\\ 11 thou t :tKe lh1~ These ca111agf'"' 1 iown st ne front t.Jns diauior~a I I To hP tho husband of thy d 1ofce ..E nrst lo0t<f'cl in bond"- of Hi.,-n1en I A bar of 1ron, v;orth $5, '\')Ol!ked l horse s1toes, IB wo1 th $10 50, inade needles, it is " orth $355 rnade into pen j knife blades, it is 'vorth ~3 285 , made 111 to balance springs of Vi atchcs, it is wo1th $200,000 What « d11lling the poor bar must un dergo to reach all that But hammered and beate11 nnd pounded and rolled and polished, how was 1ts value increased ' It m1ght well ha'e quivered and co1nplau1ed under the hard knocks it got but were theJ not all ucccs,ary to draw out its fine qua.ht1cs, and fit it for lnghcr offic1cs 1 !lend so, children, all the dnllmg and trauung to 'vh1ch you are aubJected in youth; and which often seemB so hard to you, serv:e to b1111g out JiOUI nobler and finer qualities, and fit you for n1ore re sporunblc posts and greatm usefulne·· m the "orld Large and Varied SUITED TO TIIE SEASON, EVERY DESCRIPTlflN '"'till Ahead. Stoves! ENLARGEMENT PUllLlO DINNERS o> EMBRACING A YERY FINE SELECTION OF WHAT IS New and Fashionable, T HIS STOCK 01!' STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS usuAL IN F !\NOY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS OF A 1, AND BEING IMPORTED BY HIMSELF DIRECT from the British Markets, WILL BE SOLD AT @" PHICES SO P ALP ABLY CHEAP _m ns to commend them to close buyers, who are respeotfully PLAIN INlITED TO CALL AND JUDGE FOR THEMSELVE& GLASGOW Bowmaui;ille Ap11l 1871 HOUSE, TI-1:0MAS PATERSON. lTNDER the li.ui,h Pe tee Presenation TIMES Act, the d1st11ct in wluch a murder occurs has to compens.>te the familJ of the murd 1 A 10'~ c of liberty is uIStinctive in all ered, wlnch is rather a hea:·ry pull on hvmg creatures Neither insect, bird, counties hkc 'W estmcath, "\\here n1urde1s reptile, or animal forfeits its freedoin vol are tluck as blackhe1Ties 111 ,June The untanly A sense of mdependonce and vviL1ow of ail t e1\a1 d h as JUSt receive d ,., ~, self reliance is a manl:'i quality, v;ithout 000, and the 1uoti1er of a prouess ser' er ANNOUNCING THE OPENilW OF THE which we fall mto subseinency and fail $1, 875 to do:v1.lopc those nobler traits v;luch dis~ IvIR GoLDE~, an old bachelor editor, tnignIBh a. nw.nly 1nan fto1n a slave or a sycophant A true n1an holds hunself thus m his spite coinincnts on a recent would tako the opportun1tv of informing the pubhc that he is propa.rcd to nttcnd to the1.r orders " left our sane lla.vmg received and be1ng 1n receipt of aver'" good assortment of the subject, not to the rule of priest pope, moonlight incident pnnce, or other earthly potentate but to tum at nndn1ght last inght, and an our God It is a lack of scl'f respect and of :way hon1e "e saw a Joung lady and gen tleni ui holding a g~tte on Its lnngeB '11hey and nis ha has determined to conduct business on tho we"'e evidentl~ indignant at being out so late, and we sa;, them bite cnch other Cash Principle. Great Bargains -will be given. se' eral tune~ A FREE l'TJLPIT-A NEED OF THE JN Special Announcement. D. FORBES - AND SPRING TRADE Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, ' Te ORNAMENTAL IT rn said that n New York coroner 1s p1 eparuig a book, telling all abo11t what to do in case ot a kerosene explosion It don t need a book to tell "hat to do All thn.t is necessarJ I::> to send your address to an undertaker JU.St befo1 e yon hght a fire 'nth kerosene, and then let natuie 1 take i1;s cour~e It s all foohshness to buy a book about it, as it is peifectl:r evident I all tho c<noner wants is to get his name be fore the keros"'ne burning pubhc A_ DAVID FORBES. PRINTING NEW SPRING_ GOODS Sm,-As tlus is the I LA'l'EST FARHIONS. of the year that people are rn Mrs. C. Pollard want of an extra supply of Dry AS RROEIYED A FULL Al:3SORT Goods, C lot h 1 n g, Groceries, J\:IE:NT of Bo«its cllld Shoes, & c , would It MILLINERY GOODS, not be a great benefit to )OUr 1eaders rn Darlmgton and v1cm1ty to know the best place to pure base. Nulnerous merchants Machme sc,ving done to order also St::-imp1ng for Bnnd 'v\. 