Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 1981, p. 3

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Manor gets computer fer neeai a clcmpeelomahinlvi 1>i1sseuleeetwil bocude ans cntrai peeagestw no dinh drivers,,and on. A limit of *18,91 miii ie provlded ferthlie ser- vicssetf Roy JorgeeasAiacials oM Canada ta p ovlfr complet. pragran peclficallas ntaff rain inlaand iqeepmeaspragrin- atog Maetey for te ptrtiaase t lcame tram te liltaeeCetnnlal Maor tlFmd Ambulance group is re-constituted bffl reviei. OescaavM cmwfilarFred Oliver iii ciairie Asislnt Service Revise Commnas seSta it«"uatmeluat year. Tlsecoestslleei as reginaiiy formid ilis lie .hlol» islassauga, Ambulance Service ld., a pniilefeapla, aaoncsdil watlddbe layag offalif saaa aaffcl gtial fromte ine- tarlio slsry of Hailt. Twaprillary rpateaslit tIlin ee prvardletevrdarlaedy ltcommitee. Milton wins sewer appeaU Ioseow of Milon haseatn an appeai aganst meersrcharges accaunleel igalmî lise Rtary Poou. lite ippeasl easeontse thlie Regiomi Seser Rate Commuttes agteed sitaMilonthaitseller ceaies lein tae pool in att retatnod la tai sanbayiesrynlte. linder tae nier pay charges, anyoae esmng seller la churged a ddilloail 170 pet cantifor tae amousI seitcit sould go bockt lonths seses and seald bave ta be lreated aI ater pturifica- ton plats. Highway 25 plans 8PP!oveOCi TIns Onaria Mlaltry oM Trýaasporlalionan Cammuanicals iii be idvlaed Hilton Regian appevs ot tai relîiayplan10 sidea ;=gi~25 frnon l doActan. A .cmeeting oM rsildensala tas area sa it t pli1 itaie tid Sion= hiere chne. itculariy ml d raad ese,- plaiiad. fhs raadseort miii vonloaiiy lacludesa exta 'truecktlatm a ota f apeside londieg in liigiesey 401. No Acton bin ico fl no' er in epovd iolp" bubs.onested tebin6 la ts asnte gratadae fte Actas wiler reitteasi plat ad titat rasideala bie alowed ta brmng solid watett the spot for dumeping luswoldtave een asalsaevrino tihe transfer station on te ctosed tondu il site in Georgetowna. ilegiseiCooncil arved a Public Warha Cammillas rscammaiaiontai ssetg op i lia seaald "le dsemedilaîpproae'let aitsbl lime amidtai Atlasreidntia iiteld aie lte tailitty imOsogetosea Buy Canaidian falaenaacuiiara beles. la a "Bay Cna- dise' pretereace pliey, butiItla i st lwiys possible. Same catasdllor litad suggeiled tse reglea adopt a plicy oftaaiy boptat services îsd eqnlp- mentalih adran ity Caadies. Cauadilr Jaa Ailgim ald te regies dld lIai ased ta putisisti a pllcy lta action,bcese il aiready ita a sipulla lt l ain n teokalitte Ceil e st eut rai ie s ai "whierever pesai- tam.orneaea,scites large eqalpmeas i lel sometlmsanlyavailabile fraet fatelgaitals Sensitive areas Halles Reglan itsaippravedl a slsdy of envrasmasloilly sesitive arasa ainla lil anamer, by a loesiram tse Uiversiyof 'lins îldy wseu etSilia ad te maey iii comefram antaroagral. A Usiversiy ofGtuelpht pn'fssr and test graduatstentds i miib. loaklsg lato lits affect of ittuslng and developmasl asntse may asvircomenlallyseetativei-remi laitas Afinalrepart il ii enast tteiteglanailPlan- ning Commîttes fer inclusn l inte dta bai and caite asedwseiadevelapmetapplcatios aresnalt nte - es Administrative changes passed In a ratent spetial meeting of Reglasai Cates- cli, sweeilg itanges to alutans admlalstation seere apptaved. HighiigittaMflite changes l. - A camplete reargamozation of te tegiensa teaaary