Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Mar 1981, p. 31

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-lfw 1~ Aha,, Art and Eddie Dy Dma SyMr t am lflieg a pramias, made yesr ago, by wnetlng abonutIan iofte tonal j lutnynmetnhaeAekntwn. Al asti Çdde terene rdt ny ciae buinessma sacieai, ltewra alan heamtaddl ilit it ars"hasch fac Wagntahâuar , aii rie wda t, haveudl.tcltp ayb kM e-d Blithg whaitalMMe. I1ua pua- Il Art Eddi, sud lUir wVle. Uirrangd amnsldisuerparyte laa hd nt val! itaevs Chie.. reetaant ta davtnW Terct. lTe grmq pgilhu'd ilMA'a fer coatlis, aiesaleS ut Mdfr Chistava. hAtee clvscsds i cira wurasi tres QaMsu* a, Ousaiheva Wu avalvsWM d Itas uha 'lai.1 d@- ý .Art, drlvlsg la the a su pgWIlu, a«edu ta wa*tt hand Goilg ot of ieua, hauat1ppsdnsu s Patafi Ir.Msd aMd he ià"i. t Il» asdiy wu isrlvdWllit&s 1 fev mi"te. tee guimam valtI1 ta MthediuoffinlafronteaitMu rami-1 aisin, and ulmitg temh raNlantee saarhy arisilkt. Tehe réarV dtomtiewu vsIllgam i ume d' "Wltms rt' M? Aap atems checitud theehmmls masMu belah tati% d trmsd wvsun.itrta haufsMM- Iduper h M a ee t"vu ta -wathall arayeu dtag -t lm?,. :Ils myasIs.t ont walt an Il." 8Sld var 'ldriva yaa ta Emer- t gracy'I Jo naret ni, Eddiehelped hi etretd tinwn ltae crontirtihnnpital cnrrior, usli ho sealed an empty wheelchir. "Biitthe ' ha sud, s ha damped ait ltea gromng itody, 'TB Iolat iie And lho dld. Smas.s dat r!sdcm-. pletd he sun»imais. "iatrac fmt- ara,"hamuid. "l'm atrid vers iip f ta haeta hasp yau anarfer avitile "No hleadieg vîy," acrasmed Art. 'Eddie got me te helI oat ai hmansd itsm-"hdlalely, pro- pâig thwsdci letilgroat spaud, dwth o oadthe smarast suit. Uriarttitlel, l in i stiahriSc, Eddselot No lpa5tladet thetop ci &. stepru*tp.I rens mcoatral lte chir sud MAttaitf, itmdieg fer lte stres ith ierrsiite vularly. Titi car- aeslsg veitie, itici t ilardpedes- briesitaua&ldiracldc, flsstly cima la as sitrapihall, phas it ha middle ai teslreaicar tricha-Iltsalie piuuanger acrsaunlal shcitimainsd heinging trsftlc tasa alantilI Edde taltharescaeigisHaoafa and puhadAtt a aity, sud, drp=t direvwaraiega, hacit ta Emergescy, titis lim ta stay fer perier treatimul it vu ciii.sd-crideha ferrvamia. A terit inl aiide, outoap apuk, vitie Eddie purtsrmied hie impression ai s maillerhe. Tinte hmasnetivinda, an la aid. MAta@miuadysnue ars noaieeita. WitsuhagMotil abckttagethersgsa, hoaad hie huddy vers radp fer an- tter aer.dlaale We'lciathattai test mne inalltai lima. Third world baby plight Dmha r WM S Eulg iJeuLav iltrocad Muhle predacta Dqtrtaeatai amiMu pester1erMu Gitaay petera ai CitrchmetisM'0aKrch eveis uerIee healtey. hippybhuilai it, ite is Iuprésfn. Monle. aitaviitee hLated lTe prsideant Ja s Btaspok teitanMuipclams.'uIsa" 1:1 Fllaedhy u aim inl Third Wrld ZaaiîdLv usi ofgi - WittA cMîtrié. meMuera fraieimleof Fresd W. Have In ev motMra, immis teir frMuas hafeer Mu Jeuas" amd i rier. tadaMhesutfr her matera anr hagis ta lus ReitMasladMuhe ahy, igilail rait vda nuseaiMuir haiai. deotilus perld utsg ar e hala=m aged taOonce te frmudila t Epeis s a ts prepred hahy forud ap, il lata olongar Psiie "Abltaa" r ai ritee tan physlcsliy posberta strewed ilatMu criptr, hrsat-tsed Mehaiei. nre hr aby. tiavaver in averyday Ite Lrge cmisa, Bac ot hmumtear va tmdtamtriceitMu estls la p=,lcalit". ira g ea t uaream tla tiaatives citu"Dun t ulng vsrles MeUtee theuvllage waterstPl dot,h arthti" ennurm a tuse sim uvute.. ~i Ammel