01 l All oniers prom11t h fillc d are offenng apparently g1eat inStore rwo doors East of Henden.,ior s Ho!{ 1 ducements, but the best place ~ohn's Hot ""fr Fnt-Prfa:e to pmchase is at ELLIOT'l 'S Di·um. General St01e, H~MPTON, where a great varrnty is always kept tn stock, at reasonable Elliott's clothmg is as sty hsh as any; his aosortment of cloths 1s very complete ; Laches' dress goods---a very fash10na ble lot; Elliott's grocenes are of the very btst dcscnpt1011, and m pnce,---he sells 5c, pCI lb. and upwards, raisrns at IOc. and upwards, his tea 1s not surpassed. If } ou oi firRt class J. H PRIVATE 1,...ttcr £:;01n Fort W ilha1n gn es a inost encouraging account of the s1h er 1111111ng indust1 y in that region The ~ii£er says~ " Y.le oxpect a very busy tune here next su11)111e1 1here are t" o -1 E ! ...t:::l... A T T I .,..._I ..I.."I G- s T - EXECUTED JN .A STYLE AYER'S ---o--In1·01·tant to Farmers and the P11b~ic Sa:rs a parilla Generally TO Yoms, &c J'Jt!ENDJ,Y 1870 NO F F I Epeak and !n p, the truth wi~hout respect to persons l Shall our pulpits be free to lead nnd to lift up the people J or shall they play second 1 In A.1nor1oa, Vi here we ha.y o a free press and frBe education, let us 11a\ e and s·vsto:-i1i a free pulpit We boast loudly of onr free inst1tut1ons, and yet seek to hamper tho expression and action of consc1cncc Is not tho moral sense a prr\;ato iight equally of each of us l Let our clerg\ hold themselves accountable fast to GDd, and then to t heir fello"\\ men L~t them c E 1 8 7 IN TRE E .lt c-r: RIO US instance of royal etiquette occurred at the opening I day of the lk>;i al Albert Hall, m London n. fc1v days s111ce The Queen and royal 1 hou<ehold honored tho occas10n with theu 1 presf:nce among whon1 v; as the Prnu;ess Louise, 1\-'larolnoncss of Irurne, accompan ied nor. by her ;young 1111sl)and, but by her brother, while her husband, under the mercile~s rules of ro:; al usages, walked som"" ranks behind her in the pageant, stood apart from her on the daIS, and did not s1t in the saine box with her The young :Marq'ns e'1dently accepted the sit uat1on as a matter of course, and gazed r upon his v;ife fron1 a d1sbauce w1th ctlm resignation I I Sou:NDI~G A SIOK MAN s PULSE BY TELE GR!.PH -Witlun av; eek or two a singular ach1evenient of the telegraph has occurred A gentl~1uan, suddenly became ill of pneu n1on1a in V\'aehwgton His ph3s1cJ.all., a gentleruan of great attainments and fame, resided u1 Nc:w York, and he was anxious thrn phys101an should be consulted abont hIS ca.'IC A telegiaph wire was takel1 by hIB duect1011 into h1s room, and the New 1'ork doctor bemg snnnnoned to the tele graph office, the Was]1n1gton physician atw te11d1n,.