CM, Ose Cande apnWM NMW., A«.22, 101 ayJsaU5t fera e. easapan b SUfth sn*p DasItsy pod. seba er l=smehpi ulev sMdna.wu sm anynra M m hefan piano esaua eeaof er nothers frustnr- IDCII*fS5pU t e tiseoans bean hefre aeafese tion. tetnfsieno ie By ber ix ibrfiday f erm ary shool ler- As a ooefner kyoad wir otrothy hmd atalned sf, has been rflging rothy wou[d tcy totrcted lir cu'c'aity. irt casshonors i --i fnà- hidre nuh er oth rom the Her moter had xven Grade 1 Conervatory Basic music aid. FIe autoharp 10 an instrumeont aici toachers are beîrsg encouragedftousue to help children devolop their musical skils. Dorofhy Powell intructa fanchers from Robert Baldwin, J.M. Denyca and Martin S. nchoola in thia and other forma of music edtscation for children. radin. 'l did My o.esradio1 mei. ifaiV, and Min Powell ame mrod to- amd Prformance ct- fificaf n fr Piano and ef lhebqe gaafo dy pipe ora fChrist Churcis Calsera ianlif ton wbere tise llved. SanoC ettheBAn- ilon aise ieane an Anacafe of thse Royal canad"an Collge of Organitn. a. remnie s er tamiser Mna fafessei isad munis anporiusae Md Pl lain M hW Canadien tlaiter wua Mle aBanins- D"ohy 0 rayave tah ns lrger onà Ue Ciicago A pimnd chial of concerta in l.odon, Eagland and New York wu cafledl off due f0 a lack of finances and Mina ilowellfswned ber fine tb teiching. IR dldn'f happes ail at one, Ihougis. Ise Aidessot sehoni board ëM bwb w aids man PsaO f 4b si wu n*nfeid inla bed ;ef~dsMa mon muehM y aueri no t shebilefor be vile e repi id o seskdd r se corne ln Anfoof, oonfher Bachlor of Als degrOe mascian was hred With a music major for F She hai bee. three years part time, c vacafioslng whes ier grainIn ewfilhV answer wn naedidbuft t inber ma~jor l llse -follosilgOMarneraPowell i tise renev*d tusamnase t in aci -le 1 ~peleLTisinlis **a- Irse1Kin cm.et10ewu Poptdmui1n ta Grale . I aid ~ A puiv. le an eamasilv alds'f i ksna m-eanier f ilis. iro liMn aot aIsa"see= Musilc Uducafoas taon," Mn Powll Aaaociaionn Mm. Powen l recala ftravlild weekenat a. blad asa i = O lreagiauftae Piaao iste fapl rbsgissgmusaic aus 0fMacin enia Ibrasiistisbir0 Bifofrstsieofta«cilets. ynsbaiera mnig Ue "Pev aniseereg"nacm aidU in lmO, on year affer irossgisfmuge euesctins ta. dnata et ber fataur, ini n searmsnerta CEf man Powelndeber Toronto,"Iaise"i a noliser noved ta Mi ft Fort wlilla, Kesra aiss se aiWberb anad asat Sa. marie contcafadn thie Bsbrlig-e&atar bave ledt Ion armafr tae most Dsaelby tate u aune- part,inut inîMnlbar fWud ma4or chaua in of supervotain oved leaaling Mpm m 1 Solicitor sought A HBltai iuboailebuhnfaadta seleetaaiae rqin55alier.f lt b ofis f acior mcane upen esiDanoin AdmnisratveOtedatesbfCha Gti li lie job ta flIele eregions se mploylng tasoervlcas f Stalde lawyers. Mr. Perlin aill ait on lise ssh.onnlffe e ita cmmsnrJoan Mlingam and HarrY BaTeff. [ GALLNGER MOTOR IiHIJTED Our Company-wiîde Bestseller... ýon 7nwayMwaranm o il.9 & 199 Every Bestseller offer is of recognized Hudson s Bay qualîty and fabulous value to our customers. Available at or through any one of our Bay stores coast to coast. But these BestslIer prices end April 25, 1981 and early shopping is advised. Shop now with your Bay Card, Masterard, American Express or Visa. Hurry! Interlor Latex wall point (A-781) Choose f rom over 900 shades and be assurec f o quality with our 7- way warranty: " Six year endurance 0 Fast drying " Wasaoble 0 Resisfs soifing " Cleana Up wilh wafor 0 Rociof s fading " ana Coal covorage # HB7000. Our reg. gai. 18.99, 11.99 Interior Latex semi-glose (8-781) Select f rom over 900 colours, ail backed by our 7-way warranty: " Six year endurance e Contains no Iead " Cleana up with mater e Roila soiling " One c0Sf coverage e Resisto fading " Washable # H87100. Our reg. gai. 22,99, 15.99 Exterior Latex Hous paint (C-781) 6 year endurance, fast drying, 1 coat coverage, non-leaded, rouis blistering, fading and yellowing. # H87200. Our reg. 22.99, 15.99 Your 7-way warranty appiies when 1 in t asUen appedarin i1 directions. f this paint falla 10to meet thia warranty, the Bay wIII fur- nish an equlvailent amount of point et noc cool or a full refund, upon proof 0f purchase. Cost of labour, conse- quentiai end IncIdentaI damages are hereby excluded. Hardware, dept. 781, ail stores, the a