anniversary held Mir. sUnir. Fred ume of Mileon lhe Amu ft eestly csieaad 1h51 ffl lit tram Hallisal - -ig mh w. ha'- An es tasahls lsees l afuiadi fartrs eat egtaaLtrs OmagitPreshy dis.r- eyanidaews eda Amnae a finei p ma trapahrtiteaaan, Asaociation an St e Av hen tghttrl*ivtr. n ety Mr Atn frtend and tinly nette guests. fur 1'tta,. th Mes. Amnir recriveti hrr frieada la a Deumquin anti charmlag shrt laeglitgav in ahades Mr. anti Mes ai lasanti white sud vare a gald sud reitiroas1 corage. uea a ers ia"auust tram anti ia raejap Part Do, Waadalarit, New Limard, Torontoa, Geargetava, FlaheRiO, ITe happy v Dartiaglonan sd lalt Gueula tram ecuitlegri Hoatid vershMr. sud flraHeaidrisit hoatatwninH Dehitur, mpitevaiofraMu.anie, sud cra i il Mr. Animes s ater lira Ihiata raceived caa# Wesmai Mof NeYrk. train Mayar M Mir. snd lira. Anine have a son Mr.iad athera. nd lira. John Anmeansd daughter, Falawiag il Mr, sud lira. Prian itllqr oa iltan, danciag au iad un Fred Jr., dcaed. Mail vis au 'Fty asyve 0grandchâldrenand titras Kitchener vit great-griadcildtrea viit Germaa Wagçe cancer battie by volunteering aid Mail pede telit aif the viraginatcancerasu1 hesg viged aly ilathMu isabratoiesinla thea lmalltilsa. Ibep laik trvard ta Mue day vitai anadde susccau la ra- emcth y twfaissila vil! defait tee diseure. Il ta nail Mt sipta, says theaMiton mUsila Api arp chair- explained tavar. lThera is nfedgr prchi and no vay tain larllhi made tee batie. and %N Asateeaanotmatty,lltte rdl vnald laite 75par cenl of Prscli te fmily lacama te, Sisç =ap n uyisg formula. iill Bsdiflu lmoerandta ch@ mars vite dirly vatar, effecl stritching a lin. meant ta camp lust theardaya lis otheai Mai venta. theasi As a remit a bl ies and fc hacnmr very alci asti Of thi eentally die ne if tey Fnl livr, lhry arr reisrdrd aila tito Ininfant ma- IFDay leitin. Joeie1 The part ltai wr es pre play b insppisg serti Rat praclices is ta jonste terne Mesehaboycott asti tnmai mut havas hy rdisary paipla-hy vlantaar veritera, ity tud-railsr. Eech ane aofuris hlp mite thea 'taSitahab hate' pemalit. Vlutaa ranriitetflttly vite Mue PrM faulanas... eich stp plemniilsitheeteer. For rhater la. formatuincontact lira. Krreail Bl2lat. has any prndutst h y itis campisy write leltera satittg iappranalai oMue opisg lte promain giva teese ceaniriai ace ta implamet lir hreu-faadig 'y Jacksn t anied treaiter foe har tait ter matlsg al aae ai situain. àoain tee buiniess îg FaMuer Laad Mer By Day asti Mar- arlhtitirclosed vllh 4resimetits nee d fallointg te ing. I ltsY asan AVsyMa %e. TiteyunenmmOaa ttrescitarcit end lir. er in l the Wamensi nd Wnrn'aliianaty te aaty iattyt reide dlaie on lte Ihird lina. 9 Animeaire nmv ralird <lastahcourt, Milton ttg an aaiar lta. couple recelvecI Scarsaf ns mad gifla tram ltetr Hoad andimarae talt20 and misy gifla. TitaY gratuatises and plaqaues Kranlz, lir. Julien Reed e daticises dinnarentl ý neaaYatistl .30 M. ah dellghtsd ltae guesta accardinnamitars. Wedsled tals .