ikia*thua#ut fd. A«e. à.101 r Miiton's own ns, n.Mies . asra , u e'ad .Caeatsy." nl bM saexepesata situa Tere are a otoaher o! entsocluîclcoaid maslt> h ailded to hose activiiioo revoiiog aîoiid tIi e leatorco, utue ol woit are noold abovo. rnbîob wuad add ta lbe early Canadaaes hecoecpt uhlasa prevetstlntibiscasmtaaty Saneeavas uldcb milgbtb cttulduad are a laundes' day uSaed Jly l a bum a1ibitcarpatsM 0 thewn), wualbiag*tg lmûrs ttgbaau ar"a. psU... M lbt heMi.katllplty, bt nte lb ros ad ruai trem, ubtichtaura ceaiiboltdintainprtld guiesad liag onstlb MM>Pdau. w frquntly practed atetursaoithlbcttry. Peadulcb e Ragilas Nritage pattai la ta recapgsetaItUe an sded tma herbtage futre thebaaaastity, tlbttEsl etratit d b canserveSaSd stasceS an I Ohttautatagalet wult the lbcommasli itasolet st ta: 1)1 thesletrslit)aencurage lacai aea matalipallllesat tallilabLACAIB 1(3)1 mostateea hiciage futadatios belag ulablltad (41 talarat otle the ouluares ublclitrahdy sa" MrDOla comenate la tlasregardlbllbthao'sated agaaal Neuilage plici "aest piOce rspaasablty 1r any actontoflalgalbtaase wltthlocaal mtuaalpality, thtselb sd for laputI Es aLACAC, reaogaaaaag that Caaseil ha thefi"aldesaalao arlty inasy CM." lb Tawn ofMilon PlamnigDeparlassat. forlils part, b. asncladed ilatlb apu Mltan Officiai Plan mai> direct rfereceaintahlbpreservallas, saitascasasaland raaycllsg" MfIitrialbuildinga and propurtiesa utis lbeTaus af Miloles, la regard, te lbllaug ruieeucsaoitlust atlvebesa sacerptad fme lbsouMutsilto l7l OfficiailFPas. Page 19, ilatlb "Basa Mof lbePlan" Scion, lb lollauig tag alauasala mad: "Redevelapsasal, hausser, oM part oMa block. ulhiontspeaaeed except it due ragard flb lbelfutrs usu Mnth blaance ci lheb"bai." Tis ataemssalla smade la aajanttla wtt redeoelapsast i aider an Mofte Muiclpaity a and seapaadedoasinla ter sectiansaoM ten . Page a, re lbhesetios ile "Quaalty oM Urlian asdtItrai Deesapsasa." "lbCntalsBSuseas Ditruict oM te auwna!fMilitas ulIl serve asbhesacal asd ecasasaacasenre oMth lb aiamaeand atrro.udiag hitserlasd. Sppetauaitsenre uiD b varn salghbaarbaad abappng centre and baals ctre." Si> etapitaallg tlb aId Miltn CSBD. te lban eplititealbe histrie curacter oM theblidcpailyeaaubale. Page i9, labsaEs foteacatias tilts "Cem- meralL" "Tlh. istaa'icCntrailSaslatea D"iarc uil aerae lb esd"oMlbhestire MtaclpatY asd lieaaarruamdig market ore. Emplal. laOnceeagals as lbe pr.auvallas asd relaslnfaa Maistaori Pa'toM theliaslcipally. Pages., ro tE lb Casmeria lpitcy proviaionss "'RSavelapassalofMtlb dustaus ta n imasser o islaenddtanuthance Poeutrian circulaionandasalt teiredtaeasueo eailcasyualscealf the rban shtepping csire flot muetb la5duoswthast acrllclag tlb atractiaas ishmeesîil a dautaus ««."lb.. pliciee tagis la deal it lbe"mals" ofdevelepsast nlheliulonC.BD. Page 41, laSsE s lb he"Cammeral" patics. "ýUta.peraiteintan dautaus ull lu saceragd le releal l te M ofareasdlstrctre, asda FANGLICAN CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL TRINITY 0F CANADA HALL BAPTIST CHURCH GRACECHURCH iaSauaaoSt. N. 4272 AppWlby Lina 317 MataSt.Mtan m8m RePa. ut..an. Sunday, May 3/81 Chidma..tliafld Surdlay, May 3/81 »Wl..Il bIn71w aut 0$The 9:45 .m. .Bible Sabttal flr *ut aum. - laiCovuii Laed JetChas Mage nIon lOa.n' -RAv. Hubtbar- 100 .... - loly Euabâlt Sunday, May 3/81 tut of BagS. Nuttuot lu- 930 a.. aeir Cbirnh 0WO.m. BuakiogBred land Saluaill6a."'.-Sunday bohoai 700 p.... - '11wItiS o 10arn - JuioChuS 7M tou.-Goapel Service God. und Dlioeae rontF cluai Wednaaday it." Tbaraday &BO.m..Poyr and Bibe Ail Waioau 10,W $au. -loly Cern.- Radng Tuieday AIl arnualutune 700 p... - 71.14> Boy. ST. JOHN'S 'o= l s GrlaCiub Nmugum (e olph Uoa, Ho sied, i balaoa iti tJota. Wedoaaday N.o 401) Chat ia dueSmo f God. BS> p.... - P.aya.erMauhq B:30 au -Hlai>Cotou.