6 Tie Cersdîse Champion, Wid.. Apr. 29, 1981 Crossings closed to facilitate GO m. Mlon reoldensia exed aI long clsanga afrail- bu ay crossIns in Milon hould h. advsed i51la eh bem issdoe 10 faclilale tIe Go Train servce for 1 Tise Go tssm reqoîres dit ail railo e con- w lsnomely eeldeil alosg h ctre Icogthioftise roule. For Iis rsstclOis oarelakiog longer tias i usua, but sisosld h. completed son Tise Orsfil started Aprit 6 Couocillor Blanche Hinlon bas asised th. 10cm Pa or the Onaro Gomernflenl 15 advertise th. rea- w sons for thc long grade separafion cimsin limes. Clerk Roy Main said adverfising si difficltt h.- bo cause of h. uncertainly of the ime rcqired for 1 cacbtlocatio .pl floever. Mc. Mais saîd proper sga ml h. fa burectie toms for cmtts votved. Ask $300,000O ma for creek work Balton Region Coservatin Aulorily bais ap- le plid for a53,ffogrant ti tartorb o On-t it aro St Creek Diversion Projet. ERCA badl asbed Mitons 1 establissi ils inter- n est au a h.nefittisg municipaitp asd Ilerefore C h. responsble for 9 per cent of the 45 pr cent siare of tise total cmlUthe autbority mml isar. Teremuaiing 55percntof the ms lmîîh. pîicdup by agrat ftr the Otario Mnstr'y of Ntural ltesnurces. Pool $ cut Mlton couneillorfl ave dropped $0m)000 from tbe 191 budget miicis mold have becsn ued for design ofua nw odoor swmooin pol forthe Tise moncy as supposed to bave beco med toi0 puy for tise rmts of architecture and systemts for tise pool nbiis mou inesumh.t on Uie toms e- ceving a grant from Uic Otario MinitrY Of Culture and Recreatios. Atisougis Mayor Gord Krastz and thers cllectril 10 courteil ave stated tbey supported o ne sidoor pool for Uic toms. the mosey mus eut hi gel Uic 1981 budget domn 10 a oped-f r enu thasl10percent increase. Gas 26 cents litre White molorîstu puy apards of 35 censfo ra litre ot gauntînc, Miltos Cosncîl ill h. gettisg regidar gasoline at 26.39 rens per litre from Tex- arn Canada. Tise tomo itI also h. able 10 purcis number mne diesel fuel for 27.40 censoper litre frontUic sane tt costpusy. Mbilon und th. oUer Uiee Ballon municipal- lies are part of a regonsal gasotîse and fuel tendering plan. Miltos requires 272,60f litres o regular gaun- fine and i,ooo litres of diesel fuel ovec Ue net In My 190, Ue toms puîd 2154 cents pr itre for regular gasotîne usd262 cents pr litre for dieset fuel. June nose count t Mîtoionu ave becs ased 1 mabte sure Uicy n are iome to h. cooted onu Jure 3. ta ises, accrdisg 1 Cemnu of Canada Ilegional a Directr GJ. Fins Me. Fia saîd Uietieme for 1481 mlI h. "Its Your Cemsus-Cout Yoursclt In. Hostel flowers Tise Fusd Raisîng Committee of Balcon WmnsPlace < HWP> bau received couseil pr- msson to ell carnations ite tn sMay 8and Tie floer, wmisrilslel or $l ac, nith.b ued lu islp Uic BWP ismîl mot a $f,fOW deficit miicis croppecd op durog tUic mrly part f lise year Tise bmtel for aisud and butered wmrn badl iopcd toi gel a supportisg regînnal grant to rover tise cmsts, but il as sot fotlicosing. Advertising cut Tie slogan -Il puys toaivertise- pparcslly ducs ont sit strosgly UihMlon courcillors. I riler to tries lie 1901 opratîng budget doicîtoa to per centliie ftrh.coesing ycar members othUi budget committee bave decidcd 10 chop lie $3,0Wf udvertîssg budget in aîf Cheque for study Mlton wil h. rcceiiing a $16,655 cieque frones lise Otario Mnstry ut TranspLortation and Comn intimation, Tise monry is a Miltos request tor a ubsidy for a1980 publie transit study. -Now he can put his Best Paw foward, anytmel CINDY «0 CANINE i o yu favorite Student job prospects good By Usda sirby WiUi h0gb scisool Out la ImI asis meeba, sony obadenso ill h. poumdteg lhe pavementltoobisg