Wn»C.na*n Champion, Wsd., Apr. 22 1981 fown. buys mechanical road sweeper Miltan Csicil lias istened ta dhe int,& n ssfet orm te new Public WariDietar John Mitlhewa, and wmli purchase a $74,177 mechanical raid ieepingmachne ietesidr tram naeque Equip- ment =ampan ited mai nat the lament sbmitd The laweit tender came tram Duke Lawn Equipment, mhtch waIted the tomn tabe aum te eeig unit. Aipakama:nusaid theuntsh asly asie tendered bing built in Canada and does a stiperior job ta the mechanical type. Onu ofthtetiproblemo mwitit the vactuum sweeper is that it createn a higli noise mhen in operatian and could diturli sleeping residents during the early marig orswen treet 5meeping ia donntean Mr. Mittitema said it mas lts ex- perience in other municipalities that the mechanical sweeper masld be a better buy as the prime unit, and if thore mas mare maney, s vacuum smeeper 010a backup unit. Soccer field at the Boyne A long-established soccer club froin Milton wunis to build a soccer field, il Ue clubs un- pense, ai the Bone Conanssnitp Centre. Campbellville sign coming Institute told Mr. M, Wilson hoited PresbYtecian Cfiurch, J. Weeihan. lisehbite- MnM.m Wilson con- Mns L Aodrews. tse Aprit anat meeting ActOn. off wloner for temon luif discei two iftereStiog A social hall hosir oaa of Campielville un l w stos Mrs. A. Moore aid contesta. Priai omnners injoyed wlth Mn.H. Womens Institute oitIlsadn omite,.fo plain maple cremoece M . J. MCaf, Dni d bc president Mn . Van- ports were given and ill et cndy, Mns. R. Ell1sf Mn B S.Hinselwood and Crawford secvlog. siciste presidisg. haforwacded t10 District ~ V Mrs L. Aitwreoon-Conveners insmedlatelp. poteil a Ègo te Camp- Ro caf, wso"butM rs. R. vvilson presluent blîvilte woff ha irecteilpeacto fr t- Hornby Womnssstrmauer, Mns. L. Samp- L Godward; edocation uts Higliytpeen morrow is tie gondlaientf Institute met athUe hame son; assistant sercetacy- and cultural af faia, Mns. MhRe118 l efo f- teilty" and payrment tof f Mc.. Wilbet Ford tessarer, Mcs. Bon J. McCarcon; family and Uiese 196-0ioat 0 feof April S oith 10 membens Macheenon; buildintg consumer affaica, Mns. w-er incsoee1- fn raueMs u .Mchro;pbi stalled by Mn .L Caw- Mns. . Vanicisle and Presint. odcaoeM.Gy R aieo;pbi ford. Mn. G. Backs oece Mns. Ray Wilson, Beue"; district director, relations, Mns. C. It was decided toasp n med te atend tise president, apessed the Mn. C. Wrglswstis.; Wrigglesworft; safitp. soph ate hl n niesc di5ca meeting with ai article allacoate Mns. C. Patter- Mns. C. Pattenson; agi Usnpi. Linsitinse. Ds ~is' D~t on;flwr cnvsoir, mater, Mn. .LOCon- k agise istitAb ais Spcngar-rdmeeing mit f Llitm- . G. Bssa; nor. Map 2 aititAnulKan rprt goadmven ti n. g o mee d by Mns. Ldicitan. Mrs. M.J. Convees rt May 21 t Kox epot as ive byMrs mi "amon d treaisceros Brown, Mns. P. W. Mercy report waa given. and Mns. G. Robinson. were givenan ol e sent ino district con- R to t o ow Coreipondance con- Auditars, Mn. H. venins. Mns. C. Patter- Rati to lo sited of an invitation ta OConnor, Mfs. J. son ollI act as altenate Lunsihouse Wl antI an- McCarron; lunchs district dicectar t Use Thse cegion mait reaîha ilat it 10 sot abIe niversary on Map 14, a commttee, Mm. L. district annail. Voting tu provide complete policing aider Ue letter concening dinid- lampson, Mns. R. delegates are Mns. Rap cuccent budgetacy restrictions according to igmnylfiin Maiic aPesn Ms.C WioMssLrie Ctief Jm Harding. Festival tonds benween Wigglesworth. tosioact andi Mn.C Chief Harding made tan remarbu ater Acten, Georgetown and Convenens agrcucl- PattersOns Use Regional Administration and Finance Milono ibraries, aid a ture Mn.H. OConor; Courtenies were gven Comeittai had cut bick tlb l9i1 operating meeting