eIbots CanufadienCh omWtd. Apr. 29, 1961 Volup. teer centre tM ilts need lUtigwa atnfor macitmaidd haihs miasou" c nu" bo IMI~mê '0152405 serice tiia on = te Mener, B00BVi i~i 4 anB.E T40IfA0tC HL Cd"= wz the Maner readtag tu ilm, ami aotanpa frm a nom- 13MlnS.Eý oearitoesnwda put lb rot hai avwa m i eu era.. bar of amofa ai UC Mikon ONT ouedi", thei ne volan- iqiwtilssalaassda ira. L««&naSimih, Drory Sobouli. teer-volnntaos armavas = i 'io iAs monoas a wiowa hrd tostart the* luo 'him apoinai 8784M724 offlmally openmd i onday ser eambiaance vou'effprompai., MMn re rics.Mr aiten Aqpfo.a4s. ohwp I.int tom.i in aoyway, ilhe voluteer ahein avw maid to aatd theaidsa ci Manor ~ aO lise arma in hevill bwtt ii patche& e" eu nkbalvoutu m ha be. wdiaypu ramtbnhala Pmt ite vo l ntar t ot SI'. aiils. alrsady ciaccsamd feomelii'.ilme n.miy Hoe t nw ima>- t'. lovctllsS para-ta .15 yoiiag Piuple botut lwaa aly recntly oeid by piope o ail agmameduraI aervice, bt wtt' andigoi trüaal ai ethi waa abi. tu bro& who have aoawerid a rail telp teit mch tabas88 aaloita ut that ta do tara Smoiithn af. The winning ticket uSý J«'tDUCH TIA u' Wayne Guordfor leS t, of 776 Frobisher Blvd. held thse lucky ttcket Plra- n100.LAWN S 50%Derb/ *ussad. h fo onw wtsin po ltmgchair gtven away ottis .o. 77 20 VObag 40 pomunis :gsPio zpimon onorlmaonu of Halton Pool Sabusday. Of ciating at tise draw = We 5pnm u P s 9 Pff Mayor Gord Krantz, contre and Mike Accettura, store owner A SPastK Il rt - X EMort Hospital receives d~7c397 251 top accreditation Mlton Dstrt Hospta, organioed and effceoly categonies are ton ad bas hemo awaeded ita se- operattoohoapital. tree year accrcdttatton. cond suacessinetree- Hoptai acorediation A lw-year acceedita- year accredital on by the it a volutary progam too meanthlie hooptal as Canadien Couoc Io wh ch at beaun opratmd efficlet aod mont ail or Hsptal Accredilatn. ie Canada by te CHA mot standardobut The Accred 000 cmonsnce lot. Is aim i1sttoi hold do tetter inesornie Cmncl mde tint awrd asomst hoapitaistattain 0waeas. A threc-yeae ac- followiog a mrvey of tetablthcd taodardm for crrditatiom mmeams hm hospitoI by couOcilhmtpitai operatio.hupital, meeta or excels repreetaties Dr. B L. Hem taI torveyt arc con-in allostandards. P. Bromscam aid Miss.G. dorctd hy a field staff et Milto District Hosptal Purcel nnMac Dr-bt 0 Odoctos, nurses and ta prticipatd inthe ac- ing tbeie uvey Dr. boptl admimxtataes credtatien prmram Beoeas and Mss ocatedaerpesCanada. tiare 1967 andsm ain Purcell eveîedhosptaî Titere are tbree tatned itm acceediled record, imerviewed calegmrer of accredita- statam threnafli evem suc- a e$ 0 hmmp' al mcdcal staff anS ion. Peoviioal or- cessiveourveym. ROUND POINT SHPVLS empîmyes aod cmaocd cedtation moanm t ire tieK fmasReuiar Ut pua a 847 tehmpil fc.lij . hospil jusnl mcdoteTie fog te lde ado adei The sorecymem cmm- standard in esougit aras An ti-yeae-old Marin 27% or 48"length sie ap ns mendadthmlboard o On le accreditmd anidte St. youthbhan beem char drectmes, adroimi- hopilal mmmslt be ged wvith posesion ot K@ill stralion. medical staffresrveyed witinonmmemolco prperty talowlng Pre and emplmyems fosea wemetyerTthe oter wn the reccmvey of $05 '-- .5 4 wtdsof solen tires. ec lAhet a ,ragi lHaitmo Regional Police "Un made te arret caly Mooday evenlog <April 8g , 3» ho r -n V 13) 001100 homs o a re- GARDEN UPADU 24 our -no pot byRichardson Chev- Tit tenagers onte.balmd a hionM'Bak-tfI i cplrainnIa" fremmn foot". Tioy ad ldiscus- mbod in. sp s27%"z Hilllrost and Betel sion and insoieooiap- Uitedi Clirches met tm8 lsm, confirmnation and p.m. FidaY Apil 24 aI Utc organization of te Hilcrsl United Chrcit. chuecit joal oheredo5 41. wo womtt'=nhto vofitllniTtsey ecmtied =dtortadt te4bmw e- teir lIkes and dililica rot amd te foW ywcal- amd geacrally olared er did ntiog for ter teir cocernas. spirit. Football and a wakt AREN10K FeldaY veiog teY te corner mtorefot iceK moed l getllog 1to w cream cerclaed te. ach oter btter sat hbody on ted a tcmdSogselha PrxCA L- hmad baklog, pre- Teparents arrivcd (or 05Vn a s doaod hardi paralimus, recrds, piza, aKpot sic..nipper on glionl Motes etc. nire amasid aIetcebdig rvd Sataeday aftee a son- Orad-maiog accom- "0 VÊR 30 EA RS eahe-rsit risc sevice teY cale- plshmet of teir sono or EXPERIENCE-fryu ace dasgtlte. Some tere5 m97 aniwrk Police wk. stepical and sspeted STOCKSe ai il came ram a local hal TCSE pnl fhay Hallon Rcgion "Police eey. BONDS GARIDEN HOSE togîter eain Wmmli milI oficiatly lirk On 8 p.m. solrday 5-tDrbevnlhs eftpigsr off Moday, My 1Il th Uwthes te tret ended. rfGEORGE yonfr r .vsu plans fore police aisplay they were a geoip of G O G .C xr teghHsfl-o ot ru films and an open husse yasmf people wh had JACKSON wt igrtpe ai police hadiiaters en sbred and ecrlanged beg-t"ur e Oakville. ideas, mpeiecms, DVDO ATESwogant Mlton Mal iltealare emotions, prolems n ad -q 87TE 1te fun of braidlmg and LIMITEZ) bahing noftthe nottkii. 'j ach HANDY 8x 7' ROOMY 10x« severa et tcdpaysd aigbread. tbsrsdayof hteida OO Snday moeing tmey_____________ Spaîanthtsarw e prescolcol Otele home- 827-709 STORAGE SHED) STORAGE 9HI Speia alînlis remade brcad for tecca- o also, being plamneol hy the bration oS communion.T mr i Ls rieKmrtnlLs f police deprement tor was a happy and 827-7W>2 knizi a osie n yesngmlersm in artia ieanisetal eperience 2580e nozl chools. foe al who pricipotld s.8la2 for 1IOoe DAY EETI O SZ Our noos etegano slver LAWNMOWER WHEELBARRO' paîod Bud Vase with aniut S no hosiin udon S tisCe no- f d Amrcan Boauty Rose wie e me1 ine sh t o cee and simnnsso t n rîsqsitc r-0Mr1rsin h s10 am .. ria e pem.;r ~tSUU aoUwmJM on77 77aL