Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 1981, p. 1

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-illv, C4urthouse grant Ca teselorlS.oStutfr 09e aou 00.918 omai Y"*. ommtedfoit dêeft't M=bgt It fl p et tassan aMWi :»= wooje mw*4mi-«. glss oie c ta Q é«Or rs e a h wnS. lesaseg ÛsoN cStï- - ne *ZZlok *oBeINOU*m d. i.r" &"suPma kr"Ibu«,« hon ath 10 Lasdp- cher. He* ta araeie to M cowa be ere coama re asse Io wkl .et Nwr.orimosranl el00Mtecoft etd osibu 'eue Tbfe@altp proeteIswoei d hungor strike resuits in il transfers Dy LIa lrby evimnlgmai, complaining of poor foodi IDiatos, owulisrod'lourd et jini toy apprxmtl eM*«* L9 "m"wre tonoW ifroe 1.moi& ghS7 -. o.irecmtioarTe.wtsy afer o otrow l orreafat. olwgmr a MZ;-hou luortriko by aproximateiy O0WUfIbeM1 ie b matu iD thée aduit traLnlngcen- eni fk aIn , ona d o -tr* bo W y whma lnmatea rofUao th.ir o ALlan Roberts, Superotendent of Map à But Ibee.be gerFondst putedMpe Iwlesn ~ Tburudey morfling. ailh coaeci la ct- Mr. Itoberts aald boIbho suad MOr. fMlo- bash pald a violI is tomates is disc th0e ho a pauastto ho problemos.1 ie S IWe "Tey bad a lt of concerna and oe told 27i. dhm we ould pan tbem on andseuiflbhey -k aor'S tecourt- couldbocorreced,' aidMr Robertu. ;ea" raber d e@ada hmbsanotd o unh u bI1 coBIstiww din shotMeasdl oateofasretedworcb ot 94 teo hr ho ae tllisrcle od isa sse oê aI- Oplined dtllstztance West asy structural 10e Bot word there mlghtbh o ui-don tioI estiesatimi ars desteaslration," saad Mr. Robers, addisg te bungr trike wseas excuse by isesatea nm aS rov ls. a- tir s rul wtsas alaN sud as "oWe dsoedi bere wasi, lu fart, a bord eg eomastya sets- cocofSt eaybo a desen tomates trying lo be disrupive," ho sald addlsg oûoimates malMbe ajpllad forsu erepresaredisojeis the protest. 9 th atIon, teich fle majorty ofth0e imatea ddet wat mmSo i deep4o OBIli, goalmi wltb lt," beusald. ~roonIdelgnd la IrolostIg the tra.sifr of the tt hoostes ho Of-1 Md u @t oter ailsandcorectionicontres, there lthe commnimty. have bees noefurtber incidents. Mother's Easter surpriseahi Thse Eater weeked bga n weet note for Grade waa a tasty end to s week of tudyutsg rabbits-long i tudenta fromLida = taclasat Robert Bald- asaociated witl tihe season. Students mode bwmny win Scisool. Doug Oborne shared a homemade treat puppets, cftokbexsand cutouts durinp hour-long ses- wtcoasmaJet andhurayaftrol nludThe g Janet sions each sfternoon la t week, whsch belped them McDoald(lei) n odaHleT bunny cake lesrn more about thse fuzzy onimalo. ~ke~trnaunIajpo An Inland Communitv Newapaer-Servina the Communi for 119 Vears MILTON, ONTARIIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22,1981 £±~.B~~M2 ±ax.~ hikn for Mi Itonians -- - -~ ,- ww~ - ~--------- - - - - - -- -- Miloresldenla ail hobit alIb ex aver- ageliM hoU bite Iis yonr, acrordbsg is the reglensa final budget amoed itho weet. of the $M59total bis ioludisg town, reglan ansheducatioo taxes ou an "average Milonome assessedet $5,000, the regisusl porion of the mil raisilànenarly 27 per ceai blgber thso test year. Tee blgget pesdisg lucreseio the tsx- oupported part of Hslho'u 5$M million total budget cause froco the Haltots Rgional Polices Force, wblch taes usp ts pr cet of esooey levled from hxpayeru. T'is year'u flnallned police budget la $13.4 eillio-up $2.3 million, or a 10 per cent Jump from hot year. lios sMW trosorer erry lawsoo Debbie's paved wii By Jaeouller Dehie Anderson maynt tabeheseftoo sertoualy, but sIte lu heoplob;hbpae Of judgea for te "1961 M 1e0 .eYer" contentinb Torono t hsweebendoWi. Tbee26-yar-old Milion mother of two will compete ith M5 of Trotos neoess modelo for $20,000 in prises bib tis anouel costest ponsored hy Eleanor Fulcher Ltd. Sbc joloed the Eleanor Fulcher agescy test ssmmer andembarked on a three w.ek crash course .n