Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Mar 1981, p. 1

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,rm Ciith Swetcornes home By Llada Kleby Fitien-year îîtd Cathy Erica Perd ha crehome iu er fauity and Miton. The attractive brunette teenager who dia- apeardihicing a aidy vacaion la San ______ , manths, 190 arcivnd t Tortonallaonal AirpacITIawuiay Baer eeasiceput la eg funrsthat shcmu qOnd er vlitln oflwhitealamey. Cahyo exIitem= hidlog came about laa Monday (Mu. 0)ichen aha telepliani bar paents , Frau nd aid ra SwSet la M- to b i m m ah. eta ammae te. Ibcetelqàephncal by Cah u iyeonaer bin aIotqa MmalceCi dany z n -od -L*au"dead aro aec,1 Utile la ahaU a en arahngbar aur vIivl aalwngarrangements Ofcteut ynr. Cathy hbasglvenn cw anaes aid no explanallu n a why ahe laI bar renta ad 4-pue-ai brother DavidonV .4 lma. 1 parens in imilar situations woulonot des- pair but continue tv have hope Thvrare no plansu for Cathy t iv ý t school. lntuad, she mulltaloe corceupon- douce coucous at home, she aid. Bbc nddnd ahe la particlarly bain oc pacsng leain l Spanlalt and French. Of the satloemontha, Mie. Smct said the family jut anto la go abcad wib uve live andai "gt la bnow ach olier agala." Duelng much aiftteineviewe Cathy re- liai apon thc hlp and advice o Menican nnppe edi o arial Parra, who had accopanidCthyonbefligbit home fri ucand CV rrer JmRend, ecaponible foc a spoclal investigation by Wl ina Uthc cane. Albouglh selaibaside ber parents, ahe crdey gnced aithtbm and never iaid a word. Il al M, Parcan vho aller recciving a pbone cali la reuponoe la hic newipapec itory, locatcd Uic yuung tom. <Cotauci oa Pg. 2) Cathy SWet. Shown an ohe rcturned home. Reptylagla repor' ueoon etsaFr- wetcnoec iCTVel t3arh. Bti. stuine, aite saad her enlalanca Bbc admtted he wan held agint er wil by àlanafoto emecha. Bbcappar- otly hacw Uic mai, bt sai h.eu not hIbo foer Mâtolan ict MogbSe"o todat apon utotheOuthoc hllchhlking accoan Mexico, but la h. pont levemontha unhedas a a cunh la a Mualico City dia- cetheque. .Tu vryeplhhuucad emotra. P'lst InBpaniah, utc pauh Eaglioh wllh a llabI accent. Bbc later addcd utc wold llela etacn la Manico tor a holiday. Cathy ha not only kit hehled aime memorica le Mexica, lat an tByar-etd licoican hotiai. dGenaro LoecnVargas. Bbc dicia earlier reporte the couple weeegagai la o marrlcd, but saad there aneplans that bcwll viit UceIvecet lamlly in Agut. M. lwet atlrlbuted hec daughter'a reluctancc la apcah aid anawer questions during Uic proue conéencecc la Uic act 1h11 "ahe la a very private perao." Mc. Bwcet opcncd th. proau conlerecce wlitha vrilel satemeot hlch ahe rcnd aloud, Uanhleg police, govecament of- iciala in hoUi Canada ad lMexico aid Uie media toc Ibeir cfforts la locate ber only daughtcc. leveral imesuu he toppod, ightina bath teaca, ou che aid, not al cases have aach happy cnding' adding che hopu nUiher An Ilan Comuniy Nwspper-ervng he Cmmuityfor 119 Years VOLUME 129-NUMBER 45 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25.19g81 Reed, by 518 votes-~E Victor again. Julien Rend ha. is hand raised aller te 518-vote election pleurality which put Mr. Rend back in Queen's Park for te third ime. Thse official March 19 election resuits show ncumnbent Julian Reed vitit a ner- rove 518 vote margin over Progressive Con- servative candidate Fran Raines. TIhm victory, which Mr. Reed himiself cal- lad a 'personal' one over a pro vince-wide Bil Davis nweep, left himn exhausted Thursday eveniq, but hapy that hie was able to hold on to te aton-Burlinton provincial riding for te third tne tn a row. The plurality af 51n vateu la nothing ner Uic 3M valus h. but PC candidate George Grey with la 1917. fice big lmer nIou henight was BD? ooie Cria Cul- lac who got onflp 3,Wu vota, fr loua Iban Othe n yofP candidateîBil Johnonubalant177. PC caiau"e *Pnesiaou lin le smort of tl.w l,8martasetlin1977 hy Mr. Grey. But even thoughi Uiai-cwre ahnoat lt,000 more vot- men lain lectionta Ouaila1977,Othe nt, accocdiag la, Bebering Officer Mrc. Audrey Bacon mas n6.4 per cent, or 12.6 par cent leuntOua Uic 69. 