ReU B Bob Blakely entartaiaed a large number of tudeata Wedny wth a dffretangle ta frisbee plyat Miltoatistritt Higli Scbaal. Along wtb litapartuer Roneu od teparhave won the Canadan cbampiaauhp twice intde put tree yeare. Easter at Hillcrest is an 18-hour vigil On tee eventea beeraguer tee early Christtengâtered toeeher fer e ime of prayer md rondng te pue- prutio for dia comlisieu c .erta doeigtia tradition tee ceai. aiunty oltilcraut Unted Chie-ch te Hornb YOaRtec àvigidreadiagaofdth Ney Tesout. Comaienclng Setordey, Arplla ie 12 mm d conimdang liaai* nil O %.M Sondai morai, te red tsW dia taut elght chptelso a eation. vnteeboU prier te Buster aiany meaiherof thedi clawch igaud ap te ved hilg atersaerrtved toHe Ioralm taeclivtrlc teteiù% s= no istaa r.uedta die y bacd plan- rAd, rmalng froai diir oa Bibles or froathe large prtet Bibleie chorc. AI] âges feit a lagedrce lu dia vgilcotioued. hiéley faillesnrattned te lten or rend e second mnd tird ime, wbeo sooep wu nul te o e pat ot their progra. Soaie of the youug peuple vere oly tfaidier wtb tee Bible story hoch mnd reedlag ram te Bible et dia pulpit vu a eavuTaa«eitperlence. Odier Y-am rm m ioiby at* ,out tgtel e Parenti for Moai mosuport. *onve narafreahaisnéntehei faltevohp roua iauttad wthee iit and ncoured dicusi. At a&X dia vigliwu offlclilny avec and an Euter Surisa Service eau hld Ttse italedgrou, evboud bhe dicbiy air. esag md preye. Der- ie thee ebgng ai dmalut byma "Christ the Lord te RimesToday' th"y releses tbir "Gond Frlday Btwaa." Au die church nffl iadeli vrnhippers fordithetarSauday maionguservie, thethum inthéieutry wee, IllovdMdthe VIl?tasOp lIlIlrmts candat. for diaemlnluly md br ubued Peut organteed tee viaglimd slayed de-eUh- at thee enre ime. Thay managed te stey avae e drough dia serinamd Unod& raildUteNo ing leaie 11.15 a. Fur tdie e eo dd ual paricipaita h vu diir leu es- diaee uba id sald tee reverda vwere umeuwtebta. pattime, tbey ougt te ge in touch wth Ron Lethwood and Bob Bleey. tnie umd Wbaehbud v h e se tata m and sidins fteceu* dbe rut af the yer, Ua prhave urnd a mmietechniques - as e flir show came te Se"boolWbieudy vber baiea vareW uine doriog ltoch houas, thee Pok *h.MWdàemaie, li da few ainbes and gavsMmatipe The show vuspamred by"d" achwit tues lllel The imbuea drovara ara tva-tieOade chainca me a i,- thm eerdiessed ut:d coflt auuates. ave, dtaheire p hocks for et dia ttila dite yae. ..11,fraetyte ençut f frsice s te uldd t.AMthved eho, labey, te 3e Yomrloa aea "We'ra judgad on an adireva mdw&api are caatedl up.' once e fad mvrerel Z raaafriohe*zdw- te bo ta=esou mach lurgeirdimeonse vec tee Peut fev yaero.It CnaaOrnge on" ttd. tos upspeesaiog it ina vt ay, settitg up wich leed utste a pro vinclilMrdtlisae lu tee United Ratés, sailversllies go baud-te oaed te ehat te termad «Ultimalta rah Btimtes ai Aaelcm coll ageprtlclpeian te say Bodi L.lteva ad *ealy bage droving trWeee fr on isnan Amorou blond t-* 1,Mwood m- tribu, lie =airweraon diair vey mdhav e shancéd diai reperteire on tnir Tbe poirtared diir se"oatpragrainteNov- ember and ara eppraecb teglite corilo. lae 2-i weeb teyaf, dia pair stet ai e steamner lau- gram whlcb laces tbeea acram Canada. i: Ran Leithwoadcalclieea irlbee aat has la one af hie fancy dleplaye at MilIc Khmomy. lT TO -TOP UTS MILES! SALIS Mi SVICE Mi-ISi Ou eaeteaAton 8Ui UNAAS AG AHO AR E DTO qnv %d' w 3c or - 1 1