tavTaeei-s+n- I. Nw Owce nglian hurc minate nen haard Milesnmwu a yli al s etives hlhas an oallgattn cernm idith paor, ha antyres seeh i hockay tosa, ha lies mouJd liaehat in rom- ta appuiîtota a ida var- said, Lenvox fteoin aîtea hed made uhe tutti deni- mio. ey ni poopie Mi,La-nno arinie. i. siva iv mono tauliace Oaa ai Mr. Las Iindihe years aieadi1 Mitoirom aiwo poit Soifar, se o ol..h AgliansChrcli. , p=ri »Ueohactvsnta sait tuaestaliiliGrâce chargeasear lFort Ere- sid. An sdsattad hckey mkaGramc Onrch aaOstisit ai a charch ltidgesay Anglican 'tva heas var mg who aisema " gdmore vl-aclested shace e Sfmdi-aoc it. Joh's tanpeaiad miditha paria h thé Batetuds, lb. esngregattan. R lans ta fernt h ahr nad Stavesvtilla. asdadier pauple t'vasm Lessawusas lbwsc satrasse dimportaice sya oigt its Prior ta diat, haspnthere. 11w~~~~~~~~~ seaa f<ac m tast idatm Wtleaf= cctshl1aC ha iryears ai StiLu=ea "Oseaare a lot of W (3ia!diSady Masrdi 55,d is hin prathng aid. ta Birtingion m sadpespia irecd an tsta amr iarIneam cesaelis in ngIeg ii yasrs ta ani ldiest' sctd ht0 o b~5 da ar.Peer "I wonidd M ecikint ha chorcli, lb. Luises emmimty ctiscch ta ing idi dies." Ferd. andyciMpa t e hasasa danger indihecor- Mr. emaxcsehane ta ca em rden adascy tast a lMitn "W. an afready pie- religios 1f Nnrfot beaum f il*repu t ag a Ch'ritmai pafi- "Ihapa die chorcli as hena f wii east, partli sOuPffom -'t------t il@ ot- In Guelph offers seniors cmnetty. piicasaid cdier famdly ra «u yi "I llhe wscc ihin iievens. U 10s graClous retiremnent living with peantd ai1 faItt ha 't sestd aoaIs heta "Itmuet cattinnesemm- superior accommodations, opportunity ci sortig onS cat mIithlaos.s igt a i arad mas&srie idi mrseola woidd tpoo n as&srie ha escttag' hai. " ap agiayus ltim iinjutice," ta As part aifa aisoUg dappteiys I.FatfuilufeMW l (ea519) 837.10 csmmuslty thea i-er sld. " Marl. taiso hellavea il mi-semate"à1Mmre ctd paet at tadt ha, ltaiea he duty ai diacharch vile Barbhara aiddiaier lb. L-ms tesa to ba ring togallier dithe orflkStee two muesPaick 3, and ?fllaGraceC=ircias spciaiprsafaidi 128 o okSre tanil iwotd fit t "iddthe daroad" adscilo=ral G ep= nal lien. ~~parlhdhat dmanetfall Peite mt ep, nal .Thsrara Ma ltalai intaaou categM ofihaing msg ai ad raies NI H4J8 ya n mil rcd a stictly"high or tter spiritulltie idi ha ai lajs chorchAi the Gcd aiddies r~tatas _____on_______ -'The Conadin Champion, Wad.. Mai-. 25,1931 S [ton ai ho lry ahd sl- 1i PREVIEW MEETNG 0F [HE DaisCamegie Cours The amsecng Power Oi a trainail mmor Bah enan oie ndelf NoCotr bigti onl *o DATE: Tueeuhy, Amore *felvl MenME t2p.mg L- dvdalgous sn Noe Inf or etigon =IoTrre-a etn=o"ra em agrffatAon to become imvotved in North Halton may lose crodit counsel Craitptgua nf-sldeation' soud have'ar=ume t htcredit die Halte eidn i hagives tW deaylng praln e aid to in- face dtaetkm of crédit service ta norclern direct demanda an other cneellngservice ha- reideats hacause af dia social services provldad cas i reionel relluat . b heiaraglon and allier coaici'; emui t pr- If we are gtliag 25 agendaes. vIdafoacae assanepr etofcrc "l Il Jugt mat fair for us ta a ocia servce Pom d a n lddinher taue dollars raisad hbyt agacyare ne vountary dollars dia Oahvilie