Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 1981, p. 10

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0@7 4 By Jase Mlter Servesa tamptisg dessert ta temple- ment s greai meut, isat dea t bde il. Show afl yaac culisary talensanad pesesi thtfinl ouraseeinlanaiattractive chiearglana se crystal dis. Dnt stap tiera disagi, maisi die table reliat dia seaon iy ptntisg as aragemest aI rit sprisg flimers as l. Tait is e start af a ramaniuitsma- tiag. Casities and yame lavarite llgbi vise iii camplete die moudt andsaiSe issue apriagime ihougisaofIlave. CIIOCOLATE MOUSSE 3 eggs 2 tailsepsana (30 siL)chocatate liqseur (optianal),- 2 tasepose(1ta Livnilla t rap (250 inLi Frys Ctai 2 3 cupii150mL) sittar Pince egg, cbatelte liquer w vnaitle nblnder ai igb speed 1i an ie. in asauMan cotminte Fry's CM andmeugar. ir inamfi. Add bttai. Cac anarmedium hbut, stliTsin rttts ssibtter malesaid mixture le ko Trs btesdeemspedtanblgisandtms pour bai cacomixture diessighil apeial. Cninse blesdisg i misat Pour loin glass servng bavi se led' ituait desserS disises. Caner andt ci savant bas or se nisgbi. Serve idi swetesid waipp treans. Makia 6 srvns. dise 1 do"lie sait. Me. Miitdlehnaiksea that ram is ami e ample, the cammiti, cald sea "a mai ci moisi mre masey1 seensg las.,' Tee reprt braise deN anry apec of larmi la Hatan. 15ie repart saltedt total valse of praducti ia Hiotes la 0,US,5 pr yeae idi dci accasiing for $7 miii cash crepa $12 mdllio ait maibsoins $12 s isa. sd Lin- ak y, »t. dy le. hin- edi id îid by ng th tiry Io, on; i- Panning foe future haUssa lfestivats asai a- reedy startet. Baisait says rgosisers aie lois- isg ai havnig a "Harvesi Crustis adienRaiiy" as diaibagintgI eekesidt Ocl.eeraid a "Quen' alleen Raly" an tie losg May eekasdin t im. Radi ananta moli ba at Blue Spings. HOUR SERVICE (Dally lncludlng Saturday> f rom the Dry Cleaning Profossionals Zet94t Drive-in Dry Cleaners Collection end Delivery oem root on pBfoe Mcenrvtmra 0atsatLàB5esm ay Mabltremfiti On Sataiday, Apil ilS the Psppy Ceesestten il Braaib 13a, Rayai Cas- adiai Leglan Miltas, attampaehed isy tise Mil- tai Sesiai Ciizmt orchsestra aid albers made a trip le Ssmsy- breai sptiata nTorosta taienteetatnanad vlnlt vith Ski war netercnwbs are, aid bave bie, ibhmpialid lai lamgiby Ëperissis aI ine. fiwa e ly, ares, seeny day aid I15 sna = il about 44 hapsy e Who tlt dia Leglenai 1t.30e sm. and arelved ai iSessybroein l Sie1or a niait ta Ski cafeteria 1er luntis. Ai 2 pin. acd maie mat aith diasitr aid pipai tot tise stage sen by Mnre Yaseg. Tise Sinise Ci- 'ies Orchestra bagats de rllvelyctet anad thi rampasselfron the audieneaws qultaen- diietsnere tapptag, peepte mire sieglnand eitminais mare duo sR Ofithdiaday. "lesesbers af dia pa yCamilile dis- tibtd cbaclata barslte d tiantle Siaudieti, and they maie greatly cosmesia, emad jms Sramtb t36amembers aid Ladies AnnitllytaTees Trevelya, theki Oresta il Reretise Services for Ski snsybrea& ISin- piai- ta bis remarba M. Traiutyai emad mntise aIdth assinstcegives ta the voteronset aS Ssey- basais by thi Psçspy