mm a :~-y~ ~-- ,-30~ I5'~4 t~ ~ ~ dmo May lame. nta the boat, aicoi-ding Io Toioto roal est ..ouive. Dvi HiVggbie, MeeaA. Bm.I'P tsallU.saye gN Cote th.. ho a. h. to d e hoi e lto dia re.d a f e paO1 ."o ak beo q remýats ano e to tue,. Re aaie saee y fan. peeewhe are of tdi. hisses lIvi«ng smosde«t t- aMM ig u hebut coeige," usaye ldl «o.*an ete dgy ceis .."aierbtely, theput daungis hse haines ue. hmat« 48beasUofitgi losrlegabat m t gIn. egs advarth.hg utlleg fr $086M8 arcaispalgea ea ly nemi more. Ia sohchuly a hmen.dëeiDelepr liMte kW" bd fac t "0eIm Ihost em more thie twoR et a lse pises he "k houms ssiinh.loee e e the k Usehpeltas Terete on mechetnh. besud. the italtpl Lmuu ils loh.shpf nt the UOUAITHUOIJIOUT Erow vfNi t le Otaof s i lC0rld esIns".em. *eho.edrom brik aduaadhoreaiouo. haite on s ocr0 00e, eardeapud lo, sehima110 hom a Nfead reesailarom wlt0h bicki fi5f5%araes dma" lnAaao e3lAle 310OMAIN ST. EAST RAALGAR SQUARE MIL.TON DIRECT UNE - 486-1483 ,p Ôfho hesv no panic, says Higgins rdVlUhe O gs dea"-Z MOOcdm o jit y lm hesu Aereg re sopi-Oes tu wu U6 sl .hinisles of homes h.nieaEa »R esys On Mffly51p rom MWhuu nmes n 8,68h.10tle1s8 un ai= ilespttseRmlles, latente, ricesn hm"e lnead &M alh toou, Wi« $jfpls~ 5 si emaclo . O tha hoe %;%eWsersth naeis hsà"selatcneaasl th.febos- homse esoefsthaién rdteIWk hy asaiSMm hein.iiOa p1eter. M a Oaws /Cachon 2rase,8011 st ot0 n es fr eeu8M08. Osntoy, k.u y eU" y omemai-k ~ asg enht. puices, n%=:f ii58Y iiiOroal75 par Cest of al homes of mot Canadinsi. n Ktsggetas Ont ftgue in abayer. have itr rerporte ta O "Thoraie til plnyriy pl aeteopr litoerli. lai.a smtd 1inesoei-y flti n IToronto, thei-averageouaiai$44.000. Att pri-onibils trend 10 ho the- sut th, taie of homes in30 maj0or50000 pri-ted onli-i-the îondosoy toi-the (sls tis catogory -aod in homo voelts iv, $77,00() are hased on multipleteginniif ot ho end 13 poople metioptta ai-cao avei-age are 'atOh- ecome dstoited. Msssauga. 59 poi- cenl Elsoo300ro 3in 0t3elistings sali-s i-oslts. has le toaoy people 313h 1333.300 Aice- thro-ohot Otario tait alkd,aeiiisOda- Osmany rtin esnetres of homes sol iII nefor Province, Guelph Mr. ligglo.sanys Iliat the feeling that owning a sttutiOt acoSet d Iet,1ai h epene b potuhs hueKs)le«n. queMly for. TOns are sover ethr ai-nos of tie lendino pi-cs-s thut havi- hi-n mvodio nd inturn havi- allowed homo owoerohip ho hecome much eaelea. * e eMa Le n alesateTa BUY NOW OR PAY j MORE LATER by JAIZE VERDURMEN Aeyu akinelil i ntseraaea m«dopbeimre YuyohonoeDo yS hi hisill aosyS mio oyt hhyo eoyo mti frhyPme mwmi Yueefrommnow mer if thae neeineaiadrupe lopiret Formx s eame am.honte 1et sse M,0 0(). W0h a 20% domspayret aod fleanoad wmth a 2 .01. 16% moage. th motilopesmenti mmd hoit844.0. Thos bright cheery ink home sa frehly decoreoed end Bu So Y11113ar ont now, f Picse keep diget mei ouîae,8% pum veo, th. owereyfryut oen h etef iihdrcr n.005 hm muid COsU $10W.If the lame. 00e decreauad to14% ro onrtfd o out oei.Th 8tBl inse e or wuld th@down pussiet e 42,00moebuthue meoeoy paentmuadmmIneflhee a maikout ta, a oery prisete bock gardon. Priced ta Fr ..0.seet at .8 mith excellent financing ontil 1964. 