Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 1981, Sports, B4

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- _____ ~ '-~re-- E~8cnxmi Dmmc NOVICE n-. . te 1 1as. ente ingle . . ten. Ue etnsnll te 12eeia 2a pusdnb»atcree . a5tb i a a rda M.in White os. Dse ed ti.ae mtiesitebalt .t - u1.ho Ptininty ,vJ,livivu.thIYth011..W.asIW pLya -1ain OaIaWiSt.Clar payaniiinlaoeiot Ce as.- Wiioaed t9 a OsngynaD""rsrcai ma onM t1M batsub, lm ltstset ie a ot n eeetwN . an. aUnlthe kmasone setteikkd t. Dtai,. ith Ua. WStem ud nii ams Pui NM nutb tamtscrl. Sais 'av-ion!iand icsurmonn fiieniaegaintan mitsiifor utepnam ai. aia âMel iMnn8hMn.ffmd$ TstabseMno ji &c .tante nia b m itu Wut" lAi-ta" tao.telm Usons SU. ewm tiDRU Firefighters . a Concentration: Looking pensive before dellvelng lber atone from the hack is Katie Sifton. Katie receives intructions after studylng thse situation on the bouse ansd prepares to, throw. It's reality McCutcheon rink tops Grand Valley Te olae pitras eg. or e- Y coileag e n a tnedta.bt asar realty. toietiter or ol île Mofaiy cooaequence, l'il Iletyt ho tise judge. If pou deoitappon la flad il particual stimnulatiag, pou nay biesa prieint. There once sente big ti aitp- poglagod old Grtind Valey on Mne oenkedoere&sente of Milloate it inotasitowed flra ti ned opan. plel. Ouir ery oOfl John McCutcbetit, siipa italeted rio Mf Hasel Rid an erysd nPeggy MPitafilwoneitl treegmaned flalahod fisntha aUe 9 MrPhailloasestair NHe flgured lf ie could tlit Johninto trowlag l bricit forte ritiit. bh l inte pise for sure. Happity for hintie wosa. As ie aloapo aps, you cannnver bine to mny extesion cords! Finiablag ol on Meçuthbonne hola la secoend or tird place I Nobody could rententier' oas Elaer Dredg nd ic tean of Llade Coten., Lrry Plat snd arit Dredge. Lid niicsted oo niant of s pies- sure t otia 10 curl reit sonnas of Elner 's eature-si least oibn teto gane tiey oon. Sh oasant quite an inpresaed reit the thitrd ftine, bol redile bd a god encnanfr ter e laie-bn lhitit wcu a 10e-gante e Our lcala dld'tltlae quiete àas ml inla te second drae, lhougb Mite aid tI lnatiter Cataba, ncurlig eie Gerge aind Holly Mcafflo did mnaee leidn tala liird placefelloed by JaU Nureai and ic riseitoM Marlase Gicirit,t Murray EIIint, ad Kesda Ntsc..i AndhfertUem ofayen-nia vrse wooederlg-yas.es elBu" ftrac d i ntske the trpitnOrand Valley.Inlad ES br is partiy resoalble fr tise delaliad coverage oftien da e actinitina Hin M PkpDf d . e , iaasidte, la rentala nanel tasiella ustaI lseon byllitaseperformnace, iaewu more i laleesled la reperllag oashl plel1 tiai crllag la lIt Spnaklag oM ast-M-lace itenplel,u congratliolns are la rder frt biltolno sry McKay, ria sipped i iyitp! 1Waaere) a rsckin(are Ypet ready for Ibla) Gnnqel weeken es o taddn't ecsalybe i, coegrablated frh isaencne, cricie oas onewiat llaslled lai fr tisefart be oa artaaliy abmla conincef soeonelaogolaltoai'eplel and let hbIt Trylag laoercoet iblahandicapj oas Barrys cile Joyce, ebo played- vire, sud feirer fMonde Vince aid Breode Denaan, wris uféed nd stie fronlend. lnauMlfalrneaei l enesl ie iBoua pretly laugb 'eplel. im enMKay ricit ho a d o e agant lacapture te foast eventl. Wey