Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1871, p. 1

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&!!! s pi1n ·d an d pulmshed ~"'!!!'!'!"~~~~"""~~=""'~"""""""'~ ~-- :--""'\ 'rlf E LI@UOR DEALERS ADVER· 'HSEMEN T A lfll '1S1ona1y of the An1e11c 1n Sunda3 School U n ion wh o has b een for several yea.rs star ting Sntld(IJ Sch ools m S o u~her n Ind1ann., 01 ce stouped o.t t he house of a 1nan, " 110 ~ s about to st art a. J1qu o1 shop After dmuer c..S fil 1 e :ry il'!Hu·~day l'll @a·ning, bJ the Proprie tor \V JVI. R . C LIJV1IE, OFIFJICJE- Pos t Office Block, uuno host addressed hlm VOL.XVI. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., r-rHURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1871. C ousin J ack r NO. 44.. Do ) ou know yo1 1 owe nie a k.:i.si:i, J\'f s::. Da11on'l follow s ~11 \ ou s en like n.'n.ughty clcve"' KUl(l of a 0 ntk:n-ir11 ; a1 u I an t no sch ola1 and 1 d hkc liO git 1- on to do a. li ttle piece of 1 vr1t cn for n1e Ce1 ta1n]yt I r epued if I can I\ hat do you w 1sh t o 1871. Spring Goods. 1871. SPRING CLEANil'rG AND MOST FASHION<l.BLE SPlUNG GOODS JUST rhe melanchoh da) s have cmne ti c saddest of the year Of clearung pamt and s.c.:rubbmg fioo1s and se w u;.i; fa.1 and n ear Heaped l 1 the cou cr s of tho dirt lay quiet lhe ohaJ.rS all t opsy turv a:r dreadful riot J3 lt no;\ the carpets are nll u p and. from the s la1 c ~ise llw cxpehGnee of the last fe w homs had nl eady f1e cluced h er t o a sta.te of inute N oth n g he could sav ,.-onld s_ GENTS' SUITS MADE TO ORDER. ha.ve 1vr1tten 'l V{ h y said h e ' I 111 tlunken of star ten a gr occr3 a11d I d hk e t o do it nght M y pap used t o sa.y if you 1va.nt t o do ai \ tln ng rigi1t i:o 1 n1ust begin ). 1 gh t and 1 i ould J s L like to g it J <: U to g1t u p a. not1cc for l le 11d put 1t in t h a n e":spapcrs T Jl p y tnc p 1 +er :tua all He \'i r ote the "\~ e ui, e 1t and 0 the r o.sal ti belo\ you I t op New Felt and Straw Hats. ~ The mJStre ss culls lo ine n nncl mnid t o wield the bromn a ml 1 no1 'Vhcrc ar e those rooms those qui et rooms the house but nov; p1 esented W hercin we d>velt n o1 dreMn ed of d,iit so cosv Please call antl exanune Goods and Prices as Gre~t B trga, Its \vill b e given foi Cash S. F. rI I LL· STOTT, CHEMIST AND DEALER IN DRUGGIST, ' ' ith slops nnd suds and soap and s'.tr d and tubs and p ruls and brooms Ohrurs tubs stands are standing round ul BL"l'.:C8 and se-vens 'flnl~ w fe and h ousemaids fly a.bout like meteors in the hea> ens 1strologer s mut e proph ecy TOWN HALL BLILDINGS, BOWJrIANVILLE. N ot th e folds of h er oiepe dresa looked 1v!11tei than her face all the JOY of the Ch11stmas party \\as gon e £or h er and a sickly feeling of superst1hous t er r or po" sessed ho~ a11d tl e spirited gnl v; as no'Vi ~a fa111t d1001 11g figure with only JUS' stren gth enough to creep up strurs to her b ed r oom, '\\hc1e she crouched d o1vn be fore the fu e crurupled her mass of '\ h1te lace an<l clinging c1 epe? sluvenng with fo gh t af C\ ery "ail of th e wmtry wmd ho \ding round t he hon::." Oh that I had n eve1 \Ui tten to th it DRUGS, MEDICINES_, AND CHEMICALS, D.) e Stufls, Patent l\1edicines Perfumery Brushes Combs Soaps Pam ts and Oils, P amt Brushes, Coal 01!, and Coal 01! Lamps, &c &c PYYSICIA NS PRE'Ul lPllONS CAltEFUI L I COMPOUNDF.D AND A LL ORDE R S CO! HJ;;G'TL' AN SWER F.D p101mse d, and fur L ht'I for the annoyance of good Olmstian people T " ill agree to J?4it· Farmei s and Physicians f1vJ· t