Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Apr 1981, Sports, B4

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sitis ARN COULSON Smelt and suckers best right now Du fSILL HAVE lime te gel Ye-Iefa = ir W ofcleap moat for lise Scesand amelt are a Ilios bust E riglt 15wandl for lises seli cannoI affard a li* triplea catchs fis for your fiab-liungry tamlly, a Orip telise Iadlaa Creeli, on Appleisy Lias or lie park atL4wvlllesiDgeyeu a gaosopply. Smaelamea litlebharderio gel s youisisud go seis as experlaeced fisienian. A fese dollars at.a - geel ili neit i pay you gond dsnïd- esdsandseltbpepecare, will last for years. Last seeekend, limdreds et peoplhe(<nd lame wili samai seua. we ope) pent tieir ime at tieir favorite tream or ake as lise rot 05ai55 opmnedtor aaterieas.. Remeailer feflow, ses de ol lesw t te oa oreebiisa ySag lad of 23seasabhot for tres- Wormes a p and asw la tise ime la, gel as ampe suppiy terthesinmmre, wlis drywesallier setsnlanad you are faced seis paylag frem 75 cens tale$1.50 a does for wsa. Ralalios teomt snlmv live minnoisu and there la an ample sup- ply in tise amall slreamaaof Hate. Start ou Illi a ligt slep aad ashaepisek. 1 just recened a ai releaae from lise Mi- iLsry of Natrl resources it seems tie messe maaagement plais preducsd reuls A selective larvetiagof tmnessmcla s certaiaaieeaof blils, cois anad salves cold sien lia troduced by the mlalalry, if neeesary. faut year'i mete-lotlag lave saavt about 350 rmnesmne l l se10eaeoo. Noi, Iliss3,0 messe prodace offspriag wlicli isuld bave liesu blautis te mee brd andlie ever-lacreaoiag osssber ofmose huniersin Ontario alone. Ncumsary predalr cotrol ad lhabitat managemsent are tise opios sader conidatio by lise lolaglos. Mese managers loped tlalr restrictive masres sould reduce lie 100 mose MIloflhuniersliy oae-sis. isewesalier gave a belpiagl i isayearan rçduced Ue year'o 5kW1 ly sas-tisi. Hang la lisses ym messe isooler. We are mre yoo seltI isél ave trouble gettiag yor messe as of les as you nocifdla lanlise did-you-lmos e dqartsoott, tie tallet liose tre intie provice of Otaio la a witell p o A %e1 goqubsPark, tla troemtoaul ddyou kaow tlie munt poassml- non in te at5IrI4Id 5SIe d a5OO1groms abundntlyin te aspn-bich = mnortliern Otaio drig thefall. iim tmOI. norma.- baul Auaaimin wllbave a new loknsonnme of ils divisions when play gels undMrwa MV aturdi,, ai Rotary lPark, ThSe assSMciatiMMs esecotive lias declded ta .lilsmate tihe T-Bail dlvi- mies o etand-six yr oldo and lise mIteWC sve and eigt yearabhd. ln Soerplaces ,sell ble lissesaeparate diviaions. gach divlalsisel la efor the sanse agroupa. Mlai ea 05 am gropewlisejunsior T- Rail divislinwbuhle tise sossmyiaredwae"hm l in dm seniordison. The fMIIMWMf areth n MelBA. Each player wl be colacod by i/lie ccssi U aay Jt>sofM LU mi% LUI:Pma s 11t«» Ps,.tm..h0 605. Bséis fl0LU05k055e csa5ps :XM,waemn.sAasssaase sl, - Tennis facility suffers setback construction