Census wiIl ask distance to job lb. amml oftnmba Onte oari urmeul you tIaseS te w150<5 U-iIn"lforartion on te apinb at te 1961lirA between place of acu whc ilh WIrk dril î-sdecýs takenJune:1,viral for ctranri t The decision todrop alc"" aum," M lit "ollIIy it trt"Suew said lu Hall.n l= i,: ieby lb. ted- = a louer. oral guomuent. Sut liarby rofaldeu Mr. Suew saldthelb tee- aud Ontario Transport eral gavernmenl bau Miebloer JI Sneuw sait sic..cbanged lis md lte exclalusofthilupur-asdithlie Jouarey-la-wark lionuo e .cesu itd ffiwllb. placel ceue esabes for the Wtel %the 1lU1 camus. M GrtI edfllndme4t. 8%0Çbr te iitCdb.. nsrua icre.tay. pftlmi.' Mes. Nel Ni N At Robert SoaW ta pkbld in Mdl Mnaldy sud Wed- saad. "Titi touchltirt thbld ec itchool approxmalely 50 Physical erixcation nesduy mxxcnsl frote 9 the childe a aea of dit- lence a le eluitenîx lrom Kinder- conultant aite tee i I- 30 Star.te childreu lîculty and reinlorce- ltrot t setis baGrade 5 bave, tos Bord otf aetouiluâtinuverce usint lbgivnu by taetee- sud leMW b"t enr . eomsýipiutn liqab usaa ____ riJaSel m btl mlglselllm 7d té heb" Supiebout018111111 ir iesliu mg .I. mSserutibs, d.rbace fe ture at ru i1 e ls tw w f e u n sul, lb.tia s lb. talA totbf iMebed wHutis b.preented! ase SUmbIMla or"" iàdeete nllbl eml, Wseedmy, il adu wpd l. ia§galesNyei. et lb. iew blas pu,- SMitWgmse»sd il~~au~ w bt . usure s 'te Omeo edelaoei kmtld ariuthdet l.ad et deor. &Wae Awada. UniS, nImd of 04maren Bou st., la feelttd uas tus £mûe Awarâs logo. A tabe-off on th Oscar AWarala, thUn m. ellb. premoted 81 lte .04 afan w.iIg'a uftoualiment at E.C. Drtary 111gB Shl, May 6. Baby plsnls, nmais MÎounivbeg foeure' A "Melt~ u~ dummt u ei out milu .11tb # = 60A 110111111111W litme 18, s bis.T&ailUttst day te wyda ee Wb. fera otblses = webfid cas &M »y.e<r.ueuu a" MMt=&" 1alose teeuSiN SamI As s ud usy. tc t bo <e e catsbr et yueua rebbl.s àud éir t . &lii onRlut, po YO11b reeouswilson .-Y ofafillhf oit llpai cti an ollgd h.b i.-a hhath.daut?orga .pilEit. OTAEO or ntasentrel, 1 Mi.l., Mis. xl ha exit d a 1 ah thdmuui4a'Iaasdlysllturnaa n b. * eetua Drmry ylnusltau It's ail an ead, luone ofns et obe uin ErnbaAwao-uk--Un fis le e.tsrtalnnol dodby teUn ueta Unr.. itI. c tea (ftomright)Pal adn Debbie Dycloof tonDis- ONTARIO'S FI8H TESTNG PROGRAM OnteMa ientaueixorftotiaiatThe.Onmiugunaemcorww*av cleeheC$m emtbei muece eeuuget lccnunsau ueecf wni lamunupreermaifliai, Ta.tlng lusnues bie ,n due W b m e erri me. ""GUIDE TO EATING ONTARIO SPORT FISH"# lm. resta arepubeelunt et<lu Ove. ueld"Gisde ta EatbN Gete SpmelFiai" Nuelun Oneaulu S*utlumen erOm Laseadmurw. NOW AVAULABLE FOR 1981 Vou ccm meeelteue irsfm ~gtureBtutReu0 T-OrTHE R«^MINSRO I1~OM TH4E NTARIOCMIIVOF «-dA Rieumci TH4E Orrfl RIO MINITROF OAheAFN4 AFFAlAS Mlnisly Of te Mroery Of Envimrnment Naturel Resairces I-IOl EITI4NORTON @ NOM.ALAN POPE MiPOS tEROnb oMIrOTE UPEWAOTD RO SSSCNTOI 315A fSlt.Av.. 188M0 INSECTCONTROIL LANOSCAPINO a MAINTENANCE 1Pi INOUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL.- RESIDINTIAL 8PRINO CLEAN UP10% DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Govemom m Uceu by Mntry othe Envronm.nt Mon-Fi 4 Pas tie.Control, Toronto, Ontwbloont. 9-12nou QOIFCINUAAAIMEED OR VOU DONTPA Y [e Sommer hpSVYur %feerite Chair-A CWe Irluk-ReIaxIlui aThe S$maWIMhFriends. roule, 1Ida 0f Suér Soing 1kTis COST FOR PRESSURE TREATED MATERIAL TO #f~ SUILO 1THIS DECK AS SHOWN Eb OESCRIBED IS 5Uu9 Imagine the many hours oi relaxa- lion andt pleasure yau would have an pour own sundexk entertaining fiends, soaking xp the sun or iusî eniaping lb. privacy. Pictaroit hure is aur sample duck an disa in iront of aur showroom. Conutructuit oi pressure treatuit lumber, this 12x12' decit comes camplule with 24 ft. of privacy fen- cing, R ft. ai seating area, handrail, planter, averhuad tInfus anit vears of maintenance froe enîaymenî. As presaure treateit lumber is muant for auldoor use, il doenat require staining unit miii but lor vears with- ouI expansive maintenance. We invite yax la drap in any time unit sus aur display duck, pick up a free plan unit discuss vour project with us. We aller free estimates, free dufivery, personaf service unit me are happy toacacept pour Visa or Mastercharge card. Par any pralect pou have in mind, we hope vax mili check out aur selection anit material quaiity unit campare aur prices. We think pou'li b. gled pou dit. DECK CLINIC -SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 10 a.m..to 3 p... Evoey Haur on "u Hait Haut LEA RNHO WTO INSTALL A DECK OR PATIO A dok or patio cen add lfInenolelvai pAreO na nl enjoYmsut toma home. At the clinla. we will show you how te do ft, tp-by-mtp. Horsoare *orne of the topiezuto b. covereel. PLANNIN - Hous and terrain coniderations, sizu, sunshine bESSN - Type, expected uae, ralinga, benches, ground preparation, drainage. MAlURIAlLS - Pressure treated wood, recommendod nouls, building, safety. #6 iebultaine ommiConultant*, the knewl"edgeaab0.staf 7 ~PLAfl700 Mai St E, M1LTN., ONT. 9 MUR-7-7-7,ý-77-,Z '777,47,- -. -, wnpbn, wed., Apr. 29, lonsi D3 The CWWKbn ChW