Tise Canadias Champion, Wad., Apr. 1, 1M Ottw ýtypos,,of homes besidles single family us iets. . seatimueam ina 1115w ienlibebava ing stap bu tenasM - «be*wâ 18Ê&oebi ad cri" lai hosto. ltai nibaye m Ut o grde.Olda honmset=cdby as op eu yeai fo. nd eboaintesting yt stbsad nighbor- stoney in and onI s cuxtaix uidig your o ligf tuoes ie high touse cn coltexte eiingo, decýorative best say te enoure c lovris ss "d t~~all of ync livingn .55 lttam u 55at ana tietledIisn de e stuet 5ev omes, a lhoe-osustng 1 lTae drasbacis, basa- etlp testuraetest Il cd w«,ilistatsosteaspes- g'yo a ca Ste, ve and eaetiapsrs purotraotg a . bos. llbbrMW, e e.u-..u. a to ln- tise thâ a be and rtgstOratha Paabas s no, bcos of ras aseec cst for chenue, Wueas yot wssttd ill for tise etre group. or e-yaar tese.on te baîyer who ttsey foc]teet energy cnts and spirat Iteoto reoitI thlsee aslgle-family home. Encit owner pets e unt Yeo o on oyur mould not it in oth tise ho( lisg inflation, fumîttes other tenexts in lise A cx pertive, to- om rtion il the total mort- individual unit, noperative community. de uralooing et otier typas building. A board ot dir- ave, lu ex entlrety di- gagsexnd tux isll accord- Lke e condominium, Most peope wbo cet or iosing, see, s:c=dbptisa feronatitétr. lObS you loglat=e ofh unisait tae-ortt xsa-chassa Se in co-sin er- )avsey-sseteate ratb ies l.jois eesatttu a rcina i a tiegadb =adetdr eiroauly e c asas esea-Umm 9= t -loUa. is f oret a bé, aissebrisit sesr. Utb etss prtvataty.oaa Wt .-1011 ne ym wt 'tiaseuent te »B bWlidi oret of ohm eisrecarttftoata ite sacodonatlas, isasastr, aslMWastho y tisa a suis, mmt beys ceeuttmyeu ufisttas.boloMsais e ê c-opaatle aidbu If eusessssidfaste = 'lteriear nia ste ee cas asi t=, esais y-er pu nseohneal uxasden theattsiaPerpea lassa or canet psy is / bar trcnptax busiessaof Revers.'e mortgage plan may be trap for retired by lesad. tee aa mort-re& = . Yon or peur bes suut and bavaeiacsbeitfst ua th - asd pjem-a-bave cn Rasbaig. CA gag-or RBavursti rti es t or2 ar pet o otm ~s 5d. payasst t eplaet atrien etaisea p Thea revu itlaamssMrgaaIi)-aThomy.lsea teltte dast ctirament incete aist.e sarataet gatrai msa hoa onte5~da tse anet alt s(P ' osnst obvias tist tih encptsalitcatisatea te lite intesaInlation. tn addition, peu $* te issp suppasmentiarsgalc= te Yeu dagritet yst as slit catch on, a~ sfastiy hise.s mutstlie in anar s* hatEt Incoua e of ud berhue- saisit.urvve nti ale r ho- trusttcm ansd Bt tisaconcept bu ase ot dtrasegs te osapa-o l mp h aie eety pu iass ond. Prom tisason pas otisiners atz ieshiplenttst pobtema yo .at ansudl tcap for.ls -t aer . uqte 78 pret of Mth isa althaye nonda int- benosf holding s For exampta, theemont ite sicuttat condition, et Wober tisadscle ecurets a=tedvalue, cossa.non boue, and only morigaga on-asdeaern- of peur mootty c is veue-and tise c b. a~nd ald ia ignter-i5:petcent oftae Po- igite nâtasifcm-tbo salit inerease if t a vai nt of your mastity ab e iniiuelst on&aithtisapayststeoneIronthtie ale assmepropsty for as Mftae basa. rien-bat cbeqas-stay medens.a. ciosnsanos msade. Tishet stt Snc eusasd o ais ny as 50 ear, irt ont saert srl ia at o f Ma My advlca e oacyosenty ho atit deai ttbat ot s ts alsa csnvsntioaaletcase el.ot uaaet nder an RIS itesstidt isewes âge 9, saiichevr castsn ppesstn 'aas ttgg or it5pacl, livingInte .pet fe m uidh repisingly M concept t, apposcisl tiOre. On pesta deatis or c:aMlntstcgaa iesvsa raveeyemcsrasi state vainateesta l.usteeastrate 1t salt grot caution asd slsbMidp t at b ade ad aao treg ntiser.1 5. stasy reusa-cis te Mf14 pet oent, and cas- saab lstpacllal adyte. salithl od dUt e atrei abutteomure AndlisibOs onb, nrstai estttt addde- od#g thles75 pSet ei 2e ACRES BUIILDING LST Mtt wooded. 3 miles from Milton, ne 5 pe moftfage t _________________________ 12%. . e sjm..hos ,rm fuLl1 IIILLSDUROII PARRSa le a 114 acrea wttl barn m tom and htUhway frontago. MILTON STARTER 1HOME EAE- AT LT. 50a t . 3 bodrooma, single famlly homo In convenient location. 1$10.000 doten andl nos lut mortgage wltls the vendor. 1 I Ua Il SI' SEWNOYOURI CONNECTIOmd .- - . Il. . W» «W 9- 40t f. Mps h.- 1. *. -sb.,a eusse*.tWW.eas s ela - h-'. - » tnMORE l- ff h- e hous- - n LuE ffltetttuta e. k a.. Uag . b-.u -d1%l- O ta csc-aN«.d. ý le uHbu.