siated for phases Flaacialdifficuties lteiearlise proppss bave eossa a kastinlalafrom tIe club esocutive. plansa ly tise Mltn Tn. It sas aime lise finit mia Club ltebsild ilscace teclbbhadla 1lsfclt nie. fld ou seiat tie mess- A f abeta 0 ie lerasaoled and tit clubs mmlarm aad aiotmtlieiili. l many lteemled 00n- 'Tise first tageintisej sseaslerm Tlsody ai lseo-pbome proposai sould E.C. Drry, it sem aauv sthlie coaeutilliof vaed he cst ofthie total Ilrto oaldoor tennis project bad incremsed c-ni&, feocsag, lgltilig consleably. and lise parkima3ltIfin- In addition, lifetime ised liy Augt . mombisiipi s icis iere Tise ruest lise com- espectod la la gens by Pi-eoctudiag lie siv- thisa ime. lad reacised 01155 pol, seuld b ceai- jist 124 fomadlg mee- pltld by September ion bemrs. About 110 people a- Fsudiig lecame a pro tesded thessmeeting bies. A total of $146,00 Tise cesbiallnetWtlie esix au is e bulding tise factvm lima ieftlise fomd. Allisougistise rolt- club cmdsderlag a tise- ivety amati amaot of plase ecsatroo pro- moneoy sm blamed se tla grem. publicm relorlaacS te ila. ilise meetng sas catted sest lnan10 alilt pret te abltemeeberslip. it ws etotmaises 1 Educators make consultants equal Edoratin ceaseitteala la attesare no loger pecla. lise are la la treated oquatlaolisher isalm s e effort of Hatos Board et Eduica- tIbus cliacisisg et a palicy slacis eelgaaly appslalad a perusn for a spacific job. Ovr tie yess-tlie came pecamielta ld the sameappalisalant. Tis ayvame oves thlie elg iceesulsaist ebd by lie board lisee od uscelsisrseoim melr et cotirs,"Br lilgos truast Bll Peuttnecomentesed la refereace la lia ssotin- I ooklng for a sgaadbuy on hisurunce. MTAWAI asarmAUNe ULMT4I MMN wouid rame 001ut lise soodserk0oncelise cees- ple got uaderieay. Puais fote ie mi- cpated memlarmblp sould lacmimficet le fi- ance tie esalet tise pro- Jet. Tise cilu lelilmg ai Wlalario for peosibe tans. evral eseculive memboraseGi la meeting sitis officareai lihe provnciat al Wi-y cor- poration Mosday May il and peset as appli- cation form attisai ime. Wttie tiseesoed oethlie meeting wsmasomebhal besilsol and cotssod, one mesles commetel sr oeesu uop tise meed oflthe meaiars. "Iththls eliotle desi os a remensa ides for lise laie,"said Bob McTavioli. "Unve gel fine lidm and I1seaI liheus ait la playltennis. ise oaly coscrs I haveneistiaI we miglil gl jato a sisee-teres lad. lises sebo selfusdlthe de- icit? Maybe e shuldd la payngmeee." Soverat idema roncere- isg fusdlag tise dficit mrfaced ttise meeting. M~& L àsd-*anatolanl M0ton),'30% bchiti, Couge, ZOPP or12 lb. 4oz. ralebov theth*Xt 3d-DolassoPolondi MIllosl30 % icha, M 0 la12 lb. 4 oz. rakml Onth 1ut -ULnda Cimotn 1Milon) 14 inch, Mite. 1 lb. 2oz. ranbow 2nd-CisRedden OmlivIbol 13% liche 14oz. 3rd -OumnNebbonne ilOalivila11 in ch, OUMALLWÎESTUI IN1 lap McClellnd <Mtots) f<gminch - 2 oz spocIemi troutlWMieaàfros halrmly% cortesy Mko' a rbvseS r &Hsý1ng Shap) Dm ,Pearot (Mtrd 