Cees- iitiee aid thse AsaUlda Thse Ladies' Asellary madei a $0intionls entis mndiaif distesm, puai avisg veteane rame romein ii amtai a toupelifmmn a year lai disneaiaid elartals- men, n lacS ristbap- proctid by Ski ait- ae aba hpaikapildo st get soii tos ate. Tene Pappy Comeitten aise mairs a dnation entb yiar ta dUn retreatilasesrvites 1or dia nteane, aid e- skies Skiheptal issir d.en dbat= 'ika féom, m'oai ami isseabal gaines nse at diese veterama esny aise T'ee inee'for demi Art auction to raise funds Mtos reidensaan re astuthediastiet tiaitdtoatatSed dia Rai- vlb rdGrenuat tas Pants Asesymesandsoit liaent aid bi Asociatise "Greint May- mrks by naime artiste le- day Art Actilan." CIl il ita' rlit Tee acoues iii bi ra=as1t=RBaiata- Msay1 ih midimie and mats. chaset ailpi..aid Ski PeStes lac Ski vaika aucilstartisg t pi. m r aifrn $20 la $1,Ms. it viii bi hait le St. HaiSse ParensaAasey- Rap 8i'sCharcis Hi, eoaeavnepr NiaRt aid Waikr's ioif rvsefri k Lisee nBriglas aucin bsala IiECKLINIr1 M SATuUDAY MAY 2&m4 u *lec. Iss3pm * *7 MAIN IÎcr E. ~~MILTN Thue Corporation Ofthtie S Tosan of Milson TAX NOTICE Raftpnm .vof the Town of M me~id Mls SECOND INSTALLMENT 18 DUE ON ^MRL 3Oth, 190 Penalty of i1/n percens per monts, on ay portion ihereoil. sali bi chargeit on enidi avirdue instatinent. Provinca sses maarnt Notis have bain rmataito 0propos-iy owrs5Il yos hava aaay quesions egardlng e555km ski AmonesrentNatieor ski Tai Notice, Plasado sas Sisi ta cotact ai t 251 Main Strast East, Mtosn 1(M7211) for further irforrradon. DONALD E. LOUGHEED, AM.C.T. ie, oS Finance, Tieire donations, etc.laas ait by themaàlaslpof le RAemebrnpetiDa nl Namimber ilfaicb year, aid ski ladies Asnilltry calmes dur esaeiy thrsslgbstb effortsa se de i wely bngo. 1 Pappy Camittee, spots nrrlvlsg bock bame ta Mlos arssmd 5 pi. aikad Skieieisr Ci- tizes Orcbenftea main- banfrs1eir aenslanad Sie and bspid ivaiyame, COEI //NTHFND MAY22-23-24~Ir~7e WCALI. I OR F- UN2UorOolra êOa ... WHEYOUNEEITYOUNEEAFMEN. Dîsaster cenastrika eanywhere ai any tUme. Would you be able to replace your home end poamelons? We ofler comploe nattural dseater coverage tor any- thtng Mother Nature hma to offer. Cali us nowl Total Inaurance service Whon you seed a lrtend... " For your car and homne cati on us. We ofter the best " To protect your hectth insurance plans andt the " To protect your famity mont attordlable ratas. We're " For pour business needsa laways rady to help! MEWfifPOM NSUMAN. AGER (MILTON>LTO 17 WM Oliv, LTN. ON Two Locations To Serve You! c s. I s t Tki~ ~ eomsits ead ut natraat hrewaad mxad ta tsyare peeatsii. tike ail ire priauctu pned isotbarning 6-Neer braap a ihrsr logo muai oeuedwa 'doaysihehliise- lueniiog.n care.tliy and ttesa hotesptaceiotrai ta .ti 7-Dont try ta mave a Regis Fiee Preventlas carpeS Pokhyg may aise bzsig log. it cas brea, i Caiesittee says It a very breaktap the lageth*tghtsm leeelsdieat important tbat aisar a aleu raites-a-ia e tyessit asa=e k. rend diaedreetitaM ad aitresu lntignte inl- 5-Baver averad ledueseskescreily. brime hbstlnmeu>Tee yesw