Propose, another- three-day deer hunt TiePantttninganaulbeiresdyConi. tesemii revtew a romemndattt rain Plainer Rtash Mohamnned tat "ia.e Min- lslry if Naturai Rmorcea b., adiied thal "atai bai n abjecion laiitres-day cn- ereshabt tiilead of tie t1ti expeclad. te imiter of humiereaid supervitaon sat-t-laithumteri. trefle der tunItanlfft, bt mIit aanly a Minaofthle mson tar te laekWiS sn reninad Utisaine an 10. 'Sy canstriet, ippraalinitety lte Lait peir 1lits licences mere ahiled aimiur nnuber af hanter, aid supervision tst hantera er att aliawedla hait in nIbe ilton Agrcultril Advtisry ceai- requesatatar appictiionnfotacli tei were but un1y 704 were actually aaed. as i lmi.",groupa, bt bad te alose ittee ban aise hicbed tise concept ut recelved il te Mlsitry ut Natural lu fer tse EEAC lhan appeanu .e Idea af nibe Mtniitry, witii ca ndicted Oie hait Ibe reanlts of Oie Stntry bant wereansent aglier deer bani n Hilton. itenourcen District Office." fthlitag the quoa it ml nhera trait aitaide lar Ina t baet bolnghckitheOiegh tl, OieMltai t cologteal and nmiro&- AeerdJng la Mr. Mohammaed, Oie Mite nie ans prableai healdes a decn tluO ie raglan. nnnteodeeitltit=ad Flannitrougli mestallAdvteary Cenijittlee aid Il sot- Wtetn * a dm"bimi 'itrrtgly tew par- bath Oie hait miici lte cantittee musl Ceuncilitra ilii decide an tait question Townahip, min dtanppoltad nly l2 der claded anoher hai ctuld hbed iwnmlded nomacatled tla gale Oir objectian luOie tire inamiether o, ait ta give lcenceastats diy. An Inland Cornmunlty Newspaper-Serving the Community for 119 Years VOLUME 120 - NUMEER 501 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29,1t9ti 4OPAGES -25 CENTS Heritage grant $210,OOO court house renovation Ely Jane Malter The Town ai Milton bas been awarded the max- tan court hausea nd jaîl. imum grant of $250000 by the Ontario Haritage Thse grant wa nnaunced by Faundation Chairman Faundatian ta help prenerve and restore tise aid Hai- John Whte Thursdsy mornîng at a press corikrence. Ail set for Museum openlng OtroAgrictltural Museum la putting tise finishing thse phtographer passcd by tise other day. flic touchea on icverii new dlapiys, la rcadiacaa for tlic Muaeum recreates many stylea oi carly igriculttirai scaaan'i opcning on Manday, May il. Guide Celeste hamesteads an ifs 88-acre site next daor ta Kelia, Brush wîai ai t for a ride in thse tirce-seat dema- Park. It wil feature 23 buildings and 20,000 artifacts crat, parkcd in front af tiseLuscas hamestcad, when whcn it apens May 1 Rockwell, union find jobs for 136 workers iy Linai rby A joint effor by Itaciamel Inernaional in Milon aid the Local union ta scre maria for 136 laid-off ontera itas ranllsd la the placement of 901 par ceaI of titaneaiea in nsm juta. nie project, mhich iteaaouilined the et- farta ut a privaIs consultant aid Caiada Maîpamer expertise, led lu 122 juta. Maay ufthtasempisyesnhad nul mriaedin store tai une peur. "It moritsd very stel,'saad umisa citair- stanBilt Zllliu ilh referents ta a i-mai cummilles taI iegai tas taqit ut fiadlac empîsyment in January. -We ail Lunit a vsry pasiiv attiude." Fellum ru mmittesestitbera admit tep are pleusntlp orprisdmita tite saccesof teir effotsl. *il ai rsallp scen stesaoutinenive job earchiag,"aid Bob Michie. There mre us large blocta ut peuple taI ere placsd ilh an employer. bt iîilead sieuor Imo peuple ere stIalp reqsired for the posiion, lie aaid. nihe Maîpamer Adjailaient Cummittee, asi Ils mnaamed, strate ta lie tumaiee, fllnsing up mt tlpitas colin and par- snalivisits. In al, 491 contacta mers stade. 0f the 122 plicsd, tester tOu lu0lasded job n th ttaaoutMiltos, Tbers la cary lit1e upprtuailp in tami, suid une steailr, adding th a tjurlly ut tituse mita ns posiions are mring in nesuadary staaufacturiag in taesaur- rousdiat crea. Bulttece are nu complaînta. îaid Mr. Zil- lia. 