vert ~ -. - - -, -, - zcm These two metals add both style and warmttx to your home. Fashioned Iinta bookendis, %lurines, smail coilectables, house numbera, coat isooks and mmare. rasa andi Copper lenti sparkle ant charm ta any decor. iOppasts lnos Ciseeh Spaghetti wlth Meat Sauce Garlc Bread 26* extra tCanmw~ H0ll55Cb»sd Mortinys Ta... toFi. î LM, on ex Wnds 196A MAIN ST. .S uomîna - Get Vour Somme bROKDE'S 4, e Mens Shoos- WESTERN Otid 'n' Enda BOOTS - $24.06 msg. sî 3495 Lade' Shoos - SHOEAREPAIRS TAKEN . &0 - jfootweah ý21 Main St. 878490 s mo -eee Lanaea a Dsroom Supplie Ailm a Photo Procesang - 207 Main St. 87080012 17 Wilson Dr. 8784M0 ,Dorslet Park Plaza e-55 Once ynr bay ynur mualo-maher. don'te Iegot - wa~~ May Bdo FOR TFl TALENT BORN WTHI*-US'« LM. M8 Maie St,. Monue s m7L1 THE CHANGING FACE 0F DOWNTOWN MILTON lise face of downtown Milton la changing-for tise better. l4ecent improve- menti to ties treetacape have madie it a more attractive place la ahop, andi several new retail siiops are comlng la complement tise gooti mix of exiating stores. Milton' charmlng town core bousta a variety of gonds and services, frlentlyclaerkaandi comparative prces. Ercis week on tins pae, we invitO you to meet andlaro a little more about the background and i, spynten dividual stores, their services and thelr people. p oyofUin CLEMENT'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER A tradililait hbans tWseZsielti lebrsa arristi tn atcleasetnaatnw afp etoresrMns Poaorilrx/Caet bof erate= i is davetown b fisasiibm ads ey p arat.edmay ioeseiterc sa irgabse, aerabefore tse prodtt dey Swar er e- tailsby Boye. Tiestarer hm. hatlgati ver the yeaen, anti bas atm Ivi lorations on Maini. Oce locatetivhsee Harrisatllosy a mvw, oneseu"ttifamaay humesmprenrt and deeratlng au&.s AtIapn tlasa,1MaineBti, dlit lesaofers mach %»ee abOi.ý ta 1Ms, soyas ClamsaI diveslfflettea"irde thetoiir vehirle Uml brea ers taIteurai hfisetalia. sorlly aller liences eettiibe ohtalosti thera, te building vax expantist tmugh a ereadition. Sryeaarhtrcelsnhobhsrv elaheril- be=.a esf=anye. re nalti e0an. otcetarasrinj- croeisnltheetniro f liemers olt aI itssleesuthetlove bas gesse. I fiel, tse ine ustilxiness han matis ber coesitie an- alibe sxpanaion, ibis tdisl teore Teny uasastibassinent whià eesoetheararing W. SliClmIColler'. iotbedecitirtithsIesst isti W.55 erPlse pint anti valipaper soPeslng cirtisast dsinawsresstdtitbivut laInvinlar, tsratn= losidowe anti carda s esretio asllm,,"tCrflsm. "Sb mgaen eisr"aherear ti. li of Bits viisa imajorTeroecider shov tie ae yar le niop for gifi tIsr viici nwvaimentîprevail in tas frent portionof tonieres. E=ytdnfrm Hrumelfigurinesr la Royal Aissel ehina anMieterepatsacourhsfouneti iClsmeen'. "1 va susrpristi aI itsemisiber ai perplsellecirg plalsa,Celleesarealle. Seniesissng aiaveeinfor gL itlses, tht ciorer effers r tanesseai ervrassars a pltrarining, glass anti hty edlling. A tieretsire tisigit iebe featiin.tlitséaletion ai Sher- vir Wilhla nsilotal tckantimany major bisesotf aS- piper Il dosant stop Ulisses ver einalt bruitsa, reles andalMMteacctssorie for bone ndoratirg aeavilasls rWe have a fuit fine of ÀBýeautiful - " Invitations " Bride's Books " Accessories to make Your Day a ckM