Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 1981, p. 4

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tiqiCeomioni Chasselas. Wid., Apo. 2Z liii Assessment plus jobs equal water one could physcally feel the along the Missisauga-Miltan relief lat week when Milton border. Council waa finally able to state la t posible, we wonder, ta the ,10-acre indutrial park corne to an agreement wth the Ci- alang tbe north ide of Highway ty of Miaiaaauga, tbrough an ex- 401 la ready to be developed. change of land along Witon It took even yeara, hundreda of Chureblf Blvd. or for aomne ther hours of work, a flurry of legal land awap, to let Milton tie lto the threats, and physical anguiah for water and aewer capacity of 19 reaidenta, but the park la now Maaiaaauga through a pipeline ready to bring mach needed firt Wo the indutrial park, and employment and indutrial later to any bouing along the 401 aaaesament Wo the town. stretch? At thia point in time, we are told Halton Reglon wants new in- a number of firma are waiting for dutry ao deperately it, bal the ignal Wo bring propoaed plana brought in a new Busineaa of aubdviaion into Milton Town Development Off icer and told hlm Hall for Proceaaing. Wo emulate the aucceaa torlea of Milton planner Bob Zadanyi Peel and Hamilton-Wentworth confirma thia and tatea he plana Raglona. Wo pull ail the toPa, Wo get the plana In fact Halton, which la actualiy through and in operation. ie charge of water and aewer ser- There la one bugbear, bowcver. vicea, offera very generoua diax- Deaperately retricted water ounla Wo indutrial uaera looking Wo aupply and aewage capacity mean locate in the region. many of the industriea in the area HalWon and Milton both realize are going Wo bave tn b. of thc that themorecjobslcreated in each "dry" varicty, where little or no indutry, tbe higher thc return in watcr la needed. the aforementioned assaaaament In fact, thia "dry" critaria is go- and in the number of people who ing Wo be thc deciding factor on will move to Halton, buy homea whicb firn il be welcomcd to and buy aervicea. Milton and whicb firmn will be Wold In fact, whataver thc cot in thc lokelfewhere. lmay be saafe excbange of land (notice we dont îàyUthe "wetter" Uic indutry, aay moncy), it would be worth Uic thc more joba there wll be pricelifiltwould mean the devclop- created. ment which la badly needed. Thia ncwspapcr undcFstands included at no extra coat in this Uic incredible cot of running a deal la water and sewer capacîty major water and acwer line froni for residential use which la being Lake Ontario to Milton, but we allocated Wo bousing unit by unit mut also realize Uic town needo these days in Uic Milt-n Planning watcr as much for industrial Depariment. development as for Uic reidential Several apartment buildings devlopment it is having ta turn have been turned down becauac -away. Uic water and sewer capacity did At Uic sanie time, Uic Milton- net exiat ai Uic Kelso welI or Uic Highway 401 Industrial Park is Milton Scwer plant. going shcad, The Cbampion notcs Any Milton councillor will ad- Uic provision for yt anoUicr ie- mit Uic single greateat municipal dustrial park on Uic Milton border probleni today la finding more *wiUi Mississauga. Mississauga, rentaI accommodation. wc arc Wold by a Misissauga The Misissauga pipeline la Uic councillor, bas sufficient watr answcr. and scwagc capacity for ibis in- It la up Wo Halton and MlWon ta dustrial park and several Uiou- gel togcUier and ask Misissauga sand new homes being planncd Uic question. Poor feilows Those guys living in Maplehurst were the nonm, today's innistes really bave it tough! A bunch of live le Uic lap of luxury -TVs, thcm went on a short-livcd games roonis, sports fields, wdll 'hunger strike" this week, equippcd shape and clasaronnis because of what they callcd poor and a wilI stocked lbrary are ta- food quality. Their examples (get day's fare. Uis) acre: Cold toast, warm juice Sa Uic toast wasa cold anc more- and milk, and some cld mesîs. ing Samebody put Uic juice and The super callcd the complaints mik on the table s little taa saon? trivial". Wc cal