the Com1ti !I «iii! ji11d out !:Jto, k of M edicines com pfote and of the best quality replied the s guor p eoccu p1ed toru;i tl1a p,r no more Jack d1 ew an envelope fro n }us pock et .An 1 tben leg m1ly thin! s of her w h o se thL"I a nd selecting on e b ke ue1:os of lurnself from fu l"> tfloat tbout n d ozen , h e hu t 1t on the L a1l e .An d wishes H h e v; ere ou t nt sea in a.' erv leaky ' 1'-f or ga11 s:-u d h e, l "ant you t o send boat l-Je meets her ri.tth e p:u lot Lloo1 \Y1t h J at a;Ud thrn to J\'.f iss B 1rlon , in a.ns vet to h er ap ph cn.t 1on and I n1ea n i t !=!hall com" t ru e, old boy in 1 keep op en on Sun day ' Vhen I 1net lu in u.ga.1n h e said, " 1.fr Im the \vust 1vl11p · ped feller ever you seed That ad\ er tise· m e11t you pu t in t he papers about n1v grocery Jist ope1 ed1ny e1es I t ell you whnt s a. fact, T 1 ev er tnot ght I1o·w 1 n uch h ar 1 l i t; migh t tlo and Ii 1 i h 1nb asha1n ed of it , und JlS t m ade up 1ny unnd Id rat h er\\ ork fo1 a quart er t day then to J u s T OPENED. go m to it I t old lnm I belie1 cd he "a.' Mark us Mayer" HAS JUST OPEN::::D OUT ~ 1 wELL SELECTED STOCK OF H A T S, C A P S, &c., OF E VERY DERORIPTION, WHICH HE WILL SELL . . . CHEAP for CASH. CALL EAHT'i AJSD YOU \\ILL DE SURE TO BF. SUPPLIED I ll@i,. llIGDE~T IPNU CE .l!.~ AJ.D FOR R l \V FURS. 111ARKUS ll[AYER BARGAINS I GREAT BARGA TNS AJ{E N OW GIVEN ~T It wa.s Christmas Ev e nd Miss Maggie .Balton was puttmg tho lost touches to her evenin g toilet for the fo Ll1com1na ball She was tall an cl you 1rnuld \Junk s~ately till you .;za1v h er fQ.co n.1Hl then the inq uant expresston of tha brov.:n e yes and the d.fbn llle la ughter of the h p led J OU t o ~p pose she 'va.s more n1erry- than d 1grufied a.nd if your observation ext end ed to h er c~nduct fo1 a. "hole even1n& I a1n s r y to say yon ,,_ ouJ d be C(mpellod to acknow ledge ier Jl 't t httle fast She h d d1Brn1e"e d hc1 mud and w th hei p·etti head a 1 1 tie on one side was t1yn g th e effect of a s. arlot ge aruu m ainond t h e ambr os1 Ll puffs of hau Of course Ili'.I1ss Barton wore a lng11on - all v oung ladies d o n o'v a da i; :;-an d a lon(T cu1l b elund her l eft car Presen tly t h: ge1an1u1n \\ as settled satisfactori ly and \\ rth t quick n1ovcn1 ent T\iiagg1e f a.aten ed t h e <lour, tnd drew f rom beneath a book eover ca te de vis te and tho gentl ernan on tl1e ca.:i: cl " as J a.ck Carleton * * * x * * THE Cheap Corner Store. PUBLIC OPINION you could get turn frern t. prolonged Contn ental tour undertaken nominally for t he benefit of PLANT sunfl owers if there 1i;i ~ y 1 lace ab out your h ouse wh er e \Vate1 is thrown ou t au d likelv to become n1al a.i 1ot s T his ]Jlant has th e powei of abso1bmg 1.nd pu r1f; in g t he a bnosphere has fully JUStifiad the ongmal idea, that at the 'Comci Store .AND "\VELL SUITED his health hut more possibly to help t c get rrd of the l trge income left lun1 by lus F. Y. COWLE. father 1lte young men had gr asped hanUs cor ch i. l ly enough \\ h n they r ecognLZecl each o ther aucl soou aft er adJ OUrncd to the Jodgu1153 of Morga.n to h ave a t alk o' e1 old 0 s. 1\ fodArate Ch e!<itt-rfield, 13 ........ ~VILLE and Da rlington Hos1dence Queen t reet 01ders pun ctu :i.11;; uttended to Charges A U CT IO JS EER F OR BO\\ l\IAN I AN D Sales tunes It WM during th1a talk th~t Morgan confided to Ins f11ond lrn piesent mode of living \\-1th "trict 1nJm1ctio11s to keep it a profound secret ' as of course you see old fellow sn.1d he, it in1g ht pro' e iny ruin N RETURNING- THANKS '[Q THEIR NUMEROUS CUSTOMER S AND if known the puuhc g enerallv for past fa\ ors \\lould respectfully m v 1te a ttention to tl1 e11 pi esen t stock of Jack, howeve1 d id not see 11ow hi '< friend could be m a greater stat e of l'1lIJl than he tppear ed to be at present ' You v; ere always a good for nothuig Havmg lately added cons1dr,r 1.hly tlrnrnto th a t th ey m a y Uu~rehy be en._<tblcd to empplv all parties scamp To111 said he 1'.ho n1ay please to favut Ll till wit h <t c all t:.fr Great uHl uce nents held out to ' .And 'ou '\ve1c nl'r! ayB a lucky dog tho e I Llr l U i::ll!lg ut t hen cs ta bhshmer t Jack returned Toni 'Bv t11e by \\hat P I C T U R E S, L 0 0 K I N G- GLAS SE S are vou going tc do with you1~elf this TO THE PUBLIC. WALTER WIGG & Son, ene111y to entor and encourage t J1 e select the uiost en sa.J I an1 duped alo ig wit h 1n;:i11y others I I h ad i1ot l'mtt en I t m a good tlung none of the girls know it Of course wu~h The c,.a1 t c was h eld oft t o l;e "\Ie1' cd more favornble h ght Very good and m ever:v stl le Samples of the different kinds of moldings call be seen at the v. arerooms Ch11stmas~ t ainly W 1t11 unoth e1 l oo.:r. she placed it b et ween t h e pages of a. copy <f l ara md h asL(.>.n ed duwn There 'vere n1errv doings at Ra1 by Holt tha.t night Sq unc 1\.fart1n B a1lr\ or G1a.ndfa.ther B 1iby !I S the v :iung p eoplechild1e1 of ]us n1a1 1v so1.s a l(l daughters -alwa\.S called the old gentlon an and :\.ft er a va~ t n 10 n it ut eog1t tmg and qne ~t1on1 n J i t " as fo und th 1t the n1an wan ted Linct u re of iodine 'lhev would also beg to announce that having put hased a Why to spend it m the Jolliest style Lady Urnula his lngh bred gcrnal dame it the Julh"'st place 111 Ch1istendom re plied Jack ' TheJ h a' e n ot seen 1ne at B:u hy Holt fo· eigh t y ear s and I expeci g1a.n dmother and th e i est of t hc1n 'v1ll go m ad " th J O} \V h en I make my sudden ap pea a.nee t here 'N1t h thii') flattering conclus1on ].f i Jack SPLENDID l\en NEW U 7 areroon1, FOY\ ke I always gat hered a T hey >'>lll bo ready a t all times to attend to Fun era ls on short nohcu ar 11 reai:;ouable te11ns the111 at Chnstm as la1 g e con1pu1y around .A.ncl whe1e coukl 3ou spend a Jollier Ohrist me -' than it tJ1e 1'f a nor?-an c l who could 1nake such m ince i 1es and t urk ey stuffi n g as gi l.Jld n1oth cr s old h ousekeeper at B arb, ? ¥\ ell as I sud, there ,ve:i:i.: g1P.1 1d d o1ugs ' ' \. servant was sta.nd1ng near t he doo1 and Mi C:u:lct on nda .. e:-;sed hrm ill an nn COFFINS KEPT ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER AT dertonc " V\'flat 1i,; t he nan1e of that you ng ]a.dy stan din g near t h e h r e place an d t alk n1g to Don11111on Retail Furniture 0 SH .AW .A·! 1'.ING STREET EAST, August 2! 1870 my grandmother 1 · Opposite J W s Store 16 ~ Carleton elevated !u s legs till lllJ! feet re posed on the n1antle piece Bai hJ Holt 1t1a1101 in N otfangham shire I inquued the signor, suddenly INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN THE ing ' V\71th the red flower in h e1 h nr sir ? Ui sula in h ei blot.ck vehct and lVJechhn t h at s Mu:is J3artvn sir lace and the squuc in ]us \V Rl oes and silver buckle::. lecl off the ~tate l } country at the Manor on Olmstmas Eve L t<ly "The 'e1y same, old boy, sa1dhrnc01n pa.nron ' 1i\7hy do yon ask ? ' OnlJ t h n.t I had a l etter f101n t he1e to day rephed Tom d"1ice from the top of the hall the mar