1 par cuntofthOu 17ttaltofl2,76 eaaimrated votera iho ul la Ou Durleg lection evenleg Ibere wan mach discusaion la theProgressive Coaervalive camp about Uic oor- cove lono in Uic unollicial vole talP ai about 9 votes. whach a cloue la the number et vtiag memnheen alimgediy hbld bach hy Irian Pennmnforces derlng Oue nomination aquabble wlaicî t blc. Balacs otr: ialty in eletion limba dering the ientthUrme wehkofa theccampaign. Mr. Reed termod Me. Bainen "Uic teughent oppon- unt lvepyet ad.' But in thecPC campuone party membar oid " hopo Oupyre happy nov" vlithapeciiec eference la Uic Peaman geup opacly memhoco. Aà tocPDP candidate Chris Cutler, he aid he would ho barb on the election trailt Ban mcc. He sapa he wilt ho nocing ou dooco aid contining la paab ND? platleotmsu ntil Ouecuet provincial elertien cola areund. In oUer ridiago, Jbu lnow wac relucoed ou Oue MPP for avilie atong iUi George Kerr who ce- main MPP toc Bucinglo. Full covsrage Pg. 3 suntmarze the 32'ld Ontario electiol. The March 19 election candidates from lef t are; Chris Culer for lthe Conervatives; înd Julian Reed, the oi Halton-Burlington for the Liberaîn. ICouncil wl/I t&lm $....... ... to hft $4.84.115 targe~t ~ U!J~J~JMilton 1981 Ievy may rise 20 mills-Lougheed Had to love lobor AMloçcople ond o0t1(1 lakcsa alot of bard wokl aidorutic dcaic home from opg. Slory ac4pictorc Pg. C2. Dumlng 64 mortuage Macch markmd thc lcocUi*wbc te Trinity laptiot Curch a abîlaeao bUic hemorlgag on theic building. Slacp and pctrc Pg. Clu SECTION ON£ In the Courts . . . . .oli..l..t.n.cov..ag.... 3 Edilorials, Coluco ..............a Rcord Boardlbudgetastc............t Bind womnan belpa undectaadiig...... 6 Be alfrendlaoretarded ............ 8 New Anglican Minster .........9 No dougbbfoHWP.............. 12 SECTION 1*80 Sporta neveo and viceas.......Bt laB4 Coanci, Rcgion roandup ............B Cbluitcd advcctisag .........B7 tlaB9 Htome of theWe, Real Eatlc.... BlnlaBt2 SECTION TIREE Cathy Sweeoin Pnapectve .........c Rcpe. Junior Farinera ..........C Etrtalnmt ............... C AMeeamniverzacy held ...........S Ongh, Druaiquin ............CIO pncial npplemntla Woolco. -Mot, Fond Ci- ty, The8aey, Te Ecoaouiocr, Oavlle Place. By Jane Mener Milon ceuncit evlewed thc 1981 budget Tuusday night but Uic hotoline velunot h. deidai ontil tU in1aI meeting April 7. Dicter o Finance Don Loughccd recoin- mcndcd a caiuclian ot $1,25oo. fortoceic1981 propused figure veich incana $4 mtdlln wnuld ho rainai by taese. neaily bal h11 amoult levy rate focthe lawn wll an average home an- al $2,640,430. icreeappcoimately ned ai *,000fr er b Mr. Lougbcedinl ise - 2 mile. Halten Beglon la pair. prt lu ceuncil, onirai ont eupmcled t10 utabhob IThe emcntary milI membeco e doue ntlils rate ntil Oue end ut rate ai12.78 milia reprus- recommend Uic adaption Aprit. ente a 6.66 pr cult in- et Uic budget an il stands a Ialn Board af ccmac wite econdacy cav. Further meetings la Education which ce -edoralion cale la up 7.61 lamiliarize council vitb qtiru s $451, more par ceat aI 2.30 mil. Uie budget wilt ho hld Icoi Uic Towen of Milon Ibm final mil rate ne then priorillus cao ho ici Iban tent peur, vell inl- baamd on a combination and aruet ofbudget clos case the m