it nonsese. Came off it, you guy. Thase who have scen Uic inside af this penal institution call it Uic Wc think Uic boys had a tauch of "Milton Hilton". Yau and me, Joc spring fever and a few trauble- Taxpayer, arc footing Uie bll for makera stirred up a little action, those law-breskers' care. Gorm- Just Wo break Uic monotony. Ten parcd ta the gaod old days of only deya in solitary confinement, orsa a few years ago, orben hesvy trip ta a "resi" jail shauld cure physical work and sparse meala that kind af uprising. Commenting brie fly HeIp The Centre Hata off ta Donna Coltar and finonda wbe argaelzed a highly aucceasifl fles market Good Fr1- day, Wo rata. money for The Cen- ire. ht ws aalot of work, but tb. cf- farta pald off bandsomely. If you dlde't contributa Wo (or buy soute- MIhihai) Us rllldy ae, youatll baon a chauce la belp oe#. Th Cenre nos boh cash donaions aid pauit dm valobmh*pe. CellSI-uwlyeowatohip It's 878 or 876 Milton eow bas two telephone cxchanges, Uic original alihan M7 prefux and the nae 878 lieu. AUl naephones in Milicenwlll be gettieg an V6 prefix. Don't gai the two mLxed up, amithe8 and ôW In h prof lx are ibe only dtfference baismenaumanyphono mnubarobe- ing Stlisd iW boih o«change.As Bon1 ege, Chek the amu beftey«odlal.TMme bave bosm a ibSpanmbera reorts of *0 MeW prefusla bahug hlnaad, Private property means just that 15' te Oepnlng f fichumg sillon lator- day ahirli mcmii another wccs.sfulyiar (it la bopsd> for ail cocrnsd. 'Ibe puewat f fluli for faid ge aciloche behglnnimg of cvillis sationad tibwiisunu long s there are fiai. Sa Hilton. Oie kcy word for fluhermon f a] agos apemision. t la essentiaelSanml- ain permisoun froci landoamons before veliricg os ilier property. Under Oe a, il la s civil coifnce tSa trelsa. Tus. ali Jimp fescenSa ,flali il fins.up Oc 1000 oaswli asua personli confrontatlionwth tlbhe ner. Tera are many place. tOcfnbh in Oie reglon abicli are open tOctlb public. Nat- irai repooutioniaicupled! ailliman-made itocking of.eleced ponde and riversinlatlb res encire ail cas flou for fus wiilicit brcaling amy lai. Alomiglitlb Town of MuSas la groaig, il liairetained tlb coiamuniSy spirit and pride. A reqiiossiio f pids la lbeie.- pot for ilbers and their popsty. The. abse cf Sis eseuntilni bonsriS tleadi Oc oiseuof cmmunity spiri asd lbeail- forcine attituide whirh mak hi tila an MM0 cis.lortabto. Dmper sicb«. 700 Gai Wl lan Over- Tb. ligie of Moltegriaili continue Sa showanld iS mibl onseusmilor beclong lbe ions is bal t Sa mintain ins "msall-inun" atmoqohre. As somecai lors sud raiond San Toronto, il's ait bard for me San e lb advlstage. of worinm inîasmalious. Yeun is Salkdoan tlb main iSreSor in the mal l tomut ramil isSa 1555105 ta alli wiSl. Everyiing le close and living aid wring Ilatlb diasSaus one coud eiiy live sime time wiSliaiS a car and ait miss it. However, wtli lb. pire cf hlaina la Toronto and sembois ema g.tting ait if reacli for mlcy familles, more aid mure col ae moving tOcMotainSa ve but lb. GO train arrivai set yenr,tlb expasding cf moadeanad tlb ontlnued con- Tfing Turkey Vltr aibb MIKE BOYLE struto f hsmsa ithesi a .tro'vi- al. bndouW ll hse illDe n usn M ail loessm oe sudmmn.àabai1s Saus au vicia Sha làtiy msaiug m m d hm monyai«hi e aaBte. Soueverthk a ésul be h.alloaed Se otinusaS Ia posmat rate. Sow It 1mb onekwmStaribiéU ickof stagnatm nt st u M=sdl. T'hfifre f a tos ouims h.mm Oteglia pps poah i iiary am bsalsng. I1 s Souna rea.ulhllty I. the pwus tSes.l snm outh euhthe Oim..As ktI mbcisd tlb Saun iss esd cbsgss WMslgidlty. Asy atismpta t.beisg mml budMas 5tousw, S.esma«gshl bg4sem vlshiy ccmmsmty mrvicS s me' ~ s' gond Sugenld atmssgleaisb bei for a l tlme Sa cci. Tidy promotes conservation HaiSon Regien Co- servatin Atbority la moIS rrogiiiied lilin rolorfai ci-t ont oislisg of ronrentri r i-lgs oser- laid ailli o silhoette of o bird clld a Triny Vui- lire. lingiinl>'os Oic groimd but grarefai in fliglt, Iis Si-O iors effortiasly on il scasi lin rousd la scarcli of feod. These icaveseers gpOur ailtlb carcasses of dcad aoil- mle iolidiag Oicelbodies of ssîci or mire idden lose treami