.4 Thé rCanadien Chamnpion, Wsd., Apr. 29,1981 Save on machine wash Baycrest Sayelleg worsted lO /hI M 90 ur reg toiti.50 (A-701) Thnk ofte Bay for catybuys and choose yout Bay- crext knt ng worsed forn rany lasion shades Made from easy cx e, Sayelle* xcrylc Machins wash and dry 50 g halls Ar & Neediework dept 701,a stores Johnson & Johnson shampoo (B-770) Mld. nu more tears formula for you andi baby 850 mi sîze, Dont miss the low prce. Our reg. Johnson à Johnson powder (E-770) Helpu keep you and baby sst, dry, Un- breakable plastic botIs 400 gSans now 3/.29 Gontis your 5km wlth Osycreat Baby $08P (C-770) Great for al the babiex Card, Masterard, Amercas n your xouxe ncludixg you. 3 Express or Vxa. Dept. 770, al bars pxr package. And remem- stores. Permoal shopping ber, you cas use your Bay on l'lsalth end B.suty AI"a. 7 llYour choce, 7.9sacs Rug hooklng pllow kts svallable ln 2 styles (F-701) Pass the ime away Mushrosm". Both 12" s 12" with a hobby tSar's fus andsi sze. With yarn, prîntesi cannas. practîcal. Choose f rom 2 par- Art & Needlework dept. 701, terns. "Dimension" or "Magic ail stores. Johnaon & Johnson oil (H-770) For baby and you' Helpu to smooth and sotten skn. Cores in a plastic 450 mi sîze bottîs, Dur eg 99129 R.ach toothbrush N-770) Specialy angled to reach and dlean ail testS. Corne celebrate and sans durîng our So lday bonanza 2 fOur eg Our reg. Dur reg. 2/ .4 each .95 II s4 sacS99 13. 1598 Bouquet note peds Transperent Scotch tape 14, aide drese beg (J-7061 Lined for neat note (K-706) Each rol comes in (M-754) Sturdy inyl bag wrtlng Choose from 3 a handy plastic dispenser hangu inx dosai lo save leminîne floral designs. Each andi contaîns toto" of haîf- space. Champagne box Sas 22, 5"x7" sheets inch tape. Stock ap now. shade. Hu"ryin to sans. 2/I ODur reg. Is1.4each 95 Bouquet envelopes (P-706) Ail-purpose whie ennelopes. Approx 4 x6" Each pack contaîns t16 Stationery. dept 706 ail stores 1 .5950 3/2.1932.67 Mske-up mirror Plastie dreas hsngsrs (O-754) Handie folds for (R-754) Stock up now and compact purse storage sans on clear hangeto with Will stand on ixs own, or metai bar and clips. A cas Se and held, Print great buy! Notions, dept back, gold tons handie . 754, al stores Think of the Bay for sweet tooth savingsl .69tfa1.69 Pick end Mx (S-729) A frssh mixture C wrap- psd candes.Our eg. 1 99, lb., 1.69 orange a Lemnon sloes. <-729) Suçar coated ellies. Our reg. 1.59, lb., 1.10 Jumbo guma <(W729) Overszed gumdrops. Our reg. 1.59, lb., 1.19 Ju jubes (X-729) Always a tamily favourits in assorted flavours. Our reg. 1.59, lb., 1.09 Fiesta jIos« (Y-729) Treat yourself and choose f rom 5 flavours in 300 g box. Our reg. 1.99, 1.0 Little Rmlscaloice twists (Z-729) Redi or black. 200 g bag. Dur reg. .79, .69 Litte Ramcas klddlss pope (AA-729) Assorted lolipopx 150 g bag. Our reg .79, .69 Little Rascals barris« (66-729) Tetes like fresh berriex 170 g bag. Our reg. 79- 69 Candies, ospt. 729, al stores. Our reg. 255 Bay~rst sot sCks (EE-360) Fila 10-12. Moregor sport bock$ one sîze, l.60. Tube 0001(8, 37.49. Mess wers, dept. 3&'). al stores 3.99 4 ltre Coeman fuel (FF-740) BlendsO for use n ail Coeman appliances, Easy tc, open 4 litetin. Sporting goods, depi. 740, ail stores thea I0BrEFaa n~LB~ i rt. vanv 4"~,~~ W461.St« SoAnd YOWpen 10 AM tJS7 PM Mon, Tes, W~ a TfxflAnd Ft Jrd 9 PM sOwr So eSSAM (MI 3o PMMon go1h a To e PM ta£...aii .U ~ig * eU.. 19ouu ,s-aoe Oais. US e-456 *Ees Seu. 5e417 aF.(le Ua 49455.Liuiio PlzaUPl781~df *l à~a.Sa.Ci.2>U 4urw Co sq20afr w l411O.Pa owm M4211 *owmmCn* 6S' 71-12h 101 15 oma ci. 2M.25ot , Z~DIIbV l