Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Apr 1981, Perspective, C10

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r,10rmCnmUnhMH um an dgl5,ll ts .go 2If Pm gets w ay-M P 1 H yme raa aitzvnsusaaleDenturei a "teabeinllt ccesapebun Ranasetls it f rgtayn a'ttol~ths entT thai.Trde l Oli ntui$SAMlP dsbt 1frCln curenty aoner es" selet.tebssali. "msai a" en tbti bcelaat0Wu p p currtlytake fo gmn ma ca't bse t hWownweyson, a M par cent ta. ted caukd stmpty vanti' Mr Jltnek oed that tnt,"c liedai,laut I do>-te temajovty ef craentabre yeara - under Pierre Trudeau 9 the rigbt taooproptY, not and neither do teew=itnsdnt mtiPoica nvle are zc b- propcsed Charter of cnidred bsic bYmost oajoty of Canadiens. antil that waY, Mr en n n rwitn os Rghtls, 0110 eline-k tar- Canadians, s otM. Thirs charter iS adis- Jelnek said îecntttîf m e ned a local audience cludd i theeproposedgrete efreedoino Heeaconstiedutian atîve.te added8-1100 eecuttycharter and mal', thora- ha, ai- alleunoted re aineel e a tede Speastinta ememberafoare b. inadangea fs bl hi cutr fcu lahecostttin tecouatitet-L OfCub theti aat leIter. AJ ueltoIultn e r. wu alt on certata te @e o uQi iltPa ar% e nnim d ethnn isltue rtht ot lufrnedalt nits dfallte anad tield10aedelStaai'frPlc 0c5 ~ rian " eblr endaitger'd h prcthey ttam taischarter ta" many once Ylu ntreach MM utus thine l.ge- tMrjutnek lmented- =Itam charrmadadi tci l d s : e ilereamuAth aaatunt. ou crut.decare Itsif theeauner ni titutin waa deniendial so much of te U teb HorseClubmgoverninent, HorseClubmeet -"could be focisaed on W inning way h problem Moftheeacran- By Anisette Ambe lTe preaiietatlt Kathy omy Thene three local Grade 5 ttidents e diotitrated their winntflg lIte Apritmetig- a Gabrath, Vice-Preei- qws ht1cudb wsn anwrting the top caaaya for thc Heritage Day Eaay Cotst eti ai tee AriciltuW ntBeLerite.tngt tig apoisrcdbyMttonan DstrctKinme Mlcom atOof OfficeApeit I1tint A secretary Debbile Dan- about tee tingsta tnta Bronovillc S ilon rnccived ic t insme Mlcol CaLL film vaw aoan lai ik, and Preu Reprler i mota t buteeg Brokvie Shoo reeivd he hir prze la(» (ef), hery sd but ar AnýneeAmbo. nageemnts atnderp ié?A Dcgrunchy of Sam Shrratt SChol (right), wan awarded tveo fist Tia van fltowed Cbbyeaea argfieemres adbutUm rhg eep of whch lasto remain at ber se".iolFr00 St- dscusionan lg %d TmeCublaesfritrateubttee frîze laques,0e Am Jcmi onaoin rs lc u ae taare AIsnAmati, prtgtuaratouem piqua cc rccnc b Myo or Kanz ArilOTme etectian of officers Dos Heath and Genna fara e4un ib for tee year waa tied. Sottl. nv BeI or"s e counci mcting 1 asbdy geM le be 81 North Halton Social Planning Council oirhMtndnecor-eaab4.4 aims to enhance quality of life for citizens "ÙÛ"iotb*w'diae z "* W ete. atmiTo o- Social Planning Cuncil Bard members are Ramsay, wlter Ridiel', ordisatar of Day C=reos vite tee titinltha tanete qulty f lite il l aIe measeureis te Peggy Belklnd Jack MrySmpsona Davd Services far aslta are imprtait" of tee ctzento f North remedy suai' sitiitions. Birtri' Peter Brandiludar BabeaReglou.tIr. jetlaek sid tlut <>4 .44 HalonteeNote at-oae oftee gnoal f tbe Arense Cllatien, May Stevean ad Erc lprgi ie n te Conervatlve Party ta ~-P c4i4à ~ moooca Paains Coonit na taorineeCarpnler, Caro Clark, Tmompisos clede e Ofctas nd sttu oolpaecage lu ca0,9ir 4 Pz Couct vi btdlU emo the i Ku ares Frgesea, Fraak Tme get speaker et Iboard of direclors cond.ttutsiicae liy ee * * inaugural