and road. Torkey Viiourmn arc commos in lbhai"ton Regien2=trmiewaer. tiny motai cd- and is crcvicon of he Nagara Eararpmest. Ibis local bird lai gaised i gi-caS demi of ntoriety in Oat il liai become lin officiai symbol for the airli of Oic HaidOo Regien Cen- ervaticn Autbority. A cosSent wase leld Oc find a omme fr tlisin iteresting cliarocter prior Oc an- nooocing is ipecial maireS statue. public. Tidy wa tens.me - ibe Spins Tidy démis ected, ai t btiS iF a- tOi îrc resserce triai lbthe aveigor s.t- msngement sbjecin are cf Oie species 1ai elti OmSare sometimes dit- alieisg a gadlabel for fnIS Octu imdsriSmd, conservation armeand epscialy lanlbte.miof projeci. Tidy lbel'uri-Y wat@rmanagement. Tdy VilSire bai becocie raS- n e a la lbth ber fimeni la bis officel Ailburity's noetin« rote and bla contributian --m.e Conervation cors- Oc co- -vaio- sdi- ersocai" ai b lima rations aibons i-nreulerzfNatre entitisd mendoa i alOimlsy lay's Cnservation important m"l " llla Commniqie. being relîyed tu studonts Tlb. naacercas a&1o aiel al Oichemmai- Sa e s ai lbeAuthoritys mobile icterproavs cenre ai lldy Salbh onitib OsS Omgudes = amaesiltn., lb. TwtWeyVulirecun lis be vieda lop std inSspuetive Centre ai tOe Conservation topicitl toscailaeof local Se"a On me prticulmi occasion, Ttdy aai dem crrlhlgaitypical rivar valiey aW theimport- Id liSe ai aacriai onction etfa typical rive villey' Thoniome cirtait laie lt heong Sat th river OmSt me mmd ahen lb river ris.e sorons. '1151.lale ain cafleleod plelisamd a clud. W lbbibof srien lu S a poinSaberi pro. resmoed tnmivn Storm$. "And tlbt's aly 1hi Conservation s bave reuiatiaipe tm tai a t OSmetu importantSteaunrlie. be i Mmii fn ylb 1un if mpue ~ke ftuatînQlmion Phenem8S-341 ROY DOWNS HERB CROWTHER MIKE HALL EdtPubisher Ad'rms Mane, UAIMMnesse n m pion sc, »,ogmi - ' Ao- - - s-' t "-0-P.'a"- P Eý 7.r.p- , E- anaom 5 One year ago tdromthe April 23, 1980 Issue MonCouricil aill pthlbOntario gevscsmonteSa llou Ois.ta s0t0oi0 w Md gst" Sa iliso laidmmieiif 0f lb <cnmdlmu.ci Ual 1Sul Waebes resimeid ' 1sda o*Âlaiï4 0tlicail Imeuquerclhu gie ne m pfitogsaieC cwy iI. 5shmd ai port of unbwpeselas.- mbas aona, aais qtnm e.mmimt woek. asaedisg Saaiméut tai.àdwmt Wae Piro. Towt rimms rmterii ilhfiaus b is .apcf Eau. ef lbnis ulsp a oueduiw doect 'aneM"aflhioubddli" ud Mites.fe.i esetyTs..day mnblcnmaa.eid aucidatompilais'eluteet mrsfdsiga cn==uui mel van aStmpOing tis min. 20 years ago, PrsesihApilIIlu lunél tInloud cljectiies liontac eau- cisnr, Mls.on ty CmI" RiteltoW Sa lb Ontarlo gseni's biNa is isphammiticg tel bu uren ut pro vb" Mu latau ley. "Part of lbmidm CI r MMlocnt lloir eeWoin, nta a sm"t P.. L Iychomsof a-mot. Pm Offce MM=ito en onmdy, cmplu- Isq final uemOf brodruOo SasyCsoncTh.le Caiplos n gie ars laes os f uhy rmainien ahit hW&raflaty.It liaiohenM deysa mne =IW làibrfsinîSa hW& accident Sa A sitem ld uiqushow Éou5 f lRé lûnd in thi aa, ais bchedin Mâicn lai non etlaoe day uuibed. lb. sua, A C-"II'mISWIl. O be of tasIs sudueftinglboratu, uai qtIudbYOcca mnutin. um a"iyet., duief l c=dIbed ém"hySastl raw da lsd unibsSe cf a09 0 lindw OriOIa am sud sow 10 Plio, PaiIce. sdwon WMmmc .p sedb b titmp.ue li - eni un. te M l»4n SHTb. Cas'. « Jon aii Omu. 0" ardva aW MuiiMW ne lcatics.an m. sf udegt Fo bO sine a biacstiyl viae ThSi-i e a six ha O 50 earasase fcgmnl CTOriawue on outChet l-t datoy afinm euscon I ieouSosthcicOd lb R aplicatonsemsonbradl adngS Olb laiayoUmla hie aElueithe i odta sa nea ticida 0" of v in riadae my 'lise Ml1cmbos0.lmn.yWMe.elday t brailbidly aWilisciineotely iNid le nd panOctheFatfr trilimaltie-non 75 diyars ago nais SacIS f i eghas an g elb Mto sle leraithenaesisu n. uh rid tfrO ai, lbh emai ksedo i -ta]Lg. sinid .- ed" a- vtoend t 2. anel Mdboujt l ire tr igl lai- l saim noe te mii aua .y 7O5PIIn.Fnmnytu pida lo *h ris.lo thnt a rsanaisi e ilsdb eud mics luyb. laid ao b the l IBhgli ge Said ftoyrionrdotlb minaot obc ce O Ob' 7ba i itiw t toferio vé MaiUsiial i dcmeio fotai cer. = commA teUr oufl dth Indre iflbheesmureeaig ecs. hW th. cluei 4%itcf

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