DON T TELL BETSEY JANE. 1s 1n intcd und publis1 ~ I I tell Betsey 'l'.iuwsda~ J'II011.·aQing, \>VM. R. CLIJ'.\1'.IE. at the - OFFJ!CIC-Po§t Ofilc<2 Block " atc]ung the fi_gu1e uf l11J:! bro hc:r in law and la\~) er as he Wove back to Lhe v111age or W---, whence tho two n1en h~tl JWit .BOWMANVILLE ' ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1871. D. STOTT, MRS LOFTY AND I 87. CHEMIST AND DEl.LER JN DRUGGIST, Mrd Lofty kuflI s a carl'1&gc 1 i;lo do !1 She has dapple grc,""s to draVi it COMMERCIAL had a q uck \\'1.t and "iVtlS Vl ;ra..,1ous times she could be satncal she had a "\\'O mans gift to nnde1stand men-that i_s, 1n fatuated lovera better than the0 under s~n d tue1nsclvcs "nd <.n aihng her t if 0£ this suuer1or kno"ivledgc she managed to Dyo Stuffs )?atcnt Med1c1 ies, Perfumery, Brushes Combs Soaps Pamts arnl Oils, P·mt Brushes Coal Oil, and Coal Oil Lamps, &c , &c a'Vo1cl discu.ssron by shifting it to Edgar and 1nysclf ln tlns "UJ she hoped to leJ.rn ino e of our rea.l characters PY'i:SlC!ANS PRESCR1P'.l'IO:S S C.A.REFUl'LY COMPOUNDED AND AI J, ORDERS The dei; tee, excellent u 1 in oh i,. e, led CORREOrI Y .A.NSWIJ:BED result;s 11101 e serious than she intended A consciousness ex1sted m the mlnd of each thu.t the other was h.L'-:. Il\ a1 Stock-of Medic>nes ~omA inon:th is- a.-R--eteJ:mtv of t1n1e w:hw Ed:::iar still reclined upoJJ the grass was sea.tcr.t with her 'olurne of Mrs Hem J·a'ousy keeps note of the Jhght I could not remain m the \'1llagc to be a pa::lsive ans closed on het knee spe La 01 of Eclgai Grit s tnumph to see tr1n 1naiu1 v.ith Nelly and encounter them in the fields, the groves and 01cha.rds -which were the places of our mutual iesort Edgar vrou]d undoubtedly be breo.th1ng into her ear 1n1passs1uned IN THE protestations, and she- she rmght be )'leld HEAD IT WAS I A gush of transport filled my soul ing t o their influence-fasc1 1ated by their Nelly stood in an attitude of expecta eloq11ence, cha-rmod by t,he picture of ro ina iee of do1ot1)l1 and love they port.lay ti on ASSURANCE Co of LONDON, EJ.,GL2t ND about to rush forward and clasp ed. her to n1y bo:-Jom What prevented 1 <\. lntter reflect10n occurred to me said I, rcco111ng 0 'Ih1s after ati, ts a piece fton1 her s1d~ of hea:rtlessr c;:;s 'Ihe wo1nan IB not worth:y of v; earing whose afiections A TOSS F OR A WIFE con+roled by the ast of a die N clly OR RIS FIRST CIASS BRITlSH COM!' ANY OFFERS S1TPERIOR ADVAN mnst part, :::i.nd f-0reve1 TAGE~ to the Pohc:l- Holders rn hath the Life antl Fu"t Uepm tment Rr.tcs low and terms NELL.1.F. S CJIO I CE A benignant exp1ess1u"!"l on her counten libe al ance puzzled n1e 11 om the !San 1 a1icu;co -:iJ:m ninr; CaU MORLAND, ~ATSON & CO., Jl'lo1-it1:·cal " Fred said ahe, n ith au accent softer A~ apple orchard m bloom 18 one of the General .Agent):\ for C11nada and sweeter th Ln she hnd ff\ er uttered be ance loveliest of all tho midsumincr glonct:: fore 'bring inc the co1n For sh11me said she So Nelle Farrell hought and I ""' a ceeda furvher nfl Lhe1 I picked it up and handed it to her con1e 111to my prt:lsenCe ;\ga,111 ' 'No, she sad, tun1 it O"'ie1 and amine rt hands and be friends I conunand I did so and th,e ffiJ otery """' explamed There 'vas a head on b0th aides 1 mHE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW RECEIVED <f'HE WHOLE O"F HIS SPRING Nellv s gaze was now fued upon tlie ~1VIPOR'l..d£IO~S wlu ch will be found of the :::\ewest Style~ best quahtie<= and at the lowest ground I caught her u1 1uy arms, and in I rJce., lie ill\ 1tes the ~spcc1u.J. s.ttention of purohascis to hh<s assortment of the excess of n1y happll,less called upon Edgar to congratulate mo OLOTITS TWEEDS WATER PROOF CLOTHS SHIRll.NGS SHEETING, LINENS TOVi ELI.NGS HOSLE.RY BL<l.CK SUKS, VEL v ETS P \It I SOLS, UMBRELL <l.S, I 111a<le a never celebr .... ed without some JOkb.1g DAM<\.8K", MOREENS, DIAPERS lu81on to the dGub1e headed coin TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE. ~one ha"io I MEDICIN°ES, AND CHEMICALS, INSURE, YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, UNION preoccupied arr of a he.n who has an egg to lay and don t know where she can hid" it f om the ;yes of mankmd t6 the best aJi vantage 'Ihe kitchen ~ a-s e1npty and silent as he went through it But oh ' if he could but h"' e se n tho byx:om good· looking fem~ le 'vho s+:ile .,,1lently out of tfte7 pantry aml as silently follov. cd h1 n on hill" way tov. ard the barn l\lrs Ho.riling came back agam m about tweut.) mu1u+es or so, -V.'lth a f.n.ce red with: suppressed laughter ' Don't tell Botsc;o Jane 1 0 CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED, £2 bOO ODO ~!ERLING 0 T GLASGOW HOUSE I 1. . A. large assoitment of m[l.11 -nr.:v·e.s and Trimming at \~hu1 "tlc and cta1l CACKLING u s' so that \\ ns v;: h n,t you were not go mg to tell Betsey Jane hon t you &hanied oi .} ouuJe lf }T uodeinus Ila.rd HATS, CAPS, for &c., coun~e yo ll have had a glorious time ainoHb the lnountams whei e natu1e ex hib1ts ya,..iety, as ·well as grandeur OF EVERY DES0RIPTION, WHICH HE 1ULL SELL C I--1 E A P CASH. CALL EAlJ.LY AND YOU WIIL BE Sl.'RE TO BE SUPPLIED HiGDE~T I·!!Ul:CE PA.ID FOR RA. 'RT i'UR§. "'11 MARKUS MAYER As she spoke she picked up her boo1r and '11-arted for home 'One inornent Nelly The sight of her had brought the old feeling :l\.foro th m e\ er, I fe lt how truly I loved her 'lhe cond1L1ons :Nelly~ ' Well on my part they have been kept -on yours no doubt forgotten ~ ll 8 s11e ~aid "1th a snn1 e of i ony ' Not so Nelly not so Absence sometime..., 1vorks gieat THE PUBLIC. '" .::\.h co1nc 1 GAR 30 tf bnt you "'IC ta1dy Good h eai; ens I Tlus was a. t1yst, then I He had been ex J~GttJd waited for-and I was in 1nte loper ' Not t· dy wos Edgar s rnply , I a1n full five rrnnutes ahead of time ~ rui8t rose befoie IllJ eyes I wa.lk1;:d along n1.cchan1ca.lly breaking oft: stenJ.S of t1utt hung "ithin !Ia\ ing lately added cone1dcrably hereto that t..!-ie) n1 iy tl e cby be e.nahlP-d to supply all part cs app c bl1Jsom~ who may to fu> 01 then1 w1th a caJJ Mi"' G1~H.t mducemeuts held out to reach and .stoopuig occas1oually to pluck those purchaSing at the1l estab11slungmcnt PICTURES, LO.OKIN G GLASSES rRAME.D TO ORDER, a m id flower m the path These I twrnt ed and t"?r1.ncd, rn.+hcr tJu1n arranged into and in e er;y style. Samples of the differentkind::i of:mold1ng8 can he ~een at Ll e wureioo111" a bouqu1;:t Uncons<..:iously I had approach They "ould also to announoo that hn:nng purchased a ed qrutc near to Nelly I wa~ about to SP LE- ND NE"\V ~ HEARSE, tLnn an(l '"hen I encOuntered h e1 gaLie It seemed Iuore rc1 )roachful than The:y-i: 111 be ieu 1v at a.11 tln1el:l t.o attei d t ,,., n on rihort notice and :i:casonahle terrnR exultant ___QQERINS ~EPTo:,..ON...RAND AND MADE 'lO _QRDER _i.T Edgai.:_Galt Jud t!uo,vn himself on the grass at her feet 'l'he New Dominmn Rct:u.J Fur11itmre Wa1·e1·oom, Thc10 v;us a n101n0ntn.1J conflict in 1ni.: 0 81-.I AW A· rmnd, b etween.tear ancl inchnation AfLer Opposite J W Fowkea Store all I 111used, I ought not tu be too prec1p KING STREET EAS'I, lH itatc I might nnsJudge N cllJ And then Lhe thought <v·cu.ricd Faint he"rt never wDrr fan lat.1y Phil )Sophy was one of my f :i.vD1ite studies YVhJ uc t heeil 011e of its n.x1on1s 'I These ref:l.ections v,;1ought a 1narvollous change in my feel mgs They I eudered me bold A feVI rapid strides and I wa.s at her side If tlns be no 1nfa usion, I v; ish to pte GREAT BAlWADfS ARE NOW GIVEN <\.T THE sent you J\fL" .NellJ with th s tnfle of