Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 1981, Perspective, C4

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C4 ti.Cumdno CIOM0POI, Wd.. APr. 1, 1M0 Dr Clarkson Fre, Oy HMd oiIUoI For more 80180oty yers Dr. (lorkson reeman pay>d an (iporant a doco, hseforts as a citizen, and (1, poneer backround earned grool relpect for hlm in the e Omll88Oty. Hie graifatbgr, Wiliam Fromm. wu a 10711110 who 0M0portai 9>1018In the Waoof h Amr Revolition, an avoie1(0Up iehome in Elzabueth Town oelr New YoktO cocm, ta Cnaidaabu h le 711> 1M. Dr. Fr000080 laitier, 18ume FremAan, loi i uncle, 01arkson Frmm,haoth leroli toodI> Si> loacBrockin th.. War of 1812-14. In 18a8lois lithe> sotties! on Lot 10in0the irst conooisn GIE'h of the Dunasî St. Oc Trafalgar TownWI. 10 wa rAgge ionear exisnlce et ist as l1ss> choppMi i800E treMMby day te, lear i land. 0Log hGp 00010 (18>0001et0night as woléshcwlai aroun the area.Borno Feb. 2l, 127, Clarhsoo F0100800 wu tOhe il> chili in the family. Ater ottedithe nea>hy >ommon colfor b 01(eveyers, ho ltIe> hîppeei on the fueth10. among mny othe> Ololg, 1lie ai 00 yei earned (10w 01087 mode tilere werM in an4acre. fit 0,80 ecide i once0M 0101 li houl stooll Op chool ani learnto 0 berome a frme. Neverolelm iClrbIoA FreMOan OI811 wantod an edcalon. At is10>01wrk hie alwayî hai one of hie books wilo hlm so that lhe coli stooiy is ve>7 spore minute. One day ho lCak a rut ainderaà tre ea mige eoco 1field mi Orroset once01 is tuie. Discuvrdin the0 oct hy lis laitier, Il008 scieéi 8aha i slool prse hiesuiose lie h.wold n8e> 11100010 a gob fe r 01. Pleaei by 80088the boy promisei 80at lho woli 2man earned great respect He e 0>11Edmminprivt .tudy in oe yea> thao lbe hain(10101(00 7000 a> h>> ormoTAhoci, He sOI» t ther year in h> common chool, hn fo> a year bcewalked toPalerme, inattenld the clasws of Aodrew 1Hall>inlheGramoslr Se" Uel8. Hle Mon 1e... ta.chS o the oomon bd"osiet thIe cyne, ami ob10101Eas aprivteil pq1 a« M. Cares Rede. Wlilîe *IYIIt fo Univ0esiy Outrance h. dciéd ta beco010e a dc> 00100 8studios Hie tartd ta pratheil >LW1(iII, d a Und inConEmiIElle, a-m ityofKwllîId. He mrridsabet1010Matha 1'Colbas. the aident daoghtr ofitnUW' fist relidIet ed.i0>hlpractltoner, Dr. James C11111. One of the winieins0 h chancl of Grace AngicanE Curch in a8mmoal intaDroand 30>. Fremnm In 1M4 Dr Fr110110 10.010.a partne oDr. CobbliIandoin >OctAhr of 01010 700>bcho 0ved 1tuHiton. Apprntly hie8 offic e d rIlidence duiiw0o 1011 0r'adjacent ta the EElm10ah Cur"on mai in st in Januw7 85 01 Ewsntudin th11e Champion tht h. bld mur o1011 "0000 brick rcldance on Fait t.,,St TIbe continuation of Charls Si. valb 0o Quemow wucaflFutur St in11001. days. Dr. Fremana eI00homeIwu8 tcatai on two lots wbioh Dr. Cobb aooba PuchWfrom 51gbFolter in 101 By Apr I 107Dr Fr10018 ai beconie Coroner for Ha18o11C 00y7in8lm u8a HiiIcret meeting Hiilrot UCW met Mrd> 100180h 17 prnan 10 the Felowaip 000. Mrs. John cNoh, Preient opeoeiftoe meeting wo80 a poem aon happîas Mn . McLasghlin was pisnist for> the hymns. Minutes 00100 ra hy Mrs. Frank Wilsonon the tresArer'E reprt wîo given by 30>. H. RobIc. A than-you ai heen receivOot andl 00800 h. snt for rolh 0<1 0- ohm, pope. 10t0,18 de- ied tocpack o ale is May ta he uSeAt octhe Scott Mission. Mns. R. Wilson >0' -ote for social lune- tions emanttf. Ton banquets ar'oin, h. cat- eei 8on Apil 4 and 71. 