iepla, asd naer Poklig et Ielrete aed a i ebure ca a slcted ta brnsa pburnsg log Ilyely y lai Sorsai eaemulngfre A ire- and = u9ttdb eelarge a durie bas, wattout = ttier luit may be ire areskie uit miseruâ spittaiattenton. tean masultiied gays lst oftiadama lai uing hora Beutalaws Wte FLEM) Uslsg maie Iban ane tMOthe. egs SiOse- &n lrebts abatsplnted lg at a ime or a=db site sagets oan ailamait-eut ire, -LACK are tha major rainesofldamper aid aents fl u.ire mc apeli SiM. aid Mn.1 dfllcuiy. Mini mass. 2-Use thie ibitog liinfer bla t tte in ai Rit i M laturad firetapi put st lilrpai iatlgslhtgSilr~tt isUe toases ase mach butase tee aoredue avr cted bkaywS ssibletcing i iri brdwaed legs aid aecttha a mtivpit cies x ie- uedaugtt p=etecan s ie a- aid lesn &lie ise. MrkFleminw idf i sey llgt mare paes asibseUmeeu B-Nem e eava Oio. Tisens tbaa n asi a i bne. =m adiibkeSatai. tbtldrea ssattedd ner lake pace Jin Addisg a waxn/wsed lag 3-Rend thiesaint- aslipace ire, ai Emesaim toans exsilg ire inay irrlinstise, assi 1-Make sure yse Chrtis. MItei resain'a falire-up aise an flea kies bhave a gpodlstriestpMark wv'grec enceaivily bailire 4-Plain dia log aiSkieaseoinskiherons tet SiHsieglas ielog se. ait d bnkilof itlaciWk, in a frlar@a.naiaioseMa Legion visits Sunnybrook Chocoate mousse Farmers present lot size document A major dcument un dia apprapetate ise of agicultaral lot uepers- tiosufoseHaiaon bas heen rrelveit hy regioao casaciliandt memisrs aI tie RattsaLandt Division Cammitteen At a ipecisI meeting of tise Iegasai Planning Cammittes. tise Hlttna Ageculturat Adisoey Cammittea pesete thlie reprt speciicstly de- signai t tehw tiai there lsas minimum ise ut lot miiciscas ba usaitfose su ari nîg eaterprises as dairylal, aine, ait T ee sdvisary tom- iitiesbas been strangty apposai tothdiaragloandi msly tise Lani Diviis Committea givng landt serverances wmishitnt el/at, mahe dia larm lais taosamaI ta ba rua etessmicatty. IIAAC Charmas 1Ha- aId titddiebresk sait ha has mre tison saseset nestedinla is daiey tares butie moies mis thon $2,et0 per yeaae "My accautant taIt me tat taitay diat my trait hanit makes monea High winds keep balloons grounded retresismeotsanid tadir rides enait dabaut $M0 fose tise BeyStouts of Canada. Atndasca wam hapt dsmn hy the pue ether, idi anly skiai 25 peope camtag at ta Bise Springs Frlday. Oser 200 mre annbsit Sataeitoy, hasait. Oly abaut 30 peopte maie ablie to enjoy tediar rides. High is ad hpi peopla gesaideitforlacah at the atinas Fiesta heid one the ekhdait aIBise Springu Scout Reseeve. Lol orgoniser Ai Rssel reprteit there mre tîva baitueni n aud luersuncelant ilight udsy msruing la tisa diretion ut Fergai. Huever. hiigh iada ept tie ilotnandama Fritay and Satsritoy ex- capt lur short tether rides bth aternuens. -April hon ees escep- toeasly indy, meli abane nrma," Rusell seteit Finalsigtures seent la yt, bt ha aspects tie M77 4ING KTIN iSain Lacs- s arinte of air LarI, ta gaif Csevey, aeddisg vii lune 27, Mia sel Raptiai ton. Lai aid sdsate frein May 23.

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