modelisg, mske up techniques sod clothing tyles. lmt s s oud ouru. I bsd heardshot it Tes yesrs ago tlehhie strted esodelhong olth soother sgency but ube reesembero It wu hard erm* bshlg a teenaçer, aithout 'The older grlusithe0. chcol wre tough is bondie." Sh.sld util you cao take the const crlticism about your face, body hape aod hegh tyou aboudn't a amodal. oYu muet bave a strong persooality sud a beathy attitude shoot youralf," shcsg- gest. At 26, uhe bas that needed confidence bt ube eaitanse a aemo of humer about bor- self and ber wock. lebbie bas alwayu hems fashiss con- cioos, s trait pasaed dowo frues ber esothor oho bas alosys been fushes oreted. Borts and rsised oser Gorgeton, as s teeosger she pent ltle tlese is the amall tuas ettinfi. Froes Grade S ho 13 Debbise attended Bishop Strachan, a privaise girls chol in the beart of dewosa Torono. Her usoes eareaspe.stSt Sauble Beach wbore tbe met br bushand Frank t age tà. fit as Mm oai the bosch obore adm firat worbed aus aoocdel for searhy boutiques. Bshe onscruwtsSd Ms auble Beach wbas abe was t7, a competllbon involving teoe luies ginls, whlcb abe oas erced by hi" tdentesar. Me Msarread bar Osasage lomis104 Sud fcsad bereseifepéeisga br fittmon, Osisophr, after onese asner t the Ualvaruty of Waterloos aberan(5k was Oa.ollb. uast~aal¶~ meraking daaof 6 «ýA» M Zw tou y ûulnvlufor lthsl ~~IwyenS, msa aamothoe ~~j~~n9g obity ia carnIDmodesihg as abe 36 PAGES- 25 CENTS bas set aoide $M0,000 frues Iis yor's budget lu repletsish Ibeco. Ibits yesr ocer 56 per cent of Haltes's budget gues ho groupa ohît-b are set dir- erily cuntrolled by Reglousl Couocil. These include 48 pert-extto10police, five par t-est ho conservatiun authurites atd toupar rosi lu the Chddren's Ad Suciety. $100,Ooo win in Wintario Jack und Antte Clemats ut Miltoo becume $100000 richer Tbursday xîght ohen Ibeir Wittatio ticket nombor matrhed the wius- iug cumisetion. Jack, a 42-year-old trot-h driver wsib Huw- des Costrut-tion, hought the tuchy ticket at billion Malt, a oeekly habit sisce Witario began. Hlis 37-year-otd osto wilt retire us an aosembly lmewourker t Canadian Meter Company us a result of the wix The Colemans who have three thdrets aged 14 10 20 oere watt-ing the draw us televiston at their borne un Laurier Ave. witb friends ohen Ibey ond theirs 000 the ticket bt- tue. "10e bad o purty, sotd Mr. Coeman. 'It oas a pretty good night. Museum re-opening Ontrio Agricultut-ol Museum ai Kelsuoul open for the seasun Mosday, May Il. Terre ateua nuihof ut eo old exhibits. iee stut-ses aod photos, Pgu. Ct und C2. Y needa help Tee Milton Y needs dollars. Organ- mzers bave atso anxouusted a fus-filIed sommet-camp prugrues. Pg. c3. Music teacher She touches muict luthe music- tes- t-bers wo teach our t-hldren. Pg. C6. Film on crime Haltes Police bave a new fitm un crime prevestiots, and il is oinitngt-rit- irai aclaies. Pg. Cli. SECTION 00E Regiosal ltousd-up .... 3 Editorials, coumus .. -... ....0 Pesple, Letters . .. ... . . .. .. 5 llecip of the Week ... ....... ti1 SECTION TWO Sparts sews asdviewu .... BI ho84 Clasifie&d......... . MoBO RI Elati......... BlOtoBtI SECTION THREE Entertatesoest ........ O..C SPECIALSUPPLEMEN11 The eRosomiser, K-Mart, Woolco. Oakville is the bardot fût of the four muslclpelltles wblcb mate up the reglots. An average homeswtser there w0100a hoase aoueaued ai $7.000 will pay a tota of $110 mure in taxes Iis year, makiug for a otal ts but of $1,050 Iis Seat-. hontsrlisgtonth 0e average resideotial property luasesed a $0100 and residents will owe$M in10 hxes-ots $W3iscrease frues lme. Tee average Halhot s 11 residont with a home auuesued ai $6,500 oliR pay $M10il taxes Iis year-a jump sf900 tros e lst year. Tleee figures include edocation and local taxes. Tee regiots is faced withsoume extra expendtores Iis year