f9tatoes q u- ý CkLUSMsSi..MI5 %L GtiOtsome 8itwork te needs framlng? A.Bring It ln for 15i% OFF ail Custom Framing orders owtasby-lb'aApiNé Paint - Wallpaper - Git 197 Main St. 878-922 "-Milton".n-top RFla Centre ROOEEINSPCI Mame S Colleen Clemneat Invites you loamisethe wlde range of gifI itemis, china and crystal at £ie- ment's Paint and WaUpaper which ir mach more than s home tiscorating store. A fomily basiness, isarng afamily naine, ClsinsîPaint asti Wllprprhba employre eey intnise ai Eynen fans- dly threugh lise yeaes. emset, hW. 18-yar-o nlt e, vnrbs part tinte aller seitealas tii ira altise heiseStepissa he mvw livea near Nertit Bay. Hastierafleti baby quille adorelte villa aiftestireranti pirviselecryntal tnhanceenlisrnhelvss. Cruse féerl ter stoeoffers perareal serviceast asually arorird vita nover buinsan. Bshe @adlthie sioresbaaslise ativanrge of longnstandilng cuteers antiyeain fervice. Even titaing the Seonti Woelti War, visile Bryne vas ln NovaBrella sevîng hie country letme raille stores titi st cIou. His brete-in-Ixer Jacks Hannant leoheti aller cusI- enmriig is rabsence. CemsaatePnI anti Wallpapeban rhangtiir inte pasl andthie siores cottitxeitiseence a fcelft i ligo theougis. CrIl sa sitibth spahe seita Peter Tarner of tas crnulllng teans blrestby Milton Civie Coteintiaxpeeve dhs lork ai Bshela oisrplo eseesnoms htisar fer inprevlng the t neen faead in the ferm ef a sketcht frein Me. Turner. No meller vhil the look, thes tore vil ge an effertng the saneselecllatioo errallng supplies asnoveSan o broateinng l/e of gflt Itm, china antierynlal. Our Spenisis Change Delly btItise Prie.Romains tiesernem juat 2la Liv. Entertainmonî - Final Week for -Tegaa 270 Main St. E. 878-9962 (AJo/itoLoe cseal etraiven ar/y * t Nrixt aînnaes h a Meda R L vaaray of neye ix bîl in râe w Tisa MAY SALI ui Daiorents allais sa 3% tC4N thesnetrsravgexof Nri/lse /ienuwa. Dney Mnr hsu aeaa-yare Sa; E1tleidxxbagofa BOSSES, fts - ECRETRY WEEKI sitabarirhilhnv teaspo aesrotlsesdtha. perse d yund ha/r ath f U nssaavsbwb-aomswwnsnssss After waahing your laundry ln our quellty Weacomat wasihrs, use our exýtrsotos "%vu won't ake pou ns th ise lsnser MILLSTREET COIN LAUNDRY tmbud ...1f2M LbRU i 878-F1SH Fr Speeg1981,Pk Hall swings boc aiethxe adankx. Ckenat nepe. timxsdesign Ih a prfeebaateeof fer aedfalxv. 5'ulh attenion I Malni Ean ed ridrfpefne. lit- a t îe ee, s or rytatnaaaanle,asitte; hai kadaa., nein. But... tIdes ean stn emrge aeae and a deidlfeereaayf.hnlapfaeia T/edlfernoeis Pmt* Hall. sane Day Service -Expert Telr orn Ires 248 MM NST. IuW4ure4 i 8784M0 THEmIMANS UIO 01FEN -Thurs. ditPri. MI i9 p.. lor NOT JLJST FOR DANCRS... ... We Stock a Wde Selecti on of Eveningwear. Sportswear. Swlmweae, Blouses, Shawls. Skating. Oymnastics Outflts, Beits, Broocise Pins, Panty Hase Dalsyfresh. 1/2 rrice eyodiss 198 Main St. Milton 878-1303 Miton's Unique Fiower Shopi We I*WICKERI Wehave chairs, tables, curio ahelves, roon dividors, basketr - AU. et REASONABLE PICESI 228 Main &, __ aM9601ckno N'S O meerM. a n *,.no Th eM a Oaaanu/eP"r1.erMd d. «N :d r.UKu b. " d. rswj. tmvseaOiri.aira>.O#idStai ~P*slaw SL 3-M-sa Ps- Sprîng is Amwno*g Faahionably tWÎth Our w%% Une of Deautiful Sheesi CALYPSO w Canadlon Churdgm. wâd. -