'Te men iave itesahappy ita tas hlp tsey gtMaap ers mdllig ltucsv, if necessaary, bal nnismuvsd." Fem are doiag jbsbisilar ta teir pre- viaunstuorh la Rociastli. Ouse utfte nest employeras icInde Westigitouse, Fireatane, Staica, Wistpta Steel, Anericai Mtarsanad TnaiTayn. nie tant of te prject--*lasss. apSit hi- Imeens Oie campeny aid Oie tederil aid proviniil gueraneta-iastmisistals mitea tumpaed ta taesnaviaga inh ama- pluyaientitsuraîce drama, aaid Attx McLoughii, private consltant. "At appraisstitely 8515e per moita for 122 men uver tas pant evea mtstu'Jnthat astuaits tare thaun $a0,000 'Has t tit are nul drasting tait aay- mre.' Alîhougi thOe cummittees mlii utficiallp mmnd ap lumurrom, RachwefistilI pesa on aay iest job leade ta tio tanl5 nut machr. Mr. MtLo)ugllî said tlite nccesfthet a prajel as camprahIe ta a similir lanit fa raraed itp Ford ut Gaiteille ta unit trjota tar approimatllp2100 laid-att mrhera. Apprnimatsly os per cent ot thane stere scsntually placeil. Damn, he's right For volunteers Frisbee champs Haton 50F Otto Jelineks prediction, one lin Vluteer Weeshin Milton and Saltos They itnost host ta throst-and year ago, of a 50 cents a glon tas price in- Maaor la diag lis part ta kesp coteers catch-thase dises. Theyre Conadian creaseascome trus Sory Pg.2. tusy SSePg. 8. chasmpions.Pg. D6. Centre swampedRaeshv Ede Nw SCI*OE 2 Succesas sbad nas aat Tii. Centre, stiere RaershaeesîeSmECTIOON omeo's Osytime programs are sa plar rTe Racer'a Etge iwepltteir lia-es-gaine Regiosal round-up . ,. ........ 3 theyve causeti a itabitoifig proble'ot.t final series over Firetigitters a laite te Mii- Edulorials, columns ...... ....4 tory on Pg. i soplains the oed for more ton todotrial Hockey League citampionsip Fire station ohayed. Champosafes are writng a 'collect- Fishin' fun SE(Ilt'5Titi ive" r «'"pertive editrialpagecol-Sports es, colums ......... E to4 ce rr-osaîcedtra pg o- Guessowhere everyoae maa oantse Classitieds ........... BtoB9 ta. I's iatroducedaanPg. 4. 'eneisd? Fishiag! And tey wrs catctaag iReal Eolate..........S lttoBI2 Setie ontactnsshe ealiso. Ses Pg. C6 for picturesaotîhe Mitons outide orkers have igneti a Baooos'eeInd ...........E C new cammtrc. Ses Pg. . BliShooto>d.... Ct Lots of jobs Spring in Halton icoaNm ..C Prospects for student smua emlo A colsartadloo5k atsitsericit ieauty oftheitsSECTION FOUit metaeprlygsi ii ea&snly- cauntrynide, w inte sasosn ut w lite and Wlitws, Recipes ........D2 Manpaerias ta otter,Pg.5.6. Sesumitan srage ....D....r.....nt..e. . . .D3 A better mouth School news SEILSPLMN% Wity ai the dentit weing a bard-bat Exereineaire aned ta god advantage i K-MarI, Hailton Auomiobite Cluit, aid T-shirt aitwark? Pg. 7. ditsainhool. Pg. D3. wsaico. sid Mr. White, a farmer pravincial ireanarer. 'ite trait miii gu taward enleriur ren- avaliosi miicit miSrenlure lte lata century buildinglutoiia original ilale. nihe uld courtlbuse sa Tuduresque in des- ignand han paired crenelted tnmersa i the entrante.Itese are nI cssmu lan Ontario. Evea mita lte grant nom in haad, tas future outrtie redevelupient outhasBruma Si. custpie is dependent upan taesale ai Oie enintiag Milton tuma hall and ssrrasad- ing municipal praperly. nie csurtitusan ad jolaillU iecuste Oie aem caunrcil titastieri, municipal offices and wmll evea ituss a senior citizen drap-la centre la an addition. ie $2.3 stillion renavatian price rail cani- ant lu met ity ttas lma otOlte preseal loaioian td. nie pacbage uft lust laid, advertisedl for als or teminloe Jauary, hans ttractsd Oh i terent of aeveral develaperi but a bayer hasnoailyel heen lund. Mr. White nagealed a heritate pialt ht.catal fr thepresait lam e tanlu lucbanged de l ira partitane iy a commsertial develuper. "IAltatogtI amtunailtîs lmaite a tirai custstlinent for a grailta cao5ist lanlte mrtilon ufthOe prenent tlam all, my Boarditain ttast losited facorsitly speo niailar applictions for tundiag assist- aice,'" staled Mr. Whtite lna leller 10 mayor Krasn. Artititecl Cardan Venil, mitu bas itesi itired biy lte lama lu deiga prelistiaary plains andaverse recanstruction