m enola thUicBoard o Edu- can ho decided. .16 mille wicb mould cation, Hallon Reglen An tbe budget nove eprosnt an actuel in- and leven ot Milonas stands, the pclbinary craeusetf8.96 based on ultabllahed rate. The Champion wins busnesaward The Milon Cndian Champion ban tehen iet place in the National Bus- inain Witing Avarda toc 1960. Ths Canada-vida comptition in open le major tînanc"al nevespapeco. nucb on the Financiat o thad ei Financiol Times, Cnadian daillu vitb inacciat sctions, proetuoonal busneous vritec, and luians porlodicala tenu accou tOu country. The iuning ilarp a ic hecmhlly ncepapa-pritdicala eclar mac lThe Champions revice oftheUicltnDama- laven Busnessi Improvemont Acai verlîln hy Neya Elar Jha Robh.ae.. T'h. tory wmach mac amictaiby a = ofl a jaigs vlemmd Ouepaut ofrheailUlinDBA,Ouhepremet aitution, and ichat la hopnd fr ilatOu future. The avard vhcb crnu a $5W00cash prile. ml ho glven Api 9 ai Ibm Hotel Toronoin la ht la onideremdthe "Oscars"ofetbuais veiting libmhi country. This in Ue ic liol ime an Ilaad Puhîlubing Co. Limited-Mietcompaa Printing and Publiahang Co. communnly nceuspapcr heu ever yen tDca prustigloas avard. The avacd comu only a monUi ater The Championatock sncvu Ontario Wely Nevepapar Asocition amarda for communily amodpMpor. The iet place amarda tac weiag prosalmi by Oue Ontrio Mhdstry of CuRture and Recealan and tOu Ontari Mstcy of Ouegnvtennmalwe malanwon by Mr. RuRoues. "The budget relerto major incceae nou thUi tevel o enpnditeufotoc Uic loven and the major increncu utf ervice, Mr. Laugbccd caid. In oueintance& the level o service basnont incccaned bt the pop- ulation ban increancd j leaving a greater nuinter af cusidante la ho er- vicai. la hianbudget previeve, Mr. togbmmd intcodcd a plan la discontinuc the Senior Citizen Tan Re- bale Prograns vhicb nave thouc eligible receiving orp la $100rebatu enuo Uic toven lat ayu M. Lugbcai points la Uic provincial goveen- munt velcb ubidizus municipal taeu tocaun- inor p la 3SM0comparmd la a $W0 ceiliag tat yenc. Pederat Income Tac honetite ailove 1r taeu avec Uic $550 mark. Vartou deprbacote requiemadditional staff aid quipuent and cue- cdlehuruch dparl- munta cequmsaethcnugh- ouI budgct icliherallon. A amy mb-tlemhall aid nIt au v eHasaa evedis- patchui and additluaal man paver for de olr- stion hava bnen ce- quested by tOu ice depacîment. Building Depaclinent Direrlac Rap Weida ln agoin aller mre slatf and eqopuent for new ntaf membecc. The ce- qutvau terned doven tact peor. Milon transit service os requtiltg more buses duspite Uic addition o tveo bues tact Sept- cuber. Tbe tenglby it o capital items included in tibm pretiminrpdraft budget enonc (steint îocb an 3100.1W for on in- door pool design and 8712W toc a proponed toven hait move 10 thc nId courtboune and jail com- pet. Ready toc the budget. Milton Finuncial Director Don Lougheed precicts there vilI be a municipal taux increane thin ycar by the ime thse 10*8 levy is truck. Hamniton pair face April 2 murder hearing Twa Bumiton aien charged veth tie Police belleve they body aiay have second degree mrier aifll-year-ald been Qere for nearly a aioolh. WilaEiwriflrd of24lLang Si. Aaatopy reveaeiBir id ofa Hlamilton, wn appear la Drilagta massilve head woacn.s the recuit ai a ProvincialCart Mr a peclâmry severe beatlag whlch la hellevei la heartngThiNaaiy, AprB . have taken place la the Kilbride Dli. The boiy aofSMiard Mci waa fanlai Shcileint appear la court arc Au- la a fieme Kithele by twe libers drew Chalci Walkee. 20, and Wayne Jan. 2. arelck, 38. Fuit coverage Pg. Ci 38 PAGES-25 CENTS i ---.A à -A _t ---à -l

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