'lum Canadien Champion, WOCd., APo. 22, 1981 Cl' Just 4 days to go! .Foursai tb from our biggest sale! 40.00!,m Eaton blazers. classlc looks .h 741 atl M" *89 buboivwnt, §Mpd bauwe md oa"s aid 0wol4t sa>ooln - r", broan, =Wbb* t»M goo, bweu*, f-... -c ", uuo. oaaia, 1Uks, rmd or *88. mm m fa040Io ft rowtblx". NM:hs:oi i ool "o *d shomviii à id.8 r tr wMioav bo a otwgofor rurirsal.(219) (DEPT. 429) Look! Blg sale savings here on styllsh drapes and wlndow shades! 20% off Avon Damask floral drapes -W Lslpdis8.qu"w a WOer*ul i.dlm e A * r n 501bouS fW 01 Oaj.90 fN"I,9-M60,9go«bo1 ,rutsin Wech--- styi.ois 9988509959Dry .saiafdp (452)>P 700ff" 9W 4.97 Save 20% on 3-ply Sunesta shades 49.Fme d m «K819 Io hm 5 11 31 5 ... 2: 177 371 ..........16.49...1311 49% 1 . ....' .... 99 5.0 7 43%7 .. 1.. ,.4999...18907 6O>%x7"........2899 ..23.17 I 04%x.70'.......4»99...36.17 3.70"....... 5 0»W . 40.77 8x569" 899 ...7.17 31%.70" 1-0W 0 . V 371M0" il 49 .17 M 43.70' 3: ...11.17 49Y.?0" 1799 14.9lu 55Y70"* 3... W 2-U .. .7 731 . .......39» 911? (DEPT.297) Bag abargain for Springi 113 off Hvobfl ofr051We94rnW~ CaiMhu 50198, the newest sfapes and "?dua et big "a u savg I&A Ro" lamhar cutch as ftrn stt¶rng, hardwaJ9 re M *891 liade zipper pooet. Navy, b"al, bons (13 1) E'<h 24" 18. Vinyl Shouldr bog wfth 8i a*mWAusfal trap, autale pookots, 2 copneprmnts. Ceae, bons, navy. (134) 1 C. Rom y Cordurs b.g>4ln Yon wlth Mmtedapocketrug 3 compaerorlts " zip cJo01ng. Cwal wM*9 1980813 9M. (130) 1ID.SM tlothar shouldor bog o w zipo dSm1"3aid ulAwpp pookot- Vaa, blacd, taupe (13 1) JE. LargW ISser bmg *1 otida Spookef, dola tiailes, Inade 4uPPr pookotTn. biaK o.(131) (DEPT. 217) 'Down Unders' for mon and women Weoso'o lion rue U2.00 28"* 108 Ptok op a par> tday. And str>gobig e.dy wf191a cWisoalaFor loafs, cc~.orf a" ohe« e raray, 91ay'ra liard ta boa> Choc* emeastoaatas--cushbtand lia aid ventlstedsck inSing, to-grain lea#1er pposa, 'nature' toe, plantabSn crepa *0dge sole, lid-swn moccasil vallb ad duml r-iurno conatnucson. Mn', ore n. ueds )ban, said), or 55100> leaflior brown, black). Fl aid ta» es s7 80 12. (267) Wonoo'o cor n hbeige oueds or bromw . saerFu id aid li>s o8 10. (275). (CEP'>' 2371238) te P94ON 0014111. TTY ONLY 591-284 <Teooe for 8h. do EAToN'8 - Toronito E.866 ___________________________________________________ >ookwod axdals Duf fef<15 Yoflgs-Egboksi Viotorla Park, Gerrad Square. Eatons- TorontoEaton Cetre: open Mon. to F. 10 m. to 9p.m,;Sat. 9:30 a. m. ta Cpm. -onge-EgNnton: Mon. 80Fr. 9:30 am. to 9 pm Sat. 9:30 .m to 6 Prn G«Wd quare: Mon. to Sat, 9 :30 a.rn.to 930 pm. Vorkda>, Sherway, Rockwood. Ftexdale, Wlrehouse Store, Brama>.., Don MM&, Scarborougli ShOPPMrs Wo<d. Pickering Sheon Do"a Mon. ta Fri. 9:30 &rn. ta 9:30 p. m.; Sa>. 9:30 am taS6 p.m. Dufferi Mon. to Sat,. 10a.m to 9:30 Pmn Viofone ark: Mon. 80Fr>. 9:30&m. ta9:30 Pm. Sa. 9:30 am. t98p.m Eato's tephone order servce ope 24 hours dgy- 861 .5111. E ATO N'S