deparmettt, intlading lise creatian af fOve ae uil-ime psitioan: Manager af Accounning ami aytama; OPerallag antigel Attaifsa; Fieaciai Analyst; iiyttms Analyst; Secretary. . Retenties Moitrasstanding crntitee of catei: Adinlisratian and Flinnes; Heallt ad Social Services; fomer Planning and Public Worits Cammittees la ibc made ltlaone rom- miilee seit olid Waste Management and Seweet Rate Coonailes lte dimaivesi ami made lata *New dallas of liter.hlM adminltrative oM- mitit gidaace an pollcyand lerel ofseice prloritias; iltavîde tal casiciieta tereivesonoad adelce fromsenior Hallanaofficiais. - A ae job pesitionaolite crealed-sascaiive aasistanltali tecialadministrative afficer. - A siift la accaantlag procedaras tla fiilse- camirance accuatag tahe carried ontlan1862. B elliasai Ciairum atoencasre taIat cii rchncme o n fundamastal plicy isaues. Chairmanac to tahepalceaperson for tegies and prescrit iformation tate public. f zZaJ 7MA1#"u et The Canadien Champion, Wsd., Apr. 22,1981 3 Riviera customners say good bye, Tony' Goodbye, Tony. Cutomera of La Riviera Restaurant, Steelea Ave., threw a surpriae party for co-owner Tony Caaale laai week. Amongthegit was a cake, decorated Hire thse front of the resaiu- rn.Pula ad Tony Canale are shown with hia brother Mike, right. The Casale brothera have aold the retaurant to a group of local buaineaamen and Tony ia returnmng to Italy whlle Mke plana to atay on aa chef. (Photo courteay Donna Sargeant). Phone numnber mix-up affects pizza sales Siam Cateneiroa hfartuateiy lst est aa a ciii Srronto far piesa halafe dlriged number of pzzai orders and ater aasried itai- esmesiegiagteduesintanla êtor nvolving lafensila 876-1113. giv. hlm a secand lia besinesa phtone aam- He toeka larseird la catise. ber, sehiciswîs idvert- ionkleg afler al l ila Titi aseer ai aor- laed wllta 878 prefla la- cestamersanmd aay af ceai't Pizaeria aa Main stead ai 876. toe.wita sere pre- Si. in Milon has an- Tm ecorrect nanther ta vaesly esible ta arder $OO.OO?@ We cant tell yau in an adverliaemenl how much il wiii casi la service the brakes an yaur car, or whal yaur car needa. Whal wec cmteil yau is thal for aur special inlraduclory aller, we ocilI do a safely check af yaur caes enlire brake syslem ai no cosl or obligation la yau. Fram pedal ta pads. Then, if yaur car needa wark weli caîl you. With yaur approval, oce insall top quality CERTIFIED brake parts, and relurn the warn parts for your inspection aI yaur requesi. For yaur protection, we guaranlte aur seari, for 120 days, or 10,000 kiiometres, which ever cames firat. We fix il right or we fis il free. Ask for aur free Car Care Coupon booklet for savings on yaur brake service. Save $5.00. ites lt.erd seest att, »Mt lires weestaiga, tai papulit to-oneras.i Casais ofhilons LsaiRivieriasgaia tînt wa leavlng Milaon, a fese frlends decided 10 litrose him a goiag-away Part y And qute aparty it was, as over 100 of bisrestaurant custameta organisai a gala aarprlae satd-of lan Tonys itamt Taasdiy evenlag Muenat sesei. Ansd tey iteld il la hla restaurat, teultimate sarpilaofMail. Tonyad blisttatitetSite itave tes lte Itali e etauratinlteDorst Park Plai, Steelas Ave, il Ontario St., for ihe pat six years. Tony bas iiwaya iteenlteofficiai "hei" and speads a lot of lime greettag hkm cuatamera, miling tem fiel selcome, ad mon jolalng lhis ai tse table fora cdit witmt lime permuta. "Hetas