la go liarry. Int sure oeil tee e lot nore oM pou hoing te baernt fromn ont! "Reach for the Sky! T at s aswer on got wdon on asbed olat Bhie-Wcs Bilding Systeors hari planned for the future After that,oweoantnettofer oe So oe oatcheil theirogitiae:CreptenzadDesgn Systeorin oteration Tournoi thearcomponent fabrication lacilities. Reirunil thir delivery schodules Analyzad their cost ettcieicy Studieit ther completed projects. The prossional attitude and advanced technotogy corivinced us ttiat tiehlen-Wiclres Bilding Systems is head ayod shoulders above ther competition in steet buidng systers. To our ooy of thinling, a head start is the only starf. Consequently. on proudly ansounceor association elft Behien Wictes Buiding Systeors as your area boîfde. If you have plans ta bail n the future. ohether Ots cmerca ndustia or institutiosal, talfto as And get a professoona estionse te o ur bulding needs Tr-- -- - -- t . n- - :AGRI-cOMM amoumovemLmL m s ii rrnrabout yS ourresoosiîetioote *sM« - IFtON- cL_ Cotlsaifraa Pg. BI) TSamb Dgo out b te wymf ortl itare lise thetery of Ti$ Raiera Ede cma lgettiag ai unaSeited aest becase tif theciose- en of Sta e eaid cnlrary tireporte lin an- Me- atoer fiNrNdSISor FiPe- ldabies athe fiaal mer- Ib eteitof theSite 1 rvu dellnered by Doug tItineotf Ffreflgbers - medGeerge Cacas it tinbre ie elit ai aet ip Chte. il asrely toonitheiennd out Of Oncn. Thie coniact gante la eeppoed laitnlottg te 1tcr youser gaceratias but elllte "ide" abadd tait, a lassas frein Nadelinae Johnit Dont.ose MOfte alot l"r ltila of te lague, bisc on- tant r Cas Itaelarate -eY itgi. Yasager pie- fera l inte league asfl taitnleed. Ail Johnttreally wnis tla efIM l-out gante frein isc rese and se celtalay sets lte exampletryllsglaeola iercelp but clealy. Nada#a wis wiltasul teianerenrs ofKelit Brignmanisd Guy biGinals obile FIre- fIgiters onre elithout Dein Iabiri. Predictlag an astione for lieote slen l neasy. Ibo cluba have payed al- motee o h lper- ada l in ie rasgantas. Nadalla neds tla hei up lhitnr deifenaeve worit because tliey one categit aapçtlg aeveral daas l inte gante eod except for Rowllo, could bave been itiocroaway erlp. lna enuiebell, Fire- figitters ored la pltiy dmrn full perlade of boc- key wiitoasi lettbg up aid relylag on Balnp la itnep lte purk St itay for titan. As lt peuga, sgo lte geisllanders aide only iope clean goalc are scored lao in nol Sun- No ma#wwre drtteint wm, ianptaW nmatSUD- dsyla use wbo easpthli cflape S theng-e. Raiders stopped '& Tise hockey ansascane lnanaiabrupt and foite (leorgeoWa Ciryle Ri&drs " apas weekends i Iler drine for te Hardy Ce, embatiaatlnl- terosediale 'A' hockey spsuacy, wae elopped before i aeungo elarled. limmncoNorlboars -ereitlantntatipet te local aide aid tey dLd itla fine style. Tise Raides dopdteopeecb gJse Mofteibaslf tM ea seres n Tmmis 87 aterleadngntucititeway. J The foll igbigh, faclag elintatias, il wusDo coateat as te Noriaar coeed a 9-3cin le eep the srees i s tralghtl. Tise trouable elarted fr te lca ihockey leant before tirey even bt lman. The Raders lait as te Thussday evnlag gelag Ibn tita n aiesa.oa teir way up. Ticey stopped! la Sundritige (abast) bati oey f or