We're Puttng on a New Face! wII ho CLOSED frou MARCH 3OUi W. hope you wiII bear wlth ts- end don't forget we're TILL OPEN for Take-Out Et DellverY ----------------------- 181 Main St. 8734001 A5 en, rn IlD11 OU i IChiauuuoodi Tk ot d D~oley orders, I OFM GU000 MCN 30Io APL 13I Thu Canadien Champion, Wed., Mer. 25.1981 C3 Mliton Players .~'t. annuel meeting L-II- GOtonight 7S1,MO R A BO I) 1N Gamateur theatre group, 4 I15T1NG5115555.IDEALE R liM ml he holding their 4W~44 ACROS CANADA AND THE UJNITEDo sTATEs oFERINe. A COMPFLEcE RANGE montltly meeting tomight 0F CANAStAN, AMEUICAN ANS at the tialton Centenniat 13tiere ot CiéOd Dha oe,RoE.AN ANTIQEAND FINE ART. Manor auditorium at8 jom uts FORip.m. SUNDAY BRUNCH - HARBOUR CASTLE Tickets for the April =-=.=« OITOP5 "venmng Of Entertuin- sseig tstaeoiinas etana aa so.s.CDDTOUT< ment" production of v.dtmsthflhntiuUsmoiouurd LAXI~NJANTIUES th-reone oct ploya mil )-UNM$2.7 Ofd *e l 2&Umi SOWY ho availahie to ebr *,~ lm'J *50 MACN ou O, U 15. VS for suie. nmae~m... R--- Foloing the meeting On HCy ou .-1IL M.ueametossu rehearsale for tepro ainWuMAuCNOe.....0.... a-1P.M. S 3MO mrmbern aremwetcometIn eutGeeeuO flyA asuom ,.,u-uiMs ffai the meeting ~f)CjA5OZ.U 04.484 ASÀAVApiano for atond raising [P I Mon"Bysdance for fate Apri mUt CIre ited bcao, oPresented and a nom- - ORIZONETRRI nating committec fortce -. ,,o,,,, ocu art no, e n ecotive iii ho an poun adsen rim ating o" ut.m.,e .e " oghi. ï. oaeiaidoci4etîs O*.* .Noo'memhorn are 1_C__)_______V__ mc elcome to attend te meeting b to d 0outnhat ____________________________________________YOc tlocal commumity MUDDYDUCKthearetolahout. RESTAURANT &TAVERN Sheridan WIiERE GOOD rOOD ) iscomi'1" wàvâ misCame f0 Utc cabaret andtata tt2Mapr sonsdid overthe pastfeW ~OF Retara m eeho, ta enjy tce & a avernt Q Sheridan Colege produc- $1 9 L Can.md Dfne n atradI oa en ton ni Greane. tmophee. rindl selce.. Cotinnta 1 Tht. Performance ântmasphercse. riertCorretndt Stutes Dcparimentbar- gDan.04CmiluÇaàt ee anceoA eiy had a breater before 7 Brnte t.,Miltn 874M aquet PuieI... gediagmu. SVneeQ gomng into reitearslfor Brnt S, ilon87400 324 auteule Av*a., K 878.1110 Q tce nent and iasi pro FAMILYtheatre season. RMM V theThte Man Whlo Came ta Rs Tlruttfr au h Dinner, a bilarion 09987 DAYS A WM e coedy ucitten by menu »lit 118AIDJIA& FRmho se Harot and George S. Kauf- IRl an.in M taiWM pjEgm PM PA I.R bSPAG ETITPLACE M m n ilbepeetdi FLY LESW D NIM.foSocILpL 80 (g iOcabar23,24yed 2il 5,6 FuLt-ICNsctiNDoTEtoo "FULL YVLICENCED UNDER L. L. B.0.' 18Ticket3,2maynho2pur Specializing in Pick Up and Delivêr icts Urongitutcho Burgora, Basf, Ribs S ughoî c tr h bo.m ml O si~s AV, ONON V25 -MNSTAIEEA8,MLTON ~plOt. Tieatay trougit Tttorsday hegineing Marclo31. ite hon office cen ho reached et 845- GCLI)C)9M ex40,ct. 259, STueeday titrootIPm'Is- 'e-staiirat)t &> taverTickormances 30'or Chinu FodStea an Sefoo day evenlng per- Fuiney Fod*Stek nd eaoodeTundTrLTAVEEN C)stodett and scniorn, and BineunhensL.icnsd ndr L.O. CMf6for Fiday and Faull ericedudrLLBO * Business Luncheons Saturday nights , oltne Tak-Ot SrvceTaacday hfighf Is Seak NighfI C) reductite for seniors or la MNN T., sLMdents. *MMINSTM'- l the tmPttuMarien 878-3901 CD Performances have ai- Df:C) ) CC)ttC)IDE IIC) ) CCD )VC)CCC EC)«) CCCD C (D)C) C) ready heco 35 per cent _______________________ I oid ot ibrougitIgsetion _____________ __________ 4D Iticket sales. ,<'~ \ * *0 " A -'..KVLL Set. 28S Su 29 Mon. 30 Tue. 31 THIE ELEPHANT MAN based upon the lif. of John Merrick The Elephant Man. om.sNamTAIIMRT @phIC4Ihdrem' -Mut8bSm29 2tees TESSTOOGESin cRtNTI#WO IM" t Save, Y.itowTickoetits t., a FREE hou oi Pan- taon Mot. 051 $hmowTinnm um Su.toila.,..Spus. Pmlay et Sataorda 7 p.s& SUpus hI-RLERSATE at) L W-K STOPS