meeting on agencies and services Hannai', Fran Jemleaos, tee annuel meeting 'liD approvat of thee n ocl0,kea pass Api l2- a ..etH - avalabte, oy 'ycaLnleBlRrGY .NreLett, Co- titulion. governent mule, bulta no~n~-. resl United Cbrci' ietp, wutianmmate une.seintefreTueu e%4aL 7eio Trafalgar Rd. ai Five of tiein and uhere teey ioamtn ane coin-ai* Sideroadi. mre cas bercontacted l prmisies toelanpis'. « ~ , nJute16 ede u Ttueoplshiihe rametny be possible 3t cititous respoaded te Couneci plans an oegolag ntatas aoingStheree an iavitation sent sertes ol eveMspaper af.,;We Haton Hitt,and atlend- of tee services, sctt an B irdies ar #3PACýP=ftt » atta a ortiabop te con- tee CoamunmitLea are six hkOIge PLU ider thee puibiitty of Chiic, Legalt AIdO ano -f& LI &RON 3 vorking vteNADAolrRpaDptA-1ingrcer tommiof a Northt Hattenaccoua t0the Otario Social Panning Cosioil. Ombudsmnan. litre Ontviite ad Long identified ouas Les Buringtonnhaeeacti bad rominity eed, lthete Md a couard fr a nanler of Votouleer Bureau viti to Ant yes, 1the formnation of begin operattag udr tourna 0ne in teeorte vau tee aspieu of tee Jetf necesinel' te complte Ceundil. flnall the total Halten concept tte activities vil tar for th of teeeina1Social hteouiVeatereek,' veas Planning Couardl. Apit 2e teMy I. gais mhe advent ai regiatlafoitaff.ret r toe secol gorerenent enp dtee roîleeris.n taNorte taud gap in commiunication Haton and toeneabte Burti eiting letveeou theegroupa ite alminltt a p nortbero and souteerat ttereste te engage itaWvIte section. rouperative planning, tee Ku Most regional services Coanril coordnated lue alooc were ocated ta Oakvlle application fr a federat inal or Buringten and ite n Meoaver gant te ai- teei public transportation, ploy tbeee studenta te asd5 and vite ail phone calta vork fr tee Contact final leiag long distance frein Contre, Haltes Helpine aged Halton Hils, teue Hana and tee Volunteer moie services ieemed vir- Bureau. dafes îinlly uaailabte te 00e- The Counil cen ntsc of 2 Ibmr reidents. previde expertse ta garni moere bat atao been tnasaaittag groupa veio are anet North Hallon, a teck of ueeteg gante or inating mhe orgenized deinand for proposais te rarioua tepf serices; Ieoce may agettiesad terete ai ugenriea vere retoctant ove mient. to tit ares. advoay eeon bbitheei If theeservics vere of n tdiidua dee ser% uredlable li'ey frequittly ageocy diteinia. woi had feu referrate mhe Social Panniting rot lecause neiluer tlu Counil a a rolunteer mn people nor tee pro- body rompoaed of ta- tenional roimniuity terusted individuate vete were avare teey ensted. expertise ta a ida var- It ban bcome ncreeo- iety of areea. ingly clear teat an effec- Any Couard bhoeveer, ire problem-uolvioa body con b effective only i t needed te deal it' put te ful11use teouigb gaso rouIs isausand direct ipult roin ite proride naine answers. ritizens. The Social Planniag co The Couard enista te iti lhat need. deal vite conerna and In rder te acemplisi' problemu teared by is aîm the Social Pla- indvidinte or agenries in ring Councit udtl, tee arna and te asatt throngh the input of liletees ta reacling an citizent, reflet tee coin- eppropriate sluton. muitys needa, identfy An iterim Board of gapa in services and Ditecteoslas been serv- dereiop trategieF te ing uttil tee aoaual orercoine thuse meeting. defiieniet mTe interim eecutire For enample, thie rommitlu tas coinpoisd residen faiily counaet- o Prusident, Bil Toin; gintenoes oit