poctivo THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29, 1981 FOt RTII Sit 'lON Spring is here! Photos by Richard Forster, Milton Canadien Chempion The Spring (1640) By Thomas Caren Now that the wnter'b gone, the eartb bath loat Her snow-white robes, and now no more the frost Candies Uhe grass, or cauis an icy cream Upon Uie silver lake or crystal tream; But Uie warm suit Uiaws the bcnumbcd csrUi, And makes it tender; gives a sacred blrth To the dead swaflow; wakes inbhofow troc The drowsy cuckoo and the humble-bcc. Now do a choir of chirping intrels brlng In trîmph te Uic world Uic youUifül aprlng. TIb. valicys, ila, and woods in rlch array Welcome Uic coming of Uic onged-for May. Now al Uiings amile, only my love doUi our; NorbhaUi Uic scaldieg noonday sun Uic powcr To mesit that marblc icc, wbicb stil doUi bold Ber beaLt congealcd, and makcs ber plty cold. Tbc ox, which lately did for shclter fly Inte the staUl, doUi now securcly lic Ini opcn fields; and love no more la made By Uic fircsidc, but in Uic cooler shade Amyntas now doUi witb bis Chluis sleep Under a sycamnorc, and at Uinga kcep Time wihUte season; only sbc doth carry June li ber eycs, lnober bcart January. I t 1