'Tbe daffodil lunceAoOI wilt 10 10101April 2 ai MlIret a0012.30 p.0. given a Odnatio 11and Mns. Francis Thomplmi ain Ochcarge of 1141710v cburch suppl. 0 A report wu g5100 b Mns. War Braworige of the meng hbg i Ot Hiissauga calei "A1 Day Apart". A tour wu03 10101 of the campus.à There are foau> unc-1 tuare off the centre ore ooing Eden Un-1 ited, WLthe>an, Angiceani and Presbytertm chorches The peke' tcpic 008as IM &DM or cols Seniors' edii l"Sone>a lm e»ab commuy acalTliu 801 11gb 0>in mOakffle an in April ,rhe clumn 8Win ho Tlh>e Hllrest hltary writlen ly a senior - boo wsup tadataond oitieneio ila 0o lvel in on display. Each 0100- 8e aresanoiwll m ber Af the frieodsip evets, sceial hapetg Aommtto> ad beuend01001gfl0 fitro Second Sheridan season starting Me e10rid1an0Inter- dents compiaWtaiher national Some> Scbal finrsummer of sudy To Of Animain willld lie W~y for a regoda second tsson BtiOde ri- daE ii-oS, 8017 falgar Road Cmps 0100t returo for anothe> from May 19 until Augat two sommerai ofitensive 21. mildy Tbe program 00wu Stodets applylog 0> devisai inOc Emmaite thse program mail have studettafrom arcund the two Yom1>of poosutai world 0010 apply in at- ry art experliece or tend -me regoolr thre aioocatiso> lani muet 10 yer clamsialmtion fluent in ErogisI. pregro 0. Sico peereeefoc TSitle M f941e>Cao- admssin l g10 i i an sc 010 tdMtsand $» 80 Ontaro studeotsoiter- for foe g tudonts. national tudeot dont Supplie 811cot a1hut normally get the chance anoe MWoand tsereis ta tolo> aivantoge ciofn o ditiltlales11,8 SheridoAns Imilities> lac- Fs> hocher in- ulty, an wel-iese>ved formation, contact the reputatioo is 8008 field. Schocl of Visouel Arts et But lout year 14 su- Sheridan at 8454M10 For dletails on Corn & Spring Grain plas Ca& Clifford Brown Mn. j. Italand ani Mn. (larry 1101111 wee incharP of de pro. gram. Foilowisl ieo'tlo ruaIt of is Milte 8eFremoas wail ta Europe for an exteldei1vacation ioring wblclo the dacer wai an in, terotedvuit100r ai 01*0n0<of theli hospitais ib Englaooi. Scotland,.and France. He recorared is 1010 aahlth and roaumos is practice bre. Towar the endof0th8e AlerleOo 0Civil Wr Dr. Frgomn o tOIO0IOMM for service 18*alsurgeon. Durlog 0the final spring campalgis ho 0M18withGrant'& army of<0he Potomac ai Ps1ersburgb, Rchmondi, an ilE8IoIqGIenrapi 1011(10130. Toward the enof<181 Dr. Froomno prchaaart of Lo in0th8e 800>0 001ceaion00.Tafalgar givmng à mor- tgage lf>r1$0M0as8put of<the pwchase prise. AUt accoomis iicate tbat is medical0 pracice 0018a0gond1on. This *sema In010 mnfrmed bhythe lact 800 bc cargi off 801o mortgagewltion o yer. In 1877 hpuroioed o te 1-10 aceon athe .o8 utaie of Hais Stret. Hurel, a seior i izen go ysaraof0 ale oho ili alcce but008ai t lmely. euchre 5e ld e x>le By Hr. Cecil 108110008, rgo arly, 008 010 Thne regoota> taturday hom o 4>0 c e>- nighoo etchre at H>rnhy UNl compeway. Conmnity Cntre ai M-1 Smln *0nine tabh00 in ply an flocmponand Uni H . =M Lfi Ln Waoead, Nurse110>1(001 uiOIO biaiEhel Browmige, 30>5 D 00001>, M. Pa. itor souUyIIL DD"ng.R ac.R. Fe*atn. 0>1010117appelr on <ho rieni. bei icre second Wednmdoay of<010 sympo80y ta Mn. mai80 but il in lopi 10 MarinsListe> an am- estabish i na tarie o ily onthe80 ealda nlg mai80s biais. of11e> mothe> 1 u - Olde> rulkiente wll rmahuer Buck and HorIoy's b0>81010> pJack office, amiIam Fais plm AU ooa uI tcaa Dr. Frommn wu.5apraminait worke> for the coservlllve PArt7 in Dominion -omm et in. Fron lm79100Wu8the Kono ai0 0. 