*Mx xtau,m, xtalm msqW5n.atasO.so Ontus ,,sbs.uosct0Oeiblm15tO5tt h- -dIMeN PECJLSNI 3hN-WA ,-. k l- , o wo - Raity WoSwCm edRa auaLa. 24 MM6 etUnbei8784M COUNTRY n10MB Attractive brick bungalow ln Milton zoned for reuldentiol and business useo on 1 acre. Ideal for famlly enterpriso. $99.000. 41 ACRES South of Georgetowan, corner ptopotty. rolllng tend. sprlng fed pond. 38 ACRES On Trafalgar Road wth pond, north of 401. ls SACRES ranm i tis excellent building. 3 frontagea on Trafalg*ws of Georgetown. 2S ACRES QEOROETO*WN Buldings and atream. excellent location. Dosan paymont *50.000, balance et 10%. BILL KELLY §MAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 878-a6800 C. GORDON TODD REAL ESTATE LTD. 2108 LAKESHORE ROAD BURUNGTON Axumà,t olO/%/ morîgage due Oct 1983 Largo 3 bodrooco (could be 4 bedroom), 3 ireplaces, 3 bathroomo wlh ensuite), tanlaulic modern kitchet with Island". Applancex itcludad, intercott, custom bul - ail plater constructad, June or Julp posession. 10 acres of magnifîconl paxtune lond bacbxs oIa conuervation ares. our hnuxe cet be used as a downtipspmenll MLS ilad. Dan Kovalîcis 639-3300 or 637-2562. 8411 -MUOINOLOT 5 acres reod, magnificent bush, 350 teet by 650 test. 00,000. 2 acres of cloared lond. Must ba 500v. Dan Konulîclo 63-3300 or 637-2562. NEW - RNR. 1, ACTON -la ALOUEIIIS $230000, 3,400 square foot 2 storoy dellght wvtth 5 acres clesred land for pool horsee. Exactll 10 mles f rom 401 and No. 25 Hwy. $75,000 mîge. t 101/% due 1984. Solld oak trîno, ensuite bath, sunken tub, 3 fantastic lreplacen, grou.nd leaie famlly roao, S5 bedrooras, one ofn the beot bulîf homes in this areal1 Dan KovaltCk 635-3300 or 637-2962. FOR FURATHER INFORMA TION CALL DAN KOVAUCK 03M0oe Loobîi hou»,. Yon satght hbans itrste off cettain deal Isetuon sauta bttpofrtntto you. Fo, osai short cnmsutisu distance topsel shoota nies as a tanin tfoe, set, fot a second bt nec!tatas ut, sabe toucon bettes sfditl Mobi soteato yu top ptatitieu, sacheask T'h.is iido doubla duty. lixti smet tx t yuwnt ten n e thstnilln&lacentls 1 9M... 90A0UM A CALI.JACKIE VEOSLiRMEN $17990 DON'T KNOCK COMPROMISE by JackIe Verdurmen îlor b on.? Tbos, nsbablo saht mgmend te oigedortsuoh a daa a uftmmî M autel. l'h.,labno pafect endl veasy fanfamtilis cafallre ecay- ey viet. Thismaacompomise. mbisfet Iso atasta0e 105h oha, mple .o no eep d ouset gctsng ua initbsmoreiland orvicse aa. Yoo oldd bath - thon «Wthefeeily oom you teli îiontioo. exboois, ttaoba, of bailsoots. 1 o 0&ý tb.a hsm oosnsn 010...!to alos lfy yoWPMbablsfuture oaeds IMMACUL.ATE4 BDRom CAL LJAC KI E VE:ROMEN THIS HOME HAS T AL CALL JIM KERR CALLJACKIEVEROURMEN UNDR5TTEELEANC îsFNACINOEescco 50ettFOOT LOT COUNTRY - OERtI ACRES CALL JIM KEAR CALLJACKIE VEDRN CALL JIM KERR CALJEAN THOMSON *Ulm BUILDING LOT IOn Mil Street, 71 o 132. Would soit a large Sngle home or a duplex. Stalla Paton 878-0666 or 822-1122. SPECIL N077CE OUr aupply Of home$ for sale la running low. W. have WAWYOMMOmeny purchaer et present. Now la the lime to Uat vaut qaiy Cei o tel oouon thte market. 4BESRVOMS home. Why flot contact on. 0f Dayley Macean'a Profes. Jeanomsvon te7-OaOot87s0767. CALLIJACKIE atonal Real EstoieTeam now. B*LE a à eSPRFESOiL EL £STT gA I I A MINI FARM - $116,IM Lovely 3 badrooro bungalow, radacoratsd and immadinte occupsncy. finisheil rec con oaIt hbarn, excallent morgage 677,500.00 ai Il 14% ii 1084. To vewlt aStsalleParlon et 878-05% or 6M-1 122. 1 deiing, as RIli stlg =ppsl50amontitona asa appriesiai t estesO. At b5dey's pion est stigist seoenuS* tu asie asuti dffetesce in pour stylaeutflving. If yon reroadiwieg a .vcasorluge,os osdeaI* pioesetonai advtce tram a layer, et a card -accalas Mr. Ronbserg telalt Roseuiserg & Ce. Lisse erad Aceomtmlsa il can montoreacisstage o canhtio in te eura tat it in balng dens prop- iestl-dataoised, rosa and Sis houseare. becastsg store popular ase beusng pilon con- tinon te licoi. AitUtru» typesoM hosteg arag- eretly cisaspertas a anlge-fastily dvaiing atim*gbsay do sot ai- low for tise semne pivacy. A as-etcsdhome te datlnesa useaetiat cantalos Ivo esrate unite under ose roof. Tise costaos Watl mas