Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 1981, Perspective, C10

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KM Breakfast hits the spot Lttle Kathermne Mortimer, 3, of Milton certainly le enjoying thse annual Halton Sports- menas breakfast held in tse sportsmen's hall on Steelea Ave. Thse organizers were ex- peting to erve upwards of 500 people and ail proceeds are golng toa md the Milton Dis- trict Hopital. Prom left witls Katherine are her mofiser, Donna; nlter Ruihanne, 9,anid dad, Brion. Tise Mortimero live in Dorset Park. ýMTLTON ~iPARE ~s"~'~r~m a'v~-.'v.'v ~ -e -"~ ~' o- ~ o-y Bliock Parents need more Milton Block Parenta held an information booth at Milton Mal Saturday fe, explain thse paokrents rogramta tlo pective familles in hopea of expanding the service in tse towli 0rmlft osable Ha] Soaminafsan o-ho co-ordinatea Use program for Uhe Hal- fons Regional Police; Bettye Smelsor anid Lyndon Smith of Ue Milton Block Parents Pro- gram. They report Ue day was a big success as over 100 applications mre handed ouft prospective nom Block Parents. Beta Sigma Phi members plan 5Oth anniversary Tisa April 30, tise opprtunities for per- wl woumpss social, service soal groahtihâ0tals L adculural orgaiztton Sigma Phi i aler evry as: of Ba S igma Phi ia mesoier. f celebratlog dos 50th au- Lit, learning and th niversary ails Founsers friendgilp are thse hy- Day activitios ranglos words of Bata Sgma Phi. fr010 omel gatertago tn allonsvisethse mis f tise lisnge ianquets for tisse- depreooloa by Water W. th sands f memisers. Ra, Bta Sigssa Phi b Bta Sgssa Phi i tie was orgosfly dsslged d larget Greeh ltter ta 1tovide an ositot for id sororif y aod has grown in wnmea aho, in tisose l lis 50-year hsory from hiard financltfimes, t ose ciapter of sevea could ot attendi colaes in wmrnsta a sororty of and mre abiged ta e- e 25,f0t omea active la main home ad suptsort I cisapo rs in 32 coutries ther tamnities. Walter tirseghaatthfiaartd. Rosa providesi thesse Arrosa tise United omea aitit a proose 0of i States and Canada, local cltural sfudy se fiey 0 and tate goveromet coalsi have a cace af t officiais are slgiog pro- itellctoal andso scial t clamations tia re- groth. C cognize April 30, tien ta From the first chapter1 April 30, l98t as "Dota formei in Aisene, Kan-0 Sigma Phi Yar' in their sa, Doa Sigma Phi ase elfies andi states. growa rose a smnalt, soc- Dta Sigma Phis are laad cultural grsesp 1 ausa anriing iard thia ino an internationalf year tn oaitar ewnom srority that devotes1 ciapters in places that moch tine ta service have nt, as yt, hiadt the efforts an eS lt ardly a ieefif of eing a parf of charitahle, healtis or cl- this sorority ready, tual grnnp exista today memisero have ormeit that hasn ot heen helpesi oea chapters ia Papuasiniv mmc ay hy Dta Nea Gainea, tise Mar- Sigma Phi. lofer- shal Islands, IUnited natinnally, tise chaptoro Arais Emerates; and have crestedsi nveraI more ciapters aiD nana peciat funda ta ahicis hoe formedin Insanesaia they contrihte tise amoa, Jamaica andi International Loan Fond, Dolivia. thrsagh ahîcis memisero Thisa effort tta rs e ve help each tar,; tas chaptoros ssysehlc ni Internat ional Endow- fw asisshared hy att men Foand, aiici s i momisers of tac danatosi ovr a mllon organisatIon; taat lata dollars ta healta and re- exfend tac hansi of searcis grsape, homes for frlendsip ta commait y nder priviieged childrn wmsea andi tae joy tanad maoy ofier caues, tashfiest etant tho tie Exemptt Pond, ito 5 Voar Guarantoed Investment Certiflcates %1.c.aZ lnge,.M g. M OWNwU :':' ê '-v G<z' whicis ielpa support iteracy Village in talla; sala cmessolaehlP md for momisers or soeir son or daugistero. of course, exloral and sciaI activifles still dor- isue aMeng tas cisap- es. Zaci syermen- oers are prnvldsd mithaa différent seifiseo0f study vn tae lihoral arIa. hlsm- bers aise, plan soclala hrsioltas yoar, ncsln radlflonal evesis liSe Fosseders )ay. TieacsigFoon- lors Dayclictinfor lakisvle asnd Miltan District milI hohotd on May 2 aitie Kaiglita of Columbs Hall, Oakvlle. Tise annivesary adIlho shserved isy tas12 chaptors in tais district. Otaer meero taiis part la tae progrose are: tram Theta Tas Chaptor; Lynda Ursein, Dadal MacArtaor, Elalas Buos, Judy Wallace, Jas Ashisy, Shirley Loae, Shirley Steeves, Catay Matia, Judy Ada-, Val Fai. o t h Ciapter; Linda Alen, Aice Ptter, Janla Coatr, Tisa GNol, Marsa Palsenrhais Zeta Dta;Ans Kdie Ans Chambsers',Aata Mn Ih and Elaise