for o sumfnor Job. if canada Manpomor Stiodint co-d- inatoe Alexandra Ladwlg 1e corret in bar predlcliona, mmlxiofUime alRudeota bootit h. abinteflod o Job. In the past ais wceis MissLadwlg has heu peperiog lte stt aldcnlo iU their job searcisfrem bir 'rafalgar square office on Main Si. Letters bave becs moiled te prmpective employeco, foilowcd wilis telepisonc alta and oh. o&Woplanm 10 pay o fem pecoonat visila. "There 10 defisllalY OPPOrutsdy te wion is ltoms," smld Misn Ledwig. Tisere are nom greonisoose Jobs and houaobold poaliions avallable, aise mld. 1n Uic comme month ase h.Peo la place students in construction Jobs, srm mork and campgrosisd and ifegucd pmsitions. Severolishusdced studenta bave already regtlered mith Use aladeol saspomer office and tUss ch. bave not are urged te de o 0PuomOtY, gh. aid. "I am oplimistir about the job mar- ket. itome people moy fort I om more ban I should h., but Itik il locha promislng." "Tis audente 1 bave opoisen mith are îol eisooy. Tbey hsave tise attitude 'If 1 can do if, 1 mifi', and Uiol 10 good. OSe added 1h. availoisilily of iseeself Frances Couter lisem telascd tudent ouit la prospect- ive employers qaiclcty. MUhougb lise lobe mey h. avafialase, flndlog ose la sol alwaya an easy lesis and oladeola re encooragai tolamais. s peesonal effort, as meO as reglterlos wlithUiceMapamer ofice. "Studenta base la arganise lh.m- selses, decide seal Uev wnuld ise la de, miaI liey are good ai and comsidar thi ski lls, edocalional baclagounit, Uicîî crile il ail dom." If applybte in miiog, aludeta sbmatd suismil a typewrith.o resamne complele iUi a foewrdbtg latter taisg misp Ue employer sould con- ider llem for a job.- A persooal visilte on employer la of- tes tis eiso metbod of laodl.sg a job. "Go drerlly 10 lie employer. Msl of Uie jobs are fmund Uhi1 ay," sh. ad- sised, addiog first impressions are important. Some oladents are afraidnu o lskfor a jOb,' sbe aid, micis con h.lise isggeol isandicap. "Yoo bave te h. prepared te keep go' ing from isis 10 job, and chseck osaI as masy ocres on posible." Finolly, there is noUhilg rong mlit a=els for ielp from friesds miso ma .ale te soggest a job opolse. "If a oludent bas a ard ime, ie or sise siould'l sby amay from oisisg frienda or lomîly for elp'" Fares mork offers prisapa thc larguil amount of empoyment sn Ue im- The Job hunt la on. §Sa finding summer emp Manpower Student co- tosen are good, accord Drumquifl 5y Mcm Ceci Patterses neTis ml aloirday nigisl eorire at Horoisy Community Ceore had $2,500 teOOown rs Mr. and Mrs Couter, ahiment, Evelyn Wllble, irwers of Norths End poae Trlfoli, George Duluon dealership in Readhesd, E. Mlon, have becs TADA MNenemy, Vivia memberSs nce 1973. Shaw. Special Flash Taxi Tisere mere il TADA priaes.ent to Fanole members' ciildren nomi- Clemens, and F. iiacd for the scholar- peacock. shîps ths year. TADA A large coogregatios bos 4ff memhers Tise worsipped at Beibel selection of the fivee United Church on Sunday tinners is mode by April 26, ifh the Nortbmood lnstitute, 001 sacrmet of communion the TADA. beisg held. Coming lto Miss Coulter is 17 and tic memherohip hy crreotly completisg ber professono of failh mre Gr. 12 and mome Gr, 13 Jil ansd Colean Didur sobjerfo ai Milton and hy certifleate Mary District Hgis Schol and Doria Speck PAUL HOW CIRIRHOSIS C -ifyVou were told that,v Trhat hfledriià scholarship for oullar. daogiter of Coun cil Regionol Admineistra- lion and Finance Cnes mîttor meesiers milI today conuider Uic isorsing question of wbeth.r or flot tiscy moot a"lcourvilliirs' lirary"- ý'Ao yoo may remees ber," Halton Cisief Ad- esinintrator Demnia Per- lis saîd is a repart, "nume lime ugo Uic