Vire Prusidenle Grahamn ff er petral or crei Bland ad Sandy Sys'- ra lane thteeso uiti Ha lett ad Treanurer, mhe Norte Haten DoBy Mouden. lnterlm 1 f0 5 Vear Guaranteed Investmoflt Certiflcates 14%ro Mllma: Mutai MalISW"-173 TerceRaLIngM-281 Romlaasg, Mer. Hy Janet Rerecieti N t Wedoseay teree ineinerS ofi Mustang badmntotn team tearetted 1 tan 11gbte cempete ta tee Haltes aint. .f Wilows atd an excellent daY, 1 ;lnt second place and quallfing he Hatten-Pesi muet today. JeI lu hefirat matcbuis 15-6and t5-7 1 ont MXM Roblusn gbScinet. 11 td gameuee a ntas ey. He vos t- i 15-7, defuatlsg bin ppst froin n gentral. H1e tie final tveo neg agelusta guy fenQE. Park fin in atnp spot everlt vin iadrifad TnyClyford ocoinpetsd tai elsM esinet for n'a doublu.sTey ere deiuated ta dr fient gaine agant Lord Elgin tl- 5-4. mhey were vnlg4-t ta luoit al match but tel epponeola ma- td te catch up and vein. mbey 'aoc re snecesafiulit elr second gaines, aling Lester B. Pearson by a score ta-a (consolation). In telefinal te, teey were agata defealed by luer teain train Lord Elgin la-le. y fisited t overett, but oaly te four th ete Haltn /Pouls. GUIDANCE Kattatavik. Wint ta il, you sait? Itas ýnaine given te a volinteer Y-ute wvice prograin. Fer ah. monlue, you ork vite oteers your age es varlous ninuitity projecta. You §pend ftee ettsin tadmiesdiffereat provinces tain services. EvesteaillY. you vil learn and b. able te costinicete ta bote our officiel tanguaeu. An allovance of one donla a day 10 given and et te coMlaetion ai teni" moulus, you are evarded 11,13W. 51OOd, lodgtag, transpartatioa and bosie es- pauses are pravided for you. If YaU mlssed lue cep ubo ceme te, spont on Manday, ank your guidance rouncillor for inore taformation ou it. mhe George Brown Cottage ta an- ouuactag tee fitnt ta a sert- Of 'c- enta. Purg theetioi June 22-2,,tlu PriatagTecte1o 'Departiatuta effcringaeGrapltir Ata Training En- pacuro Pogam'.Reuiteintuarc teat you h. ta grade ae, ta or as asd te cnst isa 1. No prerlo n kovedge ef pritttas proceaeo ta necesinrY. Applicatioon ut h. ntatid before may t. Slu Guidance for noire tafo. ENTERTAINMENT mhe S.A.A. ta holding their "Sadie Hawekins" Dance nent veut. Well girls, ticres your chance le ont out YOUr fevorite gay. Linten te lue annOutc-- meate and vateti forptara s an t detada eof date, lume and prie. tCoinn up on Wednesday, April 2loin te anne Off Bradway Stiow. 1Relteersets start tete ek. tt's srtteduledtenstart ai.30 p.i. Lulue for edetadls about entrance fou. PLEASE NOTE There WiII Be NO GARBAGE PICK-UP EASTER MON DAY April 20,1981 Colletion aormaly matie on Eaate Moaday ti ernt .matie on Taesday. Apl 21et aloesg uit' the sal TueisdaY or". OM n TM nu CUUSAEV ^UANGMOF CASAU Mn» PM fl12 DATS PLESAIHAVIE AIL GAEA OUTBY 7AU. J.o. Maton«u. P. Eng., Oteecor of Public Woetin BURLINGTs ner WIN McDONALD'S GIFT CERTIFCATES AND WATCHES. GET VOUR CRAYONS AND FEIT MARK ERS GOING, TO WIN McDOINALDSGIFr CERTIFICATES. ENTRIES WILL BE JUDGEO ON ORIGINALITY. SENO YOUR ENTRY TO: THEI CANADIAN CHAMPION. 191 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON ONTARIO. ENTER AS OPTrEN AS YOU LIKE. Neme: Address:_____________ Telephone: Age: Nobody con do te lika McDonald' co We wish at this time to extend ail the best for a Happy Easter. Drive with Care LASTWEEK~5 NVMERS HerT mKI NNER85 Terese MikelenOS 1Th CaoadM ChaotWito oflhin ~~'0~0~*~~ -- - - b

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