Dames]f theolocal Dta Sigmna Phi prolerta in- clude asistaoce ta Hai- tan Wnmsn'a Place, tae Heart Fund. Canadian Cancer Sciety, icis Chldren's HaspItal, Bg Brtaers, slatan Museums, Haltan Manor, Miltas irary, Childenas id, Pins many otaers. For furtiser intr- mat ion regardisg Mlton chaptero coacst Lynda Uri, ntistaTasu (V& 07401 - Doan Itammsad, Eta Phi (1874m7); or ViciiBrag, Xi Zets Beta(082. of Serdan Co~lOsfilm studlatacfercamera isfisg andsielc orS depiesta fo alficrs - onaerlngs atnintaa ise llm tolloas tae discussoteeatas tas offiers, a senise conslale o- tise ibJeet Contable Jlin Dressuan. TIse crime s] hw hum isOes laSa prevention officel' arote thse script, dir- ho avoli ct an * Wi afimprd, e n h whenthe a fficers ubject of crime prevesltion. Crime prevention film receives A film devoallsi y memisr s hoHltr hupfrsGam :euyerhst aividg an el oett 9th fkitenseso issuEsh r I C Kiddies *Corner police acclaim tips foc serrlg tas Constable David Wall- isune. ace saisi hehissi tac scene ascis ahicis mode tas Tise film aas f svocaly fim possibles n m- r5iw.d athetasOiar l pi hy Shridian Polce ollge, tise Crime Collage grapic orts Prevantion Bureau s] tas stodensaSent klac n sd llamiltss.Westaactis Blake Norton Pore, ansi issa hon Ciief lamas Harding cequewtei hy tae Moire saisi tais la tise iret lnaa ~ Sf PtOee tac.aunes s] filsafiQ Frc ta the e ussiitae fim siue Ws naa Z leascomud8ton, visl aid for speaksg , y, ai teïr engagemensa ila the I aE51Imee0i«. casmonity. ANCHOR AUTO COLLISION 878-8424 e Custom Painting e rrame Straightening e Collision Repair FREE Eetlnaates 151 Nipissing Rd., Milton Unts 4 &5 WIN McDONALD'S GIFT CERTIRCATES AND WATCHES. GET VOUA CRAYONS AND FELT MARK ERS GOINC. To WIN McDONALD'S GIFT CERTIPICATES- ENTRIES WILL BE JUDOSO ON ORIGINAUTY. BOND VOUA ENTRY TO: TM CAMADIAId CHAMPION, 101 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON. ONTAMS. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKDO Address:_________ D"-'-J ~Telephone: Age: j'-.,' I LA S WEE AM THERES MORE TO EYEWFAR THAN JUST GOOD, APPEARANCE Apart fromn shape, colour and size, ail eyeglasses may look the saine. But they5re flot. At Shorney's Opticlans we use only guaranteed optical plastic and tempered crown glasslenses - to give you sharper and safer vision. We carry frames like Menrad, the only frames in Canada with teflon self-locking hinges ... the hinges tbat neyer loosen. High standards and quallty products like these have made Shorney's a name to look up to. SEE FOR YOURSELF .. at our newest location OAKVILLE PLACE - 842-4422 Trafalgar Rd. at Q.E.W. Shorney's Opticians pls 7 other locations fhroughosa Mat ro Toronto SHORNEY'S QUALITY IS THE DIFFERENCE Ee examlnationsa acanga -7mFr,ý i .717, - ei cgl crin p Cris cou an e nuf aith isom ces Dre FU a o i e cr m f orce .rai fo0i« ,b w iebý & »rr& eiz s-»W às au'~ u e l.Oa qos = '0m m oeek erbsssa. or o wpu è pis =l;e "U~l ie, ms won s ie am t iseeld onus revant niais alint." i soiesi sas"ai mscar a rvisses tasa taaulicUa ae s] tas Haltan volas of holnges gnsd fise Cadiln Poile, Tiey enatesa- ions] Plice Force neîghor, College iv Ottwas, mises plsînmng ta tae puliceisos 'a sthe "mesge Fo exmv , ai t ale a opyiv vow ept the a thitef cntcrn a honne, id a iscansivea ilamar Ontario Police College in how he con ha pcevented tes andi alictesihyvegi.sor .adtniaso at O Aiepoiefre i v haimofcr stable Dim Drenan, gborgdofrs iss tMrlo-atotsas ia ie iolih pramu~A iapay ofgardis Crts reanetIbiD aect"sise tâhest Md am omaiisela an vtd os D s etieIIa scl- gsrsstanlsmttaislta usters get beef noaepiIsvaa n ho on taelr guard for Dltan DR agl~lPce TisM a.ae-l haveto nonnnsl or anscicu êare sot cl"Int f ie lacisAngicalas. us = -Junsa ms t cisaracters saens ta tas ruflng, ibuataey arevaluet MS seera t itimra of a<ltI5 nelgishrisoasit a.in tas] hat s e at es Mon r .M h o ur ...a' 1 nied s] tas fil, "If lua à Itra m Ofis are ] ., d . StaOcllraiser 9SM Lisse notable Don C illu ame, Jeanutta Sy yle aRYS UPECIA 0nuE Jiso prena ofim study - ISCiA Db om ressa 19su rUn lamue isealut.Mgoum nie zof n iains Acrepot onvtheosud for Le.S eaase tiities la tala re51515 usredsesidaycaretac- SIl 0 ,900 tcoulsi ho lesmaei ities i Rtlltan Itogla th tas hlp os]ltas waRn homode ta tas seoaser and o- Halthanad Social Ser- sued ilnt , = j vics Committes May 12." 0 s" a osti Thse repo a m m et lochT» ifi soa.the sisort ansi long tarm QARqy NEILSON 17

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