{ the pa.fa.ent, informed ]nm of the state of thti case, and even enabled hun to feel his pa01ent s pulse, h:r caUBmg the wire to nbrate as the pulse did (The doctor kept QJ;ie hand on the patients pulse, anc' the olher on the telegraph ke;i, so every beat was transmn.tecl) The case thus bemg thoroughly diagnosed i11 New 1'.ork the necessary prescr1ptJ011s v.ere sent thence to \:\',..ashington The attack, though violent, soon yielded to the treat rnent, a.nd the patient is now a cheerful G t AI IRE G-OLDEN"" LION"". D 0 MIN I 0 N, It 18 a pamful opectacle m families, where the invther is t11e drudge, to see tlre daughters, elegantly dressed, reclining at then case with their d1a\'i 1ng theu rnusic ' ' theu fancy 'vork, and then tearln1g, be guiling the1nselves of bhe lapse of hours, days and 'veeks, anu never dreaming of their rc&"])orunbiht1es but, as a necessary consequence of neglect of duty, grov;1ng Vi eary of their nsele!:!s hvcs, lay111g hold of e ve1y newly-invent ed stunulant to iouse their drooprng energies, and blammg their fate when they da1 e not hfame their God for having placed the111 where they a.re These mdn1duws "'JI often tell you with an an of nffcct1011ate compassion (fo1 '~ho believe~ 1t real) that poor, dear mamn1a is wo1krng her~elf Lo death, yet no soonerdo you propose that they should assist her than they declare she is <1uite m her plc 111ont, in short, th lt she would never be happy if she had only half so much to do .AT THE Spring Importations. jTATESMAN .' w. McMUF,lTRY ESTABLISHMENT GOOD ADVICE Spring Stock of Dry of winch he would call special attentioIJ, to the follownig li.(les : - Spi.1rgeon >ientcnt1011slv express-cs n. nnm her of thoughts "orth rcn1cmbcring, in the folloVi mg ar piop11ate sentences which he publishes as " 1d' ice gratis "When you see a rnan with a great deal oi rebg1on displayed In Jus shop w111do1\ j Lr>E rn THE OLD LrnN ~E" - \n Eng you n1ay depend upon it he keeps a 'ecy hsli paper of a recent do.te says -In orcler small stock of 1t "itlun to tc>:it hov; soon in tho dead of night and Do not choose your friend by his looks, 1v1tl1_ont p1cv1011s war11111g the fleet could 1 be bi ought mto ~n active engagement at handsome shoes often pmch the feet B.i no means put yonrself m another I about 10 30 at mght the crews of tbe van persons power, j.f 3011 put JOllr thuin be- J ous sl11p:.. of Viar stationed at Portland tween two grinder::; the} arc i:; ery apt t o "ere roused Uy an 01der trom the Admrr bite al's ship to practice at general quarteis Drink nothing \·flthout seeing it, sign 1 In the short space of five nunutes after the nothing w1thout reading it, and make sure sign a] w'as given, the first gun Vi as fired that it incnns no more than it says with blank cartridge ThIS wa.s followed Don t go -to law unless you ha"t e nothing u1nned1atelJ bv such a cannonade as wa.s to lose, lawyers houses are built on fools' never before heard m this part of the heads worhl Tbe mght being very d"rk and Put no dependence on the 1ahel cf a still, the noise caused co11sulerable aston bag, and count the n1one3 after your own rnlunent and consternation 111 the neigh· I km ' borrng town of weymoulh, and a large Tn n.ny business never 1\ade in the water number of pei~ons rushed to the hills where ) ou cannot sec the bott-Om round the harbor Anud the dm, the Keep clear of a nut.n who does not value sullen boom of thP enormous guna of tlie his own chaiacter . .\fo11arch and Rercules could be easily dis tmg1mhed from the oharp reports of smaller cannon The firing was kept up with great apmt for about 20mmutea, and then ·nrl<lenlv ~·O£·d Dress Goods, Prints, Mil!inery, Cloths, AN ASSORTMENT OF NEW PRESSES. Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c., NOT TO BE EXCELLED LN THIS I'ART OF THE DOMINION FOR STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRlO.ES BY MAIL WYLIE, A FIRST CLASS .lUILLINER alwa}" ih ;A.ttendance. .ATTENDED TO LOWEST PRICES· Weekly Arrivals