icb relate o def cite incorred in1000. Lst year, the un- ppular se0cr surcharge systetseded up $23,00in the red. Tereowas aise a geseral S4Sî000 geseral operatisa deficit in or- cousis directly upprted by bines. Haîhots Couuril has responded lu thuse prulems hy hibista seoer surcharge rates. Coutcilbssalse derided o spesd 510,000 uts re-orgazisg 00e reglutto administra- tlots and hiring extra otaff in an effort 10 prevesi; future deficiho from occoing. Haltos fiusocial reserves ($Xc5,00) were completely spetst lest year antd coseril Talented doq A dug came to tots lut week iu etertain shodensoand showed a var- ietyu oftens. lance isaoatest champ. Pg. 2. They love Tony Patrons of Tons Casales iviera Restaurant bated to sy guudhye ohen hesoldtheodiing rusme, tutewuownero. But 00ey gave hies a btg, oarm send- off. Pg. 3. Early doctor Ml Robinsos inteis 'Milhons Tees and New" cutumu profiles une ut Miltos liraitdochot-s, Dr. J. Cohhan. Pg. 5. Backroads 10 auccesa Tishbandisamabing a nom. for iholf, oith dance-able, listes-ahI. music. A youug Mlton mansbeads itup. Pg. 6. Works director Milion Couscil oelcomed a oew pub- bc oorho dirochor ibis weeb. Se photo and Cnusscilound-Up onsPg. B. Ufetime of racing AI 84, Dec Holop rocosesho many of bs experl..ces ltbbharassracing. 1He ressosis e 0daeyaon farmrs would race thelr akre. For a NHd aaistus amDo~hn paes I t 84 tlId couniloru "Teere appearo ho, ho aome blod of a catch-sp golsg ou in Hallon" wicb lu respausible for ibis pearu largeul lac josop ots record. Provincial grauho areol beisg itcressed aithbe ae rte ou the roglonal expendit- ores o wblch tbey relais, hosid. 'Teeres s odeuht 0at police cus are the fastest growisg rouis in the province," he sddod. Burlingo Mayor Roly Bird sid the reglot'subudget hou gotse p2M0 perrt-ent oluce t974. Ho did est vote in favor of tisu yer's budget. I 00mb0the budget bas tobtepased but les certaiùnot esthusiaattc about it, he sid tn an interview. ru nway ýth hop e alsa suet Tet oas theenmd of ber propoood coseer au a iologlt. SIte is of the soeewhat old fasbiotsed phiosophy 0at a moher sbould ho jusi Ibat, aod tay home with ber childreo. Althougb uhe involves botself in hbbies uuch as gourmet cooblog, quilt aod ohied glass makiog she wou "feeling rather hored' as a bouoewlfe in Miltons. Modeiiog au u career gives ber the best of hoth worlds. Itu itereotisg and I ca mahe us in- cuese without the O o 5 deconsd. Iho ideal for me"- suys the blue-eyed model. Keepiog a uim figure is a prlorlty w100 ibis up and comisg mudel. Her tw sos aged 3 aod 5 houp br ct-t shooly on0the ruts but 0at is't etouah for Debise, who seemo 10 ahouod w100 eergy. Her daly exrcise routine iscludes a half hour of cyclinonus er exrcise be--which 0050a Christmsas preseut froo ber failer. it is not esotsgh for a model o Say slm, accordisg ho Deble ube must keep ber muscles ooed and st flahhy. She se etjoys oslblog sud lu crany about rlIer sbatltsg. Debies trho figure bas boots a source of embarrasumout for ber St timea. SIte -reseombers modelliog a red bah0ltg suit with a wrap ahrt and the fashiots coos- monhtorsying woudyoubelleve Dehbie io the moher oftwto?' (Castissed en Page 2) Clocks ahead this Sunday Tels oeelsexd Milhonsand district awitch over tho Dayllght avltsg Tme. Clocho oti go ahead one heur St 2 S.m. Suaday, April 2 aud remais as bour fast DBToende usdey, Oct. 25. Remembertin advaore the cdock one hour St hodtlme sturday nlgbt, or youi ho au Iour lais foc church ou Susday escag. And if youre beving trouble roes- herltsg wblcb way the clark gos is aeetod, the rideli sping frward, fan bartoard'" 1> la VoLuME tU-NUM8EII 49 RecOrd $58 million. Halton budgol mi 1 - d quality. 40 correctiona gwheso they did bt, warnt juice mal, accrdlng aplehurat. 1

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