- Acas 837& 69MaStudy. nion BOSTON and OMAGH Chaicll Saluai THE PRESBYTERIAN ST. GEORGES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES LouieIGelph Lot and CHURCH IN CANADA Rev. tac A. Waloh Deaa> Rdi)KNOX, MILTON M311118 11 lIta.m.u-Monoco Patye. 170 Mao St,E.B7BGOd Sonda>. May 3/81 Nrseryad Church Scold e. TîuvrnJ. Leis BOSTON Pa. CêaneatMattit Mnsera. lai bo, Haboo 1411 Rcto. 87-48-l'R Ogaoist-Choi. Direcor 9»t0a.u -ChurchSo la HIGHWAV GOSPEL M,.arien Stoli ad DiineWhuuoap CHURCH Sanda, Mai> 3/81 OMAGH Ptmcouttai Attaunbia 9:45 arm -n SiorCharh' SOuO.nieRd. Wes af Canada Sobool 1100 au. o-oeorh Saluol Couu. ofuWakefild 10:00 a... - AdoS Bibe an ivinetulrhip tand O.naio Sus. Stado PaoPao .Culo-a Jun t i oro& tnt- EMMANUEL 878-2064 meuahtsScholsl BAPTIST CHURCH Sonda>, My 3/Bi t1:Wa.m.- MorinioService 26 CaooieaolaSt. 9:45ae. - Sooday Scitool AlN Sutoritacl'Nrsery Patta> O. JR. Acnooog 11:0 ai. -Mooioo utot Ail WlSaia 5e S3 alita AsolaietaPatta. Ato Chde't Chuch CHURCH 0F CHRIST OD, Kan Campblal tlIty.u. - Fauli>Puay. 1412 Bitoola Rd. Wtt 8178-Ma 7-.0 p.u. - Evai oauiop Mioauo r:Bon oaa Sondai>. Maya3/Si On Wedrtasdaya BiB-el 1lOdSa.' Sanda> Shoot ut a.- Lades Puy.. adAdaS Bble Clsse. Sondai, May 3/811 :00 >aum. - Aaaa..blyb Fidlai> 10W1 au- -Bible SholaiWouloP. Saouo.o 'S&ftai. F7:30p... - Fauély Nigt Cilofr allitz ofliot Cutalu > fr oug People 11:0.m.- Mounibg uta- ?lpt.- Eosos "Bae -tdyaaat. i and the Lord'&sSoppO. BSble SuaI. Sau.u "S ST. PAULS- 730 p..-"P.tolti ingofReOaolu To God." 0F THE UNITEDO:6 .T oite day en HHRThuradai -'au ofallaan HURCH 0F CANADA 7:30p.... - BblSudy B" taI> MtBt&tJaoeît. ' '*leCuteba Cflat§Ou Wedn-eda oiEAtiohiTmlaAI. Sunayi, Maey 3/81 EPIPHANi Nuey p.oldad eta0Sunas TOB-.. Mt ~ -'~ LUTHERAN OMM Ttadt *"Tht At aI CI4URCH 'tOtt- Ratl'Baldula MLTON .tata... - Cagot.Saolai Pbic Sahla BAPTIST CNUACH AtWdtaeta lU moWIa . PM ehr c . p fé P " au Paad as luauaéeProcheas e- Sanday, May 3/81 IlB&.. aa aaw tois use. Io lu etpw uSsaoaeaSfla. jacq Oq(EI l'a"u8atya waStga>a ~: MmSttho etr 1bot afki y âhltSdi. 5 b «ulnB1b0bl àWS nu em - buoao n "c~aaraai" Pane eEs ta tta wUsr S redvalgaaal cairtctiew aartctra lu ceres i tSfor tiasmat part, "peada l seara-- maitItbal, saliri ad daylapai. Il lest..'.. te CntIraI Sistna CDitic shel la ughtitos ol a nie; bweoer iia*all nutablslnerptadltasaxclode ideathlftaLe iglburbaadwhiclt ul i tualate ad ireopiol' ilS the Scigbl o eoaoliog structureos 'Thie ievotoprneola eohbibîlîog architecturai otarll or oI laaiiale cmusuasulactil>, litail.oltoaiul iusnofuto hiOubasic provision ory matit oarcs hisoirie igoohîeaooo wlooh uoy, iw addition, caer o clo dut in part lu lb. proeseceof hSitoebuildings, taI set derelcpuul t ia ite hlaualawa aid etoad b arlal nuatry" This alSbachievad by asdvariletyuin bechtokceaof bautg" fllou a lang oaabltalaed ilteamis oM ait., permillltag davalagmmt i="seagslal¶as S.adàlliasal a clad bItansasdl lbueby cmuari gta ralettesasoM lbeaid CAD. wtt aaarreudtag slàl»agU-mo cigehnuOficii PIB ablb lB lull a aiharactur. oaallyrualrlddaetacbetar." b aa 9itpttasnieatastn Pag 4Hbtonmth e n '1>mualai 'wluu àf..... n r". s prmaa.aUW n anIb,taabma a 01010s d M M forugl tbn etbhepin. 'e"taom iar uSbassa.,agad lu hstrlasapecta iaOn taraipprtionsathé n.of g puSpaaeoftés rages«lie, aa iut ofbats locae i~n mto"al Suiseas CieaI 'The t- Milias uad Mi. avevbq tg lattW~ad a"aa cheinsati.. ncase la yu Imapotanta l I PageaM, hlothe lbd i t ab -dadBag wtt itea.bua artib Women's hi-tech program n p A aix-ueab rrtar efor oucrI- btau asc.pled careslb te=la m m'eatuaaa S ,cmpusr of =toaa..lll eb bld niMaytaF1a. l PApist as a oa clu ta acataplatiead Gradance, aomu t oe hndit-madala u glusaaiMe inhâCqam pa:vmmm ltraalng , cestam lb Bramtas -ly.Th 1 - - l - -11- , - emT"7ý'. 1 '.1ý - -, ý,: ý ý - -, 177777M ý l 77-" MR