,,M- 1 1 - M 7 7-- ý - 1 Il ,-e-- . ; - - - - - - - - - - Janmay ina asg for hetp ram the rommuno- lty, tnauon ttempi toonffset Uiecrootsofairinonlg the ao-ps'fit organsation, itue Me. lis lin emoo uatoronl "MAtlinqh me cliargc n t.for mailof 1mw ser- vlcen, tUit.don est naerly caver UihefoU oeil,"- Baind rnda fsr Uihe dilas ".Y". licr pin for iandiai nid t.ehcain dte eh amrsnssofrms asd industrellcsmpaotn 'li ora, 11,100 han bau- coBactc Tlsnaons mthamd Idol laR it PMI g "lil *" M pal fen l iné8ms, Uicy ar Itfs Y' camp Plisn fer Uns un m9'Inéol- 10 ntalwayi a =~Pbi mattor, btctUi Mo UtsMCA beplsnlW Ml er parentsa f a 1m9- leton un aping aiiosfrUnir ynmgl- stoe. T1helocal "Y" mliionce aanprenant a verlty ai =dmasgpracrala t.- hlitdmys a:drnds Acdr thec vury yessg, tune Ion"Kndir assIl' UirangbastOr camping esperiesces t. frands. ila, and gond rare and afa"et,'espt.t.cd BrsiCoun, regionat direror fohe cMUta (Intr camp t.aacd aI prcclaoss (Nwo ta Non-union Pact set Biasn Boaird eg Educattnan d 1hu72. capeo amareDon = = b.neshr agrscd ta onc-yeac retro-active ta pr cent -talm itho 'Ise catraci rnvrs. seretarln pins hus drivers. Agecconnt mon anocnscd Thoesdoy by bard saihry camodilno charmnas Billiterd. Hýospital Post Davd Kilz lin aur- t.liy lieu r-ippsittd foc a fsrtliceon=-ea torinon astUe Mto Ditrict Itospital Board, by Maltas eitolaal Couscfl. M. Ka, ai Mta, wtt sitothicoairduntal Mardi 31,lm . Oive yersi mand ona- hensivo westrn ridog cntrlto n toaclog lIsns, trhl rides and yonsstor scwcroaivacawbay crafla. expclacai tcrshg Kcli camp day ta Pirsghd.c wr m lvddinta vepcrnd puce b atfday xpcl i esten orntrail ride, lion. tosgcog tessoo, horse- parensocas regster nuhtp, refla, games Uhir chltdrec forta or sparts cnd lunch. Urce or Oive morologo aotne nlo o par accli. iteil rodes os 110 tent mli ya cnof aich campng Kll1der cm ii ssion la indt.d Ihat hetd ai Raiy Riisry their chldres have Sabotl hcgmmoig June 2. tmad. The Mlon "Y" %a wort c ojuntlo alithflicridlog camp is the Georgetawn 'y" to opus 10 ages eighl la 16 offr n dey camping years. copertonce i Terra AtUougli the Milon Calfta Cnservation Ares ".Y" does 001 romn alocal ii sommer. resldcnt camp, ares Ativities wUtlarIaclde childres May ha hlhlng i n the registered io Miltosfor esploring iresms and ~"orgaslocd rampsaai marsh arenand barsf- Pis C l h Uc ic camp sangs. Msohao. Artsa nd craito iorlud- Camp Pins Ceait dtes ing tde dying, mnvlog han tau 1910 andonues and candis m"are ~visltoco the oxprience ni f n,~ the cihn livig and the the "v tghts" that are Delal n anfees and hmtd dorlg each camp- registration cao hea n- sng sonon' saeeed hy rollng the hlldren seep hi testa, Miton "Y" at V7-8711. andooupper and reafast Catorlng ta aorking va ccahad hy each parents, the "Y" dons campr goup i teir ffe anestoodcd day o campie rou cnato rsceservice. Day camp ta opus to Thenormal camp day girls and boys ag tfive un rom ra uhanpink-up ta 12 ycaro and agln Ilme hi Uic morolng ontit June 2.hbusretor s lm conh Jome 29. noon. Par childras Rhh'ng camps, nom fwrigprns s grmigo paricdth ftit tosdod day caca provides caonhg epcicoce opervised rare of cmpding etaeiMb ecampora tram 7.30 n. alroi ha td MnI 6p.m. aithUicMittan Ue "2 RC Ranch" oser YC oiiiea ht Georgetaon this som-Goa Plaza. mer. Tho equine hlidoy tahc Uic young horse sea the world i Toec anadian Forces is searcctlngfoc - seamn, and rien If yon'venever sel tout on a shtp yuu could qualty. The Forces wilt pay pua u tracta any une ut nineteen tecbnlcatly skitîrd sea trades. And yon Il sec more ut flie Ihan pou ever dreacordin the bargain. t's an eocitlng bcginnlnq tu a sotid carrer. Foc mure information on sea trades. visît the Canada Emptupcocnt Centre. 