nqulle a feiiaw,' nommai ap Debra Sanbsy, oas of te party organ- itera. "Heina very warm, iraista svery- ons graclanily, ite seema la give a searestitand dlgnily la tse resarant." Otets deactibesi a vieil la lise restau- rani 'lite a family vlil" becaese of Tony'î otgolag personality adlte way he has lroaled lia restamera over lte peas. Tony and Mlks retetly derided ta si telabustssaond Tony plana ta go bat t ativ les tlay fat an extended holiday, mîpite for gond. aralter Mite, who bas aiseape been te bond chef la te retaraIt, detidesi ta stay on an chef onder te nes osenera. Tit etlaratbas item parchaned by a gop of local businessamen - tselraisutn Ritit Lilico. JiPowera ad Stuce s alecii ntid buslaess- mes Caude Wrirenanid Don Slnon. Mic. alacinsdhanitiaitoitels elte restarnt for anome lime lad ieli ty on as manager. Tonyt freada did't wantthlitsoc- casion to go usolced, so tbeysecrslly invited as moany regutar restaurant patrons as tey raid tîsd., ta shoaw up for dianer liat Toeaday evealag. Mayor Gardon Kraata iilaed ite soberfuge, btona g hlglire olte tsta ti vonlag for a "ddt cfonc- lion". Thes Nsweii Reali seat. office nexi dont hecame hasdqtaarlera fer lte gift collection. Retarattaff were la on te deal. ton - aii but Tony. He got a surpriaseithensas maay af it regidate nhowai up on thesnais evening, titen a furttier surpriasehas« ho fond ont tise nigitisnjust for hlm. Organioesapotchased a beaulifal oùi painting of a local ocms., dons by Dîvid Dancs of Narval. 10 remlad Tony Mftia aras. Mayor Krantz ptasealedl a tan actait pion a pie bsarlag te tasen cr001. An album of picluras ai ailtlite guetta wsa preeneld by Bilil Hamiton, seit pitosa arranged ity Donaa rgeat. S abs alaisethe officiai pltogtapiter for te nigt. aroce Wolachieula con- lribalai a posmEesces wan Milan Ot. He and Joyce Henry and SIc. Saakey wers te main organisera. Aitaougithlitsparty wsonprimirily for Tony itselfs Pali, seitaftequesly heipa a inte restauant, andiralter Mikewees aise pralaed by the crowd far lteir yeacs of loyal service, gond fond and gond imea. 'ite gueso of honor admilled lter ho didol henosebh hd se mîny gond friond, ad enprased lin appreclallon toall for givlag hlm nocit a big sesd-off. Dynamic wheei balance. Nos athe lime af the year la nahali summer tires. At Family Auto we afler a camputerized high speed ocheel balance. Take adoantage of aur Car Cure Coupon values nase and save an a dynamic four-wheel balance. Save $5.00. 011, lube and filter. We carry a side range of brand name oils and illers for ail dameauic and foreign cars. Ail aur ail, lube and tiller servicea include up la live litres of ail, a Frac oail filter, a chassus lube and ail labour. Our $1 2.91 service includes yaur chaice of Esso Extra, Valvaline Ail Climat e, or CastraI Muligrade 1OW30 ail. Our $1 6.91 service includes your choîce of Esso Unifia, Castrai GTX and Vaivaline XLD. For extra savinga on aur ail, lube and iller service, uae yaur free Car Care Coupon boakiel. Save $2.00. Ail automotive service at Family Auto la covered by aur 120 days/10,000 kilometres "Fix-it-rlght or f ix-it-free"guarant. %Wre the ail new Autmoive srice yrou can trust. RITO0 PLACE tooSl- 1-. a 00i o .e e.s 1.t & s0 co Set, , a 0e0s. iNt ,iM cpi. ". ... f - 0 C .. L. .. ... NVI l 1 --iE 11. F- A.. 1 È .1 E- . A-. 11i. j ~ i... la i hA

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