Prilpoctivo THIE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTAI WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22,1981 TIIIRD SECTION Not your average i check. Abert Fife, an expr on farm machiner y and an empoee with the Ontario Agriculturaî Muaeum ,rals out a 1919 Rumeîy Oil Pull tractor for a routine check. Agricultural Museum re-opens Mon., May i1i for season 'living museum' adds five more buildings; expects 20,000 visitors this season Sireas ad poby Lin tKrby use Onario Aprifaral Manette near Kelso opasa lia domestaite publicgr te tirdseaaan Mo- day, May Il. Fine new buildings min be opened, brmngisg lie total failliy loi2n bildinga. "Titis a alivingmesoe, ta'schan"ingeery year," sad BobCaritert, geserai manager. "We started mt abut 5,000 artifarlsanad nom te collectiona iclose tla20,000pieces" Amoagite fivenew buildinsl la acarniage bous, a itorse saiaped biuldag tat boses a remple dioplayof wbeeied asd rtuseredvaiticlea. The diaplay seulfeature5 calories iariadlog rat- ters, slelgit, bugge anditesres. Tlie Muoe's arlagosal barsseicit opesed last year is nom a admarit alsstg tae seatiaidaeaofte Higitway 401i ear teascarpeent. ise barnsmlllbouaa a speial dloploy titlyearrsss- memarallog te iigt assveraary of Cyrtia McCar- tinta invetian of tae reaper titrevolutionized gralintareesting. lncladied lonte international Harvealer exsitlare traclors, gas aines, asd ater aqalpmeeal ulilolg thlistaory oftat coepasy. As liggs faresatead iil ae featare a cllection oi gaslisa ougises and a dispiay ai eqipmenot froies Uta itrsapowerera. Four major dilpys dapict te four seaousofu agriculure asd lthe irosology of wmon tseisfares . Thse Mauesm alo itales lo finiai sha is log bouse asd bars farmalead by esld-saesmer. 'li typical Os- taria lares iscludes oullodidings, gardees and ivesort. Vlilors mii bavaetaeopportuily taoaduebo, chitirtno, sitepanddsonnecatle. Piassad cropa forte tares iscioda mieat, oul, fla, puespiisa, Indinscorn, peau and turslps. In addiiou lo growing taegardes, Mueumesoa- fciaisws eindmonstralo Utae aid fasiiosed esetoda of itarvesig grain crrps. Fr disse wse i ueresta lie mits earlonery,tae Mueuebasaddadnsoins empiec lto il$ traclor and steaeesenginsacollection. Foloilg tae May il opesing.tae Mueesmpiano ssesiaen IostieOsfnta rullural Hallof Famao lunday, Jue7; td ia& ak tcleto af in loquilo botaid and ses, on dloplay lete Jue il lo JuIy il; saudftaeopestsg aiftae International Harvester Cmppany dsplay iacated lo a uniqaa 185 octagonoi barn. Moredtoase,Wpeople visited tae 0-acre Musette site lut year and sisuliar sambers are again an- pecteld ilosueseer. "Thlis Museum lo toc rural and urban peope mita at as sppsrbadity loo uderslosd sur iterituge and lears abouttae food pradaclo Uis province prodaces oud sebt agrculture tenno o Ontario," sid Mn. Carbert. 'ise Museusmii la opunsenves days a meait rse 10-s. oti l p.. Groupe are melcome dartng te seasos and escorlad tours are avalable upon ritoiest. Women's Insttute groups may bookithlie Women's Inttute Hall for a meeting during their isif. And for tose mite may gel a itîle loosare lttrine te sites, tere e an inter-park transportation system. A snack bar serving ligit lunches et open taiy and gifla shopo are lacaled ete admission and te ad- ministration buildings. A i asp.bck la ime. Fine wlcker, aoft leatiser and pollabed brass fittinga on tlisa once handaome carniage seil take thse visitor a tep bock in ime. Citlld's play. Workmen are hard aI mark putting tagether a playgrca.nd fer chilren ith te Agricultural Musleumn site. Parlaif that will include a omaîl 10 by 12 fout 1o9 house f or the little people. Uniaguepo An old fashioned ring ladapendent telapitase rompasies mre very itas dwisdlad tloi2 falamisg catepany teergars, maris a part of rural farte life lo Otario yesrs atealgaesationo and taeasormous gromt of aga. Ball. Isiact, al ose imetetre mre maretas lO A UaGeos giclarlM200e islr indepesdest spralors, ranging fromte Uas1a- A h nai giutrlMsuvst lest compaiytal senvired about 10lor t2 private baesaprluylevsesadinrcrt sabcribers lo major reespasiestat calerad tlo tlaititas ysteisacton. buinesses as mil ousitateasseers. On May 20, a amatI celeiration uilha ieid in Tise sumberof ainsdapadet phose compasies (Cntisad on Pg. C) I idard work. A pioneer barn is nearly completed following its Details. It is flotjuat the carniage, but the attractive fittinga on IBelle, bal., balla. The Muaetum presenta an intereatlng diaplay oi telephonea from reconucton le lo barn was originally from Little Brti "bi vabicla fromn another ara that mg»e a viait to the new carniage itIs sanliest days. and forma an Integral part of the pioneer farmatead at th1e Ontario bouse something speclal and a îearnlngdixpatldnee. Agricuiltural Museum. Special playground keeps kids occupied while aduits on tour Xeeplsgyougslars tappy aid iner- esachise, tre lo a sesali eariy ractor. a tad il urlg eisesite la net Al dangerosaparts hbae ieesre- alas iepatter. essvad. Bu2idiaiara Arirlieal Moun I -uMsinbd l Uaplyrasare a feul Il oa ste.up idissaitio. liter clitber aidmigeadnoi riisa'pigrodnUatddatrarlor ices. of di te-se rsad a sega o hl a unique pay area," sald Mary p tvia ,trhl mdi.ssapueofRaoitbertasni Uatheueasstaff. tend 3d«tue childres. "Wa fait tere mou a real saad fer il, ltepgmistise tea0of taesur. espariniiy If fanines asl lo spusd t.aiaa as 1i2c ioseasasaurlsg cesidaraitieet ahUtasil," site said. apsadeately il0fut iy 12eai bas Tisa playgrousd ila ouapunviaad asd itago ~. itli localed lo frsst aiftaepirsir sblter Forlihssambo loue cribnbisatoard a asnistheuan grsounds.