3tO0Main St., Miton on the last Tusdayuof ecdimontli49 a.m. tlu4hp.m orreturo the coupon. À ASK US THE CANADIAN ABOUT YOU ARMEO FORCES ----------------- I Canadien Foces OnealutlsaCentre 150 MainStreet Westi taniltoc. 0015,10 LOF INO t di,, QCii0Pin- -------------------- Diocesan preparation meetigneshldStrday ini iH'Roay al n Milton tb preara for the. Hotton an- = ua ioea etngnd cnenInwhc elia held Juna 5, 6 and 7 in tic Burling- Halton educators aim for new contracts by June Haton edocators hope odveroorlal system ini to finish rootrart negatiationo. nelgotiationo i thrac 'The enviroomoot and mooths by oslng neon ralationohlps thot exioli stops whlch were re- an organisation that i- vcalcd Thoroday ta the fluences, ona amy or public. another, the onicomne of 3 There la o qack and nagotiationo,' was 5eaoy cotation 10 what iona oamed by Lonender ns complex prohtcm,Rotl- "the moot important' lton adoration diractor tactor, 1Lavender totd trustees at Other key faorsroware Bortiogtn. The nous for tic oetaction of coch o uccessfnt nogotiations team ofai nagotiators, rresto on bath sides, ha training for thain and a tindicated. conimon oct of informa- 1 Some of thc raconi- tion on satary grido and mandoins of 1he ad lic comparisons. icommittea on improvod Most macohars, ac- iNagotiation Procassas cording to Lavendor, of Fsony ha aorkad lain ic heoard'n oatary yoar's talls-if UieccoSmlnttce support tic g nd to.ihi i 1Hatton Etomcntary flic tmprovcd .Taachcrs' Association Nagatiation Procass t RHETA) Ontario Second- committa acot soas ary Schnt Taarhars' Ontarlosnarchiog for thc Fadoration, Local 9, hast naglotitian practica. <OSSTP)-mest ni tha Landon, Slmcaa, East h oards cemptoyces-t- Parry Sond, Wcntaorth, cantons and sonior staff Windsor and Uic Lake- acwre on the comonîttae. haad boards warc ashcd ) RETA supports the ad about mathodsOof 1 lhoccommittee's warh sogotiating socccsofutty. tand han tldlisacanmic T'hc tint a ofsccoafot i poticy committcc la "'im- hoards ahich usa avar- . ptemnent these rccom_ îcty af mathado came i mandotion an qoichty tram the provincial Fand an complttly as cir- Edocalian Rtltians . custasces dictato." Cammittce. t OSSTF wall discuon thc Lavndar assurcd Rat- D report tator. ton trustees that nagotia- Hatton han mced thc tions hava slartcd aîi "STORNVEi tachaco andodthers. 't underoland ncgtiations have inen galng an." OSSTF and RatIon aI- mont had a nrihe dariog Uic tatho for theltco- trnct. The bord and toarliero gt together for thc ad hoc commitîce 'ta tady varions ap- pronrhçs la cnllective hargaining' tant Jonc. The larget ft Ui tn rontracta sodar Uic nea mathods in thin Jon For thio year's parti Une ides hope ta use ahato called "calightoncd adveroarial hnrgining" ahirh among other Ihing-is a proceno commîttod la tairns tor aagn aand fringe heocftl. Everytling euse on the hargainiog table in la ha tahen rare of by "a pro- htem-notning apprnrch". Meananîle the ad hoc committer aould isle 10 ire a nonihor of long- terni tepa îlartodnoaa "hich wootd mainlyimi- prove relationhetacen teahers and the hoard. The ad hoc rommttîe orged establishment aI a troitee-tcaclîer relations commitlee soch an exiato ai London. The Canadien Champion, Wcd.,Apr. 22,1981 CS ý&tuaLv AHarold