80, It'il oe tht the overaosolo of tho home - 00110thesiM raie - oxid Oeil Jeen Thomson et 878-0666 or 878-0767 or Carol ma.hge t he gslnpacfonvor montly pymet. If yos hllve m m eople do thaeoauml cruaa.theomeiel of theoîtorvle - B ooremorekma Free et 878-056 or 336-4488. 1 *100,M900 $1280 *179,90 *$Ulm0 C. GORDON TODD REAL ESTATE LTDe 2108 LAKESIIORE ROAD BURUNGTON Localed 4 miles weeeloaltheOperae Emporlum ea cuelom bult home elle on 10 acre o posture land. 3 ireplaces, ground levei lsmlly rocen, 3 bathroorne lncludlng ensuite plus a megniicesl kifohen. Fentasslc essmnabie 1lOi/e % mortgege. Cii Dan Koalsick 839-33000or 637-2962. deTrAOUUS -00fl P. FWONTAOE $95000 for lis lantasîlo builing site close la Mohaewk Recewey. 1,915 Il deep. 6 ecree of bu8h Oel Don Kovelicti 639-3300 or 637-2962 a LOUES - 000,000 Price includes 2 acre. af mapie bush, 3 acres cleareli, oceled north of Mohwki Rcewey. Perfecl location for the commuter. Oel Dan Kovalicti 639-5300 or 637-2762. FOR FUR774ER iNFORM 77ON CALL DAN KOVAUCK M3330or UIEC MURRAY REA ES TAT E CO0. LT De 2031 JamesSte, Burlingion, 639-8004 1 MOAUO 1 i OPEN BOUSE SUNDAY,APRIL 36 1-5 P.M. CAMPDELLVILLE ABEA!UI Tahe Godsph LleSothof Can.pbeflvtlieho00001uAve.,goueStaOlut use thm Norh to propei-ty. Looly counetry sottly minutes frsaOlty. 41. 2ecr.ouel-lred lot me coutryrW stltg m th ea h. fn@MW. ahn Shupdwaed uch,3 bhwmý wi cem, aly ro = 4 BEOeOOM FAMILY HOME i- CALL JIMKERR s $144»80 $1, DON7 JUST DRIVE BY I o10 5yv0105im af.1i ne aetfetureenif thsoaenryhome. Wfhmanfioor famdi oom, 4h.edoome cetal air ad an ingud pool. Il oflsicoOmfotable contry living.Suafad on 46 10% % MORITGAGE TILIJANUARY , 9me rand aid hrssCom eamo iel me 3 APARTMENT -INVESTMET fOPEfTY 18 ACRES OF MIXE0BUSH, STREAM AND CALL BONNIE 0WATON ...CareolPuaai 70-055o i olme ai CALI OGOfOlO WATSON POND -CALI. OONIE WASON 335-44M. flrigionofie m xPnedino dirioalofie âc adno h, ecnie fr wSTARTER HOME IN THE COUNTRY panlsonel. Sitoated on %l acre, this home sa iocated in Mofft, just 10 minutes taoh 401 or Jaleedu.ara.sit ooal ond lntno Hahton. Guelph. Extoeive updating has been dona but, the Vendors hava been trensier- Jolaeamolrohuanaaeoauahh neiha oeoldeh.ieleeaoolfiiofaaoat d bforeonsthey could quite finish. Prtced et *8,500. Came ses . dtme00 ... Cm Mr. TOMsOumetor Jht t111111>41M. Carol Free 878-088 or et home 336-4486. OPEN *4OUSE: SULNDAY. APRIL 28, luI AT 1 OO-4i00 P.. BALE M EAN RFSINLRA SAETA o a e'j --fi! ALBUMIAYRBALUWTIUO. L1ID =ALTO&. he hu ecme an d" .henry. @dtints . ilag ,pi my ýt irns, tOn te aise feu to peint th fi-OatOi- 000.00 ýnow havP Io c.g. Leidîng 333 ions sow take loto f-e ew.' 009 ms Caafhl i iU P&Mu . soasf Lues aeiw 00% e EU. The Cenedien Champion, Wed, Apr. 2Z.1001 1 à -, il