regional risoiresan idi- cated tri regiosol courcil tisat be asised regional staff in cosîder relocrai- ong tise courrillorS' ares tronte txis iiitg cour- cubeos' lourge 0toise dir- etors meeting rooes and sctl!ng Uic nees rurm up an a combinatios liisrary- losaîge cibece varionu regiov studic9 and re- ports wulad h. resdlly available. mh.rc colin- cîllors could bave avait- regiosal ibilding a rom- HAROUND THE OUSE M fle te i th avdgli in 8 ans O ,a a, -I , Il,,'it P,, - ,O'f1 toisaalmdeysiPlant, Ospre ih th ixaar ais iItit hav b. a o b-. fIlh 1aae A i,111 i i leacsed sise in the rcipi- est 018a $2900 arh.larsbip tu attend Uic top-rated Nortismood Institute sn Midlasd, Minis Miss Couller milI encol in tise colleges auto- motive marksettig course. Tise scioasip sa fer $1,250 acb year foc Uic first Imo yeacs of tise course - se plans to slay aI Notbwood foc an etra teso ymars ta eaco a ariselor o Business Administration degree Tise scbolacsbip la pcoided annulty isy tie Toronto Automobile Dealers Asoiation and goes 10 five ftudenseaecis pear. This ears in- sers, Frances and four boys. ere annnunced aI Uic TADA disser'danee at tise Inn os tiseFrk Aprit 21. lIibrasry lortable and convenient moriine ares; and miere tiey could h. clone Lotes secretarial service pro' vided iy tiese acretary 10 tise ciairman. In short, if meanu mouesg Uic courcilînr' pivote ares fromtju, off tise rooncil cures to lise econd flIme of tise rcgîosal eadqurters, seor tise office of Ciair- 1mur Jark Raftis. 1 Te urrest smail cuooresrersed for cour- tcillors noutd h. dmsignated Comeittor Rones 2A 1 CosItfoc tise move, Mc. Perlinsasod is is repor, itI h. $2,64.9-"smt s I mfiicis, esrept foron addiiosal telepisose extension. is a one-imee r- osI. If Yeu Hav Kids, You Cu't Affard toPM by - 0109Me cents W HAVE a cus Cbthisgoad acso oies inui ons, seims, ahoes, skates, fu-oviaif -- ,i 3p.fn DAILY' ilM0ad0 n 5 Flshing derby et Kelo Kd»ihnagDcb7 The eU*mcreervoir will b tociseitwitls 1 to lma ibo abiwfut for Iis efft, wblcb lsa-at flah«mc aUag ailg. From 6 sm. ta 9 p.m. omuet- M ac= -m to4 .m.onSudy, U ubl te bicore eflibe f«onof ai a Prny pei ng givn uit bth for »dotr and sesiorcetgegi. Tise regtelrtlaa feis tesl for th weiised, ar $2 per day. juo 2antdsssder are ilffprice. canspiE 10cesabli fs-ma Frtdoy olgsun ada nlght. arreq eavadle ferlu'ason-the-sist zla fry, or eoy aa "e"ry bird pancake hriafn" aveilableataIth.food cesciSel JeoeUm Apprama CLUNUC A peefeitr EFas OF iC AGEecu.teu Aidsa apesia w MOWi b. sabe lsisc«s etmay diauid ».mteis. aef r saiui eu dlamond id aid esid jagfiicc mu b.mae 2 DA YS OVL Y san Mille, let, of Acton discusea the task of ?sLRIMI% 12nom ls9eAiaip $oyment with Alexandra Lsdwig, Canada ( b ' ~ ' -ordinator. Thec prospects of finding work ln c m Chi j âwdpehg ing to Misa Ladwig. MltnMai -Ls LYNX - C APRI e ZEPHY R a CO0U GA R e X R -7 ' sMARQUIS e LINCOLNS a PICK-UPS e VANS I (NGW AVAILAILE- AUL NEW LW-i DAVE GALUNGER (non-Commssioned) GALLINGER MOTORS M WIIN ST. EL, ULMO 1 jcom Dam 878-2M Ext. 15 )F THE LWVER. Ia ILStoo muchl" llic';îc'csii ic'liselic'1ailis, offert Ibere t,,no knoîwvcurer. Mrdical (IiThisi, gallsliîtit'sc anîce of the rsearcbcs re o'i iilingiiifisglt fie ;r-lic Iihrîl Lieî',i'ci illerin iistvr olseases. But iiccs arc loobglit aucl flî cl'il )JIi'ii1l' il al ,igrv. sevtt i iscv'. s'iiiif as ildcitilî Nol liii li ihicst',,îiijiinkirv. ciintiiiiio ssiI1 î,îcî'an imnocîiatr uii yv,r in î:,iiei ci vr 2V.- millionsî ilîrci iiisrel1ingicomtilalthe'miot mmchdit. fri. l lliverriivcasce. aîidlv' icrrcavitg causvi'di lath Pal Howard is eightyeairs old. poiie s ' 'îo ~Jtlt9to u wI;i Iiti!ls' '~c' Auto dealers present-