Griffin A ot-linsn area Mc. Griffla had nsnalcto by Rec. Ralit. facOso, Harold L. Gril- exceflent mcmory and a Hydc. fis, Rit 2, Actas, dlcd liesn intrest in Uings Rosorary patihoarars Moodoy, Mardi 301h in hitorirat. His wcrc: Franki Gray, Guetph Gancrat Hospital vemnncenceo and Henry Whalar, Bort Hi hait bren in ,,ipcdnteîv f r,,,,.pa, lin-r and l mer decnm.g beai i mlmiennd i a VlKiniom neyerai manths. gatherng Active palthaarcrn Mr. Griffin wn asbro flic Griffin family ware: Wallacc Swacl- sortohar I t, e ""'-t ae elamdihumer, Raipli Demy, sas ai Mr. and fl have hesl racedcd o illa hmuD Smli E. Griffin, and Edicard Griffin, wha adnk, Kth iULotch and ived alielieMon their e to red to New Pont Hamilton. Erin Township feron. HRe Oglaidin 16M. Fiowar hoarers wrec: son, Smithn R., pcesestty Chartes Bort, Gar opacates tho iarm. The fsocrat scrvice Loiteli, Wllam 1a9d Harold Griffih 01- aas hetd Aprit 2 in sharoighBahb Eer, tonded Ccdarvatc (S.S. 7) Churchill Community Georgo Kunsng, KOih Pouic Schoi on Tes Chorcli. witUitUic Bon A. Aithcn. Intorins was at rideroad, and lutor wns W. Foshury oficiatong, Conmngshy Cemotory. trusteeanad scrratary- treanorar. Ho aas an activa macohar aofU N O H S .Churchill Church ait his W IN T E lite, serving as chorcli treassrcr for 35 ycars. HeGra aoc also for maoy yeasG a mcmhar oi Coningshy Ccmctory Board. J1il Hec toali a kes intorest L â in agrirullorai activilies, V scrving as a field crap Vales. . jodgc for many agricolttrat nocicties.of He was a director ai Erin Agricoturat Society for sevcrat ynarn, presideot i1943 ond t944, and luter honorcd X of n t m alUn a lice memharship. With his fathar, lia as a moonhar ni Une & K » *« CanadinSccd Groacro He cnhlhltod to)d grain Q ~anity Dicounts adpotataes rogtdarlt o aih ixurs thc Rayai Wintor Fair, Of ugl mi Urs Canadian Socd Groiccrs W e have the S p le Otstanding .ServiraneK o -how to Award in 1977.a dK o Mr. Griffin ain hbrcd Suffolk sheep and Short- help you with those hors ratte. In 1970tUi Ontario Shorllnor Club electrical jobs. madeahlman Honso al rnmanrocogrsof aieG ERRIE servira aithin Uihe rocd. For more than 20 years ELECTRIC Haratd Griffin wan on Erin Township Cosocil, WholIeI - Showroom scrving an cosriar, depnty-reeva, oand reeva e AS.IuA .S 81 Whilc an Wellinglan 35 s w bPAV'874 Caanty Councit ha mas -1t. e activa an Uic roado 8 rommitoc andi he 110 - ogrirolttrat rommittoc. ~ H us i He morrled Jesoie Reid on Jane, 1923; she -cF. -4J prcdecrasad him in 7. set 9-812 noms Hc is sorvivcd bh in sonÀ Smith iR. D~odthias duendod on it. It's up to you to know the sale way to handie any machinery, equipment or potentiauly dangerou.s materials in your workplace. Its up to your employer to provide you with the information and supervision so that you and your félow workers can work safely. Under The' Occupational Health and Safety Act you have a right to know and a right to participate in maintairting a sale and heaithy worpace If you have a problem or a concern about safety on yourjob, talk to your supervisor. t is everyone's responsibility to work safely. W lot intoTheAct. Itcu at erkoymu Occupational Robert G. Elgie, MD, Minister Health and Safety DMVsion - William Davis, Premier Ontrio ( ) Min istry of Labour A 1981 MAZDA AI9ODAYII CHOOSE FROM OUR FANTASTIC SELECTION 0F MAZDAS FROM THE GLC TO THE ECONOMICAL B2000 PICKUP 38 miles par gallon>. The more pou look..fltcemore pou tîhai Ufl uchilles 347-351 Oseen Street, Actos 953-200 "Iý 1 k