te evenlag aid tasite troubles Early tie nst norelag te leant crs e aleane ta make te final part oM lien jarney but wsetley wenl la board te busta tey fntnd ase tlitlg nttscag-te bus lais.f.il - nssomnin-a teretedlnlearnilg ew indrvetenmoileasunit ad decided tl akait lfor a spn, unsoinlaplayer, mniagentent or te budie. lbey fcma dte stlaîn nehile 1,500 yarda up te rtad Consolation titie goos to -Sockets, Mlton noice Sorits addnd a Pa"r. caurnd te conaillati Paul Car., jin rbontplioaitp Mo a Bam neitd Darreit nale .aueintal ttavIlle blped out iet twe oner te weekeod elle a asssea aplèen nlie 10-2 vlrtory oser Preatoneinaagle asaia C ent la Bd te the final gante' Odreiyd, Cola Bradley, TWllonitrg blaaked Ed Dillas, Newitp ad Soctla5-t inl te opeeer Me.i before Milton oad Inlise seinover ittck ith aiti7- 01. ove OepaGrenbit fe Hespeler aid te nlclery fo gal RaMaeB" oser Prestnic lipts eOldreiyd and Carleas tl te conolation troldty. for one goal naci. Jamet Gee rns lad Socitlaoffenilely la Oldroyd M"i iad twei bot wino wih a totaliOM astena ile Sradliey, olae goas tecluilg fine Bsen Nd rniitd one is the viclary oer a"eil acit Preson. Adrien MeS Tise laarnentn cipped min olit tiree n creid teear fr goals wobdn MaIl Nesnby 5ockb. ANCIIOR' AUTO COLLISION 878-8424 14 1 dh lui m 1 e Custom Painting f a Frame Straightening e Collision Repair FREE EstimatesI 151 Nlplssing Rd., Milton Units 4 &5 1029! PEEWEE to dm.S= te ea. i *sae-bybIn4.srgstel Brossa lapone Mi Mettesic me PMlp m oues 0" uq t» m" is . e-y tep. efliahalasi WU a vei aa. tis vougouia wMWai ni mmom Ite CW a dupa tnta goa Gri "d i J"ia Misasisi te a W - m nsZ eFe- at ftn a- ser.-ai"M eee ise meiiM tetisfounets do"ai Ona main inite kW *0 Web sMe - p m- Psi-n - sd nsars Bffl teintniiMn Sais te tad 0" W eteis teNta Mnte Mnssy is nisiss Mn«MaNia i& m e -Laaipiar huaiÙt .nvo tse daud".1 w .bnsTs«iame a ilt niba. W*ifor te p Kadsi*e&i DANTAM a ls. sii e la JaDa 5 2 2 1 n il 1S o"& . . tI8n as2 J-1 Sanaste Pn cSl nons M Patm n mne anhsl nia4.iOrsM e-a nvia a S. GUaGies. lais PWite e-d Cffqa. SOM -wtand"ino tua et athMIl3. Niny teani M Pstamas Pis lv- Gr a Na tateJ« i , O te Cxn tey th %onTON 2434 IARTON4T.E. I m ,1029 SPEERS RD., HAMILTON 561-4324 OAKVILLE 844-9348 &aAuARM Seo Our Hugo Slection UPolicy- îa e, iefly ertl"d t. i l eti OUaTElaiSnItIIENOsiSAFFeua -o" $uper $pecial k)CB65's - ~ $uper $p.ciaI INSUANCI DIRMT@RY F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSAJRANCE CLEMENTS Et NOBLE 216 Mailn St.. Milton, Onsf INSURANC GNYLD ~~YLT. ,JC a{~ !SURRCE YOUe i NOEPENDENT AGENT 4F IINCE 1934 Min0&7t217onLO I 7 29 878-2326 'Wl BELL ALL CLASIESOFINSURANCE" 28Mi tetEMlo 9 N18829 NMOPOm.E wwnRAMKNIGHTINSURANCE "'esk B78*18le LNA\ ~AGENCYLIMITED e 747 AsSES MILO LTD. Don Knight, A.1.1.é.ra aie 17 WNéoeiiDrIV - SuftO aFr'pdu AM 0ý e 13M 0UFE Cckllllllronwettoasre et Si 511UM Ato =«a_ We.l mwSLtd. 7SU7 Tnmu.Ls.f0IU & J88107iONWM at oi - NOSSO - Onuanlo COACHES for fi-on MinerHokey 1 Rap. select Hou. Lfflpe TMMSm AppRoallona me now b.fng acoe"t- md. e aLMalm iApt 14t4 lU 10 UsMhseNmOay PA. Dma37 (C wl. au ah Aý w fil wi du a, su CEm YC ai a

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