United Way Lashs e dacesacil- ta, suppr hrIintaovide service ita lom plovdaom mdlçamSýý y hava tapeopie fom hanortli off milesrommedlie hadoe,' Watt said. tha region,' Mr. Watt l thdensi inpant a aspacisi presen- said. tha tlIesC=e mr attas ta, cunil Watt The HCCCS operatesc Credit Csas.elngu er s alw iasric at e widi anc fulltlime vice lpd ie - taIe amallor and supportC Thea CCCS sMadl eldot ayhal a-services prvdd hy di <h avleae tie s 9 UM MtOahnlle Fad ervic Service Bureau, provida clients, ha said, ose Bureau. Efforts are ce a eulawh mgahaNM ttt, p in hng made toanedi havaetut con 1 aist idilrIS criitae. staff hy a part ime data nad face Wlnsi l agescys casesellor. hashtruptcy sdisoiU g inalraqaM ssces- IWe silheaspproach- assitanasce. ieebythaHeld and ine air leaders for help tnanaiintervins aller stati l Csiitce, aif se camaI ot lil.' "les ses SucnecilIl sWU rejectsd haasse Mr. Watt said. dihere la meeting, Jaime Watt, some nhers fail lI wss no qustion diii se si pr".iethe dagency. net a social service and have ta conider cutting id "arians cmn- sera nt swayed hy et service ta dia sorti." THE NEW SECTIONAL BED.. ..ail the seating spaCe you need plus a big, ComfQtable place to sleep iwo people. 5-nCh thiCk foam,_polyester wrapped seat Cushions are reversîble. Foam tîilled baCk Cushions. Comforlable toam mattreas inside loveseal section opens inia a double bed with VALUE PRICED MODERN BED SOFAS Encosed ioam maiiîess for greater comieri and sestfi lsleep Long wnaring plaid olefin nover Bock, ioam paddied Foam reversibie seat Cushions $ 4 c ýý Tes advsntage of aur other'Off Sealson' savinge and install a Carrier Add-on Heat Pump or Central Air Conditioning. Am-an Hast Puesp Cui pair Cestrai Air Condtionlng Long hieatv cni pctuving heait ram rango seuiher torecasts aaggeni an the air ouldoos aad pumpivig t eacenaiveip tot nommer tor 1981. indors ill a Carrier Hait P amp. -Toise adoantage ot Carriers ln sammer, the hait pamp Spriag Relatasonaira cooditionivu tavernes ta heap pose home ceai ants vos and spandeery avd comotahie noummer vn cool camiort Iv adiiton te the Carrier Faciory Relaie, the Faderai Governmevi soit naînidize 50% ot poar isaatihon coultueoros hat -Diect Faciory Relaie on the Total pmp-ap toi maiumnoft saoo- Carrer Comion Spstem woint providing tha hast pamp sanan 50% inctdan Heat Pump ar Centrai Air oi your normai ai connamrption. Is Conditioing, Gis Famaco. ait part othnato nala effort ta Etactronîn Air Cleaner and conserva air i rasoarcen Hamiditier Otr avelalhtntiltAprit Sth, 1981. Ta quatity tor Carritaci-chts aqipmaatt mastIna instaliad and paid for by June 150 HNAu S àAM CONDOtTlONtN LTU. t121eMM OR «.DftA ovtj-a e. lAMaO 14&2202 SKLAR-PEPPLER TRADITIONAL BED SOFA a. . eautln ln florapriilwoh w me .Sprng ivdmr ss nsde sa mokas inoadoubebed.eReversibe noam seat cashSs -TVad sabe hoadrost aAmncaps and coveed seal decks.- Mactîng choairaaabe 8 One yoarcover On-the-pot-plck-up, delivery extra withln 48 hours. North Service Raid Burtingican".r QIE W. bGuelph Lneiniai-change OOOtSDAim A M 0060 M 004055 hOu 1T09PM 3/i Million C Fi Furniture Appt inca _____________ Warehouse and Showrooms- 31/2 Milan ci. ft. Fumiture - Au iance Warehouse and Showroms / 1 00000 ~,'/I ) <i