0Im Rom.elSartin lm bu wu1 M0 ayeret Hil10E 1r 8reM yuie. Wilh in office ho womtai harn 0the0.0>n' canWsi tta 10>g11e srviesofth Gan Tnomk, an th.faaanPacific onithe day cf hi fuai Iwh0>hwu ietayei ta .110w huam Dr. W. F Fromam, ta >11110hre fom BFek prlog, WyomhoIbo srvice1000wu0 a . . P. T. Hlgoat of FRAMED 1a (Museum Mounei :.4 - ARCTIC FAMILY .......*760.00 NORTH AMERICAN ELK..NM.00 UNFRAME KITTYWAKE COYOTE...*760.00 IGREETING *360.00 AFTERNOON GLOW MISTY SNOWY .1COAST 0. 00. Q>L.... .1 EP4f FLYING HIGH TiE ROCI<S hB.00 EAGLE. $M0.00 KILDEER BYtIIE TRACKS... $.00 EVENINOS 8250716 MIei m a Il - O111,41101-4 0 44 40 0 OT O TI > 0» 0 > -O 0 0> o ,40 > 0A s 01 1> 8 00 1 .O4Sa. sAT>,1>I>00001 Toc00 00>e,>0S4m0040>4OAA0> O m 0>0>0 r AVA>01141494 19(00,>00>4 (>0 FO>»g.>>00000044 C0 m> La m 00,0500cP0,0181010,000 0(00.>0009,04m14> P> >00 h4Tlol A odo.T0900 42 0MM»> OD»0A 0> O (l AIT 08s0a 0w0>0>10>14> 400 1» OCO>»OT50AT800 40 1421 I* O04T40>TA040 TAOO CPO00000>U>0010944N01»ONG C.Aktu re gn aof hsCep, rlmany >Ttire ahin our 98t chdul F700 prm 04GA11>80Y dsOIttaIo all47et>» in tios Tsare giniiceae en t In f>ok appy olyto i F=wA0 etl, py TO04(01404JSdA0OA00 FonoOýQwi-o d 47s and stiper DC 8. yw il) e 0a 0000 5>140400> i 980 0>(001 b' 0 0TA000>Tir-flgh metrMoiWt PAr Fe"AUn oroIo lin ane POTm 821t»ftAr n :WT M11 UK1nhncN - ~-woe PIM>1 MITO 11100111A1 Ie111ITArIIIIIIII M UIIOO1 - MIEiTMOMA 6 ITMU CICof -AL-TOI 0"OUFerMOHOUTTnUorMP. CMOICC 0.MAOGIIIEIIT.OITMEmOITUITOAEOIOECIE8UTM.A.-01,.8ob la0o @Ur STAIPS A AM MAGILOT >401(0000BE4MA 0041000TE11 TAIffl AND >40 OM 040110OACI> omo d ai, e ae 0mor "mIémlpMMmch Pm Ims b -------- al TA 0141110000010,A401lO. 04011 =01~AIeA0 11011011 Vo aatm al>adrfoAN dMu L d *r amGW. UMOI. ICI A VE OT A MAE OI AE ON Z? CI> 01100 OEIL 100004R00CMUIOM O R 4 N01 O IEMIEL. us10ISE TIOO R U.L NEE XPE3E800PIE. N ATOR INAWI AT O UIC W MAOT IMM TO ATS dOULI. MR NAIIY INS FRPROEO ICAIA amical aime220 lar = O - 080>ý00001The"- 10011000011 - 1 acoait« M t OSt 0,011000C TINTAI AT TogldoWn l,00,00010(TA> 0100000 IM *M ~ b U adýadWýb' o ý ý-- - - .W« b . . : = 00 T YI411000000080i-n Cla- fth- MÇAIA 1oaI>PIM5T0oaril,é OCdno OI t OMTM I.N.,L8AOU Mci, 0.5M0ge "OM100em O 0 15,00liaMi, WwMoUIaoaIIAITOVMMMIOGI 80U&A0.WPMOOOOECOUIMM..IMGISoMAIMoMmile00041MAO 0000000.M080M01Ml.0 IoMbLal-ACMMCIMIAM TOM '0O~oA.¶ g o .0CI.M P>T>aT>NG. TAI P"TChérAJ. MMI0M IE.8A508 M S-CrA AGT«0.O4L FaillTTTiNa000CIaOMM>AIAU 0000 al a-00001 TO0>Vm aCAAAM M000"eON N.p" 0IATAII 400004 000g00,1510 IAT O0O>ON S O PURLIATTIA N TE 0000E >AGOE.>CLAAR0Y0T01 M8OMOACO4Im .OO>000000>0011 oAIor >0 o> IIOA0>4O 000 I00>0040op IIII oog.iti« .o r $2500A4~ T00O0IA.000,.AO 1 140Il S i *110~I~~a 01*01>VHS C ITA. -Moal P O 0l0K GIMAI and YV, MMATIM0, 4PACME 90>0 AATA OT Ig& A tfMwI 0 A GI'.", On. np #0~, T$100M000000000 ME MI _ 00AOMT0 .T OOTAoTATIolaIAAMA»TA1110M0>0gI0 021011002.158 8 SiCa.G Prle bin00we l0$01.00 40 OYAO>Aoo840.00M >0>18 NOTE:300m00ThO a rii EaTAIW EIICAlI 118P. > 0440 TA 4100> IPC-AIOAO A 0. 14»404ToA LII0180 44001 400 20> a8'A OAI i oa - l rTIOTI>A»I 0>0108>011>01.40> 1=7 fl.Fr. aa TT>aA4o.TTAO040 ATC> >000>010> Co>aorT0040> a,-O>0N0>>A0011TE8 1400ATAE A DefiniteDIA éiwie ominio ________________________________________________ I. 'I CPAir ffliffl «Joy al time

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