JOHN MORGAN More oexhibtion action laitw.ab for Milon Youth oer Club taam. Ilico Data qurla obou o Burligo uiday afterrinso ai aiough diey wamI dovi-t moach John iatmdesonwas, happy alithblo teamispay. Tbey k.ld tdistaroog Burligloi faim craheuidurig die firi aI baaud if diay ad ont lt op for o few moiteinthediasecond haIfthteaacore wouldbhave bais much doser Cold wadiec letut ak dldnot ailow tai mucb oudoor prce Thbe oiloor pssaae aipad bad a radier &in l ok ai diey aoted ouf et J. M. Oeiyes S Sel. Coach Eric Fulerlin ixlou filaI a fe eamoneplayr ail. Wl di ou maiy ea peopes mooig lfinto fia maybe thra are aime boyu bor i tais abo would 11k. 10try oufalit die faim. Aiymne iterestsd "Mufdili Ertc ai 07-403 or turi ouf ai J. M. Daiyao Moiday eveoflg ai .30 p.m. re ew u u great English forward, 'The Wzard of Dribble", Sr Staley Matheal kmndlgup diae sccer coinigent. 11fr taley go111 osr ulrby oblfged alit ai aulograpb for m ai ah, ou Saidiymou u~ 'Wl's tailey NMadiesa"' Soamer aita abmdld nel baya kmd aiy dffffclfy finuoaorig etout" 1w. qusiosinfiMe1k. yl'u qui lat wauk*. eMahaui-oda, almostu aiotfcad waidia lat iner Tonito tkmtakm disy w.n dia Norh Amerfcai lamcer Lagli lamcer Boal itaM. lhe final questlin a"k for dia locaiolo f tdil yar's Socoor Bawl. nhet, of courue, wliù b pay a Exhbtonai nIn. Tront SaurdayISpt. M. Good tickets for dis Semer Dowl game are goi1g Md.aitTckt ara aoallble irou%* itYC aif you douf aaift eb. suck idiseiack row of d theo" you hkm batler gel your oror fi to ms or Cboiryl Wakay wiout dlay. lta Bumd fbl s econd sgai ais y vot dow. 4- ta letits cd. On baitfi w.uder jut bo onbau ifi cuago o badierah a some draidc acion by club prideal Clea Toya. To k.fartae da w. gPalaish Bizzard corsd Boiday aers eil- sogflaarad aid cerfafly ai Loi- table, if you cai deeiba omadhifg duel lu no-axilteit. Wtd dia Irobisma ou defen If i ustraiga fe, s Bruce Wilo, aimtitadflg deimcemai, playfg man a aacker. Wainfgton fi biow. for ilAilog- banl game aid tbay ued dhilito tare adat fde faily t rong fifin diCLrahaf d di BizuardI dhiar own end. lamaf'e goalte, JIco Brow, bai ai excallent kck and coittiuallylothedial]m deep fito dia Bliaird hall. Tlonbaukfcko dotai-f eld by Wahigto rmutd i a ta amuflg sftufaii mBflzard goallte, oy Cbursky, veoired fr ait of bs goal fiocai mai extra dalsocemna. Oi oua oasfionk. tookoff ccap ai k. rai ouflte d dis bal away ad ou mnodier n- casino eided Up drlbblfog dis bail amostt te corner flag as apt a lplomat' forsuai boy. iOOuking for piayers BRob Evans new manager leu, Garlley Mtchel, Hlton Cooty itatebal The rMtte di teld EvansandllfckMlUtck. lffLegue p55 Up wlith lck MtI- Catch Tf a Rob" es- Taeilofld rsctfyad a WaI uortilop, Rlay tlm bsfd disUnplate muc-uised abWl i lbeEvasatascodhaasad aller a o.a-yaer absence acm vi di dis acq"fildow fZ:»plaecaithedi cau thi io7 of thdrdlmi a lv* ffIv-lIijob. lb.y ar HM tdg on nglaTait bfroualda. Tait fin Bobgo., bDulimi- teady aMeid .fsm gaaian kt feldr aid a bers, Bob Evans aid 1BS1 dis top catcbim f dagodhlttlo. bisafi ahifi rau "Wks I amubiW feam imtafile fle in three weeko for the sea- so opener, the squad will have a emanaer Pitcher Bob Evaibhm auumedthei cac= l reim froalRkk year-M dEyaa i rt job "f'm a lAid.eoider nmw,' safd Evai, '"&d Id 1k. .ta"y ibaie- bal" cama lNMbba ftour yisra &p. Mlr a oua- yarir .11wth bou C"ial, EVaoiratormedta Campbelivlle lut yer. Iba move adis Muià- cho fa a fol-lImePay- fig position. Perbapi, the peno Playflg fid-ime soold almow hlm ta con- amirale b'. la rgi., fot ally on theflad. Eviii a"dtbilaysr'i up to besslrogerdiafIt Year.. mproVimsha o delence, bittbtg mndover- aIl dstbcompaaafe, sayoilvana, for the toamo lois wak spo, theomoood. The afartig pftchur isifi k.veteraw Bcd Gadd, bai lbtmio n ad Cmrila "Ace" Corie. 1be other pota on dia ptchlig rouewaIlk. tkS by 1k. McCaid- 1 MS a B COREL A 0L Ready la go. Mohawk' Rick Mitchell la relin uu hin îbs coahtn pollin 1 cncotnae al bs ffots n paylg th11e boom. Làt yoar, Mitchell didin't pay regularly til tnhé mldway point of tho sasoon. RitchieKnitgit i cene, Steve Smithbin teft andf Crrinorigbt. Rek Sagt aid Gory Connol wal apaflomublaiiY. The cow yAbDeotfroua lut yosr ia tldd-ais baga lait saa. 1Mk.à Hm but woit ot M1e a, lemb. Mabawk. baga. aid- ltloactidiatdaywltb O-tO 1.Reniis. 110. ses, dscola a hbesa and-homs amilai th Bag"erBnaw.okmd belon sA apossible reur Datc-apwitdfOO. ..Lait Y-"r," aftlti Evans, "as alwaya hm W" chwoe weak Ibet kMled a lot o railaifer u. That put tb. mach alcai ou lb. pichbial '%b year w. beye a soàdld 11sWpaidw. itauild k. baller defon- Mohtawkasopsatdi ragida r ay 1701t bo oul aCambrklg Phr- itU liaThlaMwfljday, Mohawks fréaai fiDba. Thé nat waaksid, Campbailvllm leak-u vIllaksaa ia pair of sinegonegaînes gair- day aid &"dy May 23- 24 * w a- - 8 -!-