if ltse pro- ject gues aitend, wstaas preenalaI Titara- dia'aieeting. ibe stvestent to savetasecaurl hane haldiaga min itialed ity CarIos Veatin. Becaseuolte succssofts previnun project enjoyed la Siaicas, ms ses a nuailur of niai- idar iscesatul endeavura in (Indericit, GueIpitaid nitrer Ontario locatioins," aid Mr. Wite. M5r. Vetins rerycliag project in luttai mitere busibusinenssinaitased, mas cisiled ity Muitsunellurs arly lanîpyear an adsa maurre ut inspirain to theai. Mayor (bird Eranîz raid neroui negoaiuns mita palentilîsbiuyeri ufthta municipal blockt milIlubgia. nom hat lte grint bas iteen secured for tas court itoss and Juil. Mc. Vealia mililub bacit ta couscil mitais tas neat tour tan in mesuitit furtasr prie enlimales aid plana. Il la itupsd the Mais St. municipal iblockt mili lu developelfotacommtaercialase. Ai stimalsd t an revenue frost lte developeil pruperty la ttse maia adoanlage snenin tac store lu Brown St. It initupeti a commercial dsvelopmenltat include air" eel Ici-boutiques and apper level offices milI luals imulats aclivity in lte dniomn cors andl increase buinss for Main St. mercitaîti nie propoed nsm ttonhall milt uffer municipal stffmure office ipace and tas addition stilI pruvide a mestiag place for localsniors. Bi-Way coming A Bi-Way departmeil itare mdll lue esaîi linsd la Miltonsdomntama cure in a tsm mcm ,il mas lsaraed ihisn mei. Si-Way o rsnliag the formesr Stedmani Store in lte centre of Mois St., sccording 10 lclr-allies Miss Ledoîtho f E A Mit- the lies lto the emply store. Stednians cluneil a cosple of montas agu. leaviag a gap in tas lusti cors tat mas a tancera lu lte DtsonBsiness Istpraostont Aires btoard oai eaaageaieit. Abe Flii, prenideil at Si-Way, vinited Oie stars niursday aid agreed ta lte rente] terain. Papera are lutng drm awnta s eei aid a confiraiotirerlitaIeasdei ta agned ta sapstted mitaun tae neit meek, tas reiltara sid. An apenint la enpected ity Aag. 1. Negutiatiais mita Bi-Way have basa gaing an for several meebs. nie campeny han i thain ut ai storea tirryiag lamer- prired tlatiig aid dry gainâ. "Titis wlmaireb a tlatitdedittereite tai the Mata St.," Mr. Goauasii aid. "We sureineed tat type of store." MP Otto tackles Bell over Toronto calling Acilioes' graup itai itenfstd i. Miltan, Butnia el l esCaidai taî Pétition chargea drapped ai cala tfram Miltan ta avseaob atts ua Toronto phones. I iwo h atteMlo area doca nof bave any direct free HaltansCeisercative MP OtolaJilinsi cillisng service fe, any major or- han juied the 'Miltai Ciieai Attisa Ceai milles for Free Cilling uth Trants' ban centre, me tbe underaigned (MCACFCT) aid pramissta matie repre- deinind Ibaf lias CRTC reconsider aentatiuis ainte grasp'n luhilt. A pelitisa ifs present position anti provide han itesi dramnanad signatures are edsd extendeet areasierv'ice mih Toron- tromn a minimum uo 60psr cent ufthlie papa- lation. . Arisas McMaiton, mitas i-depta article on sella Turuni tailt 1u5 rates appeared is Theithampianseditnrial page ai Aprili tla us a steittr of tas rammittes. Site la vis- lenily appaaed ta Sellas applition for asun per oeil rite intrene. ie foloinislatas petitisa. nie Ceai- mitten urgens very Silton tilepitane sit- ucrilur ta iga it aid mail il lu Otta Jelineit, MP. Houai of Cemstn, Ottama, Oit. XtIA GAt. It dam nul require any potage. NAME iplease print> ADDRESS________ SIGNATURE_______ PHONE NO._______ -jae*MaltaMaos Chaista Suspense-filled ride if wseantaudi and go rccntly an Rugis Wallis attcmpted ta mskc a tathered flight inbi balloan anc windy affernoan. Mis balloon, as wel as neyerai ,thea mee ready and waitlng if Blue Sarng Scout Camp, Miltan wbcrc Uic Canadian Balloon Association beld if fiast raily. Righi nda kcpt Uic grupgrundod for mst ai tihe Ester wcckcnd, but an atfempf wan mae surday affernoon by Mr. Wallis ta became airborne. He aban- daned bis attcxnpf aiter is a uon plummctcd ta thc graund-witb isim in if. Ses more picturca andastary on Pg. Cl1.