r1ed sons and daugh ters c n1e n ext t h en t he young people, the children, an d ' A letter I What about1 wit h imiocent coolness ' Gr andfather .s g uests as a.ll 1vho were not r clatn es were styled by the rest The dancmg " as at hrs height the holl y and ivy qun er ed 011 the pa.nels and th e I oak iloor \ Vas b econung in ore and rnore shpveiy \\hen un:u 11 o u1 ced a.rd "1th a j J O"\\ Ue1ing of sno" o 1 h s (loak a tall figuie dashed am ong tl e 1ance1::. seized the squire s hand an d Wi'1u1g i t v olpnth fel l on D ame L1sula s n etk tnd ga1e hc1 a he 1rty kiss before any one had tlllle t o t]unk ' vha.t the d1stUib\.nce cou ld be about But t he sqtnrc s eyes 'vcrc k een and af tcr the fir st inomen t h e r eturned t he g1asp with a heart y God hle8s J )U n 1y bo:v t and We c 111e toBarbv gran d8on COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE Co, of LONDO"N ENGLAND CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED. £2 oOO 000 STERLING liberal CI ASS DRITISH COMPANY OFFERS SUPERIOR ADV<l.:N T HIS FIRST to t he P olicv Holders in both the Life nnd Fire lle1 artment Rates lot\ a nd terms 'I ~GE:j l\:lORLAND, W-ATSON & CO., Mon1:1·cal, G""neral ..igent!J fo.,. Canada. W H CLJMJE Agent ror Bowmanvr.: e "\Vhy conce1n1ng in v ad\ertisen1ent of coul'se olflns\ver ed To1n xn1n1utg1ng among sonie papers Ah one of my gia11d1nothe1 s guests I suppose in fu1 a 1 i..rk, said Jack "\V11at s his name? 'Jt IS not a m an, r eplied Tom 'she signs h erRelf 1\farg1c Barton It t \aS a short letter , in a guhsh hand ,vr1ting desc1~b111g hersel£ ns talland sligh t with golden h an and h azel ff\ es a.nd re questing to be favored with a cttrte de iri..s 1t e of her future hu sband, by return of post of cou··se Enclosed 1n the en\ elope wns the fee of thirty starnps Carleton hclrl the letter up eyes Jong a'tei he had read it follow111g to t h u .A nC; 1u:a1 ..1ig1 tt.ult w11st, aucl ch t.llenges any housekeeper in tne count ry to gn e an y n1od c of p1epar1ng a. m or e d elicrous light I ndchng One p int of fi ne bread c11unbs to n nB q ua1 ti of nulk on e cn p of sugar the J lki:; or four eggs 1- eat 011 t h e grai.e l r111cl ;f i, len1on a piece of b u tter the .size of M egg Dake u nt1 l done but not "" 2t erJ 111 hip the ,,] 1 t~ s o-t the eggs stiff and bua.+ n a t cac lpful of su g r 1n Vi h1ch hfls b een snrred t he JU ce of tho len1on Sprcrid ovc.,. t h e pLtd th ng a. Ia; et ot Jelly or any swee tn eats you p r e A divorce .suit is fe1 Pour t h e "\\ J ites of the eggi; oi;; or th is a.n d r ep lace 111 t h e O\ en i..nd ba.ke lightly To b e eaten cold i' ith er ean1 Is second u s t h o.t fl annel tvh ich only to ice crea1n and fo1 son1c season ~ has becon1e '\ ello\\ by use n11LJ. be '\Vh1tc 1 b ctte1 etl by puttmg it for some time in a soln Lion of hard. soap to " hich s r ong a.1n1110 THE London A dvertwe1 sayA 1\fr J\..Cl ~ n1 th ts been added The pr po1tions he n cth 11'.Iackenzie of the to1 nsl11p cf I u h n t1i near Gu elph paseoc 1 tl lOu 0 h L oi don on h is ' \ ay to 1\Ianitohn. lu. vn1g with 1uu1 lus fan11l.) a ld a l;:i, -ge stock of t h o rough b1ed cattle, besJ de:s n me h o1se , SIX reap ers and l lOwe '8 cult1va.to1s, and oth er kinds of fn.r l11n g uup1emen t s T " o or t h iee of Mi Mackenzie s sons h ave been m the netghborhood of F oi t Ga:iry for abo 1t t wo '\eai.:. u d ~r o m the cheer Ursula albeit som e her soh ·) ea Induced to r ei t and e1n1grate t o ·

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