5 ralnbwm, tota CAM ZEP COUGMwelght30 lb.13 oz, toul Wusth 2 inchma 47up- 44m-t 3mCOR"ANER lSPORE Os, Pa., s 174M O »e a o 5mhg mketlad m Blizard Soccer is hot stduif. Hot waher. Hot d-s. Hot acion. Hot ij>jgUj ý * À1i'JJJ & o grab your family red *uv , W ad favounite gai or guyand tie in ne of t tt enter GUELPH AIR SERVICES las hostlng a ""LET'S TALK FLYING NIGHT"O ConsCm etathe. GusIPl i Apari mnd lame -Ms no oliulamehoswhataosvmhow Io obeahe y~o PWATI PiLoT UCINCI COMplhnimtry Rfraslimnta Aftme Quelph Air Survis. mli Vud ha Md prasaed 10 <lsd a more aaBaylg esi fun-fRed «eY 10 epeeid yôsirsftstsocuoreavanIng lli Wlneni ms ctoS-pmckad Blizard Soaoosr gesa Bealds the evjoymant = got outenmaybm trstwig Bliard seil rsatytsto »oaf the fnclstlaoeltrIus oeIir Anid wheiyou'eaetl#%e gwese r.hf murtg l on handforthm Mçlaan Jimmy G» hf udyu aeaClsce MOLSON ta se hks ons8unday, May 3Seta 3:00 p.es. whistes Iskzwd Woan lImePLAYUtOF THE PI, LaWMWdraSfhbsee lainmont values in toen. ,TORO NTO BLIZZARD VS. FT. LAUDERDALE STRIKERS Suesday, May 3rd, ai 3:00 p. Exhlbîtoti Stadiumn stméMad wrion atmbopde iiaeiatliiaSaA5S (69U$ge.msnd 1. Ir . il l e. ailCtDomiionoe tocatloend the Blissard 15550Office (977uIICKt. LUse. ~~~~~u -P sé.LUs Uhu. 500 lLdtb.?i .i«Vkoi.y.KiembIYllOS 5 8l005U5isu UilS. C. :: 1. U DMsseiut et lettré, Bris e 000 loUil. Ales L p os Cc Gu, MososiSi 5..si .505 T'y tnsT",M"' Rss el, atn dm Mglmm an.1 , R 11Sa.. lw, M 51Mr00 : AveOd t N Coiach: acse Dior; o- ah.. a. uhPl"-: a m p.=cuf« lsessus C ~ nusest,0L LU h.055. LU 1- 0 Rolisot wm. Irrites d.~ esM pabrtliaribs.jeseleosa 11' Les l LUi 11111$11 étaler- LUisiraient boa" C.51 Prse, amy Pas. Lvi Osk atouts. las sé;Reu % W u ss st, 1.2 o D" mla Md Bot. Lcl =b.. C", tus c". mU o wb; ?W L 0111 iLysla BWslisss. . ah. u. crisMIO L am"- = Ais LR toute, =4=, Dm*ltty.J5 Lme..0il~ cstG..Balus. oass. »M &le.., LUI LULUMm551tM bL LU LU LU mes 0"UPou, Erwk T- = Mm= LU Jh. cosu LU' LU LU LUIII.. 8ie. *LU LUutdwean. lw LU JIR UisBr.no.uéa U BsFb 0.11 UamP0"n Pla s t. - re ut LU J 9*IUM a (mis a N, N sisSIC«mnl Matisu,é JIh ish.s a L 0e «i A LELm uSIC mMwDyI.lp"w,àb*wl -="s. .L= lmcassa VuaaIaë, Wu~ . em» mSiuus. al um4 F &K "m" ai L . aUs l-- ipe Bis Mh. M Osé, F055 Mute. uts. udIJo- C"ý Funestes is.;lo"% AI". LU lu&to u s s, u" liRil WaIwa U M IM K.aSLL&MesM-- 1usé-' Omdbwr Giss, im 4J. amKoselit. Bh. ii 1.5. 1 la iks- q, am &uM, Dt* av% tom mlmbJ- I& fJ Jsesis~me CollLU Mml'mompéM". 41101 1555eLU .baiBalises "ý0" m§M gis sé~L 51. Mssas.Py ..1.4e lU U . AhiJIs 000.557E h mo. uts.., U Joabs vi 1 LU JUsLUis. hi 3*0 Ba um ,ts séNl JfRtp s ie . 0051 U~PL05.2 ul« oes -mwU«nLU Osé lU Ue Dam L A.L Ltson. SSuLw LU cssa:W@-LULU 4 alUle Jlus Bwm LiuJ louait PiA% ". wMuCOLIs, ~~CNRTL cm*:l.s nulSIbki.whnse. ii s'o Poserauui [ HAVE couRitet llsaCAKNiE. _ ans". LIO Tbc ,WilàdMassy 1 . sh.. Y- hy Siale Fann offers yau a ýl vaiu on

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