at Mount Soni Canadian industries, hy Mrs.L faspson. budget in,15.72 pr cent more than l19M andl Hosia aitn m Ms . Ptesn uc a evd also made cutis10ntise capital construction saipital, Hamano tzn n CP attecoonW Lais . wnan tervd budget. sceenp s y. mam rd;- citiu affhip MssW n MJ Boumani l He Bsid even thougis hi oS bgettingli aiyeodwrd fanMs ots more police officens, he nul S new PO Rollb caîl was pailng ___________________ officers ta hcmng the region up ta an ac- inembiersh5po. District ceptahle 00cm. Dwoector 7orton EO Quotint figures on police ta populationo --gU me EC LI ratios. Chutf Harding said Ue ratio in beld Aisil 6 wum given hp - Halten now is une of irer lac every 673 Mns. C. Wclggtesworth. SATUDAY, MAY 2s1N,11 people. Compottfoss are a lOa.u63 psu The nine other reglues 10 Ontario have an lemon loat onicei d ndaoIAj average of one to 704, 20 major cities havi mOple cres casdy a 700 MAIN STE. une ta 662 and Himiinn-Wentwerth thb District Annual. Ton.MILTON Regionil Police havi a ratio of one ta 5M0 crewel ensbcoldery mc- residents. tîcles from ranches Uat Ciief Hurding said aiing Ue expected touis Ue connse are te be growth in the police budget ta hire nese displapeil. < 1 !N fficers undt comporing il to Ue expected Tocedsmuir histocY TO WN__________O F __ gcooth ot population in Ue region, Ue force comnepetition articles are wouldnoo have one oticer foreveyifM a poem, esay and ! î M g ~ I -l suppose it coud b said Uat If Mci. M.J Bown Con- hoen an lo b bot. il migisl ais el e b diclai Ue election of 1 9 A E US." officers, an tollown:1 81 A E ..ut 1 ihinis we sholil b ayn if Pont presidint Mn .C unyone in going tub fintitlhold b us, WrlggleswortUs presid- N I ILN Che Hading said fcom a oritten mii. Mns. Rap Wilson, î N ItU ILN sttmet frtvice-president, r.wnilodac vfh he provisions of C. Pattenson; secretacy- The Munliipal Act psrsuant la By-Lise Phiosobits ny EKit Shoarpe Onions mahenaiscy; ohaf vegetible muSes us taugis? ise trouble wiUs gond ailvice lbht if aiaitty interfires osth ur plans. If at firsi . pou sscceed-youre probabty, in Ue tamilybusainess. Waking hbîpo. lbe dners ois, boUs pisical andl mental. But ieep lUme I ses my do er, bi b bu"Continental." ieyond al credisity 10lb h cr"donuumof tlb afieisis wo betinvi tut "chanci colimoite Ue wortd.oison It cassaI husild a bousse lise midis of tlb rond leee whit ise la ai 'a fise eont plamaio Use roo -di ema. W *MWn Dmoit aupt or rujue mipihiagbiesacc - 41d m We must beieve in our oon jsdgemenf, sot somesse ibies. f dent renfly fut owe con fufp ain- derstanil Ue gif andl sorreses of Tise fellose oas talklng &bot marriage tohis frienil. Dontpas fhinb mariage is a ltf ibi a totfory. Joe?" "No oy, said is frend, "aif eaafii lottery pus have a cihance." ibe sign i10tlb useilcar lot ed "We stand isaiinil ait surcars.'"Ihaf's geid, said a isaper, .ho baouaat giisg me a sisve." SSrrelm10a fuit, (toitdeminut sahe il gron aiufluba 65e oBuboerscif. TWterola My bklstAp, m CM. mndmb id "un SlmifS&Cl2Davy idsil e"lreamti whmsiui, Ma s butaww toid t * W ated attof fia POM CeY Wk Mfr M eby iMiabsesMd TitslMR tthi etssIAwfbebre tpaiyaiWap. proadhaie ile tscemtien Dicecin, Lmp Ar-, bic olUs lbe ide& of tlb clis building aid coinne foruasucrer fieldl ai theRonyne. If thvwani t,, huild itId hi(, ie asotlsvv s ver lfil"Mr.Arbie surId Consillon howevec, occe tolthe lbclub would fise exclusive aie othlb Bopne wasnrosns aid fid ohms i paps. Mr. Arie saud Iis mlght caume a eoflit olUs a nisober of dites athlb ommsslty contre atready rented mil lbi yesr for piilesanmd fmily raminso. ~~ cas b fmaid for tlb club laeisiltithlbfietl but sasbishre lbe Boyne faidities witUs naitiser grsp when i lurented mit Apartmente okay Milon staff has