r esource -.,vh ch -.,v1ll last their lives, unleso t"e> gro" deaf ' ' depends on t hem fr on1 sel fes not 3n oth ers al" ays a.muses and soothes if nut cu11soles and of all fa.shlon able p!e"su ·es is the chea11est 1\I o.::: " extensive p1epara lfons e b e ing mad e m 13rantfmd and m the conn y of Brant, t o I old a grand pol tical p10 me on OPINION Comer Store has fully JUS bnod them igmal IClea that it t he vVl=J:; I,T~ B UIT ED F. Y. COWLE. TO THE PUBLIC. d01V'IlCa.st be;:.t 1 e \\ as by n o means a low ':Ill tllJ Ha1 mg lately added cons1derabl; th ereto th.at the! ma s t here.1y 1 e enab le l t ) s lpply all pa.i ties \ \ h o may please t o fn.1 or them w th a ca l ~ G1t:at illdu t:emeuts heJ.U out to those p <h l SJn ,,. at then esta blishment ed in no Ot 16 wa y ta.ken f om a. robutSt voung In ot-n and the syu nge emploJ ed ·was of nlet al, Bllvor pla-i.e<l a ld cont an1ed n.bout four ounces The ca.nu.le "\\as bent 1 ectangularly, thus fa.cu1tating i ts 1ntro<luctl >n into the v~ Hl LOOKINf, an l lli GLA SS E S, Ji RA1vIED TO OR D E R everv -Ht_yle Samples of tho d1ffe1entlu nds of moldings can be seen nt the ' a1crooms Ihev \voul l al"o beg to nnnoui1oe th a t l n111g pt :i: hasctl a. SPL E NDID T h e; ,-.,ill b e rca(cy n t a~ NE\V ~ HEARSE, term ~ u es to attend to F une1als on sho1 t notice and reasonable COFFINS K::::PT ON H A1'D AND MADE IO ORDEit AT · 'i' hc 1'i e n D onnn1on .Ret:ul Ftu·;utur e l 'V:u-e.1.·oomn, 0 S l--I AW A· KIN G STRERT EAST, Au0 ··u st 2i 1870 Opposite J W Fo" ke s Stoie 16-4 INSURE YOUR LIF'E, J'j ! f be pre and actions )Ye h{t the depot and went 1a+t i llg on O\ er the iron P assengers looked at each other 111 surprise, a nd wona ered what u n der th e su n was th e 111atte1 ¥<1th the V a 1 ley- 1f'"'rt ha.dsn.dden y a vrakened fron1 i ts long sleep , and no Y proposed +o be a. i a1l road in earnest AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN THE SALT FOR ST OCK There see1 n s to be a fev;r pomts well set tled in r ega.1d to supplymg salt to don1cs t ic anuu n.ls a rnong '\V h1ch al'c 1 Jt IS 1eq uu ecl by hor ses cattle sheep, and l o.;s p1omotmgdigest1on 11d hen ce increasing the appetite, and g1:n1er tl y con t11butmg t o the h ealt h of the ammals 2 It should no t be a.d1mrust.crcrlas foo d, 111 confSulerable quantities at sta.t ell h1n es, but only as a condi ment tu whi h the stock may have access wh eue\ er pron1pted to partake of it 3 The best mode of supp ly111g it rn to place l un1ps of rock salt m IJ1e pa.'3tures, pen , st able &c , so th ·t they ma) b e shclt 0 r cd from ram , n d yet be acucssible at w ll times to the stock ------~~'~ - ~~- COMMERCIAL UNION ASSUBANCE Co , of LONDON", ENCrLAND Co , ' he n.nd the old You see our tram n ever inakeH uonu ecLLonspassengers always lay over , and of course then gru\Y l Tlu s morning the old IIlaJl rolled u s mt o t he office and t h e whole HIS F IRST CLASS BRITISH COMPANY OFFERS SUPERIOR ADV AN Gat dmer talked h ke a T.A.GES to th e l ol cy H older:; in both the Llfe a nd F u e depa1'tment R tttcs lo\V il.nd t er ms t lnng was out liberal fat11er t o thein and as 1 "' gre"W "'xcited h_e I said that it"'"" ernruual b i:un the road 1'£0RLAND, "'\VATIS ON & CO., Montre al, He told them the Gen£'1ral ~genW for Canada I m th condHlO 1 it" as I t1m" '- tble as made u p '\\as fast e \.en fo- a W It CLT!vITF~ CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED. £2 oOO 000 STERLING T 0 I had so in ra c ulously s'""' ed "\Va::. the son and only cluld of our Super intendent It seemed sur pt IS1ng that th0 morn ing talk of th e two m .... n should have so Singnl a1 anend.lllg but so it 'i\TaS r hc "\VIfe of t he Suoer1n tend ent w th thei~ on! v child had been out f or a ·walk The h ttle o..... e i u1u11ng a.lrend had stra)ed upon the tT' : tek H earing the "histle t he mother called t he 'C!uld to her bu~ happy lll its fr eed cm it ran on laugh ing and ahout1ng chll<l l kc int o the Jaws WHAT is the best corn ex.tractor? ~a. crow A .R. \.ID "\\luch far1n er ~ iuay d r ead as \Vorse th!.i.n Ii e111an ha:; set in u :>un West ern Ontario Tirn,+ te11ilJ e peat, th e Co lora.do pot ato b ug ufto1 several years of nug1at1on f10111 iiel{ocly ~'.l o unta.1ns west ward has at length re11ched Can ada L .st yeat they appeared rn som e qua1 ters on the w·este1n frcnt1eJ bu t n Jt ill such nrunbe1s as t o comnnt ra vages of \ DY CO'".'LSi<lera... ble ext ent bu t t his. S"" iso 1 t hey appear to havu c ossed the bo1d r n snch force as to ci eatc uneasiness among the far me1 s In the neighbo"h ood of:-;ar mandall along the front they hai; e e::;L t.bh~hed themseh es, and \Ve now le :tin t h1t th c:vha.ve tlu s \Veek pushed eastward into the interior as far as P ete1svillc 1n the n e1ghb or hoodof L o n don D fl er en t de;::;u11ou ons h ai'\ e been gn: eu of this new enemy or the potato b ut all ag1ee in class ng 1t n ot as Lbug b 11t as a. beetle of t he odei of Cleopa!JJ a When m atured i t IB of a cre:i.m co1 01 st riped \v1th black and somewhat rese1nbles a g igantic bod b ug All kinds oflcmedres h " e been used t o cz:tlI1H1.te the:=1e deva.stu.tors, out " ithout a\ a1l 0

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