fto" crs, culled at h1phazaid and ar11nged .A.cccpt then1 as an oflet1ng of ad1llllat1on 1n no other respect do theJ pos>le:::is an) value How I managed to get through Vilth this speech stanuner ng a.s I did, I could ' nei.: er after clear1y deterro1ne ' You undeie·hm~te the gift Mi I receive it "ith pleasure as a token of es teem ancl deny J our right to depreciate its valui;: The cheek or Edgar Galt blanched m h ts full~ JUStifi ad the O'"lginal idea, tha.t at. the " Corner ~(;ore you uoul<l. get. the sb.gln;est degree on hearing t1us cour~ eous 1 "'ply As tor rn.;yself, I was t.,..ans .B' I'I'TJ·~D ~~ND "\VELL SUITED· ported \\ ith pie tsure "110-w ate you, Fred 1 m11d Edt,ar, ad dressing himself to rne, and a.ssn1ning a m~nne.r of frank u ihfleren e She returned and s id ' l'I ow then I shall pnt J 6u to the Pro1 n1se me on the sac.:red 11011ur of ' T hai.: e complied \vtt h them- a1n r eady by 1ny con to keep then1 If in y <!. b ~ence '\ as pro d1t1on"' lo:n:.:ied it was frorn a. behef that my case We bot;h gave a,,sent v;as hopeless I couldnotbeat thcthon Jht " They ar e th~e You ::;hJ.11 each be of corrung bnc"k to find Jou anot he . . s 111y I 80lli.., one not ID placed on the probation of a month that heut led me heie not that I hupetl to I n1ct\ pro"\ e yon I h n c here a coin fin l you but to 6:1.l:B ou\je 1no1e upon a "Inch T will toss m the a.i1 If it falls s )Ot tnat must henceforth be dear to ihe head, Et.lg Ir Cal, has the first month of f~r its ei entful though they mav pro1 e "001ng cxclusiv,Jy to himself If tl e re verse you FrPd Du11n(I' +hat n1onth I Fred 1 pledge n1yself li.k.ewJ.Se to ren1am 1111aon1 I COltkl have nu t ted rn feeling and avo"i·ntl 'Ihe second I made a n1ot1on 'month s11all belong to the loser At the ant1cipot d the and of that tune l shall choose s11all be rc.i12ctecl 0 I GUESS A fauner In .tng ln Oxfo1d county, j\-Iune, went down to toVin not a thousand nnles fro1u P Jrt1'.in1outh f r the 1 urpose of purchasing a yoke of oxen, ;\~ he had been u1founed that there "as a lot of very fine stock fo1 sale hv one of the i.\ea,lthy l 1nd Arrii.:1ng u1 the O\\ners of th::tt place best fo.rining district of the Cumberland cot nty town our fnend n1ct a n1an dn v 1ng tll ox ten n of wh )111 he inqu11 e :l Can you Iufonn ine \'l 1 e1 e 1\11 hve::11 Thtire is a nu1nber of Walls hi,."lng around here ' ' hich ont1 <l.o 'uu "\.\ n111 to :!ind l returned the stiange1 Nho wa.s a stout built, keen P.ycd n1n.11, spun, but bearing lll gene1al arpcara.nce nnnustakable tokens of e t::ie and co1nfort so -l'ar cis finance~ were concerned ' I don t kno"iv wha.t lns 0 111i.st1an is pu1suod our friend rs the o~ne1 of so1ne verv fine r:xP-n res1 onded the stranger, all own pretty fnu oxen But the one I "\o;1sh t.P find has oxen for sale As ror that, srr I gt1css they d any of them sell Jf they could only get their price I But C"""cln1med 111"' 0:;\for<;l couuti; she sa d as the E BARGAINS I A:R.,G-.AIN"9S ' \._t,. the end of the 1:0 JI th she as she took Edgar s ann ren1em ber .ill this n1annner they marched off together I &t00<l gfL7;1n g after then.1 as they "'0 treated filled with speechle;:is mo1ti.ficn Cheap Corner Store. the probationo.rJ pe1iod we c O'c ahnost II0r n1anner was co1 d1a.l a.sever 1 \'ia.8 an aiU.ent wooer but obtained no privilege or n.nS"wci that could be detei m1natf lJ canst ued She w·a.~ r io1e tbs~raded in her n Jud than l1ad been her custom But v,;hen I accused her of this, she rnllied a.i1d mdulged a spirit of playtul ia1le1 y It \\o :tis six o t..lock in tlie afte1noon of the third of July 1 1Jhtl r occur1ence 1 PUBLIC OPINION ing fruit r~p 1 y It v; as y;iblnn t few m1nu+es 0£ the hour appoL"1tcd for Nellys conc1us1ve f\1:y 1mpatience caused me tu be F. Y. COWLE. appearance Edgar