bau asised la prepare a technical report toa afow a uma t to-starey apartmnest comptlie b isiltt on lbenUShwest conerof Comnserist and Pinsefis. The lot oas ilt snggented for now hossing but ibissinas rejecteit. Building appicant Josephs Civiero bas 00W usked fr a fosur-undt apartasent building and ibis was greeted warnstp bp Coinciflor Pose Har- Bshe soi tlbt wiUs lbe lacis of rentaI accom- modation 10 Milton, rentaI ibildingossosld lb mnsageil. ome cosmcillons hosever, oere worcied there offl ondiatpo atalIof four parking spaces toc Use fouriapactmnscontained i10tlb building. This wilf teave non nom toc gist paring or spoces for an apartasent dweler olUs more lban Beavor store Mitoan Council bis no objection ta Beiver Lumber building a nese retail onutet on Ontario St. sortis and ast of Use Caaino Pacific Railosys main tine. The site enves 4.7 acres ndsdau a fruntage of almost 460 test. lise approval 10 principte came ater Beaver Lumber made changes on thesite plan la inctude fencisg tlebabci of Uthe lon s ot ta mcroach The Law Offices of RICHARD FURLONG are pleased ta announce that ROBERT W. COLLINS is now asaociated with them in the practice of Iaw 2nd Floor M Iton Mail, 55 Ontario Street 878-8123 p ,nW. 'siormpeuiyda psagengssss Toisoyou deq-aely mte4 its ta yosir onomecif tesomoce agens. V& vÔôskiogether-foc ytns ECMOWOAL AGEWI 208 Main St. Milton 8782894 107 oe 11R* et theol»" HdeHouse v1EN AU No, 81-22'adopted by Council on January 2»1. 1981.,nthe iras tseo intai- suintaof taxas for 1981 wiii hacomi dueims tolios: mml am 0090 IMSA&NT UfIIIITAIIIIIIT 60MFEMM~25&lUl 5PRI2IIK IIIIII Tise abave intalments represbnt on? Intérim Biting of 1961 nuxes bisid spn' ans-hallalf ast yers resdentist miii ales lia lise mitI cale formitty cisirgeil tor Simirs in the former Tomn of Actoandl Georgeown. The Finit tan bitl vitt b isoned aboun the midle ofaithe pear and mutl ilso ho payable in ima instalmnsi. Upan deteuft of pivroonitftise bles Ten Lv as set out ibane, a penalty of oand mone quarter (1iY4) perronsat tise amaunt in delsults siaît ho oued an lise licol dey of detauli andl an Use licol dey of each and eceey citendie manîl). Ratepayen wha basenont receiveil s tii bill soulil miSe immailite appliratio t 36 Main Street Sosu, G"agitown, or by telipisano (877-5185 or 453m241 1l. PAVUENT OF TAXES TIsse aixenaimay ho pe t te latiions anidin fis, manoir detali on the bocS af ltai fin bil. G.F. Ushir, AM.C.T. Diputy Treiasorar andl Tex Colictrfa- I -I-r--V-M=ýr 1 n2; Ffrst day onfje job. Milton's new Public Warks Director John Ma tpw, cenr mam elcameclta mark lait Monday liy Tregaurer Dan Lougheed sud Myor GMr Krantz. Only houori later thie 4-year-atd "olr statter made bistlra cotrlibution ta the town, adviaing caunculor i ont ta buy a mechanicalroadisweeper. on the privacy of residenta on McDonasdCraic. Mlasanga, ohicis enstrois lbhegiater sie, One of Use cesidenis, Keu KWct afttorsuos statu is lands oti b reoudtlal aid Usoren questions tb cisrlfp detais, tbld coeiubc a 10 heroëd idth sboutd be io et, seftafied. 1%e prbemmilattMiltonon thebread ltu h Who rules road? ois tirkfit=Wat oites lb Miton Counci have ta appear asa delegaion fsissaiigi, bareer, sierni tee"tbecontre biture Misisanuga Cosaici regarding as job- 110e of tlb eninting roadidt bosaidar, dicfiosot diongreement over Wlnsso huGsrchill Uerefori onty 321 etftabla sithinMMtaibean- Bîvil. dies. Milton considen s e rod ta b rural aid ClirisRoY Mainscaïdtba wouldhave discuussn Ueretore shastl stay et Use 66-font oidfh it noo ofUs cosaterpacta 10 Mtastuga, aid If thi han. Milton plans eout portion, ohie initn1 didn't raioivelthemmfter, the tson mgt haveiso ita bianitaien, io tap ruralin natare. appesc as a delegation. 1 or, 1