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anime have celebited thir 501h wedding anniversary. The cpnaun ChuiOf, Wsd., Mur.25, 1981 C6 Th1e SklcyS the lmnitil gni n te Canatian or uces tislokntor, itttr candltiat-i, t, tant1iosta ndtiri Il your teticaltîttit dnd h-negrael2 n atinc.yror aduttAe ptnotet Math nîliht cnnn a 'uo S,.Si lit o r i tcgtph>t". vuottî tr t.ono. otmortttntnt tîtetit-ilMt t Miton on the toit urîdaýo ,,t mon t,tt n90aan _ 4:0p m t,-,ett-, t ttttt(,,t,,t *Lyx F-1! Ic* p *Cnuar XIFI7 *Enin an *Marqi wntnV ASK US h THE CANADIAN *Botints RENTA-A "'Pýe, ABOUT YOU ARMED FORCES "*oarh LN7W 9V& Canadian Forces Recruitîng Centre cM ------- 2Y Vantit 150 Main Street West nrana ha Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1 H8 Drap n n Chack Our Econamny Rates aspECIAL wEEKEND RATES MSL5WiUDYUSIUIUIYW ,,, 'yI.P, NOW!CJ YOR CAMAA SAVENGS DONDSWEWORTH MORE* EFFECTIVE APRILI1,1981THE RATE 0F RETURN ON AIL CANADA SAVINGS BONDS HAS BEEN INCREASED TO 13Y/4% PER ANNUM FOR THE 7 MONTH" PERIOD ENDING OCToeER 31,1M8. This increases the annual return on The rte of return for eoCh ail unmatured Canada Savings Bonds subsequenr year unrîl the Bonds mature for the year which began November 1, continues ta be 101 /2%. This rare wiII be 1980 ta 12. 81 % -interesr ar rhe rare of reviewed or rhe ime the rerms of the 111/2% for the firsr 5 monrhs and 1 33/ti% new 1981/82 Series are announced for the remaining 7 moniths. this Foul CANDASAVINGS BODSRATE UNCREASE EFFECTIVEAPRILI19S Cut uanu urine ta enut Boneitta I SEPJES DATED DEFOP'E 197 7 5ERIE5 DATED 1977 T0 1980OINCLUSIVE I eies oe beoe 1977 haveOtaah bonlus Fo hes 5eies he onnuoicrote o 12 8 1% orthe M poyoble lorrotry Holtesotttese Series will recetoe eotbeginttîtgNovettbett Iç0idtOti 0 ,',orcchm thoiahcroe of etaco hough on, nceaie ite value yeaî heteohet ta notulien nl appîn nseod ofthe rtets ttthCtsouspovmnent The newbonus ottounc petitO p$100 teltdtetttae *Bond ot eoch eies s as tolant t och $tic000 Ileguior Intecesc Bond -11 pan Seres MaurryDoe ashBousaiMaurry $128.13 ioceresron Itoembect1 1981 andi $105 00 Seceî otuîlOat CahlnatlMOtt- y eoch Novembet I heeottectotctotuiey 191,8/,691Nov 1I,1982 $16>26 lr naod,,,cincaequiotanot<iinee,tahetate, * 1970/71 Nov. 1, 1981 $931 sed above Comnd antceest Bondsteitleuct 1927 No.1.18 2.6 omaundtrestorthetrteof 1l0 99/. forthe m 197273 Nv. I 194 $2 76 97778 anti1979/80 Setesci1O06% lot the 1978179 1973/74 Nov 1 ,1985 $2791 5ere andt0 94i.tforthel1980181 Seies-trhesecaotes I 1974/75 Nov 1I 1983 $ 8 52 oreethe new aneroae nnuol yields framNovembet I1 1975/76 Nov. 1. 1984 $11.78 1980 oatcoctciritateacltiteties The neeuaiieuta 1976/77 Nov. 1I,1985 $1607 mtuyaethtOCtnPtndnetsBodto Boýndtiecinho etiéeentheseBontiis-pliatto Seies Matucy Date Valueor Mo tura I moturiepa fa otbe entted tathecash bonus butcafly ta- he oial r0eun po bie, aprenedon the andi 1977/78 Nov, 1, 1986 $242,11 certcaet BDonhodeti mavhauneverctnueta cash 1978/79 Non. 1, 1985 $207.03 bns1980/81 Nov. 1 1987 $20685 * - - - - Rn. teraiettnsn*hptttl1981 NOTE: The 1980/81 Seces ot Cottodo Sontngs Bonds reemotns on sle unti tunttet notce The Bonds mot, be purchoird or foce value plut occued inleresl chorged romn Nonembet 1, 19800tte end ofthCe month of puchose. Acced initeresî chorges tetîl b rIte ale ot I1 t/2P.dotche months of Novembet, 198010a Match, 1981 inclusive and 133/4%/ foc eoch subsequent rnonlh. DOIIDS Ca cod 'I eau CONERsVATON AREAi ~ 2 HOMESTEAD T--i- "«1ýàýý- ThiS HiStoriCal Tour of Paris 's brought to you by: We inia pou ta iit ont FACTORY OUTLET wile toasing aAls ur tieighttul tann hotaae frKitchan Cabinets, Bathrote ' Vunitias anti Counter Tapa, al tilcantinueti stylas anti colora, kitchen tiamaîsti or factary secondaiet tarrific pricutl a' FACTORY OUTLET - 40 SPRUCE ST, PARIS, 519442-3118_J La ru 1 ïm aom ýQruffl- ý il

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